Author Archives: mal054

NORPART – Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation

SIU has launched a new announcement through NORPART for the period 2019-223. The program supports academic partnerships and student mobility with an emphasis on Master and PhD level between higher education institutions in Norway and selected developing countries. The deadline is 31 May 2018 at 15:00.

PS: Please click here to find the letter regarding internal UiB guidelines for all applicants to NORPART 2018.

New Names

K2 presents Kadri Madissoo.
She was newly appointed 12.02.18 as a Senior Engineer and works at the research laboratory at KK.
She belongs to the research group G17 Gynecological Oncology, also known as Bergen Gynecological Cancer research group. She will also work with the research bio bank at the Women’s Clinic and is a safety representative.
If you wish to contact her or say hi, she can be contacted by mail or she can be reached by phone at 55976336


K2-News Week 11

It’s time to honor our best in research, teaching and dissemination 2017!

Prizes will be awarded for the year’s publication, the research group of the year, the year’s PhD work, and excellent research dissemination.

K2 can promote up to two candidates in each category. The proposals needs to be detailed. The individual proposal should be on 1/2-1 page. We ask research group leaders to submit proposals o by Friday 6 April 2018.

The Publication of the Year
-describe quality, originality, and innovation
– if relevant, consequences for further knowledge acquisition, clinical use or innovation
– should represent the department’s own research
-the original article as nominated should be enclosed as a pdf file of the printed article

The PhD Thesis of the Year
-describe quality, originality, and innovation
– if relevant, consequences for further knowledge acquisition, clinical use or innovation
-candidate’s own contribution to the work needs to be explained
-four printed copies of the thesis should be sent to the faculty (will only be returned on request).

The Research Group of the Year
-describe research production and quality
-should have close collaboration and not have the character of being a loosely linked network
-contributions to national and international research collaboration, networking and contributions to recruitment and education of researchers recruited

The Dissemination Price
-descrube how the researcher or research group has been able to convey recent research in an excellent way to a broad audience
-research dissemination must be of high quality in terms of professional content, design and execution
-should engage, awaken curiosity, give inspiration and new knowledge
-the dissemination must respond to society’s need for information and knowledge about research and higher education.

K2 has launched a teaching price of 50,000 NOK. The prize is awarded once a year to a lecturer who has particularly excelled for outstanding efforts in student education within subjects in the program of medicine, pharmaceuticals, dentistry or nutrition belonging to K2.We ask for proposals sent to by April 13, 2018.The prize will be awarded at the Examination and Teaching Seminar on 2 May.

Matters that are especially emphasized in the assessment of proposed candidates for the K2 tuition fee:

-student evaluation of teaching
-remarks for good education
-development of new student activating teaching methods
-use of new digital teaching or examination methods
-production of textbooks / textbooks
-internationalization of teaching
-other teaching or exam-related projects with clear transfer value



Monday 26 March and Tuesday 27 March, the internal mail will go as usual.
Wednesday, March 28, it will not be any mail pickup or delivery

Campus Bus:
The campus bus run during Easter week. That means, the last day the bus goes is Friday the 23rd. The bus goes back to normal, after Easter, Tuesday the 3rd of April

Material Units / Other Transport Assignments:
These 2 units end up holidaying in Easter week.
No transport assignments are thus expedited / performed in Easter week.
Transport is back as usual Tuesday 3rd of April

Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows

Dear all,

The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medicine is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments.

Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students and practice your presentation skills.

The upcoming Network Lunch will take place;

Thursday April 12th , Laboratory building, room 9.1/9.2, from 11:30-13:00.

Registration link:

Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!

If you would like to earn one ECTS ( , please contact:

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!

Looking  forward to see you
Irene and Yasaman

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 24 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

Continue reading

Info on startup of BUS 2 – Child and Youth Hospital Step 2

In connection with the start of construction work at the Children’s and Youth Hospital, Step 2, we would like to provide brief information about what will happen in the next few weeks:

Going now: Creation and establishment of construction site.
12th of March: Start-up of excavation and transport of masses from construction site.
19th of March: Startup of drilling and blasting.

Blasting 2 times per day in the time window at 12:30 to 13:00 and at 15:30 to 16:00. Explosion will be notified by signal.

An invitation will be sent to a information meeting regarding the project in the near future.

With best regards
Helse Bergen

New names

We are presenting Helene Sandnes, who is  a new Senior Engineer from 8 January. She will work at the infection lab and participate in the teaching of students in microbiology. She belongs to the research group G11 Gade. If you want to say hi and welcome, Helene will be at the laboratory on the 5th floor, or she can be contacted by mail:

Economy for 2018

The Faculty of Medicine has a temporary economic surplus for 2018 due to positive results in 2016, which provides budget growth in 2018; transfers of unused funds from 2017; as well as the need for lower transfers in the basic fund than 20 million NOK in total for 2019.

This means that the departments including K2 will be given an opportunity to increase the basic appropriation beyond what is budgeted for 2018. K2 is important for the faculty’s budget growth, and it is great that some of this now will benefit us.

The order from the Faculty are that the measures can go to research, including equipment that can be purchased this year; teaching, including equipment that can be purchased this year; and other measures such as HSE.

Research group leaders are challenged to propose measures within the framework of approx. 0.5 mNOK and that equipment cannot have a cost beyond the EU limit for tender. The last is because tenders take time, and the faculty wishes to spend the funds in 2018.

Unfortunately, there is a very short deadline for making suggestions. This is set to February 9 at the Faculty level. We need time for an internal process on K2, too, why our deadline for you is during February 5. I am very sorry for this ultra short deadline. All proposals must come through the head of the research groups.

Enjoy the weekend!


PHD Supervisor’s Breakfast

Welcome to the supervisor’s Breakfast for PhD counselors at the Faculty of Medicine. The seminar will be held 21 February 2018 at. 8.30-10.00 in the “Styrerommet” in Armauer Hansen’s Hus (Haukelandsbakken 28). 

1. Health Research Act – general information and practical examples by Marit Grønning
2. Harassment and treatment of warning cases by Tone Bergan.

The seminar is free for mentors at MED and it can accommodate 30 people. The Faculty Spends Lunch 🙂

Signup Here (form in Norwegian):

Announcement of Peder Sather grant for 2018-2019

The University of Bergen is part of the Peder Sather consortium together with a number of other Norwegian institutions. This is a scheme where the Norwegian academic community can receive financial support for collaboration with researchers at UC-Berkeley. The announcement of Peder Sather grant for 2018-2019 is now announced.

More Information and Application form at the link below:

We note that all disciplines and subjects can apply, and recall that the application deadline is 15 March 2018

New Publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 23 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge. Continue reading

Deadlines week 5

Dear all,
Please see below the updated links for external funding:

External funding opportunities:

Funding opportunities for education:

The webpages are updated every second week. New calls are marked as NEW.

Please let us know if you have any comments on the webpages or if the researchers at your department are missing something.

Kind regards,

Amra, Ramune, Itana and Kaia

Application process spring 2018

A new year and an earlier deadline from Research Council of Norway (RCN) means it is time to plan the application process for spring. We will continue the K2 tradition with submission of application sketches and a joint meeting for applicants to the programs BEDREHELSE, BEHANDLING, HELSEVEL and FRIMEDBIO. Thursday 15 February is the proposed deadline for the sketch and we have reserved Wednesday 7 March at 13-16 (seminar room 7th floor) for the meeting. The intention with this meeting is to present the sketch and receive constructive feedback from experienced colleagues which is useful for the preparation of the final proposal. You can send your sketch to

Last years’ results from RCN showed the importance of applying in the program that fits the research project. I therefore want to draw your attention to a seminar in Bergen on 7 February where representatives from RCN will present the programs BEHANDLING, BEDREHELSE, HELSEVEL og HORIZON 2020 (Program). They will present what is expected from the various programs, so I encourage you to attend if you have the possibility to do so.

Other relevant deadlines during the coming months are GLOBVAC, Novo Nordisk, Kreftforeningen og Extrastiftelsen, to name a few. I also want to remind you about BFS Starting Grant, a program aiming to recruit and develop excellent research leaders at UiB, where the deadline to send a sketch and CV is 12 February, as presented in the newsletter last week. Research advisors also want to join the digitalization processes taking place at UiB. Relevant research deadlines will therefore be published on this page, while announcements relevant for education can be found here. If you have any comments or suggestions for improvement please let me know.

Tuesday this week RCN visited Bergen to talk about possibilities for the public sector in research. There will be an increased emphasis on this subject, so if you have any contacts in the municipality I want to remind you about “Offentlig ph.d.”. The municipality and RCN fund the candidate 50-50 while we are a partner representing the educational institution. More information will be made available during March and the deadline will most likely be beginning of April.

Finally, I would like to advertise a bit for myself. I would be happy to assist you in one or all of the areas represented below. I am at your assistance until deadline 25 April at 13, but it is best to give us more time. This I will leave up to you as to what fits best.


New Publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 33 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Johnny Laupsa-Borge.

Continue reading

Mobility seminar

International Centre UiB invites researchers and PhD candidates who are going on research mobility in 2018 to seminar.

The mobility seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Information regarding UiB routines
  • Forms to the Norwegian government
  • Financing possibilities
  • Insurance
  • Practicalities

This is a nice opportunity to get to know other outbound researchers and share experiences.
It will be time to ask questions.
22.02.2018, 09:00-11:00

Link to calendar:
Sign up here:

Regarding visits to section for pathology

Section for pathology in Sentralblokken has since January 2018 permanently locked all the entrance doors to the section.

This is necessary due to accreditation. Previously, the doors in the second floor have been unlocked during normal working hours.

Those of you who need to visit or contact people in the pathology environment, should from now on make an appointment before visiting. Alternatively, you can approach the reception at the section on the second floor. There is a door bell with instructions by the entrance door.

Should you require repeated visits to the section, you can ask to be given access. Please bring your HUS employee key card.

On behalf of Anders Molven,

Head of section, pathology