Author Archives: hbe012


Legatet tildeler midler til hjerneforskning med fokus på uutforskede medfødte og ervervede sykdommer i nervesystemet, innen fagfeltene nevrologi, psykiatri og psykologi og humanitære formål rettet mot stiftelsen formål. Årlig utdelingsbeløp vil være opp mot en million kroner, og utdelingen vil begrenses til 2-3 prosjekter. For humanitære formål vil utdelingen årlig være i størrelsesorden totalt kr 60.000. Frist 1.12.19.

Mer informasjon her.

Reminder: Research data breakfast meeting

The University Library invites researchers and other employees to a research data breakfast Tuesday 22nd of October at the Medical Library!

Get breakfast and an introduction to open research data and how to prepare your data for storage and sharing. Sign up today!

08:30-08:40 Breakfast time!
08:40-09:00 Introduction to open research data
09:00-09:00 Break
09:10-09:30 How to prepare your data for sharing


New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 5 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Autumn has arrived

Following our tradition we will also this year have a K2 Junior retreat for PhD fellows and postdocs at K2, this year 4.-5. November in Myrkdalen, Voss. This year’s topic is creative thinking and stress management, and not to forget networking. A big thank you to the organization committee for this interesting program. It is not too late to register, the deadline is today 11.10.

This autumn we also have the possibility to improve our grant-writing skills. The research advisors arrange a seminar on the 7thNovember, 12:00-13:00 in the seminar room 7.1/2, Laboratory building. We have been so fortunate to show you examples of granted proposals from our researchers and will focus on excellence and impact sections of these. You will see examples of introduction, objectives and various types of impact. The difference between communication and dissemination is not so easy to delineate and we will therefore show examples of both. Finally, we have prepared an overview of upcoming deadlines and will also show examples of prizes and awards you can nominate yourself or others to. The seminar is relevant for everyone who at some point plans to submit a proposal for funding. The department will serve lunch so we kindly ask you to register here.

Talking about awards: the Department of Clinical Science wants to promote candidates for the Kong Olav V cancer research award. Suggestions can be sent to Silke by 4.11.2019.

And last but not least: the faculty’s candidate professor Bruce R. Zetter will be appointed honorary doctor at The Faculty of Medicine, and in connection with this will he give a guest lecture on Monday October 14that 14:15 (“RNA as a tool for cancer therapy”; Store Auditorium, main building Haukeland University hospital). There will be served tapas afterwards, so please register here.

(Norwegian) Dagens Medisin om Regine Åsen Jersins prosjekt på insulinresistens

UiB-stipendiat Regine Åsen Jersin presenterte sitt prosjekt om insulinresistens for 18 000 deltakere på kongressen EASD i Barcelona. 

Mekanismar i feittvevet kan vera med på å auka sjansen ein person har for å utvikla fedmerelaterte sjukdommar. Studien har funne at redusert transport av aminosyra serine inn i feittceller fører til auka cellestress, meir feittlagring og insulinresistens.

Les mer om saken her.

(Norwegian) Informasjon om tjenesteportal og felles servicesenter

UiB har anskaffet og planlegger nå innføring av en tjenesteportal (enterprise service management system). Nederlandske TOPdesk er valgt som leverandør i en anskaffelse som er felles for BOTT-universitetene.

Fra 7. oktober vil det ikke være mulig registrere nye saker i Issue-tracker. All oppretting og håndtering av nye saker vil skje i tjenesteportalen (TOPdesk). Issue-tracker vil fortsatt være aktiv etter 7. oktober for å avslutte pågående saker og av arkivhensyn.

For mer informasjon se her.