Author Archives: hbe012

Merry Christmas and happy holiday season!

Another year will soon be over. Autumn is often perceived as hectic due to application deadlines, congresses, meetings, and new student courses. And the semester is relatively short compared to the spring semester. Hence, as the year is nearing it’s end, it is good to be able to look forward to a holiday with the opportunity for peace and reflection.

For K2, 2019 has been a very good year. Our faculty members and scientists have published in the best journals and been awarded a number of prestigious awards, including the Faculty of Medicine’s awards, the Research Group of the Year to the Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory by Per Eystein Lønning, the Falch’s Senior Award to Birgitta Åsjø, the Falch’s Junior Award to Bergithe Oftedal, and the Helse Vest research award to Endocrine Medicine with Eystein Husebye. Congratulations to all these environments!

We do not yet know the result of this year’s awards from the Research Council of Norway, but nevertheless solid research funding was achieved in 2019. Although the fiscal year has not yet been concluded, it appears we will well reach our goal of 101 mNOK in consumed external funding this year 🙂

Very good news last week was that Jenny Mjösberg from the Karolinska Institute was awarded the TMS Starting Grant from the Trond Mohn Foundation. Congratulations and welcome to K2! On the teaching side, K2 was responsible for this year’s OSCE, and it went very well. A big thank you to everyone involved.

But there are many others who also contribute to K2 being a good place to work. We have a superb administration that I know maximizes the potential for better research, teaching, innovation, and communication. And we’re so lucky to have a splendid technical staff: Without you, K2 stops!

For many, Christmas and the holiday season is the highlight of the year where family and friends gather for a holiday filled with traditions and a sense of belonging, followed by some days off that can provide opportunities for other activities at home in Bergen, trips to the mountains or abroad. Then comes a fun and exciting time with the New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s concert and the traditional Ski Jumping Week – before another year arises.

What most of us take for granted is not necessarily the case for everyone. Some have lost someone they loved or have no close friends or family gathering this year. I have been to the United States for four Christmas holidays and have always been invited home to someone during the holidays. I am embarrassed when I realize that I myself have not been good to include others in my own holiday celebration. Here we have something to learn – being better at including others who are alone or lonely during the holidays. Is there room for someone else at the inn?

With wishes for a peaceful Christmas and holiday season and all the best for 2020.


Information about building plans in first quarter 2020

The parking garage in Haukelandsbakken and the parking spaces on the top of the BB-building (Incubator Building) will be removed once the projects on these locations commence. The Estate and Facilities Management Division at UiB are in contact with Helse Bergen regarding replacements of the parking spaces we will lose.

The building of the Incubator Building have the following milestones:

  • Start demolition of parking spaces: 23.03.2020
  • Start drilling of holes / fundament: 04.05.2020
  • End foundation mounting / ceiling: 03.07.2020
  • Hand over all disciplines prior to test run: 01.09.2021
  • Start test run: 01.10.2021
  • Approved test run: 01.10.2022

The parking garage in Haukelandsbakken will in time also be removed. More information about this will follow as soon at the department knows more.

Small research funds (deadline 31.1.2020)

It is time for the allocation of small research funds (SMÅFORSK). The funds are available due to joint efforts between RCN and UiB. The intention of these allocations is that funds will be awarded research groups that have not been endowed large allocations so that they can start new projects. Applicants can ask for means to cover expenses for travel, seminars, courses, materials, technical-administrative assistance and other operating expenses.

Requirements for application and criteria for allocation:

– Funding for researchers without a lot of funding.
– You can apply for 15 000-150 000 NOK.
– The funds have to be used within 2020 and cannot be transferred to 2021.
– Recipient has to be an active researcher with a permanent position, prof II or II
– The recipient must have applied for external funding during the past years.

Since it has not worked optimally to limit the application to the research group leaders, this year everybody with a permanent scientific position (including the ones with adjunct positions) may send inn an application. Use the following link.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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This week’s editorial

Congratulations to Jenny Mjösberg on getting a Starting Grant from the Trond Mohn foundation! Congratulations also to those who received funding from Helse Vest!

Since we have many projects dealing with patient material and personal information, we want to say some words about RETTE:

What is RETTE and why another system? UiB has established the RETTE system in order to comply with GDPR and ensure that we follow existing legislation. REK has made it clear that even though they approve a project it does not mean that all aspects of GDPR are covered. RETTE is thus a supplement and a tool for internal control.

What is positive is that RETTE automatically transfers projects approved by REK. Several of you have probably received an email stating that you have one or several projects in RETTE. When you log in the system ( you can fill inn additional information about the project and answer certain questions before you confirm the project. This is the project leaders’ responsibility. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Finally we would like to remind you about the archive and open access to scientific articles in Cristin.

Silke and Amra

Final for the former Study Program of Internal Medicine

The former study program for education of medical students in internal medicine ended last month. A former dean at the Faculty of Medicine, now professor emeritus Per Omvik, constructed the program 20 years ago.

The program has been very successful, including strong focus on the patients, who have been involved in the many clinical lectures and demonstrations.

Education at collaborating hospitals in Førde, Haugesund and Stavanger, and at Haraldsplass Diakonale sykehus have been very popular.

Stud med Kristina Fyllingen has had a newborn child and therefore had her right to later exams. Thus she has ended the study program last month with brilliant results in written and practical exams. Kristina looks very much forward to use all her knowledge in her compulsory practice period at Stokmarknes sjukehus in North Norway. Good luck Kristina!

Dr. Johan Fredrik Kayser has been sensor for examinations in internal medicine for 29 years, and he will continue in the new program. It is of very great value to have such an experienced physician and sensor in our study programs. Thank you very much!

Senior consultant Janicke Bjørke has done a marvellous job to organize the study program and the exams from 1996. Thank you very much!

Very much thanks also to more than 100 lecturers, examiners, sensor Rajendiran Kada and all the other health care workers who has contributed so much to make the program a real success in education of more than 3000 new physicians.

Finally, thank you very much for the opportunity and the great pleasure to work with all the students and with Janicke!

Alfred Halstensen
Professor emeritus
Responsible for education of internal medicine (old program)


(Norwegian) Hjelp oss med å utdanne flinke leger i Bergen!

Som dere kanskje har fått med dere arrangerer K2 OSKE på torsdag 12. desember.

I den forbindelse har vi behov for noen ekstra frivillige eksamenspasienter. Kanskje kjenner du noen som kan delta på kort varsel, for eksempel din onkel, din mor eller et voksent barn.

Kanskje har du mulighet til å delta selv?

Hva vil si å være frivillig eksamenspasient?

Eksamen går av stabelen på dagtid i BB bygget på Haukeland. Du må være til stede fra ca. 07.30-ca kl. 16.30.

Du blir registrert inn og får tildelt stasjon ved oppmøte. Du blir på stasjonen gjennom hele eksamensøkten. Det vil bli noen korte pauser hvor det er anledning til toalettbesøk og til å strekke på seg.

Det blir servert lunsj halvveis. Frivillige, som ikke er tilknytte UiB eller K2, får et «bygavekort» på 1000 kroner. Kortet kan benyttes på mer enn 300 steder i hele Bergen sentrum. Personer med formell tilknytning til UIB eller K2 vil ikke få gavekort.

Det er viktig at du er kledd i komfortable klær som er lette å ta av og på, for eksempel treningsbukse, t-skjorte/genser, truse av «shorts-typen» og BH. Du må være kledd slik at det er mulig å lytte på hjertet og lunger, kjenne på magen, måle blodtrykk osv. Det blir ikke gjort intime undersøkelser.

Synes du dette kan være spennende? Vennligst fyll ut dette skjemaet.

Har du spørsmål? Send en mail til

Kort om OSKE
OSKE 12. desember 2019 er for legestudenter som er på avsluttende del av legestudiet. Eksamen er ment å teste medisinske kunnskaper og kliniske ferdigheter. Som frivillig eksamenspasient forholder du deg til sensor, som har ansvar for stasjonen du tildeles. Sammen med sensor går du gjennom oppgaven og svarene du skal gi.

Det vil si at du som pasient ikke skal snakke om en eventuell egen sykdom, men følge instruks du får utdelt og i noen tilfeller svare på direkte spørsmål fra studenten. Studentene skal utføre prosedyrene riktig og utføre alle elementer de har lært for den aktuelle undersøkelse.

Du kan ikke informere andre om medisinske eller personlige forhold du blir kjent med under eksamen og som gjelder den enkelte legestudent sin prestasjon og person. Har du med deg mobiltelefon eller andre lignende digitale enheter, må de være avslått i løpet av den tiden eksamen foregår.

Oske stasjon måling av blodtrykk Foto/ill.: Ingrid Hagerup Opphavsrett: Ingrid Hagerup


Legatet har estimert utdelingsbeløp i 2020 på kr 50.000,-.

Legatets formål er å fremme den medisinsk-vitenskapelige forskning av hjerte- og karsykdommer. Legatet kan også anvendes til forskning eller studier av andre sykdommer, eksempelvis kreft og reumatiske lidelser.

Alle ansatte i hel- og delstillinger, ph.d.- og postdoktorkandidater ved UiB kan søke om midler til vitenskapelige reiser og driftsmidler. Også de som er ansatt ved UiB i en bistilling kan søke. Budsjett skal sendes inn som en del av søknaden, og presist formulerte søknader prioriteres.

Søknader sendes her

Søknadsfrist 2019: 20.12.19


Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 14 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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