Attached you will find information (in Norwegian) about the yearly supervisor seminar that will take place on 4 October in Scandic Hotel, Håkonsgaten.
Attachment: Supervisor Seminar
Attached you will find information (in Norwegian) about the yearly supervisor seminar that will take place on 4 October in Scandic Hotel, Håkonsgaten.
Attachment: Supervisor Seminar
SIU announces grants of about 90 million NOK for five-year projects through Norwegian Partnership Program for Worldwide Academic Cooperation (NORPART). NORPART supports educational cooperation and student mobility between higher education institutions in developing countries and Norway.
The application deadline is 5 September 2016 at 3 pm Norwegian time. Continue reading
The meeting is relevant for anyone who plans to apply for project funding (deadline 5 September).
The follow-up meeting on the NORPART programme will be held at Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, Jekteviksbakken 31 (Juss 2). Wednesday 15 June from 10:00 – 12:00.
The topic of the meeting is what characterizes a good application and we hope that the meeting can be a guide to writing the application and ensure that as many as possible of the UiB applications are granted support.
Plan for the meeting:
*Introduction and welcome
*Presentation of the programme, Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt, senior adviser SIU
*Study Administrative Matters which may affect an application by SA
*Discussion and exchange of experiences so far.
Registration by 13 June:
Best regards
Helge Bjørlo og Ana Veronica Cordova
A few weeks ago I heard a talk by Professor Ulf Landegren from Uppsala University about innovation and commercialization of research. Landegren himself has developed innovative molecular tools for measuring DNA, RNA and proteins in blood and tissues, resulting in a large number of patents and companies including Olink (
Landegren also delved on how governments and universities facilitate innovation and presented a figure that shows proportion of GDP spent on R&D in relation to number of scientists and engineers. The figure was taken from an article in Nature Immunology (Kollias and Lambris, 2015) in which Greek researchers pointed out everything that did not work in Greece in general and in Greek research policies in particular. They mention, among other things, politically driven research with no clear strategy, no real evaluation of money spent, and when evaluations are performed they lead nowhere.
Research and development (R&D) versus scientists / engineers per million. Size of the circle reflects the size of the amounts used for R&D.
Not surprisingly, Norway spends the lowest amount of money on R&D compared to our Nordic neighbors, despite broad political consensus that we should spend more. After all, we are “one of the richest countries in the world.” Another striking feature that puts us on what Landegren thinks is the wrong part of the ball park (with Greece), is that Norway has a high proportion of researchers per million inhabitants compared to available R&D funds. At first glance it may seem good to have many scientists, but limited research and innovation funds allocated to many scientists might produce mediocre results in many areas instead of groundbreaking research that can be commercialized and create new industries and jobs. In the opposite end of the field you find Israel as an outlier with a 4.3% share of GDP spent on R&D spread over about 1600 researchers per million. Perhaps there is a connection between this research policy and the fact that Israel produces more high-tech start ups than countries like Britain, Canada and China. Maybe we have something to learn by looking to Israel and our Nordic neighbors.
I wish you all a good weekend!
Invitation to user training in EcoExposure – reminder
UiB and K2 will use EcoExposure as exposure registry for staff and students who may be exposed to substances that can cause serious illnesses over time. Bente-Lise Lillebø from the HSE department will visit K2 and teach us how we as users must register exposure.
Time: Thursday, 23 June, 12.30 to 13.30
Location: Auditorium 4, BB-building.
We would like to remind you that holiday registration in Paga has to be done. For more information about deadlines se this post from week 9.
Postdoctoral Programme at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
This autumn the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will initiate an educational programme for postdoctoral fellows. There is a need to provide the post-docs with expertise that will be important both for their future work in academia and in other jobs. An educational programme will increase the postdoctors’ expertise, help to create a community among post-docs and make the postdoctoral positions at the faculty more attractive. The programme will comprise different modules.
You are hereby invited to an information meeting about the programme, where there will be further information about the contents and scope. Note that this applies to all postdoctoral fellows, not only those who are funded by UoB.
Time: Thursday 23 June 2016 kl. 11-12
Venue: Birkhaugsalen (3. floor, Sentralblokken)
We encourage everyone to attend – this is exciting !!
Eyvind Rødahl
Vice Dean
Have you considered to apply for funding from FORNY2020 or BIOTEK2021?
In 2015, the Norwegian Research Council allocated 300 million NOK through the funding programs FORNY2020 and BIOTEK2021. The programs target research projects with a commercial potential, and can be used to conduct testing, upscaling and continuation etc. The next deadline is 7th of September.
The Norwegian Research Council visits Bergen 21. of June to inform researchers about FORNY2020 and BIOTEK2021. This is an opportunity to get information and ask questions to advisers with first-hand information about the programs. Join our info meeting to get all the information you need. Continue reading
Attached you will find a letter from the Faculty with information regarding nominations from MOF as well as the actual announcement (both in Norwegian).
Letter from the Faculty
Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to
In sepsis, 88% of bacteraemia patients are discriminated by unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis of 5 inflammatory mediators.
Mosevoll KA, Reikvam H, Fanebust HR, Flaaten H, Skrede S, Bruserud Ø.
Intensive Care Med Exp. 2015 Dec;3(Suppl 1):A881.
RareVariantVis: new tool for visualization of causative variants in rare monogenic disorders using whole genome sequencing data.
Stokowy T, Garbulowski M, Fiskerstrand T, Holdhus R, Labun K, Sztromwasser P, Gilissen C, Hoischen A, Houge G, Petersen K, Jonassen I, Steen VM.
Bioinformatics. 2016 Jun 10.
Short Stature: Comparison of WHO and National Growth Standards/References for Height.
Christesen HT, Pedersen BT, Pournara E, Petit IO, Júlíusson PB.
PLoS One. 2016 Jun 9;11(6):e0157277. d
Need of education for dry powder inhaler storage and retention – a patient-reported survey.
Norderud Lærum B, Telg G, Stratelis G.
Multidiscip Respir Med. 2016 Jun 8;11:21
Prognostic significance of S100A4 expression in stage II and III colorectal cancer: results from a population-based series and a randomized phase III study on adjuvant chemotherapy.
Boye K, Jacob H, Frikstad KM, Nesland JM, Maelandsmo GM, Dahl O, Nesbakken A, Flatmark K.
Cancer Med. 2016 Jun 8.
Disease activity is associated with reduced left ventricular systolic myocardial function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Midtbø H, Semb AG, Matre K, Kvien TK, Gerdts E.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2016 Jun 7.
Regeneration of pancreatic insulin-producing cells by in situ adaptive cell conversion.
Chera S, Herrera PL.
Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2016 Jun 3;40:1-10.
Here you will find this weeks application deadlines: Continue reading
Do the name ” Enhet for læring” or ”Unit for learning” sound familiar to you? Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has , in collaboration with Haukeland University Hospital, employed an educationalist to strengthen the medical teaching competence. How this can help us in our teaching, you will get to know at the Teaching Day 2016 on 12 October.
We will arrange the Teaching Day together with K1, and this time as a full day seminar rather than two half days, like we did last year. The new curriculum Medisin 2015 has now been in effect for one year. During the meeting we will have an actual demonstration of Team Based Learning as performed during autumn term. This as an inspiration of how we may incorporate this technique in our teaching (even without having to refurnish the auditoriums).
Digital presentation; making a presentation where you as a teacher may show pre-recorded combined pictures and sound is now a valid option. This may be short presentations for the students to go through before a ”regular” lecture in the auditorium or as a full recorded plenary lecture as an alternative for individual students to physical attend. The program used for this purpose is named TechSmith Relay (additional information available at During the Teaching Day we will show examples and practical tips on how to use this system.
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Bergen has entered a collaboration with NTNU and UiT with the aim of strengthening the examination process by developing a huge common database of MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) for the Medical Curriculum. This to ensure examination uniformity throughout the different Faculties in Norway and give UiB the possibility to use MCQs developed in the other faculties. MCQ may well be used with a short clinical introduction (case description) followed by different questions regarding diagnose and treatment as well as basic knowledge (anatomy and physiology). To be able to develop GOOD MCQs we will build upon the experience from those in NTNU that have used this very structured during several years. We aim for all teachers being able to develop MCQs from their specific fields of expertise. This will ease the work of putting together an individual exam and the marking process will be automatic and less subjective!
Remember to set aside the 12th of October in your appointment schedule. Warmly welcome!