Daily Archives: Friday January 14th, 2022


Who deserves K2’s Teaching Award?

Teaching is one of our core activites and we want to stimulate GOOD teaching at K2!

Our institute wishes to honour a teacher or teaching environment who has demonstrated an extraordinary effort within the field of teaching or development of innovative teaching and learning programs, by forwarding the K2 Teaching Award (NOK 50’000). Think of a nominee an e-mail the name of your candidate and a brief explanation to mette.vesterhus@uib.no by March 15th. The K2 Teaching Award is awarded at the Teaching day in the spring.

“Norway is re-opened, and we are back in the auditoriums!” I yelled into the microphone in September as the students burst into applause in a crowded auditorium at AHH. Restrictions returned after that, but we are going to return to “live” teaching on campus – a decision will be made sometime this month. We will bring along some innovative solutions:

“Videonotat”: The faculty as well as the students want us to provide hybrid solutions, or sufficient information for the students so that they may acquire similar knowledge, in order to accommodate those students who should stay at home due to infection. Hybrid teaching can (most often) be simpler than you might think! In MittUiB there is a link to “Videonotat”. For information on how to use it, see https://www.uib.no/diguib/78854/opptak-av-forelesning-videonotat. Contact information for technical assistance may be found in the auditorium/room. For other questions, contact UiB læringslab or the study administration studie@kliniskmedisin.uib.no.

Interested in a small side-job as Editorial Assistant in Clinical Dysmorphology?

Hi all

I started a year ago as senior consultant in Medical Genetics at the Department of Medical Genetics in Bergen after approx. 10 years as a Senior Consultant at the Department of Genomic Medicine in Manchester. My specific field of interest is genomic syndromology and I have also worked previously in similar positions at the major pediatric hospitals of Rome, Italy and Athens, Greece.

I was just appointed Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Dysmorphology, a task I gladly take on since dysmorphology is the part of genetics that is closest to my heart. The journal was started in the early 90s by i.a. Michael Baraitser and I am now taking over as editor-in-chief from Dame Dian Donnai, see https://journals.lww.com/clindysmorphol/pages/default.aspx

The editor can appoint an Editorial Assistant who gets some money for the job from the journal. I, and others with me, thought this might be an educational side-job for someone who is neat and structured in their work, and who is interested in learning more about how a clinical-genetic journal works. The job is administrative, but you have access to all the manuscripts and can read what you want. The tasks are greatly facilitated by using Editorial Manager, a user-friendly computer program, and the workload is estimated at 2-3 hours per week.

The journal comes out with four issues a year, and the job is paid ($ 1,750 per calendar year).

Do contact me if you are interested or if you have more questions at


You can find me at the 6th Floor in Laboratoriebygget, Room 649


Faculty of Medicine’s  second common HSE-day is held digitally Wednesday 23rd of February at 12:00. Save the time! (the day was scheduled 3rd of November, but was moved to spring 2022)

Program for the day will come later.

Kindly regards,

Dekan Per Bakke, fakultetsdirektør Heidi A. Espedal, verneombud Lise Skålvik og HMS-koordinator Gjert Bakkevold, og fakultetets HMS-utvalg:

  • Emil Hausvik, HMS-koordinator ved Institutt for biomedisin
  • Siv Lise Bedringaas, HMS-koordinator ved Klinisk institutt 2
  • Kirsti Nordstrand, HMS-koordinator ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin
  • May Britt Kalvenes, HMS-koordinator ved Klinisk institutt 1
  • Signe Solberg, administrasjonssjef Institutt for klinisk odontologi
  • Mathias Ziegler, Instituttleder Institutt for biomedisin

EDM Case Reports – Editor-in-Chief vacancy

We are inviting applications for the role of co-Editor-in-Chief for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports, an open access journal endorsed by the European Society of Endocrinology.

For full details please visit https://edm.bioscientifica.com/page/EIC-vacancy.
Applications are due by Friday 18th February 2022.

Many thanks and best wishes,
Laura Martin
Publisher, EDM Case Reports