Monthly Archives: October 2021


Dear all of you!

And once again I have every reason to be proud of K2 employees: after all the celebrations last week, Eva Gerdts was last night also awarded the Helse Vest Research award 2021! Congratulations on another well-deserved award!

But she is not the only one from K2 who can be congratulated: At the annual conference of the Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI) last week in Aarhus, Kate Frøland from Broegelmann Research Laboratory was appointed as an honorary member. For decades, she has been indispensable to the editorial board of the journal “Scandinavian Journal of Immunology”, which is the journal affiliated with SSI. Congratulations!

Otherwise, I would like to thank all of you who have helped and supported me as acting head of department in recent months. It has been very nice to be the leader of so many clever and enthusiastic (and sometimes a little demanding 😉) people! From Monday (1 November) Pål is back as leader, welcome again!

Have a really good Halloween weekend!

NFR deadline 2nd February 2022

NFR has announced its next year’s “Calls for proposals” as early as 2nd February 2022.

This applies:

Hiking rule no. 1: Plan the trip and report where you are going
If you plan to apply for funding from this call, it is important that you notify the department that you intend to apply latest by: 15th November 2021

Administrative support
As a future project manager, you are responsible for ensuring that the application complies both scientifically and financially. Also, to make sure that it’s approved at our department with HOA (Maria Holmaas). The easiest way to start that process is to fill out this online form.

We are ready to assist. Good luck!

Falch Lecture 2021: Professor Robert S. Langer

Professor Robert S. Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Edison of Medicine”, will present the Falch Lecture entitled “Creating and implementing breakthrough technologies in biotechnology and nanotechnology”. Social event at Eitri lab after the lecture.

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, London, U.K. Tuesday, Feb. 3, 2015. Photographer: Jason Alden
Photographer: Jason Alden
0781 063 1642

Read more here.


Dear all of you!

This week I was supposed to welcome Pål back as head of department, but after a hectic period with finishing the SFF application, he first takes some well-deserved vacation before he is back at the steering wheel from 1 November. So I get to run the institute a little bit longer 😊

As you hopefully know, all UiB employees have their own personal page where you can upload a photo and enter information about your research field, competence and more. This is very useful and makes it much easier to find people and collaboration partners, and not least it becomes much easier to recognize people when you meet them. I would like to use this leader to encourage everyone to check the page and update the information that is there. It is not difficult to edit ( Rose can help you take a picture.

Greetings from Aarhus where I enjoy being at my first “regular” conference after the corona measures.

Welcome to Open Access Week 2021!

In collaboration with several Norwegian academic libraries, RDA (Research Data Alliance) Norway and ELIXIR Norway, Bergen University Library presents a series of events with topics related to open publishing, open science and data sharing.

Most events are digital and are open to anyone interested.

The webinars before lunch are part of a collaboration between UiB, UiT, HVL, UiS, NTNU, USN, INN and UiO, and you can find more information and sign up for the individual webinars by clicking the links or see here.

The webinars after lunch are local (UiB) and you can sign up for all the local webinars here. You only need to register once if you plan to participate in several local webinars.

Click here for more information and full program

Monday 25th of October:
10:00-11:30 Open Science is the new normal (NFR/Horizon Europe)
13:00-13:45 Open Science Support services at the UiB Library
14:00-15:00 Making Open Science visible: Researcher profiles and CV statistics

Tuesday 26th of October:
10:00-11:30 Lisenser for deling og gjenbruk av forskningsdata  (in Norwegian)
13:00-16:00 DMP workshop (physical)

Wednesday 27th of October:
10:00-11:30 How to share qualitative data: videos and interviews
10:00-11:00 Get your ducks in a row – steps to consider for sharing of sensitive data (including human genetic data)
13:00-13:30 Open and FAIR data – what, why and how?
13:30-14:00 UiB Open Research Data
14:00-15:25 Discipline-specific research data infrastructures:
14:00 ELIXIR Norway, Life sciences
14:20 CESSDA, Social sciences
14:45 Clarino, Language research
15:05 Bjerknes Climate Data Centre, Climate research

Thursday 28th of October:
10:00-11:30 Nivå X: Berører nye publiseringsmodeller forskningskvaliteten?  (in Norwegian)
13:00-14:00 Open access – step by step
14:15-14:45 Open access publications – statistics for Norway and UiB

Friday 29th of October:
10:00-11:30 Diamonds are forever. On the benefits and challenges of Diamond Open Access publishing

Not only me, but also we

Strategy is currently being discussed both at the faculty and department levels; how can we become a better organization for research, teaching and dissemination –  and in continuation of this, how should we make K2 and UiB a brand name that attracts the best students, staff and grants.

Even though we are individualists, it is about collaborating, having projects that are interdisciplinary. However, it does not stop there. We must have a good collaboration with the health trust if we are to win in the competition for research funding and be able to give our students the best teaching.

How to go about this strategy is not always obvious. Strategy is a management responsibility, but just as important is that all employees are involved in common projects and goals. This will be the topic of K2’s strategy seminar 24-25 February at Solstrand, and we in the leadership group hope that as many as possible can participate, not least from our campi outside Bergen.

Cooperation is built through meetings and common meeting places are important. Next Wednesday, the Annual Faculty Day will be held in Auditoriet AHH from 10-13. The same afternoon, Bjørn-Tore Gjertsen, the recipient of this year’s King Olav the V’s cancer research prize will be celebrated in “Store Auditorium”. Join in the celebration of those who have excelled over the past year and discuss collaboration and strategy with your colleagues

Eystein Husebye

Deputy Chairman

Master projects in biomedical sciences

The program comite on the Institute of Biomedicine want the scientific staff to offer master projects for the biomedical students. The project will take place from the fall 2022 to the spring of 2023. Please use the attached form.

We will distribute the projects to our master students during the fall semester.

Please send your master projects by 31th of October to Siri Tangen Aaserud, Master coordinator, Department of Biomedicine, or to


Dear all!

This will be relatively long, please read everything!

I will start with some joyful things: I hope that as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend the Faculty Day on 20 October at 10-13 October, where the faculty’s teaching and research prizes will be awarded at the auditorium at AHH. Among other things, the prize for research environment of the year goes to Eva Gerdts’ research group Hypertension and Heart Dynamics/Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women, and “Endopodden” is awarded with a teaching prize.

The day then continues in a very pleasant way with a celebration seminar for Bjørn Tore Gjertsen on the occasion of the award of King Olav V’s cancer research prize at 15-18 at Store Auditoriet, Sentralblokken. Registration is required for this event (click here). We now just have to take advantage of the fact that the coronary restrictions have been eased and we can reconvene! And not least, there will be some food  😊

The third pleasant matter is about outstanding research: would you like to seek ERC funds? Then you now have the opportunity to apply to the faculty for support for a mentor. The idea is that a more experienced ERC applicant (preferably one who has received ERC funds in the past) helps you along the way. This is especially important for younger research talents. If you are interested, please contact me or Amra for more information.

Last but not least, anyone who has projects involving the handling of personal data must check RETTE to see if everything is in order. There are many projects that require changes to RETTE, most often there is a lack of a short justification for the need to process the personal data.

Have a really good weekend (and autumn holidays for some)!

HSE non-conformities must be reported in UiBhelp

On October 5th, the university will implement UiBhelp for reporting and follow-up of HSE non-conformities. This means that all new HSE non-conformities must be registered in the notification form in UiBhelp.

Do you want a refresh on what an HSE non-conformity is?

It may be:

  • violations of HSE guidelines and procedures
  • conditions that reduce fire safety
  • theft or vandalism
  • personal injuries that occur on campus
  • adverse events in the laboratory

Read more about reporting and follow-up of HSE non-conformities

See also the information in this PowerPoint.

Head of faculty/department

The 22nd Broegelmann Lecture, 15. Oktober, 14:00 CET

Lecture by Vijay Kuchroo, DVM, PhD

Role of Tim-3 in regulating anti-tumor immunity

Vijay Kuchroo is Samuel L. Wasserstrom Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Senior scientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Co-Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at the Brigham Research Institutes, Boston.

Vijay Kuchroo is a renowned immunologist, and he was the first to describe development of pathogenic Th17 cells known to have a central role in many autoimmune diseases. His lab was also the first to describe the TIM gen family, with Tim-3 as an inhibitory receptor expressed on T cells.

Link to lecture on Zoom

Link to event poster

Bjørn Tore Gjertsen celebration seminar

See also the event poster here

Dear all,

We have the pleasure of inviting you all to a special celebration seminar October 20, 2021 at 15:00 to celebrate Bjørn Tore Gjertsen receiving King Olav V’s Prize for Cancer Research 2021. This will take place at Store Auditorium, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital.

We strongly encourage all of you to attend the talks and the informal gathering with plenty refreshments and light food. The seminar is open to all as long as you register and you are welcome to circulate this invitation.

Time: Wednesday October 20, 2021 at 15:00 – 18:00

Place: Store Auditorium 1, Sentralblokken (Hospital main building 3rd floor), Haukeland University Hospital.


  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Congratulatory statements
  • Scientific program
  • Closing remarks


More information: Calendar event with detailed program
October 18, 13.00-14.00, you can watch the award ceremony online. Alternatively, the Medical Faculty will serve cake and coffee and host an on-screen live stream in the Auditorium in Armauer Hansens Hus,  12.30-14.00.

On behalf of CCBIO, K2, MED & HUS,
Best regards,

Lars A. Akslen
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
University of Bergen



Registration K2 Junior Retreat 2021

Time: November 22-23, 2021
Place: Scandic Voss, Voss
Registration deadline: October 8, 2021

The Department of Clinical Science (K2) welcomes you to participate in the 4th K2 Junior Retreat for PhDs and postdocs, an arena for academic and personal development and local networking. This year we will meet at wonderful Scandic Voss at Voss. K2 covers all costs of the event.

This year’s topics will be
• How to get the best out for your PhD
• Open access
• Visualization of data
Invited guest speakers: Paul Simon Svanberg and TBA

At Voss, all participants will present their project in a 2-minute lightening talk. As soon as you have signed up for the retreat, we will email you instructions for an abstract.
We will travel together from Bergen to Voss by train. The registration deadline is October 20 at midnight. We have room for the 30 first who register. After that there will be a waiting list.

We hope to see you at Scandic Voss!
Register here.

Webinar: Contributing to an evidence-based dialogue on women’s careers in academia: Evidence from the life sciences

Host: Center for research on cardiac disease in women

Lecturer: Speaker: Marc Lerchenmueller, Assistant Professor for Technological Innovation and Management Science at the University of Mannheim, Germany, and Research Fellow at the Yale School of Management, USA.

Date: Monday October 25th, 12:00-13:00

More information here.