
Dear all!

This will be relatively long, please read everything!

I will start with some joyful things: I hope that as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend the Faculty Day on 20 October at 10-13 October, where the faculty’s teaching and research prizes will be awarded at the auditorium at AHH. Among other things, the prize for research environment of the year goes to Eva Gerdts’ research group Hypertension and Heart Dynamics/Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women, and “Endopodden” is awarded with a teaching prize.

The day then continues in a very pleasant way with a celebration seminar for Bjørn Tore Gjertsen on the occasion of the award of King Olav V’s cancer research prize at 15-18 at Store Auditoriet, Sentralblokken. Registration is required for this event (click here). We now just have to take advantage of the fact that the coronary restrictions have been eased and we can reconvene! And not least, there will be some food  😊

The third pleasant matter is about outstanding research: would you like to seek ERC funds? Then you now have the opportunity to apply to the faculty for support for a mentor. The idea is that a more experienced ERC applicant (preferably one who has received ERC funds in the past) helps you along the way. This is especially important for younger research talents. If you are interested, please contact me or Amra for more information.

Last but not least, anyone who has projects involving the handling of personal data must check RETTE to see if everything is in order. There are many projects that require changes to RETTE, most often there is a lack of a short justification for the need to process the personal data.

Have a really good weekend (and autumn holidays for some)!

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