Daily Archives: Friday June 21st, 2019


At the time of writing, the OSCE was just finished. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your great efforts in planning and implementing this. Many have been involved, and in particular I would like to emphasize all administrative employees who have participated in time-consuming preparations and execution of the day. As last year, I participated this year as a sensor on a task in pediatrics. In addition to being exciting to see how the students solved the task, it was inspiring to learn that they liked this exam form. A student actually wanted several OSCE exams. Furthermore, it is fun to be part of such an event. One can also meet employees at the faculty across departments and type of employment in an exciting setting. Lunch and plenty of coffee promote small talk and a cheerful atmosphere.

We have recently submitted the budget proposal for 2020. It is an ambitious budget that takes into account the challenges we see in the coming year when it comes to education, research, innovation and dissemination. The finance department needs a big thank you for solid work on the budget.

As discussed at Faculty Lunch and announced in previous K2 News, we now want to look at adjustments in the research groups. This is necessary because of natural retirement and changes in activity for some of the groups now when it is six years since the groups were formed. We have therefore initiated a process of changing the composition of some of the research groups. Permanent scientific staff for relevant groups are summoned. We hope for a constructive dialogue and cooperation in this process and that the outcome provides a better everyday life for the individual. Feel free to contact us by mail regarding input in this process.

After an unusually warm April we had to pay back with a cold May. Now the heat comes slowly but surely, and we are preparing for the summer holidays. For most, it has been busy times with applications, OSCE and all the meetings at the end of the semester. Hence, it will be good to get some weeks off to do completely different things. It is important to recharge the batteries so that we can start the autumn with new energy and inspiration. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their great efforts this year. Have a really good summer holiday!

(Norwegian) Ny søknadsfrist for opprykk til professor

Fristen for å søke opprykk til professor blir i år endra til 31.8. Endringa gjeld berre for 2019.

Bakgrunn for ny søknadsfrist
Kunnskapsdepartementet har fastsett endringar i Forskrift om ansettelse og opprykk i undervisnings- og forskerstillinger. Dei nye forskriftsreglane gjeld fastsetting av kriterium for utdanningsfagleg kompetanse og korleis denne skal dokumenterast. Endringane trer i kraft 1.9.19. Det er ikkje fastsett overgangsreglar.

Reglementsendringar ved UiB er under arbeid. Fastsetting av nye reglar vil tidlegast kunne skje i universitetsstyremøtet i august 2019. For at vurdering av opprykk skal kunne skje etter gjeldande reglar, er det vurdert som naudsynt å endre fristen for dette året.

I dette tilfellet vil innføring av nye kriterium og krav til dokumentasjon like i forkant av fristen 15.9. kunne få konsekvensar både for søkarane og for arbeidet i dei sakkunnige komiteane. På dette grunnlaget har rektor gitt si godkjenning til at fristen for å søke opprykk til professor for 2019 blir endra til 31.8.

(Norwegian) Nytt om navn

Silje Skrede begynner 01.07. i stilling som professor i farmakologi ved K2. Hun er cand. med. fra UiB, har PhD innen psykofarmakologi og blir nå tilknyttet forskningsgruppen i farmakologi og farmasi (G4), som holder til i 9. etasje i laboratoriebygget. Samtidig blir hun ny fagansvarlig for undervisning i farmakologi ved medisinstudiet. Arbeidsplass blir i 9. etasje ved laboratoriebygget, og hun kan nås på silje.skrede@uib.no.

(Norwegian) Nytt om navn

Anne-Lise Bjørke Monsen er spesialist i barnesykdommer og medisinsk biokjemi. Hun arbeider med vitaminer, sporelementer og miljøgifter, med et spesielt fokus på betydningen av mors status for spedbarnets nevrologiske utvikling. Hun har frem til nå hatt en 100% overlegestilling ved Avdeling for medisinsk biokjemi og farmakologi og en 20% stilling som førsteamanuensis på Klinisk institutt 2. Fra 1. oktober har hun en 100% førsteamanuensis stilling ved K2.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 4 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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