Daily Archives: Friday January 23rd, 2015

Ups, we did it again

bilde (1)



Last September we learned that Jan Haavik (Biomedicine) and Stefan Johansson landed their first Horizon 2020-project called MiND in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie program, under the pillar Excellent Science. Soon after, Gunnar Mellgren received an ERA-NET grant for a project aiming at studying cancer-preventive effects of diabetes drugs. Both ERA-NET and IMI are specific programs with a thematic focus, thus complementing H2020. With 2 granted projects out of 5 applications, K2 did very well.

Now the results from the first announcement of health-related research projects in Horizon 2020 are being published. Helga Salvesen obtained a grant for a cancer project tied to the pillar Societal Challenges called Female cancer prediction using cervical omics to individualise screening and prevention (FORECEE). Helse Bergen is partner, while UiB represented by K2 is associated partner, so-called 3rd party. Recently we also learned that Cecilie Svanes, affiliated with Center for International Health and Public Health but also a part of the thoracic medicine research group, successfully obtained a grant to study lung health across generations in European cohorts.

Last week I obtained a grant based on the application ULTRADIAN as coordinator, a project focusing on developing dynamic hormone diagnostics. Nine out of 466 applications obtained grants, which gives a success rate of 1.9%. As many as 138 of the 466 projects qualified for round 2. The EU-commission has received criticism for letting too many application through to the final round, so now the bar will be raised in future calls. Another reason for low success rates (1.9-6.9%) was that an unusual high number of applications were submitted.

All in all MOFA still has had a reasonably good start in H2020, but more grants would have been desirable. How does one succeed? Key success factors are to build or participate in strong networks with “EU-experience”, another is to involve industry (SME) as much as possible. K2 is prioritizing administrative resources to those who wish to write applications, and it is also possible to obtain positioning funds (PES) in order free time for application writing, networking, meetings and consultants.


Good luck with future applications

Best regards

Eystein Husebye

Political strike 28.01.2015

A political strike against changes in the The Wokring Environment Act will take place on 28.01 at 14:00-16:00.

As per instructions from the Department, enterprises will deduct salary from employees participating in the strike.

 -All UiB employees planning to leave their work place in order to participate in the strike must warn nearest leader and their union representative as soon as possible, an no later than by the end of Friday 23.01.
– Necessary preparedness must be taken into consideration
– Salary will be deducted for participating in the strike
– Faculties and departments will subsequent to the event submit a list of names to the Payroll Office with copy sent to Division of Human Resources.

 For more information click here (in Norwegian)

Public defence Week 4

de_bortoliAlessandro De Bortroli
 will have his public defence on Friday January 30, 2015
Trial lecture: Thursday January 29, 2015, 14.15
Topic: ”Atrial fibrillation after Cardiac sugery; mechanisms,prevention,treament and outcome”
Place: Aud 2, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies Vei 91

Public defence: Friday January 30, 2015, 08.15
Place: Aud 4, BB-Bygget, Jonas Lies Vei 91
Title of dissertation: ”Improving the procedural saftey and effcacy of radiofreqency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation”
1st  Opponent: Professor Gûnter Breithardt, Westfalischen  Wilhelms-Universitet
2nd. Opponent : Professor Pekka Raatikainen, University of Eastern Finland

Press release (in Norwegian)




Public defence week 4

Ingrid Kristin Torsvik will have her Public defence on Friday January 30, 2015

Trial lecture: Friday January 30. 2015, 10.15
Topic: “Svangerskap etter overvekts kirurgi; risiko for mor og det nyfødte barnet”
Place: Barneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 65

Public defence: Friday January 30, 2015, 12.15
Place: Barneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 65 
Title of dissertation: “B vitamin and iron status during infancy”
1st opponent Professor Olle Hernell, Universitetet i Umeå, Sverige 
2st opponent : Professor Claus Klingenberg, Norges arktiske universitet, Tromsø



MIC Course

MiC will arrange a course in Multimodal Imaging on March 16-20, 2015.  The course has limited capacity, so it is important register early.  Click here for course description and link for signing up. Click here for complete course program.