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Ny seniorforsker ved Senter for forskning på hjertesykdom hos kvinner
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Jeg heter Thea Midtun, og er ny semesterkoordinator for MED9.
Jeg er 27 år og kommer fra en liten bygd i Hardanger, men har bodd i Bergen de siste 7 årene. Siden 2018 har jeg jobbet på UiB i Studieavdelingen og ved det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet. På SA arbeidet jeg med studentinformasjon og studentmobilitet inn, og på SV var jeg fast ansatt i informasjonssenteret og var gruppekoordinator for studentmottaket høsten 2020.
Jeg har aldri jobbet på institutt før, så jeg gleder meg veldig til å komme ordentlig inn i det og ikke minst bli kjent med mange nye kollegaer!
Anders Krogh Aarebrot. I started as a PhD fellow at Broegelmann Research Laboratory on the 1st of September 2019 after finishing the Medical student research programme. I study how biological treatment affects the activity of immune cells in patients with psoriasis. My e-mail is
My name is Jonelle Dickow Villar and I am delighted to join the wonderful group of people at K2. My professional experience in Norway has focused on psychiatric nursing. Last year I was fortunate to complete my master’s degree in the Epigenetics and Multiomics group with Stéphanie Le Hellard and the Martins group with Vidar Steen. On July 1st this year I returned as a PhD student and will be continuing the work on identifying epigenetic modifications following different environmental exposures, including the antipsychotic drug olanzapine. You can find me on the 2nd floor or by email
Håkon Reikvam is associate professor at K2. He has been associated to the Leukemia Research Group (Bruserudgruppa) since 2008, with major research interest in malignant hematology, stem cell transplantation and transfusion medicine. He is a consultant in internal medicine and hematology, and he also work as a physician at the hematology section, medical department, HUS. He is also responsible for the teaching in hematology, leader for semester board for 12th semester and member of the program committee medicine (PUM). He has an office at Armauer Hansen’s House.
My name is Ane Aamli Gagnat. I started as a PhD-candidate 1. September. I work with epidemiology and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). I am seated on the 8th floor in «labbygget». Email me on
Cathrine Ebbing started working 1.9 2019 in a 50% position as associate professor at K2. I am a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and have been working at the Women’s Clinic in Bergen since 1999. My specialty is fetal medicine and ultrasound. My research area is both clinical research in fetal and perinatal medicine, but also epidemiological research with data from the Medical Birth Register of Norway. I have been assigned the task of leading the research group “Pregnancy, fetal development and childbirth” under K2 in my position as 50% amanuensis. I am looking forward to that, and to teaching medicine students. She can be contacted on email:
Jan Anker Jahnsen started working in a 20% position as associate professor in July 2019, with academic responsibility for FARM395, a course in pharmacotherapy for fifth year pharmacy students. The main employer is RELIS Vest, the medicines information and pharmacovigilance centre servicing the counties Hordaland, Rogaland and Sogn og Fjordane, which is situated on the 9th floor in the Laboratory-building (Laboratoriebygget). He is cand. pharm from The University of Copenhagen, has a PhD in pharmacology from UiB and will be affiliated with The Bergen Pharmacology & Pharmacy Research Group (G4).
You can get in touch with Jan Anker through e-mail:
Elham Baghesta started in a permanent 50% position as associate professor 01.09.19 at K2. She have worked at the women’s clinic since 2001 and still work 50% as a general consultant at KK. Her work and research is in obstetrics and on a daily basis she is working mostly with patients with pelvic floor injuries as a result of childbirth.
Email address:
Maria Omsland Enrolled in a CCBIO Post Doc position at the research group headed by Prof. Bjørn Tore Gjertsen (The signaling-targeted therapy group). Omsland has a BSc in biomedical laboratory sciences and MSc and PhD in Medical Cell Biology which was completed in the same research group in 2017. She just returned from a 2-year long research stay as a visiting fellow at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and enrolled in the new position at K2 20.08.2019. In her new Post Doc project, she will focus on cell-to-cell communication and signaling in the bone marrow compartment of chronic myeloid leukemia before and during treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The main methods will be the new imaging mass cytometer (IMC) and 2-photon microscopy of living organisms. E-mail:
After 2 fantastic years as an apprentice at K2, with a diploma in hand, I set off for uncharted waters. I have met many wonderful people and learned a lot of useful things that I now carry with me in life. It’s hard to say goodbye to a job I’ve enjoyed so much, but sometimes in life, goodbye is something you have to say and change is not something you can prevent. So thank you for my time here everyone, and thanks for 2 amazing years. I’m going to miss K2 in its entirety and all the wonderful people here. With UiB mail disabled and phone delivered to K2’s new apprentice Tonje whom I hope you take good care of, I leave you with one quote from my favorite CEO Elon Musk.
“Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.”
I also leave my private email address if anyone needs it.
Thanks for the time K2. You’re going to be missed.
K2 presents our new apprentice and receptionist Tonje Lomheim.
She has taken over for Marius and has had her first week at K2 this week.
If you have any questions, she can be reached by mail (
or phone (55 58 30 50/55 97 30 50). Or you can contact her if you’d like to welcome her to K2. She has office space at the K2 reception at the 8th floor in the lab building.