Data management plan

NFR and Horizon Europe require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available. This workshop allows you to work with your own DMP and receive feedback.  In light of the NFR’s new assessment criteria from 2023, it is even more important to know how a data handling plan must be designed and adhered to in order to ensure open sharing and widespread access to research results.

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP) | University of Bergen Library | UiB

When/Where: 25.11.2022;  Zoom

Registration deadline: 24.11.2022

Call for candidates: The DLN FAIR data award 2022

The Centre for Digital Life Norway encourages open science and FAIR data management. For the second time, we are highlighting and rewarding outstanding examples of life science researchers in Norway who have managed their data according to the FAIR principles. The deadline for nominating candidates is January 31st  , 2023.

Deadline for nominating candidates: January 31st 2023.

Amount of support: 10,000 NOK

Upcoming events at the International Centre

Tax seminar
Sign up and join us for an online information meeting regarding paying tax in Norway.

This is useful if you are moving to Norway, shifting between Norway and other working countries, or working from abroad. We will have this seminar 2 Fridays per month, from 11.00 to 11.30. The next seminar will be on November 11th. In the registration form you can choose which date you want to sign up to. Read more here

Meet and Greet
All international employees are welcome to join us at the International Centre for a Meet and Greet to get to know each other and the International Centre. The Meet and Greet will take place on Tuesday 22nd of November from 15:30 to 18:30. We will arrange some food for everyone, so please sign up in good time. We have reserved seminar room C, at the Student Centre, and the pizza will arrive around 16:00. Further instructions will be sent to you by email the day before the event. We look forward to seeing you there! You can sign up here

Introduction course
This course is step 2 of our introductory seminars for new international employees. The course will take place on December 1st from 13.00 to 15.30 and it will be online. You can sign up here. Please complete step 1 (short e-learning course

European Commission’s Horizon Results Platform – A Value Proposition

European Commission’s Horizon Results Platform – A Value Proposition

Join us on 18th Nov 2022 from 11:30 am – 12:00 pm CET to find out about the Horizon Results Platform: Learn about events, activities, partners and other opportunities to advance your results!

➢ Date and Time: 18th Nov 2022 from 11:30 am – 12:00 pm CET

➢ Come meet the team behind the Platform and find out:

  • How we promote your innovative solution(s) to third parties: the investor community, partners, policy makers and other actors that can help promote your results to the right audience. In addition to the close collaboration with the Horizon Results Booster, below are a few other examples of our activities in this respect:

O Investor e-pitching events with Business Angel Networks (,

O Collaboration with Solar Impulse Foundation & HRP on fast-tracking the labelling process; promotion of solutions to e-pitching events (e.g., upcoming Repowering the EU)

o Connecting with the Enterprise Europe Network to multiply your matchmaking possibilities

  • Why it is important to publish a video and full profile on HRP, and that you update your profile whenever relevant.
  • How HRP TV can inspire your Dissemination & Exploitation (D&E) plans, offering guidance and links to experts or other actors who can help you achieve your valorisation goals (e.g., angel investors, corporates, key stakeholders). You can have a look at how the HRP helped a company get traction here.
  • Get insights as to what’s coming up:

➢Meeting link

➢ Meeting number:2743 544 2333

➢ Meeting password: eyX34TC3fT

➢If any questions, or if issues with Webex the day of the meeting, please contact us at:

Do you want to collaborate with Bergen municipality and Helse Omsorg Vest?

Bergen municipality has a portal for research enquiries. You can submit

  • Research and innovation projects and applications
  • Cooperation in education
  • Master theses

This is particularly relevant for those of you who want to apply for funding from RCN in the call “Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges” 

Mingle lunch with DIPS at Eitri?

Mingle lunch with DIPS at Eitri?

Date: Monday, November 14

Time: 11:00 – 13:00 (Lunch is served between 11:00 and 13:00, but DIPS will be available for a pleasant e-health chat between 10:00 to 15:00.)

Where: Eitri at Haukeland (Haukelandsbakken 31)

We have the pleasure of welcoming you to a casual mingle lunch with DIPS.

Being part of the innovative startup environment at Eitri is important to DIPS. Innovation, agile collaboration across health levels and clinical value are strong drivers in dips business philosophy.

In addition to meeting key resources from DIPS, you will hear a little more about their most important focus areas, both in the Western Norway Regional Health Authority, but also in the other regions in South-East and North. DIPS is also investing heavily in the innovation platform OpenDIPS, where we facilitate innovation via partners, as an important element in delivering unique customer value.

Take the opportunity for a casual mingle lunch!


Are you curious?

Or to rephrase, are you interested, inquisitive and questioning? Asking many questions, challenging established truths, finding alternative solutions, makes us smarter and better researchers. In Harvard Business Review you can read about the “Surprising Power of Questions” (

The authors summarize that asking questions is a unique tool for learning and exchanging ideas. It makes conversations more productive, gives innovation better results and it builds trust in the organization. It can also uncover unforeseen dangers and pitfalls. Despite this, many of us probably do not think that asking questions is an art that can be developed and improved. By asking questions you improve your emotional intelligence, which in turn makes us better questioners. The article gives tips on how different questions should be used – “not all questions are created equal”.

As researchers and teachers, we can also become better at asking questions, we can learn more and I believe our research will be better – what is the question you want answered when you do an experiment, and what is your lab neighbour doing?

I hope you will be inspired to become more questioning and curious.

Have a good weekend

Eystein Husebye

Vice head, K2

Finding & reusing research data

Reusing research data can open new avenues of research and avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts.

Sharing and re-using quality-assured research data is considered good scientific practice. Most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. Reusing these datasets as secondary data avoids unnecessary duplication of efforts and can inspire new avenues of research. For example, new questions or methods can be applied to a dataset, or data from different studies or disciplines can be integrated. In this webinar you will learn how you can use existing datasets as a resource for your research.

The webinar Friday 11 November will give an introduction to FAIR research data as a resource, explain data citation, and demonstrate strategies to efficiently discover datasets in your discipline.

UiB AI #4 Examples of Medical AI

Join us for the fourth UiB AI meeting, where you will get examples from some of the most cutting edge research within Medical AI.

From dementia to personalized medicine. The use of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent in medical research and will continue to push the boundaries of what medical research is, and can do.

In this seminar, you will get some highlights from medical AI research at the University of Bergen. We invite students and faculty members from different disciplines to learn more and engage in discussions about the use of artificial intelligence in medicine.

(Norsk) Join us for mingling and lunch with DIPS at Eitri

Date: Monday, November 14

Time: 11:00 – 13:00 (Lunch is served between 11:00 and 13:00, but DIPS will be available for a pleasant e-health chat between 10:00 to 15:00.)

Where: Eitri at Haukeland (Haukelandsbakken 31)

We have the pleasure of welcoming you to a casual mingle lunch with DIPS.

Being part of the innovative startup environment at Eitri is important to DIPS. Innovation, agile collaboration across health levels and clinical value are strong drivers in dips business philosophy.

In addition to meeting key resources from DIPS, you will hear a little more about their most important focus areas, both in the Western Norway Regional Health Authority, but also in the other regions in South-East and North. DIPS is also investing heavily in the innovation platform OpenDIPS, where we facilitate innovation via partners, as an important element in delivering unique customer value.

Take the opportunity for a casual mingle lunch

Sign up

New Spectral flow cytometer Sony ID7000 at the Flow & Mass cytometry core facility

We are happy to announce that we have recently got a new machine installed at the core facility.

It is a 5 laser Sony ID7000 spectral flow cytometer with the possibility to investigate 44+ colors, limited only by the fluorochromes available. Spectral flow cytometry has unique optical collection capabilities measuring the complete fluorescent spectra, and analytical capabilities compared to conventional flow cytometry. It also has the capabilities to detect small particles down to 160-nm.

If you want to learn more, please contact Brith Bergum at

(Norsk) Building your next EU proposal within AI & Cancer: tips and funding opportunities

AI & cancer: join us on November 22nd to get tips on how to build a successful EU proposal and hear about upcoming funding opportunities!

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Yuichi Mori, Associate Professor at UiO and recipient of a prestigious EU grant under Horizon Europe, who will share his experience on developing a successful project. During the seminar, you will also hear about upcoming calls to be launched in 2023, from the National Contact Points at the Norwegian Research Council.

Stay for lunch to meet the speakers and network with other participants!

Registration and full program: Building your next EU proposal within AI & Cancer – Tips and funding opportunities

When: Tuesday, 22nd November 9.45-13.00

Where: Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park / hybrid livestream available

Organizers: This seminar is supported by Oslo Cancer Cluster, The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium and The Norwegian Research Council.


The medical students have decentralized teaching at Helse Stavanger, Helse Fonna and Helse Førde. This arrangement is necessary to cope with such large student groups as we have now. It is also very good for the students in that the teaching is more practical than what we can offer in Bergen. Lecturers in Stavanger, Haugesund and Førde are also involved in research as an important part of their work.

It is a challenge to ensure a good and efficient connection to Bergen, and my impression is that this could be better.

All employees at K2 must belong to a research group and a teaching group. The administrative lines run through the research and teaching group leaders. It is therefore important to know which research and teaching groups the individual belongs to so that all employees ger the information sent through the research and teaching groups. If it is unclear which research and teaching group you belong to, contact Silke Appel (research) or Mette Vesterhus (teaching)

We have educational meetings with the decentral hospitals twice a year. My impression is that this is not enough for the decentral hospitals to feel they are involved in the activities here in Bergen, especially when it comes to research.

We have involved personnel at the decentral hospitals at K2 Retreat, but due to the cost, we have only had these meetings every two years. Would an extension of the teaching meetings with a block for research presentations be a possibility? We could have thematic meetings where there are presentations from both parties.

It is also possible to imagine digital meeting places with thematic presentations. In any case, we in Bergen should be better at remembering you at the decentral hospitals so that there is always a Teams link at the meetings here in Bergen that are relevant to you, and that you are invited – to the right email address! (we will arrange this).

Last year, K2 had 40 dissertations. This year, it looks like there will be at least the same number. One way to get in touch with the communities in Bergen, is for the academic staff to act as custos at defenses. I would like to take this opportunity to thank personnel in Stavanger in particular for volunteering several times!

I would also like to encourage the research and teaching group leaders to be more active regarding to think about and involve personnel from the decentral hospitals.

I think we have a lot to gain from a closer collaboration between the parent department and the decentral hospitals! Feel free to make suggestions!

Have a great weekend.

Lecture by Anna Blom: Cytoprotective roles of cytosolic forms of C3

Cytoprotective roles of cytosolic forms of C3

9th November 2022
BBB, Auditorium 4, 12:00

About prof. Blom’s research

Anna Blom received basic education in biochemistry and molecular biology from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. Her PhD studies in medical and physiological chemistry were focused on bikunin-containing proteins, plasma protease inhibitors also involved in organisation of extracellular matrix. After defending PhD thesis in Uppsala in 1997 she moved to Lund University for a postdoctoral training with Prof. Dahlbäck who is expert translational coagulation researcher. Supported by long-term funding for salary from Swedish Research Council she established independent research group focused on studies of the complement system, a crucial part of innate immunity. In 2005 she was appointed a full professor of medical protein chemistry at Lund University. She has contributed significantly to understanding the role of complement in various pathologies such as infections, rheumatic diseases, cancer and immune deficiencies. Most recently she showed a role of complement in diabetes and contributed to discovery of a novel field of intracellular complement. Her research was recognized by award of large grants such as Wallenberg Scholar from the Wallenberg Foundation (Sweden) and Distinguished Investigator within Endocrinology from the Novonordisk Foundation (Denmark).

Please see attachment

Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health

A kind reminder about the meeting “Plastic and plastic additives – impacts on human and environmental health” at Marineholmen Friday 11 November.

Registration deadline 1 November.

Programme and registration–-impacts-human-and-environmental-health

Day Zero 2023: Call for workshop abstracts

SDG Conference Bergen invites you to submit an application to host an event as part of Day Zero of the SDG Conference Bergen, 8 February 2023. Apply by 18 November.

Day Zero is a free, all-digital day of events on the day before the SDG Conference Bergen. It is an opportunity to organise creative spaces (workshops, debates, exhibitions, etc.) presenting work of relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We invite a diverse audience to participate, whether you are a student or work in academia or research, civil society, non-profit, start-up company, corporation, or small business.

The topic of the SDG Conference Bergen 2023 is A just transformation to a sustainable future. Focusing on a sustainable transformation of societies to become safe and just for all entails thinking about the grand challenges of our time. These challenges have been put under pressure by recent and unprecedented events with impacts on a global scale, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, war, an energy- and food crisis, and several ecological disasters. How can we ensure that this transformation is a just transition leaving no one behind?

International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Mid-Career Research Fellowships (scientific exchange)

IUBMB´s Mid-Career Research Fellowships facilitate scientific exchange by supporting faculty biochemists and molecular biologists to visit another laboratory for specific training purposes. The applicant must be from one of the IUBMB´s member countries (see full list of countries). The Fellowships provide funding of up to 5,000 USD for visits of 1-2 months in duration. There are two application closing dates per year: April 1 and October 1. The next application closes on April 1, 2023.