Launch of the Study Barometer 2024

HK-dir, NOKUT, and the University of Bergen invite you to the launch of the results from the Study Barometer. The launch event will take place on February 10 from 13:00 to 14:30 in the Great Hall at Nygårdsgaten 5, and it will also be streamed.

Around 30,000 students from all the country’s colleges and universities have answered questions about how they perceive various aspects of the quality of their study program. During the event, the results of the survey will be presented and discussed.

New Call for Proposals in the INTPART Program

We have launched a new call for proposals in the “International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation” (INTPART) program.

The call aims to link higher education, research, and innovation in priority countries outside the EU and EEA: Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, China, South Africa, South Korea, and the USA.

An applicant webinar will be held on March 24 at 10:00 AM. More information about this will be provided.

The application deadline is April 30.

Submission of planned Applications to the Norwegian Research Council’s INFRASTRUCTURE Program

The Research Council has announced that there will be a call for proposals in the INFRASTRUCTURE program with a deadline in November 2025. The University of Bergen (UiB) is closely following this process and has created a dedicated webpage for this. The program funds infrastructure of national importance (2-200 million NOK). The strategic foundation for the Research Council’s infrastructure initiative will most likely be central to projects in this round, as it was in 2023. The Research Council has indicated that the total amount in the call for 2025 is approximately 1.4 billion NOK.

Those who wish to apply for funding through the program should anchor their application with the institute management and partners. Everyone who is applying to the program must register this here, regardless of whether they have a role as a partner or as a coordinator. The internal deadline for submitting a sketch is April 11, 2025.

UiB career development program for early-stage researchers (Postdocs, researchers, and associate professors)

Postdocs, researchers, and associate professors who seek a career in academia now have the opportunity to apply to the 7th UiB Momentum Program (Stipend amount NOK 100 000 is also included in the call)


Key Details:

  • Application Deadline: 21 March 2025 at 17:00 CET
  • Funding amount: NOK 100 00 (mentoring, travel, networking, research stays, conferences, workshops and other activities directly related to their career development)


If you plan to apply, please read the call carefully before sending the electronic application – Open call for the 2025-2026 Momentum Programme

Leader | K2 new | 31 January 2025

Every fall, the faculty sends an email to all main supervisors and all PhD candidates to register progress in their projects. This fall, a total of 157 candidate-supervisor pairs at K2 received such an email. Along with midway evaluations, this is an important way for the faculty and institute to follow the broad lines of each PhD candidate’s development and become aware of issues that can be corrected.

49 candidates at K2 expect to submit their dissertation in 2025, and 36 in 2026. Only one candidate was dissatisfied with supervision, while two were partially dissatisfied. Two assessed their progress as very poor. Only seven candidates wanted a meeting with the K2 management.

All in all, these are very good feedbacks, indicating mostly satisfied PhD-candidates who are well followed up by their supervisors. All candidates who want a meeting with the K2 management to discuss progress are offered this by the undersigned.

Let me also, on behalf of the K2 management, congratulate Helge Ræder and Anagha Joshi on being awarded funding for a postdoctor in the LEAD-AI program. LEAD-AI is a partially EU-funded career development program in artificial intelligence at UiB and will be a training ground for a total of 19 postdocs. The project applications were evaluated based on quality, innovation, and the AI expertise of the mentor and research group, as well as their contribution to method development.

Launch of the Final Report from the Evaluation of the Medical Professional Study

NOKUT has evaluated the medical professional study and invites you to the launch of the final report on March 14 from 12:00 to 14:00. The event will be held at NTNU in Trondheim and will also be streamed.

At the launch, the expert committee will present findings and recommendations from the final report, followed by comments and reflections from key stakeholders. The program will be announced.

The purpose of the evaluation has been to generate knowledge about the quality of education in the medical professional study, both at the four institutions offering the programs and at the national level. It will also contribute to further quality development. The data basis includes the institutions’ self-evaluations, institutional visits, registry data, surveys among medical students and teachers, interviews with practice supervisors, and focus groups with representatives from medical and health education units at the faculties.

The launch is suitable for anyone interested in learning more about the quality of the medical professional study and the committee’s recommendations for further development.


Location: Helgasetr room 06-005, Elgesetergate 10, Trondheim
Time: Friday, March 14, 12:00–14:00
Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 12, 16:00


Introduction to SurveyXact

February 18, 2025 – 08:30–11:30

Introduction to SurveyXact is a technical course where participants are introduced to the basic functions of the system.

The purpose of the course is to enable users to create and conduct their own surveys in SurveyXact afterwards. We will go through the setup of questionnaires, various distribution methods, and provide an introduction to the analysis module in SurveyXact.

Read more about the course

Novo Nordisk Foundation Innovator grants

Pioneer Innovator Grant

Call closes 13 March 2025 2:00pm (CEST)

The purpose of the Pioneer Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate the commercialization of research findings and the development of novel technologies within sustainability or health.

Both areas of the Pioneer Innovator Grants seek to support novel academic science-based discoveries with commercial potential.

Distinguished Innovator Grant

Call closes 13 March 2025 2:00pm (CEST)

The purpose of the Distinguished Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate commercialization of research findings and development of novel technologies within sustainability or health.

Both areas of the Distinguished Innovator Grant are aimed for senior faculty members or researchers with a proven track record within innovation


Pint of Science Festival 19-21 May

Pint of Science brings science closer to people on a local level with an informal atmosphere. The Pint of Science festival takes place simultaneously in different cities worldwide.

We provide the opportunity for local researchers to introduce their research to the public in an engaging, understandable, and fun way, usually in the relaxed atmosphere of a bar.

If you would like to find out more, please visit our website

Stars grants

The STARS@UNIPD 2025 call for proposals is open from 20 December 2024 until 21 March 2025

The STARS@UNIPD 2025 call for proposals funds research projects of 30 months, whose focus may range in the 28 scientific research areas of Unipd, including Life Sciences

The call offers three types of funding with a “bottom-up” approach, without predefined thematic areas. It is open to Principal Investigators (PIs) of any age and nationality who wish to carry out their research activities at a Department of the University of Padua. Applicants must demonstrate the innovative nature, ambition, and feasibility of the proposed scientific project.

STARS Starting Grant (STARS-StG): for PIs – also external to UNIPD – who are beginning to establish their own research team and/or to start their own independent research activity. PIs must have defended their first Doctoral degree within a maximum of 5 years prior to 1 January 2025 (cut-off dates: 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2024 included).

European Cancer Imaging Initiative – Joining forces for AI-powered imaging to save lives

06 February 2025

The Commission together with the European Society of Radiology and EUCAIM is organising an event exploring how the European Cancer Imaging Initiative harnesses health data and Artificial Intelligence to advance the fight against cancer.

Two years after the launch of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative, Member States and stakeholders from research, innovation and healthcare organisations, will explore perspectives for the Initiative’s contribution to advancing trustworthy AI tools for precision oncology and its role in the future European Health Data Space.

You can register using the yellow “register” button. The registration for in-person participation will close on Tuesday, 4 February at noon (or earlier, if the room capacity is reached). It will remain possible to register for online participation.


Workshop – Write a DMP with FAIR Wizard Norway

Are you writing a Data Management Plan (DMP) for your research project? Would you like to try the DMP Tool FAIR Wizard?

Join us in a short workshop on writing a DMP with the new tool FAIR Wizard 13.02.2025.

A data management plan (DMP) can be a useful tool in your research project; to help you organize and plan the collection, storage, analysis and archiving of your research data. A DMP is also a formal requirement from several funders and institutions.