Category Archives: Application deadlines

Applying for SPIRE-midler 2022

You can now apply for SPIRE-fundings in the following 2 categories:

  1. Fundings for international research collaboration
  2. Fundings for guest researchers

Read more about guidelines, categories and who can apply in website: SPIRE – Såkornsmidler | Forsknings- og innovasjonsavdelingen | UiB

All applications must be written in attached application form. See link at the bottom of the website.

Applications must be sent by email to Head of Administration Maria Holmaas, email within 31st of December 2021.

Master Projects in Pharmacy 2022/2023

Pharmacy students at the University of Bergen will in their last year write a master thesis of 45 ECTS and take 15 ECTS of specialisation (courses). 18 February 2022 the University of Bergen will present all relevant master projects available for our pharmacy students for the year 2022/2023. The students must choose a master project within 1 April 2022.

More information.

Application template.

NFR deadline 2nd February 2022

NFR has announced its next year’s “Calls for proposals” as early as 2nd February 2022.

This applies:

Hiking rule no. 1: Plan the trip and report where you are going
If you plan to apply for funding from this call, it is important that you notify the department that you intend to apply latest by: 15th November 2021

Administrative support
As a future project manager, you are responsible for ensuring that the application complies both scientifically and financially. Also, to make sure that it’s approved at our department with HOA (Maria Holmaas). The easiest way to start that process is to fill out this online form.

We are ready to assist. Good luck!

Master projects in biomedical sciences

The program comite on the Institute of Biomedicine want the scientific staff to offer master projects for the biomedical students. The project will take place from the fall 2022 to the spring of 2023. Please use the attached form.

We will distribute the projects to our master students during the fall semester.

Please send your master projects by 31th of October to Siri Tangen Aaserud, Master coordinator, Department of Biomedicine, or to

NSHG-PM meetings in genomics and COVID-19

Dear researchers at K2,

I want to draw your attention to a meeting – Nordic Society for Human Genetics and Prevision Medicine. This society aims to gather researchers in the Nordic countries interested in genomics and other omics, and to build infrastructure to perform research in all cohorts and biobanks totaling some 29 million inhabitants.

The meeting is digital and November 8-9 hosted by Mark Daly (Director for FINNGENE, PI at MGH). There is also a workshop on COVID-19 November 4 chaired by Kári Stefánsson (Director for DeCode Genetics) and Camilla Stoltenberg (Director for NIPH).

Submission deadlines for both meetings are October 8.

It’s worth noting that exceptional abstracts will be offered speaking slots and we will give financial prizes to top posters by young investigators.

Pål R. Njølstad


OSCE and application deadline for status as Excellent Teacher

The White Paper «Quality Culture in Higher Education» emphasized that all Norwegian universities must establish a pedagogical qualification framework. The intention with a pedagogical qualification framework is to inspire and reward teachers and academic communities for systematic work in educational development. At MED, the status as Excellent Teacher leads to a permanent salary raise as well as membership in a “pedagogical academy” of excellent teachers at the faculty. Basic pedagogical qualification is required. There is now a new application deadline for status as Excellent Teacher. It is important to read and address the criteria on which the evaluation of the applications is based. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you consider submitting an application or have questions. We hope that some of our skilled and enthusiastic teachers will submit well-written applications which will win this award!

Application deadline: November 1st

OSCE 12 will be arranged on December 8th, and planning is well under way. The responsible persons for subjects that are part of the exam this year are alerted and will recruit sensors. The administration will reach out to administrative and technical staff and request their participation. OSCE is important and require teamwork and team spirit. We expect that everybody responds to requests with a positive attitude. We want to thank all of you who have contributed in previous years – and those of you who are contributing to OSCE 12 this December!

Apply for funds from Olav Thons Stiftelse – deadline for submission: September 15.

Olav Thons Foundation announces two rewards for 2022.

  1. The Olav Thon Foundation’s International Research Award for Mathematics/Natural Sciences and Medicine 2022

In the field of medicine, special attention will be given to gerontology as well as to studies of brain function and age-related changes in the brain.

Read more about the announcement and how to apply here:

  1. Announcement National Academic Prize 2022

10 awards up to 500 000 NOK each is awarded to Norwegian and foreign professors who excel in their teaching activities within medicine and natural sciences at Norwegian teaching facilities.

Read more about the announcement and how to apply here: (in Norwegian only)

Rakel and Otto-Kristian Bruuns endowment

The fund’s purpose is to support medical basic research within biochemistry, physiology, and pathology. Cancer-related projects are prioritized.

The fund aims to distribute three grants of NOK 200.000 to innovative projects in 2021.

Grants are awarded to qualified scientists who are licensed Medical Doctors. Individuals may apply, but applications on behalf of institutes or research groups are preferred.

Grants are awarded to cover running expenses and purchases of smaller scientific equipment

Applications must be submitted electronically via the fund’s website (click here). The fund’s complete call for applications and application form is announced on May 1.

The application deadline is June 15, 2021.

For questions, please contact UNIFOR

Rakel og Otto Kristian Bruun’s Legat

2021-2022 Peder Sather Center Call for Proposals

Peder Sather Center (PSC) is a consortium between UC Berkeley and key Norwegian universities including UoB. PSC offers seed funding for research collaboration and exchange of researchers across the Atlantic. There is no medical faculty at UC Berkeley, which might explain why The faculty of Medicine has had few projects related to PSC. However, there are still possibilities for collaboration for instance with research groups within AI and biomedicine.

You apply directly to PSC. More information and link to application form is found:

Peder Sather Grant Program | Peder Sather Center (

Deadline for 2021-22 applications: June 1st, 2021

Invitation to apply for UoO education – and research leader programme

See the following links for more information (unfortunately, the first two attachments are in Norwegian only):

Invitasjon til UiOs lederprogrammer 2021

Vedlegg 1 Invitasjon til RLP-Start 2021

Vedlegg 2 Invitasjon til ULP7

Potential applicants are asked to send their application to head of administration Julie no later than 10th January.

Scholarships within the framework of UN Young Researcher’s Grant.

20 scholarships of 1000€ each are offered to the students within the framework of UN Young Researcher’s Grant.

Application requirements:

– applicant is not eligible for other scholarship programs like ERASMUS (e.g. length of stay under 2 months)

– possible mobility period is between the 1st April, 2021 and 31st March, 2022,

– length of stay abroad – 1 – 6 months.

– application deadline –  5th February (as always the universities can set a different internal application deadline, so that the nominated students could be sent to the Task Force before 12th February)

All UN universities are asked to promote the mobility scheme among their students and young researchers. For details and the application form please refer to the UN website

Norwegian: Utlysning av SPIRE-midler 2021

SPIRE lyses ut i følgende kategorier:

1. SPIRE – Midler for søknadsstøtte.
• Frikjøp av forskere som jobber med søknader til NFR, Nordforsk og andre eksterne
finansieringskilder (men ikke til Horisont Europa).
• Frikjøp av interne og/eller eksterne postdocs og vitenskapelige assistenter som
hjelper UiB-forskere med søknadsskriving.
Merk: All frikjøp må først avklares og støttes av instituttleder før det kan søkes om
støtte til dette formålet.
• Bruk av eksterne konsulenter som UiB har avtale med.
• Støtte videre arbeid med SFF-søknader fra januar – april 2021.
Det kan søkes om inntil 100.000 kroner i denne kategorien.

2. SPIRE – Gjesteforskermidler.
Det kan søkes om midler til opphold av 1-6 mnd. varighet (maksimum 15.000 kroner per
• Gjesteforskere må minimum være på postdoktornivå (det kan ikke søkes om midler
for invitasjon av ph.d.-kandidater).
• Maksimalt NOK 15.000 kan tildeles i støtte per måned pr søknad. I tillegg kan
det søkes om støtte til dekking av gjesteforskerens reiseutgifter. Merk: SPIRE
midlene kan ikke utbetales som lønn/stipend direkte til gjesteforskeren.

For mer informasjon om søknadsprosessen, se: UtlysningSPIRE og RetningslinjerSPIRE

Søknadsfrist: 1. desember

Announcement of the Meltzer Research Fund Awards – nomination deadline: 1 December 2020

All professors at the University of Bergen are entitled to nomiate candidates. The same applies to all Department Heads.

Signed suggestions can be sent as an email attachment as pdf-file to  at the Division of Research and Innovation by the deadline: December 1, 2020.

For more information: