Category Archives: Application deadlines

NORPART – Call for proposals 2024

HK-Dir has once again announced the NORPART program for the period 2024-2028. For this period, there will be 35 million NOK available for partnership projects per year. The NORPART program provides support for educational collaboration in 40 countries for a period of five years. The typical grant size is 5 million NOK per project. The application deadline is June 3, 2024.

With the application, a signed Declaration of Participation by the administrative responsible for the project must be uploaded. This can be signed at the institute, center, or faculty level. The application support team at SA offers administrative support to interested academic environments/departments and invites to a webinar about the program and its further follow-up at UiB on April 10th from 09:00 to 10:30.  Registartion

For those seeking application support, the deadline for submitting the Concept note (1 page) to SA is April 22nd, and for submitting the project description to SA, the deadline is May 21st.

Reference is also made to SA’s resource pages NORPART | Ansattsider | UiB (only in Norwegian)

The announcement and information about the program can be found here: NORPART – Call for proposals 2024 | HK-dir (

Interested parties can also contact

Project grants in Endocrinology and Metabolism – Nordic Region

The Novo Nordisk Foundation calls for applications within basic and clinical research within the endocrine system and metabolism relating to cellular energy homeostasis. The objective is to promote Nordic research at the highest international level to carry out research projects of 1-3 years duration.

Amount: Up to DKK 3 million per grant
Location: Nordic region
Research area focus: Endocrinology and Metabolism
Call closes: 28 May

canSERV Open Call for Transnational Service Provision

Under the canSERV Open Call researchers are welcome to apply to a portfolio of services offered by canSERV to address the research needs of the entire oncology developmental pipeline

Your research project

  • Can vary from basic discovery science to translational science and translation into personalised oncology.
  • Is expected to address at least one of the four strategic goals of the Cancer Mission(understanding of cancer; prevention and early detection; diagnosis and treatment; quality of life for patients and their families)

Deadline: 21 May 2024, 2pm CEST


Tenured professors and associate professors in at least a 50% position can apply for a research term.

The qualification period for a one-year research term is six years of combined service as a professor or associate professor in at least a 50% position, or six months after three years of service. Female associate professors have half of the qualification period. The application form is completed and submitted to the department management, which prioritizes the applications and sends its recommendations to the faculty.

Deadline for submitting applications to the department: April 1st each year Deadline for submitting applications to the faculty: May 1st each year


Rapporteringsskjema – utenlandsopphold

Momentum career development programme for early stage researchers

Momentum banner

Momentum is UiB’s flagship development programme for early stage researchers – postdocs, researchers or assosciated professors – who wish to pursue an academic career at a research university.

The call for applications to Momentum 6 is now open and available here: Call open for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme | Employee Pages | UiB. Deadline for candidates to apply is 22 March.

The Momentum Programme is designed to strenghten the career development of UiB Early Stage Researchers. The programme includes five seminars, planned to run between September 2024 and June 2025. Seminars are designed to:

  1. Provide resources, training and advice to support participants’ strategic career planning and development toward research independence/leadership (commensurate with their discipline/career stage).
  2. Support participants to be able to develop and deliver competitive applications to appropriate national and international funding instruments.
  3. Facilitate the development of participants’ proffesional networks.
  4. Promote the development of interdisciplinary connections and networks within UiB.

The seminars are structured around the key categories career development and external funding, with the topics of the seminars being excellence, impact, research leadership and implementation, internationalisation, and grant writing.

Please note that attendance at the seminars is compulsory

Read more about the application process in brevet fra Det medisinske fakultet.

FAIR data award 2023


The Centre for Digital Life Norway encourages open science and FAIR data management. For the second time, we are highlighting and rewarding outstanding examples of life science researchers in Norway who have managed their data according to the FAIR principles.

Deadline for nominating candidates: March 31st 2024.
Amount of support: 10,000 NOK

In order to highlight leading examples of FAIR data management in Norwegian life science research, DLN is for the third time by conferring the DLN FAIR data award. Eligible data sets are those created by researchers based in Norway and focused on life science research. The research does not have to be affiliated with the Centre for Digital Life. The data can, but do not have to, be associated with a scientific publication.

FAIR data management aims to increase the reuse and impact of research data and is an important part of the Open Science initiative. FAIR principles encourage making data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This allows a wider community to use existing data and facilitate knowledge discovery. Following the principle of “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”, FAIR data should always be interoperable and reusable, but cannot always be possible to access openly (for example, patient sensitive data cannot be directly accessible, but it should be possible to know how to obtain access for specific research questions).

From the nominees, DLN will select the best FAIR data in Norwegian life science of 2023, to be awarded a prize of 10.000 NOK and will be highlighted through our network. The money will be transferred to the associated project(s) and can be spent within the frames set by governmental regulations.

The winner will be selected based on the following criteria:

  1. As the state of the art of FAIR data varies across domains and techniques, it will be considered how ambitious the data management is within the related research domain

How to make a nomination:

  • Use the registration form found above
  • Provide a persistent identifier (for example a DOI); maximum 3 per researcher
  • Give a short explanation of why you believe this data deserves the DLN FAIR data award

If you have questions about the award, please contact:

Ragna Breines,

Korbinian Bösl,

18 new open calls from EU4Health in 2024

There are 200 million euros available in funding for open calls from EU4Health. Seven of the calls are directly targeted towards the field of cancer, covering areas such as personalized medicine, artificial intelligence, and quality of life.

EU4Health is the EU’s fourth health program and will be implemented during the period 2021-2027. The total budget is 5.3 billion euros, making it the largest health program in EU history.

EU4Health aims to protect European citizens from cross-border health threats, improve access to medical equipment, medicines, and other crisis-related supplies, and contribute to strengthening national health systems and the healthcare workforce.

2024 EU4Health Work Programme

UiB Climate Fund

Logoen til UiBs klimafond

Foto/ill.: Margareth Haugen, UiB

UiB has decided to establish a fund to finance actions that will help motivate employees and students in the work to reduce the university climate footprint.

This fund will amount to 2 million NOK in 2024. The fund finance measures that support the work to ensure a more environmentally and climate friendly university. Either through direct reduction of UiB’ s climate footprint, or by motivating students and employees to participate in a joint “environment and climate dugnad”.

Deadline for applications is set to March 17th.

More info here:

More information about the announcement of postdoctoral positions within LEAD AI.

There has been some feedback stating that there was a bit too little information in last week’s message, so here is some more detailed information:

  • LEAD AI is partially funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action. The program will facilitate a common career development arena for 19 postdoctoral researchers to be employed at UiB. Research opportunities range from fundamental AI research to more applied research in natural sciences and medicine, addressing issues related to the interaction between AI, humans, and society, including legal and ethical challenges. The program is coordinated by the Department of Informatics (MN). It starts on January 1st, 2024, and lasts for 5 years.
  • Postdoctoral researchers work on their own AI-relevant projects.
  • LEAD AI facilitates common meetings, courses, and training.
  • Recruitment follows mainly UiB’s procedures, but with specific requirements from the EU regarding mobility and the composition of committees.
  • Career development and guidance of the postdoctoral researchers are central to the program.
  • Collaboration with other institutions, academic and non-academic, nationally and internationally, is strongly recommended.

The faculty contributes with three postdoctoral researchers to the project. Six faculties are involved in this, hence the broad scope of the theme. Here is a link; the information will likely be updated over time.

LEAD AI | University of Bergen (

Nordic Centre in Fudan University: Funding for academic events at the Nordic Centre

We would like to remind everyone that the spring 2024 deadline for applications for funding for academic events is on March 20th. 

Organizers of academic events can apply for funding of any amount between 2,000 and 7,000 euros.

Priority will be given to applications that include the participation of at least two Nordic member universities, preferably from different Nordic countries, and one or more Chinese partners. Events where Fudan University or Chinese affiliates are among the Chinese partners will be prioritized; however, other Chinese universities are warmly welcome to be involved as partners.

Furthermore, priority will be given to applications that relate to one or several of the prioritized thematic areas for Sino-Nordic collaboration at the Nordic Centre.

We especially encourage activities that can serve as a networking platform for early career researchers and can facilitate new connections between Nordic and Chinese scholars, that have the potential to result in joint applications for larger external grants, and are open for participation/contributions from all the Nordic Centre member institutions.

More information, including the application form and handbook on academic events at the NC, can be found on this page.

The application form should be filled in English and sent by email latest on March 20th


Novo Nordisk Innovator Grants

The purpose of the Pioneer Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate the commercialisation of research findings and the development of novel technologies within sustainability or health.

Both areas of the Pioneer Innovator Grants seek to support novel academic science-based discoveries with commercial potential. The grant aims to stimulate the evaluation of ideas and to support experiments and activities leading to proof-of-concept or beyond.

Amount Up to DKK 1 million per grant.
Location Nordic region
Call closes 13 March


The purpose of the Distinguished Innovator Grant Sustainability & Health is to accelerate commercialization of research findings and development of novel technologies within sustainability or health.

Both areas of the Distinguished Innovator Grant are aimed for senior faculty members or researchers with a proven track record within innovation, i.e., previous experience of academic innovation projects and experience with establishing patents and spinouts from the academia.

Amount Up to DKK 6 million per grant.
Location Nordic region
Call closes 13 March

Announcement of postdoctoral positions within LEAD AI

During the month of March, 10 postdoctoral positions will be announced at UiB within the framework of the research and career development program LEAD AI. The Faculty of Medicine will advertise 3 of these positions. LEAD AI is jointly funded by the faculties and the EU through the co-financing scheme COFUND Postdoctoral Programmes under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The total budget is NOK 130 million over five years. Research opportunities range from basic AI research to applied research in the natural sciences, medicine, and social sciences. It is desirable to recruit both local and international researchers. Mobility, internationally and across disciplines and sectors is an important element of the programme. All applicants will be evaluated by an international committee and it is open to both inbound and outbound mobility.

We ask relevant academic communities to report their interest in the postdoctoral positions by March 1st to  Attach a 1/2 page project description with name and affiliation


  • If you submit a project description, you will act as a mentor for the postdoctoral fellow.
  • You shall not provide the name of the candidate; This is an open international call for proposals.
  • The topic is artificial intelligence
  • If we receive many outlines, we will select which projects best fit into the topic of the call.
  • If your project is among those moving forward, you will be contacted for further information.

Open call for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme

Momentum banner

The Momentum Program is a career development program for young, outstanding researchers at UiB. The target audience for the program is young outstanding researchers who aspire to an academic career at a research university. The program is interdisciplinary, aiming to bring together various disciplines and scientific fields. There are 15 spots available for the program, with the Faculty of Medicine being allocated 3 spots.

The purpose of the program is to enhance participants’ career development. The program consists of five gatherings and one shorter webinar scheduled to start in August 2024 and conclude in June 2025. It is mandatory for candidates to participate in all seminars.

Who can apply?
Postdocs, researchers and associate professors employed at UiB can apply to Momentum. Candidates should adhere to the following eligibility criteria:

  • The candidates should normally have a minimum 80 % FTE position at UiB.
  • Employees in fixed-term positions must have at least one year left on their contract at the start of the programme in August 2024.
  • It should be no more than six (6) years since candidates have obtained their PhD from the start of the programme in August 2024. You can subtract time for statutory leaves of absence, compulsory military or civilian service or sick leave.
  • Candidates admitted to the programme must have a plan to apply for external funding in the coming 12-24 months.

The application process and deadlines:

Step 1 – the candidate applies to the faculty.
The deadline for candidates is March 22, 2024. The application is submitted via the program’s website
Step 2 – the faculty nominates its candidates.
The faculty is responsible for the evaluation and selection of its candidates. The deadline for internal evaluation and nomination of candidates by the faculties is April 19, 2024. Offers of placement for candidates accepted into the program will be sent out at the end of April, with an acceptance deadline in early May.”

The announcement of Peder Sather funds for 2024 – 2025

The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study annually announces funding for collaborative projects between Norwegian educational institutions and UC Berkeley (California). The Peder Sather funds offer a unique opportunity to establish collaborations at one of the top universities in the USA.

The application deadline in 2024 is April 1st.

Read more about the criteria and application process here:

Questions about the program and assistance in getting in touch with relevant individuals at UC Berkeley can be directed to

Tilskudd til StudentEntreprenørskap (STUD-ENT)

Er dere studenter ved et norsk universitet eller høyskole med en forretningside og har ambisjoner om å starte bedrift? Har dere undersøkt om det finnes et behov eller et marked for idéen? Har dere etablert et team som ønsker å jobbe med dette? Da kan dere søke inntil 1 million kroner i tilskudd til utvikling og kommersialisering av løsningen.

Det er nå åpent for å registrere nye søknader for 2024. Søknadsfrist er 29. februar.

STUD-ENT retter seg mot studenter som skal etablere egen bedrift basert på kunnskap fra studiene. Formålet er å lage en skalerbar og bærekraftig forretningsmodell rundt en forretningsidé, og utvikle nye løsninger som markedet etterspør.

Unfortunately the call text is only in Norwegian

RCN Collaborative Project to Meet Societal and Industry-related Challenges

Application type Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project
Application deadline 13 March 2024, 13:00 CET
Relevant thematic areas for this call

Cross-cutting topics

Enabling technologies

Target groups Research organisations
Funding scale NOK 4 000 000-20 000 000
Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals NOK 1 095 000 000
Project duration 24-48 months

Open call for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme

This is a call for applications to the 6th UiB Momentum Programme. The application deadline is 17.00 on the 22 mars 2024. Information on eligibility criteria, the application process, admission requirements and participation in the programme is available online (link below).

Momentum is the UiB career development programme for early stage researchers at UiB who seek a career in academia.

Total 15 persons will be admitted, 3 of them from the Faculty of Medicine.

Global Health EDCTP3 Work Programme 2024 Published

The Global Health European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 3 Joint Undertaking (GH EDCTP3 JU) has released its Work Programme for 2024.

In 2024, the GH EDCTP3 JU will distribute €140 million through two calls, which are planned to be launched on 18 January 2024, with a stage 1 deadline of 4 April 2024:

Continue reading

Research and Training Grants from the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS)

Members of FEMS Member Societies can apply for our grants. Research and Training Grants assist early career scientists in pursuing research and training at a European host institution in a country other than their own country of residence (and exceptionally to support research and training projects outside Europe). These grants may be used to contribute to travel, accommodation and subsistence costs of making the visit. Support is limited to a maximum of €5000.

Applicants should be active microbiologists, having obtained their highest degree less than five years prior to the application deadline date or be a PhD student*. They should be a member of a FEMS Member Society. You can find a detailed overview of the requirements for this grant in the FEMS Grants Regulations.

UN Young Researcher’s Grant

Dear Colleagues,

The Task Force Student Mobility is pleased to announce an additional round of the UN Young Researcher’s Grant.

We are offering up to 20 scholarships of 1200€ each to students within the framework of the UN Young Researcher’s Grant.

Application Requirements:

  • Minimum length of stay: 4 weeks
  • Mobility must start between 1 May 2024 – 31 March 2025
  • Application deadline: 20th February (universities can set a different internal application deadline, so that nominated students can be sent to the Task Force before the 4th of March)
  • For the details and the application form, please refer to the UN website:

All UN universities are kindly asked to promote the mobility scheme among their students and young researchers.

Nomination of selected students:

  • The nomination of selected and ranked students should be completed online. Please refer to the nomination link provided.
  • Nomination deadline 4th March 2024
  • Scanned application documents should be sent by email to
  • ! Please note that it is possible to nominate no more than three students. If there is more than one selected student per institution, the home university must create a ranking, and selected students should be nominated in the ranking order.

Selection results:

  • Selection results will be available on the 19th March and sent out to all the nominated students and contact person for nominations in a copy.

Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me by e-mail

Kind regards,



Rita Vienazindiene

Exchange Student Coordinator, International Relations Office

Vilnius University, Universiteto str. 3, LT-01513 Vilnius, Lithuania

FRIPRO: Free, bold and innovative research

Are you planning a FRIPRO proposal?
Do you want help from research advisors?
Register your plans 3 months ahead of the planned submission.
And remember: you can always discuss your plans with your research advisor

Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists (FRIPRO)

Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists (FRIPRO)

Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility (FRIPRO)

EMBO Young Investigator Programme

The EMBO Young Investigator Programme supports life scientists who have been group leaders for less than four years at the time of application in setting up their laboratories. Young Investigators receive financial support for networking for four years and benefit from training opportunities, support for their lab members and mentoring. They become part of an international network of more than 700 current and former EMBO Young Investigators, Installation Grantees and Global Investigators.

This is an annual award and the next applications opens in February and close on April 1, 2024.

Call for Research Unit Proposals

The University of Bergen established the Norwegian Citizen Panel (NCP) 10 years ago, in 2013. Since the inception, the Digital Social Science Core Facility, DIGSSCORE, has supported 4-6 thematic research units who have organized most of the data collection in the NCP. These units have been central to the research infrastructure in many ways. They have ensured sustained attention to certain areas of research and have served as engines for new research projects. They have also helped incorporate new initiatives originating outside the units, advised early career researchers, and collaborated with national and international research partners.

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