Category Archives: Application deadlines

Announcement of Erasmus + Mobility in the world 2018-19

The European Commission and SIU have announced Erasmus + for 2018. The announcement opens for, e.g., an application for funding for Erasmus + International Credit Mobility (Mobility in the World). The most important changes in the arrangements in the year’s announcement compared to last year are as follows:

  • The program opens up for practice space mobility both to and from the partner country
  • Scholarship for students has increased from 850 € to 900 €
  • Scholarship for supplementary (tuition or training) has increased from 160 € to 180 € per day.

Process towards UiB application

The following will take place towards the submission of applications:

  • 10 January. Deadline for institute / faculty to apply to SA in ephorte relevant country project to be included in the application. Participation in the application must be supported by the department / faculty.
  • 12 January at 13:00–14:30. Workshop in the Meeting Room, International Center. This will be offered to those who will make the texts for land projects.
  • 24 January. Deadline for submission of texts to the application to SA.
  • 1 February. Deadline for submission of application.

For questions regarding Erasmus + Mobility in the world, please contact Helge Bjørlo at the Department of Studies.

The Nansen Fund and its associated funds 2018

Fridtjof Nansen’s fund for the advancement of science and the associated fund seeks fellow recipients.

The purpose of The Nansen Funds is to promote scientific research in various disciplines. In accordance with the statuettes of each fund, research funding may be allocated to operations, research equipment, professional travel and scientific assistance. Within life sciences / medicine, support for operations and smaller equipment is generally prioritized. Contributions are granted on application. It is assumed that the project manager or supervisor applies for his research group. Only exceptionally, applications from master’s students and PhD fellows will be granted.

It can be applied from 1 December 2017 to the application deadline of 15 January 2018.

Continue reading

Fridtjof Nansen’s reward for outstanding research

Fridtjof Nansen’s reward for outstanding research is awarded by the Nansen Fund and the associated funds at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences’s annual meeting in May. The reward can be awarded to Norwegian researchers, or researchers living in Norway, who have provided scientific contributions of international importance at a very high level.

Application deadline: 10 February.

Fridtjof Nansen’s reward for younger researchers

The reward, consisting of a sum of money (NOK 100,000) and a diploma, can be awarded to Norwegian researchers or researchers resident in Norway, who have not yet completed 40 years. Otherwise, the same rules apply as Fridtjof Nansen’s reward for outstanding research. The reward for younger researchers is awarded annually without a change between science and medicine and humanities and social studies.

More information can be found here. (Link in Norwegian.)

New application deadlines for funds and legacies

Due to technical problems at the IT department, some application forms were published late this year. The deadline for applying is thus extended to Friday 8 December. See also the faculty’s web pages. And note that the Heart Fund and Riisøen’s legacy have their own deadlines.

Deadline Friday 1 December:

  • Heart Fund

Deadline Friday 8 December:

  • Endowment for research on cancer diseases
  • The general medical research fund
  • Dagfinn Aarskog’s scientific fund for the Children’s Clinic
  • Karla and Arne J. Oddmars Medical Fund
  • H. Monrad-Krohn and wife of Alette Monrad-Krohns legacy
  • Dr. Nils Henrichsen and wife Anna Henrichsen’s legacy

Deadline Wednesday 20 December:

  • Astri and Edvard Riisøen’s legacy

Best regards Bjørn Jaran Aarsnes Bjørnsen

– Controller, Faculty of Medicine –

Wish to recruit an international candidate at post-doc level?

The Division of Research Management (FA), in cooperation with the Faculties, is launching a pilot Bergen MSCA-IF Master Class program for potential applicants to the MSCA-Individual Fellowship 2018 call. This program aims to attract and train young and talented postdocs from outside Norway to successfully applying for MSCA-IF with the UiB as host. FA calls for “Expression of Interest” from researchers at UiB who would like to act as supervisors/mentors for Marie-Skłodowska-Curie fellows in the period 2019–2020/21.

The Master Class will be organized at UiB from 02–04 May 2018 and it will offer an opportunity to invite talented young researchers, either through supervisors own network or through an open call in various international networks (like EURAXESS). All costs related to the MC program, including travel and accommodation for candidates, will be covered by the MC-program (PES scheme). The only prerequisite for full reimbursement of candidates is the submission of the MSCA IF application within deadline. There is a limit of 30 candidate fellows to the Master Class program.

To express your interest to become a supervisor/mentor, please fill the attached form (Expression of Interest) and submit the completed form not later than the 4th December 2017. Potential supervisors have to provide:

  1. Title / Full Name / Institute / Faculty / and other affiliations (center etc) / position
  2. Research area (e.g. Energy/Physical Sciences or Energy/Social Sciences)
  3. Short description of research specialization/project (max. 1500 characters incl. space). This description will be included in the international advert.
  4. Short track record incl. funding, and summary of supervision experience (1 page).

Please read more here. For any questions please contact or

DNSZ Seed Money 2018

The German-Norwegian Study Centre in Kiel (DNSZ) provides funds within the framework of its Seed Money Budget, in order to support cooperation between German and Norwegian academics in all fields. The present call for proposals applies to projects that are to be realized in the period August 2017 until March 2018.

Who can apply?

  • Researchers at the University of Bergen can apply for funding for development of cooperation projects with Christian-Albrechts Universität zu Kiel.

What can be supported?

  • Activities that identify and start collaborative projects in research and education. Funds from the Seed Money Budget can be allocated to travel expenses, workshops and symposia.

How much in support?

  • You can apply for a maximum of EUR 5,000 in support per project.

Where is the application sent?

  • Application is sent by e-mail to project manager Andrea Hesse at The German-Norwegian Study Centre in Kiel.

More information is available in English and German.

Application form in English and German.

Deadline for application: 8 December 2017.


Horizon2020 Kick-off event for MED researchers

Horizon2020 is about to embark on the last three years of it’s existence with a bigger budget than ever. On that occasion, the Division of Research Management at UiB and the Research Council of Norway arrange a Kick-off meeting where you will have the possibility to:

  • find relevant calls for your research area.
  • get advice on how to succeed with your application.
  • listen to experience from Professor Cecilie Svanes from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care with being a partner on EU projects, and listen to Professor Emmet McCormack from the Department of Clinical Science talk about his personal experience with evaluating EU proposals.Relevant program: 13.45-15.15
  • You can sign up here:

Date: 31 October

Venue: Scandic Ørnen Hotel, Bergen


Here, you find the rest of this week’s deadlines. Continue reading

Announcements for recruitment positions in the autumn of 2017

The announcements for recruitment positions at the faculty for the autumn of 2017 will appear in Jobbnorge, Bergens Tidende and on UoBs website on Friday 8 September with application deadline 29 September.

The following positions will be available at the faculty:

  • Two (2) open positions as Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Fifteen (15) open positions as PhD-grants (PhD-positions)
  • Seven (7) PhD-positions earmarked for applicants that have participated in The Medical Student Research Program
  • Up to three (3) part-time research fellowship (50 %) are earmarked the National Program for Integrated Clinical Specialist- and PhD-training for dentists

Helse Vest research funding 2018

The deadline for Helse Vest research funding is 15 September, and new for this year is that it is no longer possible to apply for short term funding to complete the doctoral project.

On this page (under headline “Application categories and guidelines”), you can find guidelines for all the application categories. Please note that the postdoctoral period can be extended from 2.5 years until 3 years if you include a research stay abroad.

The applications are evaluated for scientific quality and the project’s benefit to patients and impact on patient care. These two criteria are equal. You can read more about the evaluation criteria here.

On this page, you can find more information, among other a link to the application form and a template for the project description.

We would be happy to assist you in the application process, so come by our office in 8th floor in the Laboratory building, or send an email to Itana Sloper-Krivopapic and Amra Grudic-Feta.

Itana and Amra

Application for project funds from Extrastiftelsen / Save the Children

logoSave the Children is a member of the Extrastiftelsen, which announces project funding each year. In autumn 2017, Save the Children invites research and professional communities, organizations and other relevant partners to apply for funding for new health projects through them. (Research projects have first deadline 1 June 2018.)

Initially, you are invited to send a sketch of 1–2 pages, which briefly describes the project idea and objectives. The project sketch should be sent by e-mail to Stina Eiet Hamberg at Save the Children. Questions can be addressed to the same e-mail address or by phone (995 50 054).

Deadline for application: 20 August 2017.

Read more about guidelines for applying for funding for health projects here.