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(Norsk) Seminarserie om åpen vitenskap
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In this webinar, you will get a short introduction to the FAIR-principles, and how and where you can archive your research data. The webinar is planned for 20.09.2024 at 10.15–11.00.
You can read more here: How and where can you archive your research data? | University of Bergen Library | UiB
The goal of the University of Bergen is that data resulting from research activity should be made readily available for reuse in accordance with FAIR-principles. Researchers are encouraged to make their data openly available as early as possible in the research process
Sharing and re-using quality-assured research data is considered good scientific practice. Most funders, e.g. Norwegian Research Council or Horizon Europe, and publishers require that the research data from a project is made openly available. The saying is «as open as possible, as restricted as necessary», meaning that research data should be openly available unless prevented by legitimate considerations relating to security, protection of personal privacy, IPR or trade secrets.
The Nordic biobank and research communities join forces -to explore the future of biobanking and precision health.
This special stakeholder gathering is hosted by Biobank Norway and encompasses two parallel conferences—the 3rd Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine and the 2nd Nordic Biobank Conference—as well as joint plenary sessions for topics of interest to both communities.
Where: Trondheim
When: 10 –12 September, 2024
Early bird registration end on June 10th
Submission deadline for poster abstracts: June 21s
Join us for a dive into the critical considerations of using open-source tools and ensuring compliance both for academic and commercial applications. Learn about database and data privacy concerns when building AI models and navigate the complexities of software licensing. Discover strategies to protect your software innovations through patenting and IP management.
When: Thursday 13th of June 11:30 – 13:30 (you are welcome to bring your lunch)
Where: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31
Tip: take Bybanen or the UiB campus bus!
Who: Open for everyone interested in life science software
The workshop will begin with an interactive presentation. Following this, participants will break into smaller groups to discuss life science software cases and challenges and receive feedback from business developers from VIS’ technology transfer team. This is also a great opportunity to discuss your own project.
Bring a friend and join us for the DOs and DON’Ts of life science software development!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Questions? Additional topics you would like us to discuss?
Feel free to contact Renate Hvidsten Skoge:
MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) is a highly sought-after program that funds doctoral candidates from around the world in European research training networks. The networks, or projects, last four to five years and can fund up to 15 PhD students for up to three years.
The call for 2024 opens on May 29 and has a submission deadline of November 27, 2024.–webinar/