Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

The 18th Broegelmann Lecture

BrøgelmannProfessor Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren will hold the 18th Broegelmann Lecture with the title «Insights on the molecular specificity and biological function of NK cells». The lecture will be held on Friday May 16, 13:00-14:00, in the Main Auditorium (Store Auditorium), Haukeland University Hospital.
For more information

Seminar – Perspectives in Translational Medicine

Wednesday next week there will be a new seminar in the common seminar series for K1 and K2.

Title: “Searching for novel diabetes treatment modalities with stem cell technology and systems biology”
BFS Career Grant Recipient 2013: Helge Ræder
Time and place: Wednesdag May 7, 14.15-15.00, Store Auditorium, Central Building.
Chair: Eystein Husebye

National research education conference

UiStavanger logoUniversity of Stavanger is hosting the annual national conference on research education, June 2-3 2014. The conference is held by UHR’s forum for research education. The title of this year’s conference is “The
PhD education is changing – perspectives and consequences”. Registration deadline is May 2nd. For more information (in Norwegian).

Symposium about clinical studies

logo oslo og akershusThe research group Aging, health and welfare will hold the symposium: “What is the best way to conduct a randomised controlled study on clinical patient based research?” The symposium will address guidelines for the implementing of a randomised controlled study and assessment of quality, and the challenges that follow these guidelines to reach a high quality of clinical patient based research. The symposium will be held Tuesday May 13, 09:30-15:00, in Pilestredet 46, PA 308, Oslo. For more information (in Norwegian).
Registration must be sent to Astrid Bergland.

Seminar “Intravascular imaging – finding and crushing the clot”

Next week there will be a new seminar in the seminar line “Perspectives in Translational Medicine”. Time and place: Wednesday April 2 at 14:15-15:00, Stort auditorium, Sentralblokken. Presentations will be held by Professor Lars Thomassen (Dep. of Neurology/UoB K1) and PhD-candidate Erlend Eriksen (Intervention cardiologist at the Heart dep.).

Information meeting about EU funding for Health Research and Innovation

The Research Council of Norway in collaboration with Oslo Cancer Cluster invites to an information meeting about various EU funding for health research and innovation.
Venue: Møterom Abel, Norges Forskningsråd, Stensberggt 26, Oslo
Time: March 21st, 09:00-11:30
Registration deadline March 20th.
Registration can also be done by mail

Folkeuniversitetet is seeking a course leader

Folkeuniversitetet will hold a course in national subjects for foreign health workers March 24-26 and June 2-5. The course leader had to cancel, so Folkeuniversitetet is now seeking a replacement. The course leader will only lecture for a few hours (4 hours about the organization of the health services). Most of the lectures will be held with sound/image, or by other local lecturers in the field of law. Even so, they need a course leader who can be there all 3+2 days to organize, answer questions and lead discussions.

If you are interested contact Daniel Kvamme

Folke universitetet

IT-Forum 2014 are seeking presenters

IT-Forum 2014 will be held April 7-8 at Solstrand Hotel & Bad at Os. IT-Forum is an annual seminar for those who use and deliver IT-services at UoB, and their local and regional collaborators. This year the theme is “What do IT have to do to get UoB to reach their goals? Information technology can give us better research, dissemination and teaching, but how?”

They need people who can hold a presentation about which IT-needs the research community has. In addition, they need panel members for debates about the same issue. They ask for a quick feedback about potential candidates that they can contact.
Program and information
(in Norwegian).

Network luncheon – Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research

The Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research invites all interested PhD-candidates to a network luncheon on Tuesday March 11 at 11:30 am in conference room 109f next to the auditoriums at the BB-building.  PhD-candidate Bent Aarli will present his project “Tidal-volume flow limitation: A new method for evaluating pulmonary function in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” and PhD-candidate Vivian Lohmann Veum will present her project “A 12 weeks randomized trial of modest restricted very-high-fat diet and an isocaloric low-fat diet.”  After this a free lunch will be served.  Sign up for the network luncheon by sending an e-mail to

Debate – «Rus på resept?»

The Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medicine research is inviting everyone interested to open debate on February 20 at 19-21. The topic of the debate is «Rus på resept?». After the debate, PhD-candidates are invited to a party at Gamle gades, where pizza and beverages will be offered. Here you may socialize and network. Click here for more information about the debate (in Norwegian). Click here to sign up for the party.

Information meeting for PhD candidates and postdocs

A brief information meeting will be arranged for interested PhD candidates and postdocs on February 4th, 1 pm – 2:30 pm. The meeting will be held in seminar room on the 7th floor of the Laboratory Building. At the meeting, the administration will present routines for personnel/HR, financial administration, and PhD. There will also be time allocated for questions. The meeting is open for anyone interested, but is particularly recommended for new employees.