Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

Mobility seminar

International Centre UiB invites researchers and PhD candidates who are going on research mobility in 2018 to seminar.

The mobility seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Information regarding UiB routines
  • Forms to the Norwegian government
  • Financing possibilities
  • Insurance
  • Practicalities

This is a nice opportunity to get to know other outbound researchers and share experiences.
It will be time to ask questions.
22.02.2018, 09:00-11:00

Link to calendar:
Sign up here:

Seminar on announcements of the Research Council of Norway

Haukeland University Hospital, together with UiB and the Research Council of Norway, invite to a seminar on the announcements HELSEVEL, BEHANDLING and BEDREHELSE with deadline 25 April 2018. Part of the program will cover health relevant EU calls, and information about user involvement and how that can strengthen a project.

In addition, representatives from RCN offer one-to-one sessions on specific EU calls. If this is of interest, please send a «Project Outline» (link in the right margin) to one week before the seminar takes place.

Time: 7 February 2018 at. 10:30–15:00.
Venue: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital.

Information and program.

If you have any questions, please contact Amra Grudic-Feta at K2: / 55 97 46 71.

Evening meeting on digitization of health services and the Leader Conference 2018

The Norwegian Hospital and Health Service Association (NSH) invites to an evening meeting on digitizing health services followed by the annual leader conference.

Evening meeting: Digitization of health services | 7 February

  • Innovation in healthcare and health technology, Naeem Zahid, Telenor
  • Digitalization of health services – who controls this? Christine Bergland, Directorate for e-Health
  • What are the authorities’ concerns about new solutions? Bjørn Erik Thon, The Norwegian Data Protection Authority
  • Much new – has this come to be? Is the physician’s role on its way out as we know it today? Is the specialist health service affected? Thorleif Jansen in Kry, Daniel Sørli in Dr. Drop In m.fl.
  • When does the new technology come in hospitals? How should hospital management think about this? Grethe Aasved in Aleris, Marit Lind at the University Hospital Nord-Norge, and others.

Program and registration.  (Link in Norwegian.)

Leader Conference 2018 | 8 and 9 February

The leader conference is a major and important meeting place for healthcare leaders. Every year, hundreds of leaders gather for professional refills, social gathering and networking.

  • The Minister of Health’s report to health service leaders and the award of NSH’s healthcare prices
  • OUS – Norway’s largest hospital: opportunities and challenges, Bjørn Erikstein, Oslo University Hospital
  • Management of hospitals – through change and development, Eivind Hansen, Haukeland University Hospital
  • Quality bureaucracy – does it help? Anne-Lise Kristensen, ’Pasient- og brukerombudet’ in Oslo and Akershus
  • When something goes wrong – what did the eye department at St. Olavs Hospital? Marit Fagerli
  • Mission first, safety always, Geir Arne Mathiesen, Norsk Luftambulanse

Program and registration. (Link in Norwegian.)

Do you want to be an exhibitor? Send an e-mail to


With best regards,
The Norwegian Hospital and Health Service Association

Kine Martinez
const. Secretary General

Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology | June 2018

The Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology aims to provide introductory and advanced courses in medical statistics and epidemiology, and their application to clinical and etiology research and public health.

The course teachers come from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Bocconi University, University of Milano-Bicocca, and other European Universities.

Time: 3–16 June 2018.
Location: Castello Brandolini Colomban, Cison di Valmarino, Treviso, Italy.

Information and registration.

Deadline: registration is now open, and the deadline for early registration is 21 March 2018.

Best regards,
Pia Holmberg
Course Administration, Summer School

SLATE | Center for the Science of Learning and Technology | Guest lecture

SLATE (Center for the Science of Learning and Technology) collaborates with a large and important research environment at the University of Maastricht, working on simulation / training in health / medical sciences. Professor Jeroen van Merrienboer and Anneke van der Niet (postdoctoral fellow) are coming to Bergen in January. In this regard, SLATE invites to a guest lecture:

Affordance perception in a simulated emergency care situation using eye-tracking and video data

Lecturer: Anneke van der Niet
School of Health Professions Education, Maastricht University

Time: 11 January, at 14:15–15:30
Venue: SLATE, Vektergården, Christiesgate 13, 3rd floor

Everyone with an interest in simulation and new technology in education is encouraged to come.

With best regards,
Professor Steinar Hunskår, MD, PhD
Vice Dean for Education
Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway

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Information and match-making: New Health calls in Horizon 2020

The Research Council of Norway invites to a large conference on new possibilities for health- researchers and industry in Horizon2020 on the 16 January 2018. The program is exciting: the conference will be opened by the health- and care minister Bent Høie followed by a representative from the European Commission who will present future possibilities for health research and innovation in the Horizon2020 program. You will receive information on the calls, and there will be a panel debate and nice opportunities for “match-making”.

The Research Council of Norway arranges the conference together with Norway Health Tech and Innovation Norway, placing a focus on collaboration possibilities between researchers and industry. The intention of the day is to provide information, but also to better prepare you for collaboration across sectors.

Time: 16 January 2018, at. 09:00.
Venue: Horisont2020, Drammensveien 288, Oslo.

Deadline for registration: 10 January 2018.

You can also visit the Facebook page of the event.

The Annual Research Presentations 2018

Dear Researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2) and Helse-Bergen.

You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience at the Annual Research Presentations arranged by the Research School in Clinical Medicine in January 2018.

If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2017, you are welcome to present your work at our conference during week 4 of 2018 (dates will be announced soon). You can submit one contribution – either a poster or an oral presentation.

Send abstract (if oral presentations) or abstract and poster (if poster presentation) to Abstract should be possible to open with Microsoft Word and posters should be sent as a pdf file. Mark the file(s) and your mail’s subject with your name and the affiliation you have (K1, K2 or Helse-Bergen). Specify whether you want to have an oral or poster presentation. As in previous years, we would like to have a short Norwegian summary which is easy to understand for a general audience, typically five sentences long.

Deadline for submission: 1 December 2017.

Kind regards,

Andreas, Vojtech and Torbjørn

– The Research School in Clinical Medicine –

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Flow Cytometry | Seminar 2 November | Imaging Mass Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry core facility invites to a seminar about Imaging Mass Cytoemtry. Fluidigm and AH Diagnostics are coming to visit and will tell us about their new imaging module.

Imaging Mass Cytoemtry enables analysis of more than 40 parameters in tissue sections, freeze sections, formalin fix parafine embedded sections and cell smears, using metal labeled antibodies and routine immunohistochemical methods.

Time: Thursday 2 November, at. 13–14.
Venue: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital.

Deadline for registration: 26 October.

Read more here.

Seminar on open access to scientific articles | 26 October

The government’s goal is that by 2024 all Norwegian scientific articles financed by public funds shall be openly available:

  • Scientific articles should be made available. Researchers should publish in open journals where they are professionally sound.
  • All scientific articles must be deposited in the scientific archive, and this will be a prerequisite for the articles to count in the performance-based funding.

In light of this, and in connection with the International Open Access Week, the University Library invites to a seminar on open access to research.

Time: Thursday 26 October at. 10-12.
Location: Dragefjellet School, Faculty of Law, Auditorium 4.

The event is free and open to all, and will be streamed.

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Horizon2020 kick-off event for MED researchers

Horizon2020 is about to embark on the last three years of it’s existence with a bigger budget than ever. On that occasion, the Division of Research Management at UiB and the Research Council of Norway arrange a kick-off meeting where you will have the possibility to:

  • find relevant calls for your research area,
  • get advice on how to succeed with your application,
  • listen to experience from Professor Cecilie Svanes from the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care with being a partner on EU projects, and
  • listen to Professor Emmet McCormack from the Department of Clinical Science talk about his personal experience with evaluating EU proposals.

Time: 31 October at. 13:45–15:15.
Venue: Scandic Ørnen Hotel, Bergen.


Scientific Writing Seminar | 13–14 December

CCBIO have received funding from NFR and SIU for an INTPART program, where students’ education and exchange is promoted through collaboration between CCBIO and the Boston based Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School. Elisabeth Wik is coordinating the program. Several CCBIO-INTPART seminars and courses will take place the coming years, and CCBIO is happy to be inviting you to the first seminar in this series on 13–14 December – a two-day seminar in scientific writing – with valuable input in the program for both students, postdocs and professors.

The seminar is open (requires registration), free of charge, and includes lunch both days.

Time: 13–14 December.
Venue: Birkhaugsalen, Sentralblokken, 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital.



Deadline for registration: 30 November.

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Open seminar: Educational competence building at the Norwegian Arctic University

The unit for education invites to an open seminar

Wednesday November 29, 2017 at. 13:15 – 14:00.
Location: Styrerommet, 4th floor. AHH

Pedagogical competence building at the Arctic University of Norway: The story of how Norway’s northernmost university received the country’s first center for health education by Anita Iversen, associate professor.

Anita Iversen leads the Center for Health Sciences Educational Development (HelPed) at the University of Tromsø. She will tell about the Center’s tasks, structure and working methods to support the academic staff in their educational work. What choices have they made and what are they going to succeed?

The lecture is open to all interested parties.

Registration form (in Norwegian): HERE

New seminar from the Centre for Nutrition | Bergen Nutrition Seminar | Iodine status in Norway

For years, we did not worry about the status of iodine in Norway. The general perception was that most people consumed enough of this important trace element through the diet. Recent studies indicate that this picture does not match reality, and in the spring of 2016, an expert group proposed to implement measures to improve the iodine status of the Norwegian population.

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB therefore invites to the second in the series of Bergen Nutrition Seminar focusing on iodine status in Norway and the research in this area.

Time: Wednesday 18 October at. 10–14.
Venue: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital.


Send your registration to Asta Optun.

Deadline for registration: 10 October.

The seminar is free and includes lunch, but there are limited seats.

NORBIS | Annual national conference | 8–10 November

NORBIS would like to invite everyone with an interest in bioinformatics, biostatistics and/or systems biology to take part in their third national conference, which takes place at Sommarøy Arctic Hotel outside Tromsø 8–10 November.

Join them there for inspiring keynote lectures and student talks, as well as the opportunity to meet current and future collaborators; and of course, for a chance of seeing the northern lights and the stunning arctic nature.

The conference is open for everyone, and will cover travel and accommodation costs for PhD students. Post docs and experienced Master students may also apply for support.

Supervisors and other researchers are encouraged to join the meeting, both to facilitate discussion across several levels of experience, to inspire the students, to increase their supervisor skills, and to increase their own national network.

Information and registration.

Deadline for registration: 1 October.

NorDoc | Helsinki Life Science Day | 9 November 2017

The faculty participates in a Nordic network for research education in medicine and health science, called NorDoc. The purpose of this network is to establish a joint platform and collaborate on activities and courses.

Fellow NorDoc Graduate Students are invited to the first ever Helsinki Life Science Day, organized by graduate students of Doctoral School in Health Sciences at the University of Helsinki.

Time: 9 November 2017.
Venue: Viikki Campus, University of Helsinki.

Information and registration.
Deadline for registration: 27 October 2017.

Due to limited capacity, a maximum of five students from each NorDoc university may participate.

Course: Gender Perspectives for research projects

The Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK) in collaboration with the BOA-team are pleased to invite you to a half-day course on Thursday 28 September, on how to strengthen the integration of gender perspectives in research. The course is targeted for researcher and research administrators.

The meeting will take place in Seminar room D at the Student Centre between 09:00 and 12:00.

Please sign up for the course by completing the sign-up form here.

There is limited capacity, and inscription closes when the course is fully booked. Deadline for registration is Tuesday 26 September.

The course will be held in English.

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The 2nd MIC Multimodal Imaging Course

Molecular Imaging Center (MIC) is happy to announce our second course in Multimodal Imaging of small animals, with the aim of giving the participants knowledge on the principles behind and practical use of the small animal imaging modalities, which includes MR imaging, PET/CT imaging, optical imaging (OI) and ultrasound (US).

The small animal imaging technologies presented in this course are all offered through our facility, as well as qualified personnel/expertise and post processing software. This course will kick start you in the field of multimodal imaging and give you useful background to further utilize these methods.

Time: 7–10 November 2017.
Venue: Department of Biomedicine, Haukeland University hospital.

Price: NOK 4 800.
Includes course material, coffee breaks, and dinner Wednesday evening.

More information.

Deadline for registration: 13 October 2017.
Maximum 8 participants.

Conference on assessment in higher education | 16 and 17 October at UiA

Do you get better students by assessing them during the course than by traditional exams?

Assessment in higher education is the theme of an international conference organized at the University of Agder in Kristiansand 16 and 17 October.

The conference is free, including food, and the conference hotel is Scandic Bystranda.

Centre for Nutrition | Seminar series | Wednesday 27 September

Centre for Nutrition has the pleasure of inviting you to a new seminar in our series of seminars with lectures on nutrition by researchers from home and abroad. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday 27 September at. 14:30–15:30.
Place: Birkhaugsalen, Sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital.


”The decade of nutrition and global focus areas”
Ingunn Engebretsen, Centre for International Health

Moderator: Gülen Arslan Lied

There will be light refreshments. Welcome!

Biomedical Network invites to a meeting on the utilization of health data

Norway has good health records, but do we manage to exploit the potential that this represents?

The meeting will focus on challenges and opportunities around health data and seek solutions that can give researchers, medical companies and patients greater benefit from health data as a common resource. The meeting will be interesting for doctors in general practice, clinicians and pre-clinical, industrial players with more.

It aims to elucidate important questions about access and use of data, and the usefulness of the material gathered in public registers and biobanks. Therefore, important owners and managers of health data will attend the meeting.

Helse Bergen, the University of Bergen, LMI and Bergen Teknologioverføring (BTO) arrange the meeting, and they want to help launch several valuable studies using unique health register data.

Time: 24 October 2017 at. 15:30–19:30
Location: Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital.

Deadline for registration: 16 October.
There are limited places.

Program. (Link in Norwegian.)

The Norwegian Cancer Symposium 2017 on Precision Medicine

Professor Eivind Hovig at Oslo University Hospital and the University of Oslo invites to The 6th Norwegian Cancer Symposium on Precision Medicine.

The meeting gathers leading national and international speakers in the
field of precision medicine, and the topics include the following:

  • Computational cancer genomics
  • Tumor immunology and the microenvironment
  • Single cell analysis for disease trajectories and liquid biopsies
  • Monitoring cancer genetics in body fluids
  • Translational and clinical genomics

Time: 4–6 December.
Venue: Scandic Holmenkollen Park, Oslo.

Program and registration.

Seminar about research stay abroad | 5 October

International Center at UoB invites scientific personnel, PhD candidates and researchers who are planning a research stay abroad to a seminar. The seminar will be held by advisor at the HR department.

Topics for the seminar:

  • Financial support
  • NAV/Norwegian health Scheme
  • HELFO – confirmation rights abroad.
  • Tax/tax reduction. How to avoid double taxation and report to UoB.
  • Insurance – do you need it?
  • How can UiB help you?

Time: 5 October 2017 at. 12–14.
Venue: International room, 3. floor, Student Center (same floor as the cantina).
Lunch will be served.


Inquiries can be directed to Jill A. Opsahl at the HR department / International Center.

Methodologies for Digital Life – Focus on Metabolic Systems

Centre for Digital Life Norway invites to a network meeting about “Methodologies for Digital Life – Focus on Metabolic Systems”.

Time: 6 October 2017.
Venue: Hotel Terminus, Bergen.
The meeting is open and free to attend.

The meeting has already a list of speakers, but is open for additional contributions, both oral and posters.

Registration and abstract submission.

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What can Bergen learn from Canadian medical education?

The Unit for Learning invites all teachers at the Faculty of Medicine to the lecture “Control, Creativity and Scholarship – What Can Bergen Learn From the Success of Canadian Medical Education?“

In the lecture, Professor J. Donald Boudreau, Head of the Center for Medical Education at McGill University, and Professor Edvin Schei at IGS will reflect on differences and similarities between the Norwegian and Canadian medicine education, and what Bergen can learn from Canada. McGill has one of the world’s most prestigious medical education, and Canada is a world leader in research and professional development in medical education. In this lecture, as a teacher, you can learn more about what is the recipe for this success.

Time: 4 September 2017, at. 08:30–10:00.
Location: Seminar room D302, Central block, HUS.

Information and registration.

All educators who have the opportunity, are encouraged to sign up!

The 33rd Ernst Klenk Symposium 2017 in Cologne

The 33rd Ernst Klenk Symposium 2017 on “Tissue regeneration, wound healing and fibrosis: Translating basic concepts into regenerative therapy” will take place 15–17 October 2017 in the Lecture Hall of the Medical Faculty, University of Cologne (Germany) organized by the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne.

Poster abstract submission.

Deadline: 30 August 2017.

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Day seminar: Research guidance for PhD supervisors

The Faculty of Medicine invites all supervisors to our PhD candidates for a seminar on research guidance.

Time: Tuesday 3 October at. 09: 00-15: 45.
Venue: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2.

Deadline for registration: 3 September.
NB! Limited number of seats.

The seminar is free, but registration is binding. Any prohibition must be notified immediately, and no later than 3 September, allowing others on the waiting list to participate. Enrolled who do not report within the deadline or who do not meet up will be billed for the hotel’s day package.

Target group: All main and co-supervisors for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine. Postdoctoral and external supervisors are also welcome.

The seminar is intended to provide professional information on important topics within supervision, as well as facilitate competence development and exchange of experience for supervisors. The seminar is held in Norwegian.

Poster. (Link in Norwegian.)
Program. (Link in Norwegian.)