Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium at September 27th

We are happy to announce the program of the forthcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium at September 27th, where a highlight will be the inspirational lecture by Bruce Baguley, a visiting professor from the University of Auckland. Professor Baguley is a distinguished researcher and a motivating lecturer. His research interests include anticancer drug development with emphasis on multidisciplinary and translation approaches. You should definitely not miss this opportunity.

In addition, we will hear from CCBIO PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers, who will present ongoing projects in the CCBIO sphere. Topics to be discussed will cover the use of automated clustering to explore CyTOF data , reprogramming of gene regulation in prostate cells, how miRNA can be utilized as prognostic markers in colorectal cancer, as well as a discussion on policy visions of personalised medicine.

This is an excellent forum for discussing research, learning about how different and similar many ongoing projects are to your own, and to network with fellow PhD students, postdocs and other colleagues in our research community. Lunch is included.

Time: Thursday September 27th 2018, at 10.00-13.30.
Where: Conference room BBB (3^rd floor, across the hall from the auditoria)
Registration: deadline is September 25th. Registration here.

All info is available here.

Åsgard 2019

The Research Council of Norway and the department of Scientific and academic cooperation of the Institut français de Norvège (French Embassy in Oslo) announce the launch of the Åsgard programme 2019.

This programme is composed of two different calls:

  • Åsgard-Research is designed for researchers willing to develop collaborations between France and Norway. It funds a one-week stay in France, allowing the researcher to meet counterparts in universities and research institutions.
  • Åsgard-Innovation is designed for professionals working in technology transfer structures, clusters etc. and aims at exchanging good practices as well as creating new collaborations. It also funds a one-week stay in France.

The programme of visits will be established with the help of the Institut français who will suggest relevant contacts.

Applications are open from September 15th to December 15th. The stay has to take place in 2019. For information and application, please visit their website.

(Norwegian) Veilederseminar i Stavanger for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet

Veilederen er en nøkkelperson for ph.d.-utdanningen. Det medisinske fakultet har i flere år hatt samlinger for sine ph.d.-veiledere og høsten 2018 tilbyr vi en halv dag med faglig påfyll og inspirasjon også i Stavanger.

For mer info og program se her.

Tid: 21.november 2018 – 12.00-16.00
Sted: Auditoriet i Vestbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Påmeldingsfrist: 13.november 2018

Migration Conference: Health in All We Do

15-16 November 2018, Bergen University Aula

Welcome to the UiB conference on migration health! The conference is organized by the University of Bergen in collaboration with Norwegian Centre for Migration and Minority Health (NAKMI), the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Registration deadline: 15 October, 2018

The conference will be a meeting place where researchers, representatives from health services, volunteer actors and users enter into dialogue and actively listen to each other’s messages and experiences. Large gaps between research results, practice and patient needs can lead to unequal health care and poor health outcomes for some immigrant groups.

Research on “migration and health” has increased in scope in recent years, but there is little collaboration between academic disciplines, but also between health institutions nationally. Our vision is to provide politicians and the society with relevant, useful and up-to-date information that can help improve health care for all, including immigrants.

Programme here.

CCBIO seminar: What is Scientific Excellence?

Welcome to a CCBIO Special Seminar September 19th with the title “What is Scientific Excellence”.

CCBIO is a Norwegian Centre of Excellence. But what do we understand by excellence? One commonsensical notion is close to circular: “Excellent research is research that can be published in excellent journals”. In this special seminar, we wish to go deeper into the issue of quality and excellence in science. Participants in the debate include Bruce Zetter (Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital) and Merle Jacob (Lund University) as well as Lars A. Akslen and Roger Strand from the CCBIO.

The seminar is organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, in the CCBIO Seminar series as a CCBIO Special Seminar.

When: 19. September 2018, 13:00-16:00 (+ time for pizza-get-together afterwards)

Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building, at Haukeland University Hospital campus.

13.00 Lars Akslen/Roger Strand: Welcome
13.05 Bruce Zetter: Thoughts on Excellence
13.30 Merle Jacob: Thoughts on Excellence
13.55 Lars Akslen: Thoughts on Excellence
14.05-14.30 Intermission with refreshments
14.30 Roger Strand: Introduction to debate
14.40-15.50: Panel debate with questions and comments from the audience
15.50-16.00: Lars Akslen: Concluding words

Open for all: researchers, educators, postdocs, students, technicians and other staff, all over the UiB. No registration.

We know that all great minds also need food, so after the lectures and debate, we invite to a pizza-get-together in the lobby outside of the auditorium where we can continue the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Open research seminar on Cancer-Related Vascular Biology

Open research seminar with speakers Michael Rogers and Bruce Zetter from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Michael Rogers’ talk: “Validation of Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 (Antxr2/CMG2) as a Target for Small Molecule Antiangiogenic Therapy.” Bruce Zetter’s talk: “Drug discovery for treating metastatic cancers.”

Welcome to an open research seminar, hosted by CCBIO as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, in the CCBIO Seminar series as a CCBIO Special Seminar.

The seminar is part of a 3 week course in Cancer-Related Vascular Biology, but as an open research seminar for those who would like to attend the lectures by our Harvard colleagues, but do not wish to follow the entire course. It is open for all, no registration, and no charge.

First speaker is Assistant Professor Michael Rogers from the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Title: “Validation of Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 (Antxr2/CMG2) as a Target for Small Molecule Antiangiogenic Therapy.”

Second speaker is Professor Bruce Zetter, Boston Children’s Hospital, and Charles Nowiszewski Professor of Cancer Biology, Surgery, Harvard Medical School.

Title: “Drug discovery for treating metastatic cancers.”

When: Thursday September 20th 09:00-12:00:

09:00-10:00 Michael Rogers

10:00-11:00 Coffee and discussion

11:00-12:00 Bruce Zetter

Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building, at Haukeland University Hospital campus.

You are all welcome!

Opening seminar Hordaland Health Study 3rd wave – HUSK3

Place: Bikuben conference center, Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital.
Time: Monday 24.09.18 11:30-15:30

We have now started the 3rd wave of Helseundersøkelsen i Hordaland
(HUSK). Please see https://husk.w.uib.nofor details. We are reexamining
3000 persons, who have participated in the two previous waves of HUSK in
the 1990s, when the participants were in their forties.

The focus for HUSK3 is how lifestyle and change in risk factors when you
are in your forties, determineyour cardiovascular health 20 years
later. HUSK3 has also a particular focus on high blood pressure and
cardiac health in women.

The project is an unique research collaboration between the University
of Bergen and Helse-Bergen, and is the first large scale project
performed in Research Unit for Health Surveys (FHU). Other
representatives in the project are the Norwegian Women’s Public Health

The opening seminar will be held in Auditoriet in Bikuben congress
center, Haukeland University Hospital. The international lecturers have
been involved in developing the new European guidelines for prevention
of cardiovascular disease as well as the guidelines for treatment of
arterial hypertension. These are also international members in the
project’s board.

Are you in need of an update on how to best prevent cardiovascular
disease? In that case, this seminar is perfect for you.

Sign up her

Program can be found here.

Mobility seminar

International Centre UiB invites researchers, post doctors and PhD candidates who are going on research mobility in 2019 to seminar.

The mobility seminar will cover the following topics:

  • Financial support
  • Membership in NIS
  • Tax
  • Insurance
  • Practicalities

This is a nice opportunity to get to know other outbound researchers and share experiences.

The seminar will be held in English.

Link to seminar here.

ISSOTL2018: Towards a learning culture

In October 2018, UiB is hosting the annual conference for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL). Instead of offering our annual UiB Learning Conference, UiB wishes to invite our staff to participate in a pre-conference workshop at ISSOTL – free of charge!

The focus of the conference is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): the process of undertaking systematic inquiry into our own teaching and our students’ learning in higher education. The six pre-conference workshops, led by experienced scholars, take place October 24th, and include:


  • Get started with SOTL, Andrea Webb and Melanie Hamilton
  • The SoTL Commons: Cultivating a SoTL Culture on Your Campus and Beyond, Brian Smentkowski, Laura Cruz and Balbir Gurm
  • Using self-determination theory (SDT) to inform professional development, understand why active learning works, and foster the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Chantal Levesque-Bristol, Lucas Jeno and Vigdis Vandvik


  • Innovative methodological approaches to SOTL, Stephen Bloch-Schulman, Peter Felten, Johan Geertsema, Yahlnaaw/Aaron Grant and Heather Smith
  • Writing for Publication in SOTL, Mick Healey and Kelly Matthews
  • International perspectives on engaging students in SoTL, Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, Chris Ostrowski, Paul Taylor and Sophia Abbot

Read more about the workshops and the conference here

Register for one free workshop here.
Note: Registration is binding; your department or unit will be billed for no-shows.

Intrigued? Excited? Consider attending the whole conference – it is a rare opportunity in Bergen!

Early Bird registration ends on September 1, 2018. 

Come and experience:

  • 4 plenary talks by Terje Mørland, Elizabeth Minnich, Renuka Vithal, and Torgny Roxå
  • Over 200 papers presenting new research and visions for teaching and learning
  • 28 workshops demonstrating how to implement SoTL concepts and strategies
  • 14 panels offering multiple perspectives on SoTL issues
  • 100 posters displaying research findings and offering opportunities for interaction

Preliminary program here

Follow us on twitter: @issotl18



New CCBIO course “Cancer-related vascular biology”

The registration link is now ready for the brand new CCBIO course: “CANCER-RELATED VASCULAR BIOLOGY”.

Thorough understanding of general and cancer-related vascular biology is regarded important to understand processes like cancer growth, sustainability and progression, and is suggested to be a relevant target for therapy in various diseases. Through this new three-week course set up as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership between the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children’s Hospital and CCBIO, the participants will meet and discuss with international experts who have been in the frontline of vascular biology research for decades.

Some of the topics that will be covered: Basics of vascular biology; vascular biology related therapeutic approaches; biomarkers in vascular biology – from discovery to clinical application; lymphangiogenesis and vascular biology in non-cancerous diseases. Complete program will soon be announced on this web page, where you also can find more information.

The course is open for all interested, such as Master students, undergraduate students of the Medical Research Program, PhD students, postdocs, researchers and technicians.

(The course is currently awaiting approval as a 10 ECTS course). Priority will be given to undergraduate students in case of fully booked only. No course fee.

The course runs three separate weeks this fall, with a mix of lectures, discussions and assignments:

Course week 1: September 17-21
Course week 2: October 1-5
Course week 3: November 12-16

Research seminars by the Harvard faculty which are part of the course, will also be open to audience not following the complete course. Separate information will be issued of these when date/time and abstracts are available.

If you have any questions, please contact the Bergen course coordinator


Falch Lecture 2018

Welcome to the Falch Lecture 2018 by Philippe Van de Perre.

Professor Philippe Van de Perre from the University Montpellier, France is professor of medicine and virology and head of Department of bacteriology-virology and vice-president of the directorate of the University Teaching Hospital in Montpellier. He is also the director of the INSERM research unit “Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic Infection”.

Philippe Van de Perre is involved in HIV research since 1982. As long-term resident in Rwanda – where he conducted the first cohort study demonstrating the transmission of HIV by breastfeeding (NEJM 1991) – and in Burkina Faso, he has focused mostly on translational research on mechanisms of transmission of HIV and associated infections. He has served in multiple expert consultations for WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS and EU/EDCTP, mainly on breastfeeding and HIV prevention. He has authored over 450 scientific articles and chapters, with more than 14,000 citations and an H index of 65.

Over the last 15 years, he has had a close collaboration with the Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen on the prevention of transmission of HIV-1 by breastfeeding.

The title of the lecture is: “Mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1” and it’s part of the Faculty Day 2018. Read more about ithere:

The lecture will be followed by a light lunch.

Somatic and germ-line aspects of cancer-related deep sequencing

Are you interested in mathematical or computational modeling of biological systems, using digital tools to analyze biological data, or in making your research more transdisciplinary?

We are happy to announce that prof. Eivind Hovig (University of Oslo & Oslo University Hospital) will give a talk this time. He will talk about their experiences from the sequencing work in the Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium, collaboration with deCODE on analysing the genetic landscape of Norwegians and about the variant frequency data base.

Time: May 30
Place: Lab-building at the Haukeland University Hospital, 6th floor, meeting room at Medical Genetics & Molecular Medicine.

“Digital Frukost” is an open breakfast seminar series focusing on research activities at the interface between the biological sciences and that of mathematics, computer science, physics or engineering. Examples of such research activities could be mathematical or computational modeling of biological systems, application of engineering/control systems theory on biological systems or inspired by biological systems, application of mathematics/statistics/machine learning to analyze big data in health or marine sector; from sensor systems, imaging or omics technologies etc. The seminars are arranged by the Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN:

We hope to see many of you there!

As food will be served, please register your attendence using this link.

Nutrition seminar series

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition presented by researchers from home and abroad. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday May 30th  at 14:30-15:30
Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei

“The protein source determines the potential of high protein diets to attenuate and reverse obesity development in mice.”

Lise Madsen, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway, and Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Moderator: Jutta Dierkes

There will be light refreshments.

Staff mobility week i Bergen 4-8 juni: Støtte til utreisende forskermobilitet (norwegian only)

Internasjonalt senter inviterer til seminar i forbindelse med Staff Mobility Week.
Tema omhandler administrativ støtte til utreisende forskere.
Program  for uken:

Målgruppen er HR medarbeidere, forskningskoordinater, eller andre som møter og bistår utreisende forskere. Det er mulighet å være med på deler av programmet eller hele uken. Deltagelse er gratis.

Sted: Sydneshaugen
Tid: 4-8 juni

Seminaret vil bli på engelsk.

Les mer om SMW 2018 her:

Dersom du er interessert i å delta på dette, send påmelding til Jill A. Opsahl.

Day of Immunology – Friday 27th

The Bergen Branch of the Norwegian Society of Immunology (NSI) will as always celebrate this year’s Day of Immunology, a world-wide project aiming to present different aspects of immunology to the general public ( This year’s theme is “Tuberculosis”, and we will celebrate with a popular scientific seminar with invited speakers at Birkhaugsalen (3rd floor of “Sentralblokken”) at Haukeland University Hospital, Friday the 27th of April, from 1030 to 1300. The program is enclosed. The seminar is open to everyone. Welcome!

Full program for the day can be found here (norwegian only).

Finansieringsseminar for forskningsopphold i Nord-Amerika (norwegian only)

Internasjonalt senter arrangerer finansieringsseminar for  vitenskapelig personell og masterstudenter som planlegger forskningsopphold eller utveksling til Nord-Amerika.

Fulbright, NFR, Noram og UiB informerer om muligheter for finansiering til Nord-Amerika.
Se lenken for informasjon om arrangementet.


Invited talk by Prof. C. Ronald Kahn, Harvard Medical School.

One of the world’s—if not the world’s—leader in insulin signaling.

Date: Wednesday April 18th
Time: 09:00
Place: Auditorium @ Armauer Hansens hus, Haukeland University Hospital

A recent study from Prof. Kahn has identified viruses that can produce insulin-like hormones that are active on human cells. This novel discovery brings new possibilities for revealing biological mechanisms that may cause diabetes, as well as autoimmune disease, metabolic conditions or cancer.

Viruses known to infect fish and amphibians, could possibly expose humans to viral insulins. Prof. Kahn and his colleagues at Joslin have found that various viruses can produce peptides that are similar in whole or in part to 16 human hormones and regulatory proteins. Four viruses interestingly have insulin-like sequences, and show ability to bind to and stimulate human insulin receptors and receptors for a closely related hormone called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1). The viral peptides could this way potentially stimulate all signaling pathways inside the cells that are stimulated by human insulin and IGF-1, including glucose uptake and cellular Growth.

Large international conferences on teaching and learning in Bergen October 24th to 27th 2018 – call for abstracts!

This is the annual conference of “The International Society for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning” ISSOTL, and it collects approximately 500 teachers and researchers from around the world. “Scholarship in Teaching and Learning” is about having a scientific approach to ‘what works’ in teaching and learning, and the theme of this year’s conference is Toward a learning culture. It is thus the collegial and cultural aspects of learning and education that will be in the center. This is something that will interest many at UiB and in Norway just now, in the era of Kvalitetsmeldingen!

Here are great opportunities for UiB employees to participate – be inspired, share experiences, meet other teachers or researchers, promote all the wonderful stuff we do in Bergen to the world … you name it! You can contribute with a presentation or poster, and participate in the panel, workshop, or just be a participant. Deadline for submitting abstracts is 8 April.

Read Call for proposals here

More information about ISSOTL18 here

Good news: UiB and some of the faculties * are helping with the conference fee! And it will be student grants!

Workshop on EC’s expert database | 13 March

Workshop on “Registration for the EC’s expert database and how to increase your chances to be selected”.

On Tuesday 13 March (at. 9:00–11:00), Kristof Vlaeminck, head of the UiBs Brussels Office, will give a workshop on how to register for the expert database of the European Commission in order to be a potential evaluator of Horizon2020 projects. After an introduction by the pro-dean of research, Marit Bakke, and a short overview of the different aspects of the registration, the participants will start creating their profile while Kristof assists them. The aim of the workshop is that all participants have finished registering and can be selected by the European Commission. Don’t forget to bring your own laptop if you participate to the workshop.

The workshop will take place in the faculty boardroom, 4th floor, Armauer Hansens Hus. To register for the workshop, please send an email to:

Continue reading

Nordic PhD Summit | Registration open

Dear all,

Registration for the 2nd Nordic PhD Summit, taking place in Helsinki 23 and 24 August, is now open. The Nordic PhD Summit aims at bringing students and researchers in Nordic universities under one roof.

Join us and see what your neighbours are working on, and show us what you got! The best student talk and poster presentation will receive valuable prizes!

The deadline for registration is 30 June 2018 at 23:59 EET. A non-refundable registration fee of EUR 75 will be collected from all participants. You can find detailed instructions in the registration form.

Students who wish to give an oral or poster presentation should submit their abstracts through the registration form. The first 50 participants can get their posters printed free of charge.

You can find more information on our website.

Feel free to contact us through if you have further questions!

Looking forward to seeing you in Helsinki!

Best regards,
The organizing committee

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium | 8 March

Dear all,

PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, medical research students, and other researchers and staff are all invited to the next CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium 8 March.

For your interest, this forum is an excellent opportunity to enjoy networking with fellow PhD students, postdocs and other colleagues at our research community. This time, the inspirational lecture will be presented by CCBO PI Professor Anne Christine Johannessen. She is the former Vice-Rector for International Affairs at our university (2013–2017), and we look forward to hearing about her experiences from local and global academic life. In addition, other topics at this symposium includes molecular function of N-terminal acetylation, how to establish an ex-vivo facility, fat-distribution in endometrial cancer, and recent advances in targeting tyrosine kinase receptors in cancer. Hope to see you all there!

Please register your attendance and lunch preferences here within 6 March at the latest. The symposium, including lunch, is free of charge. You can also find all information here, including scientific program.

We welcome you all!

On behalf of the CCBIO Research School and the organizers Erling Høivik and Liv Cecilie V. Thomsen,

With kind regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
University of Bergen

New seminar from the Centre for Nutrition | 27 February

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition presented by researchers from home and abroad. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Tuesday 27 February at. 12: 0-13: 00.
Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei.

“Gestational hypercholesterolemia and offspring cholesterol and modulation of cholesterol levels by dietary changes.”
Professor Kirsten B. Holven, head of Division for clinical nutrition, Department of Nutrition, University of Oslo; and head of research, National Advisory Unit on Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Oslo University Hospital.

Moderator: Oddrun Anita Gudbrandsen.

There will be light refreshments. Welcome!

The Postgraduate School of Medical Research’s Network Luncheon | 27 February

Dear all,

The Postgradute School of Clinical Medicine is preparing a new Network Luncheon for all PhD fellows and researchers at K1 and K2 departments.

Now is the time to sign up as a presenter, if you would like to present your latest results, engage in discussion with other PhD students and practice your presentation skills.

The upcoming Network Luncheon will take place Tuesday 27 February, in the Konferanserom of BBB (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4), from 11:30 to 13:00.

Register your participation here

Take a break from your daily lab-routine and enjoy a free lunch, socialize and hear talks from fellow PhD students, and on top of all that, earn one ECTS point!

If you would like to earn one ECTS by signing up for “Seminar in clinical and translational medicine” (FSKLI901), please contact Irene Lavik Hjelmaas.

 Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have!

Looking forward,

Irene and Yasaman

19th Nordic workshop in knowledge-based practice | 4-7 June

To all at the university who teach in medicine, nursing and other health-related subjects.

Do you want to train to integrate current research into your teaching?

From 4 to 7 June 2018, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health arranges the 19th Nordic workshop in knowledge-based practice in Oslo.

It has long been a goal for educational institutions to strengthen the essence of current research in the teaching. We want the students to learn:

  • to base practice on research-based knowledge (integrated with clinical experience and patient /user preferences)
  • to individualize clinical decisions
  • to renew their knowledge

Integrating current research into teaching may seem time consuming, and we need thinking, motivation and tools to get it done.

We form a small group of teachers from the university and college sector if there are sufficient numbers. They will work together for four days with guidance from experienced colleagues from home and abroad.

Note that there is a reduced price for individual enrollment before 1 March and possibility for group discounts (at least three participants from the same workplace) by enrollment before 1 April.

More information, including registration, is available on the Norwegian Institute of Public Health’s website. (Link in Norwegian.)

For questions and more information contact: Anne Brit Simonsen or Hilde Strømme.

Conference on migration

The UiB initiative Global Challenges organizes a conference on “Migration” for employees at the University on 9 March. The purpose of the conference is to gather researchers at UiB, which in some way are interested in the causes and effects of migration, and further look at new interdisciplinary cooperation projects. Migration and health cover many subjects, and everyone at the Faculty of Medicine, who is interested in various aspects of this, is encouraged to sign up for the conference.
