Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

Seminar series The Centre for Nutrition, Wednesday March 20th

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday March 20th at 13.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei

Dietary assessment: Challenges and future directions & Biomarkers for dietary intake
Speakers: Dr. Sharon Kirkpatrick and professor Jutta Dierkes

Dietary assessment: Challenges and future directions
In nutritional research, we depend on self-reported dietary data to be able to study associations between diet and health. These data have many limitations, and it is challenging to gather precise dietary data. Several investigators even clams that self-reported data is so unreliable that it cannot be used in research. But is it really the case?

Dr. Sharon Kirkpatrick leads a public health nutrition research program based at the School of Public Health and Health Systems at the University of Waterloo in Canada. Her research primarily focuses on understanding dietary patterns in populations and influences on these patterns, using a systems thinking lens to consider the array of factors at play. Dr. Kirkpatrick also has longstanding interests in food access among marginalized populations. She was named a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics in 2017 and 2018, and has received merit awards from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Waterloo.

Biomarkers for dietary intake
Biomarkers for dietary intake could be a tool for limiting misclassification in nutrition research where self-reported dietary intake data are used, thus biomarkers are extensively used in research today. But are they reliable?

Jutta Dierkes is professor in Clinical Nutrition at the Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Bergen. She is the chairman of the board of the Mohn Nutrition Research Lab, and also the chariman of the program committee for nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine.

Moderator: Hanne Rosendahl-Riise

There will be light refreshments.



BRuSH kick-off seminar Analyses of the human microbiome; challenges and opportunities

Date and time: 15th of March 2019 09:30-14:00.

The seminar is open for everyone; no registration or registration fee.

Venue: Auditorium BUS1 (room 1106), Barne- og ungdomsjukehuset, Haukeland University Hospital, Haukelandsbakken 15, 5009 Bergen

Chair: Randi J Bertelsen, UiB

09:30 ANCOM and other biostatistical methods for analyzing microbiome data (35+5)
Professor Shyamal Peddada (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA)
10:10 From operational taxonomic units to amplicon sequence variants: experiences with new methods for clustering 16S rRNA amplicon sequences (35+5) Assistant professor Ian Marshall (Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK)
10:50 Reduced metagenome sequencing for strain resolution analyses of the human gut microbiota (20+5) Professor Knut Rudi (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, NO)
11:15 Functional analysis and Ig-sequencing to identify disease-associated bacteria (35+5) Professor Susanne Brix (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, DK)
12:00 – 12:45 Break 12:45 Challenges with analyzing low-biomass airway microbiota samples (20+5) Associate professor Rune Nielsen (UiB/HUS, Bergen, NO)
13:10 Infants under double attack; interaction between toxicants and the gut microbiome (20+5) Senior researcher (PhD, MD) Merete Eggesbø (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, NO)
13:35 And Last but not Least – the Yeast (20+5) PhD-fellow (MD) Kasper Schei (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NO)






This seminar is part of a project (Acronym: BRuSH) that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804199 BRuSH, awarded Randi J Bertelsen (Department of clinical science, University of Bergen, Norway).

(Norwegian) Seminarserie Senter for ernæring, onsdag 27. februar

Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til et nytt seminar i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Tid: Onsdag 27. februar kl. 14.30-15.30

Sted: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei

Nutrition Care Process (NCP). Bruk i klinikk og forskning

Nutrition Care Process (NCP) er en arbeidsprosess og terminologi for klinisk ernæring. Metoden ble etablert i 2003 som et resultat av flere tiårs arbeid som startet i USA på 70-tallet. Dagens versjon har 1649 termer som er organisert i områdene kartlegging, ernæringsdiagnoser og ernæringsintervensjon. NCP er en systematisk prosess som beskriver hvordan kliniske ernæringsfysiologer utfører ernæringsbehandling og er utformet for å gi struktur og kvalitet av denne. NCP fremmer kritisk tenkning og er et verktøy for å måle resultat av ernæringsbehandling. Terminologien er like anvendelig i forskning som i klinisk arbeid.

Lene Thoresen er klinisk ernæringsfysiolog ved Kreftklinikken på St. Olavs hospital og har en bistilling på Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for sykdomsrelatert underernæring, OUS. Hun leder Arbeidsgruppen for profesjonell praksis – terminologi og metode i Kliniske ernæringsfysiologers forening (KEFF), deltar i The International Nutrition Care Process and Terminology Implementation Survey (INIS) og er representert i «Faglig referansegruppe for helsefaglige kodeverk. Indremedisin og ikke-kirurgiske fagområder», Direktoratet for eHelse. Siden 2018 har hun ledet Programgruppen for klinisk ernæringsfysiologutdanningen i Kunnskapsdepartementet.

Moderator: Randi Tangvik

Det blir lett servering.



(Norwegian) Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet?

Vernetjenesten ved UiB inviterer ansatte og ledere til frokostseminar 21. februar.

Fleksibel – digital – endringsrettet
Hvordan tar vi vare på arbeidsmiljøet i et mer effektivt, fleksibelt og digitalt arbeidsliv? Et godt arbeidsmiljø kjennetegnes av god ledelse, medvirkning fra ansatte og tydelige organisatoriske rammer. Kompetanse, mestring og anerkjennelse gir både trygghet og trivsel.

Vernetjenesten ved UiB ønsker å skape en arena ved UiB der vi kan ta opp betydningen av arbeidsmiljø. Vi vil invitere til frokostseminarer for å snakke om arbeidsliv og arbeidsmiljø under endring og omstilling. Målgruppen er alle ansatte og ledere. Samlingene vil bli holdt ulike steder på campus.

Det tredje frokostseminaret arrangeres torsdag 21. februar kl. 08.30-10.00 i Allegaten 66, Auditorium A. Dørene åpner kl. 08.00 med enkel servering fra kl. 08.15.

08.30 Velkommen, v/ Michael Riisøen og Ingve Bergheim
08.40 UiB sin IT-strategi og arbeidsmiljø tanker v/Tore Burheim, IT direktør
09.00 Selvbetjeningsuniversitetet en utfordring eller en mulighet tanker v/Christen Solheim, avdelingsdirektør SA/FA
09.25 Å mestre en digital fremtid –  utfordringer for den enkelte og arbeidsmiljøet v/June-Vibecke K Indrevik, universitetets hovedverneombud
09.35 Dialog og diskusjon, innspill til senere frokostseminar

Møteledere: Michael Riisøen, vara universtetshovedverneombud UiB og seniorrådgiver Ingve Bergheim, HR-avdelingen

Påmelding innen tirsdag 19. februar

CCBIO Seminars February 21st at Aud. 4 BBB in the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership, and other open Harvard lectures February 18 and 19

We are happy to invite to no less than two CCBIO Seminars Thursday February 21st, organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership. This gives us a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of our Harvard colleagues. The seminars are open for all, including waffles and coffeebefore the first seminar, and informal pizza get togetherfollowing the afternoon seminar.

This time we are visited by Magali Saint-Geniezfrom Harvard Medical School and Schepens Eye Research Institute of Massachusetts, and Diane Bielenbergfrom the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School.

11.00-12.00  Magali Saint-Geniez: “Shining Light on the Metabolic Control of Retinal Diseases”. See abstract and bio in this link.

14.30-15.30  Diane Bielenberg: “Targeting Neuropilin Pathways to Inhibit Metastasis”. See abstract and bio in this link.

Where: Both will be in auditorium 4, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91, Bergen

No registration is required.

Sit in on other lectures:
Professors Saint-Geniez and Bielenberg are here in connection with the course in Cancer-Related Vascular Biology February 18-22, and for those who are interested, it is possible to sit in on other of their lectures the 18thand 19thwithout being enrolled to the course. You can see their lectures in this link. If you wish to sit in, please contact coordinator seats).

Of general interest, we can particularly recommend the lecture at 14.00-15.00 Tuesday Feb. 19th, titled: “The “Science” of Branding; the value of a core message“. This aims to provide valuable and readily implementable tools to increase individual (students, researchers, PIs) marketability through personal branding, and highlight unique and special features that would particularly appeal to a potential recruiter or collaborator. Regarding the other lectures, professor Saint-Geniez’ lectures will be of particular interest to our ophthalmology environment, and Professor Bielenberg’s lectures will be of interest to all cancer researchers.

CCBIO Jr Scientist Symposium February 14th

Dear all,

We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Jr Scientist Symposium, February 14th. Professor Inge Jonassen will give an inspirational lecture where he will present his educational path from a young aspiring student to professor and the senior position he now holds. Further, we will hear about professor Jonassen’s ongoing research and the new center for data science CEDAS at the University of Bergen. As increasingly more research involves bioinformatics and handling of big data, this lecture should be relevant for most PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

In addition, local PhD students and Post-docs will present their research on topics including ethics in medicine (Tranvåg), mechanisms of AXL signaling (D’mello Peters, Hellesøy) and the importance of stromal cells in cancer (Dongre, Kjølle).

Time: Thursday February 14th 2019 at 10.00-14.00.

Where: Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria)

Registration link within Feb. 12th

Here for more information and program.

Kind regards,
Kenneth Finne and Liv Cecilie Thomsen

LUNCH AND LEARNING: Crash course in Tableau

20 minutes crash course in Tableau, the reporting tool for project leaders, 19th Febrauary. 

Do you want better control of your project funds and easy access to your own project accounts? Then Tableau is the tool for you!

Tableau is an online reporting tool which provides easy access and overview of the economy in your externally financed projects.

Do you want to know more? Sign up for a short crash course on 19th February, 1130-1200, in auditorium 4 in the BB-building.

Lunch will be served to all registered participants.
Welcome to lunch and learning!

Sign up here:


Mini symposium in Immunology

The Husebye group invites you all to a small mini symposium in Immunology.

When?  7. February at 14-16
Where? Meeting-room 9.1/9.2 in the Lab building, Haukeland

We present:

  • Michail Lionakis, M.D., Sc.D. , Chief, Fungal Pathogenesis Section, NIH, USA:
    Of Mice and Humans: Fundamental Mechanisms of Tissue-specific Antifungal Immunity
  • Professor Trine Mogensen, M.D., PhD, Dep. of Clinical Medicine/Dep. of Infectious Diseases, Aarhus University, Denmark
    Primary immunodeficiencies in innate immunity in viral CNS infections

Opening Symposium 6th of February for Hyperion Imaging System

CCBIO and the Bergen Flow Cytometry Core Facility are happy to introduce the newly installed and operative Hyperion Imaging System to our research community in an opening symposium February 6th which will focus on:

  • The research possibilities offered by the Hyperion Imaging System
  • Groundbreaking research in a high level keynote lecture
  • The practical procedures regarding access to the facility and use of the machinery
  • Delicious tapas

This is next generation immunohistochemistry: explore tissue biology with 30 antibodies simultaneously! 

Time: Wednesday February 6th at 13:00
Place: Auditorium 2, BB-building
Who: Everybody; researchers and technicians, PhD fellows and postdocs, guests, students and administrative staff.
Registration (free):
Chairperson: Sonia Gavasso

13.00 Introduction
13.15 The Core Facility Concept & Procedures for Access
13.30 The Hyperion Imaging System: Leigh-Anne McDuffus, Fluidigm Corporation
14.15 Keynote lecture: Dr. Dario Bressan, University of Cambridge
15.15 Mingling session with tapas

More information on the opening symposium is available here.

More information on the Helios Imaging System.

To make sure we order enough tapas, we prefer if you register as soon as possible and within January 31st.

(Norwegian) Utlysning av Posisjoneringsmidler (POS) 2019

Det kan søkes om posisjoneringsmidler til følgende 3 kategorier:

  1. Posisjoneringsmidler til forskere som posisjonerer seg mot en fremtidig H2020 søknad.
  2. Fagstrategiske tiltak på fakultetsnivå:
  • Deltakelse i europeiske fagstrategiske nettverk og fora
  • Tverrfaglige arrangement i Bergen, med deltakelse fra Kommisjonen eller andre relevante EU-organisasjoner
  • Studiereiser og delegasjonsreiser til Brussel
  1. Kompetansehevende tiltak for forskere og det administrative støtteapparatet ved fakultetene.

Søknadene rangeres og sendes til fakultetet i ePhorte innen mandag 11.februar.

Irene Hjelmaas kan bistå med å registerer saken i ePhorte.


IPR (Patent)-seminaret 28.1.19

Publishing & Patenting – from research to impact

When:   Monday January 28th2019, 12:30 -18:30
Where:  Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital

Session 1 – Marion Solheim (UoB)
Session 2 – Yves Aubert (UoB)
Please feel free to raise questions and comments upon registration or during the seminar (, event code will be provided at the seminar).

Free participation, food and beverages will be served.

Seminar program here.

Due to serving and limited seats, please register early here, and confirm your e-mail address as requested.

This seminar is initiated by the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bergen (UoB), and supported by UoB, Haukeland University Hospital (HUH), Bergen Teknologioverføring AS (BTO), Biomedical Network and Digital life Norway.

Wel­come to the 3rd Nor­dic Neuroscience Meeting in June 12-14, 2019 in Helsinki

Nordic Neuroscience started as a bi-annual joint meeting of neuroscientists from Nordic countries with the first meeting held in Trondheim, Norway in 2015 and the second meeting in Stockholm, Sweden in 2017.

The 3rd Nordic Neuroscience Meeting (NN2019) gives you the opportunity to attend excellent plenary lectures and symposia, have prolific discussion, meet and talk with experts from the same field of research. We welcome both scientists and organisations to present their work and products in poster sessions and the exhibition.

Registration to the meeting is now open here.

The NN2019 program includes five plenary lectures:

  • Trevor Robbins, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Andreas Lüthi, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland
  • Gonçalo Castelo-Branco, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Carmen Sandi, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Laura L. Colgin, University of Texas, Austin, USA

The NN2019 program includes eight symposia:

  • Cluster headache and migraine genetics and new insights
  • Synapse/network mechanisms behind developmentally originating neuropsychiatric disorders
  • From neural populations to behavior
  • Human iPSC modeling of neurogenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases
  • New roles of glia during CNS development and disease
  • TrkB receptor interactors in brain plasticity and disease
  • Neuronal network and plasticity in the midbrain
  • Imaging of working memory and attention in rodents, nonhuman primates and humans

The Nordic meeting is organised jointly by:

  • Brain Research Society of Finland
  • Nordic Neuroscience Special Interest Group of the Scandinavian Physiological Society
  • University of Helsinki

On behalf of the Organising Committee,

Dan Lindholm, Professor, University of Helsinki, Brain Research Society of Finland
Tomi Taira, Professor, University of Helsinki, Scandinavian Physiological Society

More information and program here.


Seminar series: What is the role of carbohydrates in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes?

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday December 5th at 14.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei

What is the role of carbohydrates in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes?

Anne-Marie Aas is a clinical dietitian at Oslo University Hospital, Aker, and associate professor at the Medical Faculty, University of Oslo. Both work and research is focused on diabetes and nutrition. She is going to present a newly published systematic review and meta-analysis on carbohydrate quantity in the dietary management of type 2 diabetes. She will also present some preliminary results from the ongoing dietary intervention study Fiberdia. In this RCT we investigate the effect of prebiotic fibres on the gut microbiota, glycaemic control and appetite.

Moderator: Simon Dankel

There will be light refreshments.


The Centre for Nutrition Seminar series, Wednesday 28 September

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday November 28th at 14.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei

Food Carbohydrates: Can food technology help in the prevention of life style diseases?

Simon Ballance, Senior Research Scientist, Nofima AS, Oslo

Sustained postprandial hyperglycaemia and hyperinsulinaemia in healthy adults are strongly associated with an increase in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes/and or metabolic syndrome.

Moderator: Gülen Arslan Lied

There will be light refreshments.


There will also be an extra seminar series on Wednesday December 5th at 14.30-15.30, with Anne-Marie Aas from University of Oslo. More info to come.

(Norwegian) KMD + MED = SANT?

Fagseminar/bli kjent-seminar for Medisinsk fakultet & Fakultet kunst, musikk og design
Tid: Torsdag 15. november 2018 kl. 10.00 – 13.00 (inkludert lunsj)
Sted: Knut Knaus, Møllendalsveien 61 (Nybygget til KMD)

Språk: Primært engelsk

Målgruppe: Primært forskere/prosjektledere, ledelse og instituttledere, forskningsutvalg.
Åpent for alle interesserte faglig ansatte og stipendiater ved begge fakultet.

Tema: Samarbeidsområder som aldring, demens, musikkterapi, design, andre
10.00 – 10.10
Velkomst/innledning ved dekanene Frode Thorsen og Per Bakke
10.10 – 10.20 Christine Hansen utstillingen ‘Støvkrystaller– en utstilling om demens og Alzheimers’ og det kommende prosjektet med Haraldsplass om brukerutstyrt kunstsamling.
10.20 – 10.30 Bettina Husebø – Senter for alders og sykehjemsmedisin: Blue Zone and Living Lab
10.30 – 10.40 Eamon O’Kane: The Napkin Project
10.40 – 10.50 Tarig Osman og Anne Bremer: Engaging the public in cancer research through art
10.50 – 11.00 Pause
11.00 – 11.10 Jill Halstead og Brandon LaBelle: Social Acoustics-prosjektet.
11.10 – 11.20 Siri Kvalheim: prosjektet«Munnstell hos alvorlig syke og døende pasienter»
11.20 – 11.30 KMD kommer, sanselig arkitektur
11.30 – 11.50 Emmet Mc Cormack, Klinisk institutt 2 og Hege A Dale, Institutt for biomedisin: imagingplatformen (MIC)
11.50 – 12.30 Lunsj med tid til samtale
12.30 – 12.40 Mette L’Orange – farge/samarbeid med Røde Kors og Gullstøltunet
12.40 – 12.50 Henriette C Ertsås, K1 – Science communication through theatre: Meet the cancer cell…
12.50 – 13.00 – Avsluttende diskusjon i plenum

Reminder: Lunch-to-lunch CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium Nov. 19-20

Welcome to a special and extended CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium at Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra, just outside Bergen. This time we will host a lunch-to-lunch symposium from Monday 19th– Tuesday 20th of November. The CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium is a forum to practice presenting projects, engaging in scientific discussions and interact with like-minded peers. In addition, to enjoy excellent and interesting scientific presentations.

The symposium will start with a delicious lunch, before proceeding with an excellent academic and scientific program, including an inspirational lecture by the experienced scientist, professor and vice dean of doctoral education at our faculty, Roland Jonsson.  We will focus on how to improve scientific presentation skills, both through illustrations and orally, in the workshop; “How to make great figures and present your work in 3 minutes”. Here you will get an overview of “do’s” and “don’ts” from the experts. We will also be inspired by previous organizers of CCBIO JUSS who will give us ideas on the different aspects of life in academia.

Day two will bring research insights and inspiration from Professor Stein Ove Døskeland and his 45 years of research, and Researcher Nils Halberg, representing a young investigator leading an established research lab.

As always, there will be exciting scientific presentations from CCBIO junior scientists, both days, and if you have work that you would like to present, you may nominate yourself upon registration.

The modest participation fee for this symposium (500 NOK per person in double room, 1000 NOK in single room, ask your group leader for support) includes lunch both days, dinner and hotel stay in double or single occupancy, in addition to the organized bus transportation between Haukeland Campus and the Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra. Access to facilities are included.

When: Monday 19th of November at 12.00 (bus at 10.15 from Haukeland Campus) to Tuesday 20th of November at 13.00, when the bus departs from the hotel.
Where: Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra, just outside Bergen.
Registration: please use this link.
Program: you can find preliminary program on the  event web site  or at  this flyer
Who: This is an arena where PhD candidates and postdocs gain experience with oral presentations and academic discussions, and in addition we are happy to welcome other interested students, researchers, staff and visitors. For those registered for the CCBIO901 program, attending this symposium will count as two regular symposia.

Hope to see you there, for great presentations and a great time!

Lunch-to-lunch CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium Nov. 19-20

Welcome to a special and extended CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium at Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra, just outside Bergen. This time we will host a lunch-to-lunch symposium from Monday 19th– Tuesday 20th of November. The CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium is a forum to practice presenting projects, engaging in scientific discussions and interact with like-minded peers. In addition, to enjoy excellent and interesting scientific presentations.

The symposium will start with a delicious lunch, before proceeding with an excellent academic and scientific program, including an inspirational lecture by the experienced scientist, professor and vice dean of doctoral education at our faculty, Roland Jonsson.  We will focus on how to improve scientific presentation skills, both through illustrations and orally, in the workshop; “How to make great figures and present your work in 3 minutes”. Here you will get an overview of “do’s” and “don’ts” from the experts. We will also be inspired by previous organizers of CCBIO JUSS who will give us ideas on the different aspects of life in academia.

Day two will bring research insights and inspiration from Professor Stein Ove Døskeland and his 45 years of research, and Researcher Nils Halberg, representing a young investigator leading an established research lab.

As always, there will be exciting scientific presentations from CCBIO junior scientists, both days, and if you have work that you would like to present, you may nominate yourself upon registration.

The modest participation fee for this symposium (500 NOK per person in double room, 1000 NOK in single room, ask your group leader for support) includes lunch both days, dinner and hotel stay in double or single occupancy, in addition to the organized bus transportation between Haukeland Campus and the Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra. Access to facilities are included.

When: Monday 19th of November at 12.00 (bus at 10.15 from Haukeland Campus) to Tuesday 20th of November at 13.00, when the bus departs from the hotel.
Where: Panorama Hotel & Resort at Sotra, just outside Bergen.
Registration: please use this link.
Program: you can find preliminary program on the  event web site  or at  this flyer
Who: This is an arena where PhD candidates and postdocs gain experience with oral presentations and academic discussions, and in addition we are happy to welcome other interested students, researchers, staff and visitors. For those registered for the CCBIO901 program, attending this symposium will count as two regular symposia.

Hope to see you there, for great presentations and a great time!

(Norwegian) Velkommen til frokostseminar 8. november

Det gode arbeidsmiljø

Arbeidsliv i endring – hva med arbeidsmiljøet?
Frokostseminar 8. november

Fleksibel – kompetent – trygg
Hvordan tar vi vare på arbeidsmiljøet i et mer effektivt, fleksibelt og digitalt arbeidsliv? Et godt arbeidsmiljø kjennetegnes av god ledelse, medvirkning fra ansatte og tydelige organisatoriske rammer. Kompetanse, mestring og anerkjennelse gir både trygghet og trivsel.

Vernetjenesten ved UiB ønsker å skape en arena ved UiB der vi kan ta opp betydningen av arbeidsmiljø. Vi vil invitere til frokostseminarer for å snakke om arbeidsliv og arbeidsmiljø under endring og omstilling. Målgruppen er alle ansatte og ledere. Samlingene vil bli holdt ulike steder på campus.

Det andre frokostseminaret arrangeres torsdag 8. november kl. 0830-1000 i Jusbygget, Auditorium 3. Dørene åpner kl. 0800 med enkel servering fra kl. 0815.

Vi retter denne gangen oppmerksomheten mot betydningen av en god HMS-kultur.

Møteledere: Jo Høyer, hovedverneombud ved Universitetsmuseet og seniorrådgiver Henrik Tøndel, HR-avdelingen

0830 Velkommen, v/ Jo Høyer og Henrik Tøndel
0840 Strategi 2030 i et HMS-perspektiv, v/ Tore Tungodden, ass. universitetsdirektør
0900 Tillit og kommunikasjon, v/ Else Jerdal, universitetets hovedverneombud
0910 HMS-kultur – ledelse og medvirkning, innledning v/ Roar Nese, Seksjon for HMS, beredskap og BHT
0935 Dialog og diskusjon

Påmelding innen 31. oktober her.


(Norwegian) Kjære kolleger ved Det medisinske fakultet

Ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin (IGS) arrangerer vi mandag 29. oktober kl 10.30-12 et seminar i kantinen i IGS sine lokaler i Kalfarveien 31.

Programmet har interesse for alle som lurer på sannsynligheten for at gullet kommer hem i år, samt alle som interesserer seg for prioriteringer knyttet til helse.

Vi ønsker alle ved Det medisinske fakultet velkommen til å delta. Jeg håper derfor dere vil spre informasjon om dette til flest mulig.

Nyttig bakgrunnslesning finnes her.

Kl 10.30 Velkommen – Guri Rørtveit, instituttleder IGS

Kl 10.35 Om statistikk i praktisk bruk når gullet ska hem – statistiker Øystein A. Haaland, IGS

Kl 10.50 Om prioritering mellom folkehelsetiltak – professor Ole Frithjof Norheim, IGS

Kl 11.10 Om prioritering i kommunehelsetjenesten og utfordringer i Blankholmutvalget – professor i helseøkonomi ved NTNU, Jon Magnussen

Kl 12.00 Avslutning

Om Jon Magnussen:
Professor i helseøkonomi, og prodekan ved Fakultet for Medisin og Helsevitenskap, NTNU. Han ledet i 2015 arbeidsgruppen som utredet hvordan alvorlighet kunne brukes i prioriteringsbeslutninger og sitter som medlem i Blankholmutvalget som skal foreslå prinsipper for prioritering i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Han er også programstyreleder for HELSEVEL i Forskningsrådet.


Introduction course on mainstreaming of gender perspectives in medical research

SKOK offers a three-hour course on gender perspectives in research. The course invites reflection on how analytical gender perspectives can be integrated into both on-going medical research and in future project development.

The inclusion of gender perspectives is gaining increasing importance in the evaluation of research quality – both with regards to project applications and the research itself. For example, both the Research Council of Norway and the European Union aim for projects to not only have gender balance, but also for gender perspectives to be an integral part of their research questions, methodology and analysis. Analytical and multidisciplinary approaches to gender can therefore contribute to strengthen project applications and provide new perspectives that enhance the quality of the research.

This course gives an introduction to the gender politics of external funding agencies, and to how gender perspectives can be integrated into ongoing research and future project applications.  The course emphasises in particular examples from medical research.

Time and venue: 6 November 10.00 – 13.00, board room (styrerommet), 4th floor, Armauer Hansens hus

Registration deadline: 2 November, send your registration to Amra.  

Seminar content:

1.      Welcome and presentations of participants

2.      Get an overview over EU and NFR policy on the integration of gender perspectives  and gender equality in research.

3.      Gain insights on different meanings of gender, and on central concepts. 

4.      Reflect  on your own understandings of gender, and how it is reflected in your research projects.

11.30 – 12.00 Lunch

5.      Gender balance in methodology and knowledge production.

6.      Familiarize with examples of how gender mainstreaming in different areas of research has led to research innovation.

7.      Acquire methodological and analytical tools that can be used to integrate gender perspectives in research.

8.      Summary: why and how to address the requirements for gender balance and gender perspectives in research projects.

Reminder: Invitation to a single cell seminar with Genomics

Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen and 10x Genomics welcomes researchers with an interest in single cell sequencing. Single cell sequencing has revolutionized life science research leading to a deeper understanding of biological processes in health and disease. Rapid technology advances are enabling large-scale projects for resolving single cell populations from 100s to millions of cells in a given study.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Single Cell Applications: 3′ Digital Gene Expression and 5′ Digital Gene Expression with combined VDJ analysis and the newly launched CNV solution – 10x Genomics
  • New product launches: ATAC Seq, feature barcoding. – 10x Genomics
  • Summary and discussion – All

Date: October 16th
Time: 13 – 15
Place: Seminar room 5.1/5.2, Laboratory building 5th floor, Haukeland

More information about the seminar here.

Invitation to a single cell seminar with Genomics

Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen and 10x Genomics welcomes researchers with an interest in single cell sequencing. Single cell sequencing has revolutionized life science research leading to a deeper understanding of biological processes in health and disease. Rapid technology advances are enabling large-scale projects for resolving single cell populations from 100s to millions of cells in a given study.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Single Cell Applications: 3′ Digital Gene Expression and 5′ Digital Gene Expression with combined VDJ analysis and the newly launched CNV solution – 10x Genomics
  • New product launches: ATAC Seq, feature barcoding. – 10x Genomics
  • Summary and discussion – All

Date: October 16th
Time: 13 – 15
Place: Seminar room 5.1/5.2, Laboratory building 5th floor, Haukeland

More information about the seminar here.

Migration Conference: Health in All We Do

15-16 November 2018, Bergen University Aula

Welcome to the UiB conference on migration health! The conference is organized by the University of Bergen in collaboration with Norwegian Centre for Migration and Minority Health (NAKMI), the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Registration deadline: 15 October, 2018

The conference will be a meeting place where researchers, representatives from health services, volunteer actors and users enter into dialogue and actively listen to each other’s messages and experiences. Large gaps between research results, practice and patient needs can lead to unequal health care and poor health outcomes for some immigrant groups.

Research on “migration and health” has increased in scope in recent years, but there is little collaboration between academic disciplines, but also between health institutions nationally. Our vision is to provide politicians and the society with relevant, useful and up-to-date information that can help improve health care for all, including immigrants.

Programme here.

(Norwegian) Påminnelse: Veilederseminar i Stavanger for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet

Veilederen er en nøkkelperson for ph.d.-utdanningen. Det medisinske fakultet har i flere år hatt samlinger for sine ph.d.-veiledere og høsten 2018 tilbyr vi en halv dag med faglig påfyll og inspirasjon også i Stavanger.

For mer info og program se her.

Tid: 21.november 2018 – 12.00-16.00
Sted: Auditoriet i Vestbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Påmeldingsfrist: 13.november 2018