Category Archives: News

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) November 26, 2020

We have the pleasure of inviting you to our CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium (JUSS) November 26, 2020! This is an online event in Zoom.

Our keynote speaker Yamila Cleuren (research advisor at CCBIO and Neuro-SysMed) has a very international career and a successful track record of securing international research grants. Surely, her talk on “Money and careers in science: where to start?” will apply to PhD and postdoctoral fellows. In addition, local junior researchers will present exciting findings in malignant melanoma, breast, prostate and endometrial cancer.

Join us for a perfect occasion for professional input and digital networking!

When: Thursday November 26, 2020 at 09:00 – 12:15 (Norwegian time)

Where: Digital event in Zoom (logon details will be sent to registered participants)

Program: can be found here.

Registration: At

General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

Any questions can be addressed to Cornelia or Maria

Norwegian: Hvilken UGLE tilhører du?

Kjære vitenskapelige ansatt hos K2,

UGLE-strukturen ble innført august 2020, og vi planlegger et treff med alle UGLEne i slutten av november.

Som en del av arbeidet med innføre UGLE som en god og tydelig struktur, ønsker vi at dere bruker et par minutter på å svare på skjemakeren under.

Det tar overhodet ikke lang tid, og vil hjelpe oss stort i det videre arbeidet med å få UGLE-strukturen opp og gå.

Vi trenger din hjelp til å få en oversikt over hvilke undervisningsgrupper du tilhører. Kommentarer og innspill er også hjertelig velkomne.

Jeg håper å få din tilbakemelding senest onsdag 18/11,

Beste hilsen Julie

K2 congratulates!

Helse Vest’s 2020 Research award was awarded Pål Njølstad. K2 Congratulates!

Pål Rasmus Njølstad (til venstre) får årets forskingspris på 200.000 kroner. Rolf Kellmann (til høgre) får innovasjonsprisen på 100.000 kroner. Her med Baard-Christian Schem, fagdirektør i Helse Vest. Foto: Silje Robinson (BT)

Read more about the reward in BT (Norwegian).

Retirement Celebration for Roland Jonsson

Retirement Celebration

Roland Jonsson DMD, odont dr (PhD)

Past Broegelmann Chair in Immunology

University of Bergen (UiB)

29+ years of service

  1. Nov, 2020 / 13.00 – ca. 15.00 (1:00 pm – ca. 3:00 pm)

With contributions/messages from:

The Broegelmann Legacy

Faculty of Medicine, UiB

Department of Clinical Science, UiB

Haukeland University Hospital

Stavanger University Hospital

Karolinska Institutet

Norwegian: Påmelding til Instituttets dag

Kjære K2-ere,
vi håper å samle så mange som mulig til digital instituttets dag på tirsdag 01. desember. Vi ser for oss at samlingen varer fra 09 til lunsj.

Vi skulle gjerne oppfordret folk til å sitte sammen i møterom (med riktig avstand), men i skrivende stund venter vi på nye restriksjoner fra Bergen kommune og UIB.

Meld deg på under:

Beste hilsen Julie

Norwegian: Opplæring i MittUiB for undervisere i medisinstudiet

Det er forventet at alle undervisere i medisinstudiet har tilgang til og benytter MittUiB, dette er spesielt viktig i en tid med mye digital undervisning. Vi vet at det varierer hvor mye de enkelte underviserne benytter MittUiB og Programutvalget for medisin vil derfor gjerne invitere alle undervisere i medisinstudiet til korte opplæringsøkter i MittUiB. Opplæringsøktene blir holdt digitalt av Harald G Wiker, og innholdet vil tilpasses etter behovet de påmeldte har. For de tidspunktene som er satt opp nå i høst er temaet “moduler”.

Det er ønskelig med påmelding via:

Lenke til møtet blir sendt til de som er påmeldte i forkant av kurset.

For spørsmål ta kontakt med

Course in HSE risk assessment and Safe Job Analysis (SJA) for employees

The course will take place digitally in Zoom.

The course consists of:

Part 1 – Theory

  • What is risk assessment?
  • HSE risk assessment
  • Safe Job Analysis (SJA)
  • Tools: use of the different templates

Part 2 – Working with cases and discussion.

The participants are divided into groups (in Zoom) and will carry out an HSE risk assessment and an SJA based on a case.

We discuss the results together.

Target group: English speaking employees who carry out risk assessments and SJA related to HSE for the local work environment and work tasks.

Maximum number of participants per course: 18 participants, you will be invited to the Zoom meeting before the course starts.

Link to registration (Registration deadline 09.11.2020, at 15:00)

Course time: Monday november 16 at 09:00 – 15:00

Language: English

Norwegian: Søknadsdatabase for fond og legater

Søknadsdatabasen for fond og legater er nå åpen. I tillegg til de som er listet opp under er også følgende fond og legater ved vårt fakultet åpen for søknader:

  • Det alminnelige medisinske forskningsfond ved Universitetet i Bergen
  • Legat for forskning av kreftsykdommer ved Universitetet i Bergen
  • Dagfinn Aarskogs vitenskapelige fond til Barneklinikken, Haukeland sykehus

Se her for oversikt over aktive utlysninger (Vær oppmerksom på at utlysninger blir kunngjort fortløpende).

Se her for mer informasjon om fond og legater.

Continue reading

Norwegian: OSKE-seminar 12.11.

Som tidligere annonsert blir det OSKE-seminar i høst. MERK: datoen for seminaret er endret til torsdag 12. november.

Seminaret blir holdt digitalt i Zoom.

Frist for påmelding er 5. november. Vi sender ut link til Zoom etter at påmeldingsfristen er ute.

Det er et stort behov for flere OSKE-oppgaver. Våren 2020 arrangerte vi derfor et arbeidsseminar for å få inn nye OSKE-oppgaver. Dette ble vellykket, og vi ser at dette er en god måte å gjøre det på videre. Hovedformålet med seminaret er å sørge for å få laget et bredt repertoar av OSKE-oppgaver. Det forventes at alle fagene på medisinstudiet er representert på seminaret. Alle kliniske fag må være representert. Vi trenger til enhver tid flere oppgaver i alle fag til både OSKE 6. semester og OSKE 12. semester.

I arbeidsseminaret i februar kom det inn flest oppgaver til MED12. I MED6 ble det ikke avholdt OSKE denne våren, men våren 2021 planlegges det MED6-OSKE både i februar og i juni. På grunn av dette er det spesielt stort behov for flere oppgaver for OSKE i MED6.

NorDoc Summer School 2021

The NorDoc Summer School takes place in Copenhagen on 16-20 August 2021 and this year the topic is:

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Development 

The annual NorDoc Summer School brings together PhD students from the Nordic countries for a week of interaction and discussions. The summer School is open to PhD students, faculty and administrators.

Sign up soon! There are only 250 seats available for the conference.

See here for more information and here: Nordoc Summerschool Programme for programme for the upcoming NorDoc Summer School 2021.

Innovation consulting

Foto: UiB

You have probably noticed the construction at the top of the Laboratory building. The new building – whether it is called the Incubator or the Innovation Center – is UiB and MED’s most visible and concrete investment in innovation and commercialization of research results. Buildings are good, but activity is better: working with researchers who want to see their good ideas realized and making a difference. So in parallel with the physical construction we are also building a better support system with specialist competence. MED has – as the first faculty – a dedicated innovation advisor, and from 2021 we will get a second one. Together with the department Innovation leader (Emmet McCormack), we are the first helpers on the path towards sustainable company, IP license agreement or transformative social innovation.

But what does an Innovation advisor actually do? The short answer is that we try to help with whatever is needed. I have 12 years of experience from nanomaterial start-up and been through everything from EU applications (and reporting) to product development (and certification) to patent writing (and Office actions) to investor pitching (and business cases) to drafting cooperation agreements, navigating new EU directives and handling random audits from the tax authorities – but that last one I will not help you with.

Specifically I can help with focusing proposals (especially impact and exploitation), focusing and pitching business ideas, first assessment of patentability (including simple searches) and commercial potential/value proposition, submitting DOFIs, or advising on agreements (IPR, secrecy and exit clauses). I am also involved in teaching Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and am the faculty contact towards VIS (the TTO) and also a contact person towards UiB central research and innovation section (FIA) and the hospital innovation section.

Most of what I do is about evaluating ideas from more perspectives than the scientific one – most importantly user perspective and investor perspective, but also the ‘European perspective’ in Horizon Europe (launching 26.october!) and the strategic thoughts behind the increased focus on innovation/impact and cooperation in national and EU funding calls.

Do you have a good idea you want to grow to something? I’d love to talk with you about ways to make it happen.

Andreas Westermoen

Norwegian: Minneord – Gustav Pedersen

Foto: UiB

Gustav Pedersen, sjef for karkirurgisk avdeling, gikk bort den første oktober, etter halvannet års sykdom.

Jeg minnes Gustav som en ung, kunnskapshungrig kollega når jeg kom til Bergen høsten 2002. Han var nysgjerrig, og ville lære seg nye metoder innen faget. Interessen for klinisk forskning resulterte i en PhD i 2007. Samtidig hadde han energi til å være leder for Norsk Karkirurgisk forening 2006-2008. I 2009 reiste Gustav med familien til Malawi og arbeidet der som kirurg. Arbeidet i Malawi gjorde stort inntrykk på ham, og ga en bred forståelse for mennesker; noe han delte med sine kolleger når han kom hjem. I 2012 ble Gustav Pedersen sjef for Karkirurgisk avdeling, Haukeland Universitetssykehus. For ham var det å kombinere forskning og klinikk en selvsagt måte å drive avdelingen på. Gustav var ansatt som førsteamanuensis ved K2. Som foreleser var han opptatt av enkel og tydelig formidling. De siste årene ledet karkirurgisk avdelingen et forskningsprosjekt som inkluderte alle karkirurgiske avdelinger i Norge. Som veileder var han tilgjengelig og positiv, med et smittende engasjement. Gustav var hovedveileder for Lydia Johnsen som nylig leverte inn sitt PhD arbeid – det fikk ikke Gustav oppleve.

Vår varmeste medfølelse går til hans familie i denne vanskelige tiden.

Open access week 2020, October 19.-23.

Do you wonder…

…what the open science policies are?
…how to publish openly?
…how you can improve the openess and replicability of your research?
…what the FAIR-principles are and how you can comply with them?
…how you can manage and store your research data?
…how you can retain your intellectual property?

These and more questions will be answered during the Open Access Week taking place 19th-23rd of October. See here for program and registration for the individual workshops.


Pasteurlegatet & Thjøtta’s legat

Pasteurlegatet and Professor Th. Thjøttas legat will award a grant on the 27th of December this year to young Norwegian scientists who intends to study a topic regarding infectious agents, chemistry or fermentation industry.

The grant is preferably given to young, active and promising researchers, under the doctoral level. Emphasis is placed on documentation of preliminary results and evaluations of their efforts. Priority is given to specific operational and equipment-related needs, rather than traveling, accommodation, general study support and publication expenses.

It is usually not granted support more than twice to the same person. However there is the possibility of exceptions in special cases.

Any award will ordinarily not exceed 15.000, – NOK.

The application must include a short project description with a budget (up to 3 pages) and curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).

The application should be submitted by December 1, 2020 to Pasteurlegatet’s secretary Mari Støen, Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital to email:

See also Pasteurlegatet’s website.

Norwegian: Fakultetets dag 21. oktober

Husk å få med deg Fakultetets dag som arrangeres onsdag 21. oktober kl. 09.00-11.40!

På programmet står presentasjoner og prisutdelinger. Du kan lese mer om årets prisvinnere her:–-bli-bedre-kjent-med-prisvinnerne

Møtet blir heldigitalt, og kan følges via Zoom.

Mer informasjon finner du her:

National Security Awareness Month

October is National Security Awareness Month. The University of Bergen (UiB) therefore plans to have an extra special focus on information security in October.

UiB aims to be a safe and secure place to study and work, whether you are based at home or on campus. We therefore want all students and employees to be fully aware of security.

Many employees and students have already completed the e-learning course in Data protection and Information security on Mitt UiB in order to improve their knowledge of security. If you have not yet had the time to take the course, please do so now

We also recommend following the internal news channel På høyden this month (NO), which will highlight relevant subjects, such as challenges relating to working from home, where to find help and, not least, how to report a breach of IT security.

Click here to read more about National Security Awareness Month at UiB also provides a lot of helpful information about information security and data protection

A big thank you to Bergithe Oftedal for being our “frontrunner”

Bergithe was K2’s “frontrunner” in the Corona era and was our primary contact for questions regarding digital teaching. Now the faculty has decided to stop the frontrunner project. From now on, the study administration is first-line contact ( Moreover, there are many useful online resources available, this website ( is, for example, a good starting point for help with self-help. The learning lab also has many useful suggestions ( lab). On Teams, “K2 digital undervisning” is recommended for all lecturers. We have also purchased several PCs to borrow for teaching, contact Julie (

Proposal to Research Council of Norway 2021

In the newsletter two weeks ago we present changes in RCN’s (known as NFR) announcement for 2021. The early deadline combined with coming changes in UiB’s budgeting processes urges us to gain an overview of potential applicants as soon as possible. We fully understand that it is not easy to know if you will apply while still waiting for feedback from this years’ submission. We therefore give you an option to sign off for this. In addition, you are of course free to change your mind.

The form is very simple and we truly appreciate if you could cross of your choices in the few fields:
