Category Archives: News

Supervisors for main assignments: Think about publishing!

Medical students can write the master’s thesis as an article manuscript, if they and the supervisor so wish. It can be difficult to get the theses up to a level for international publication, so there is no requirement that the manuscript be accepted in the journal for the thesis to be approved. However, the manuscript is required to be submitted for publication.

It is also possible to invest in publication in Norwegian journals. Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association is an opportunity that is highly relevant. In addition, the journal “Kirurgen” has informed us that they are very interested in publishing articles from students. So all supervisors in surgery: also think about the possibility of trying to publish main theses in “Kirurgen”! See «».
Best regards
Arne Tjølsen

CCBIO Research School courses

We are happy to announce the following 3 CCBIO Research School courses for the spring term, and note that if you will join and need the ECTS, registration deadline is February 1st. Registration for ECTS participation is the same for all 3 courses:

  • If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB), you apply/register through Studentweb.
  • If you are not enrolled at the UiB but want the ECTS, you apply/register through Søknadsweb, where you simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status.

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Parking space by Armauer Hansen’s house

We keep register parked cars at K2s parking spaces that has not been give permissions.

Remember the guidelines:

Following the closure of Haukelandsbakken, K2 has been allocated 7 parking spaces at Armauer Hansen’s house. These places can be distributed to employees at K2 according to registered needs. You can be allocated a place for one week at a time. Initially, we allocate places for the month of January. Use the attached link to register your needs. In addition to these seats, we will have a guest seat. If you need this, send an email to

If you want parking at AHH further, you must apply for parking every week by Thursday at 16.00. You will receive an answer by every Friday at 16.00 if you are allocated a place or not from me.

It is important that I get a message back if you do not use the parking space you are given!!

Regards, Rose!

Many application opportunities in 2021

We have received the results of last year’s applications to the Research Council, but there is no time to rest. The application deadline for groundbreaking research (FRIPRO) is already 10 February, so applicants must report to the department management so that a project economist can be assigned. It is also possible to get help from our research advisor. In addition to FRIPRO, there is also a call for young research talents, persons under the age of 40 years and between 2 and 7 years after PhD. A three-year research project with international mobility is a brilliant opportunity to work and gain experience abroad. In addition, funding is announced for the use of health data for sustainable health and welfare and global health that could suit some of K2’s research groups.

Of larger calls, we find Large interdisciplinary research project and a new call for K.G. Jebsen Centres in translational medical research. The latter has an application deadline in May and is a 2-step process. UiB and HUS have the opportunity to submit an application for 4 centers in this round.

The Norwegian Cancer Society also has an early application deadline this year, namely 10 March. The same date is also the deadline for Helse Vest’s announcement of innovation projects for 2021. You can apply for funding for new projects at your own company or idea transfer between the full companies.

Last but not least, there will be good opportunities to apply for EU funding this year. The new research program Horizon Europe starts this year with the first announcements this autumn. Many of the calls will suit K2’s researchers

We hope all the research groups at K2 will send applications this year.


Good luck



Vice head, K2

Courses in Supervision in the clinical workplace

Available places in Supervision in the clinical workplace – (

Monday January 25th,  09-12
Monday February 1st, 09-12
Monday February 8th, 09-12

Workshops in creating “Pedagogisk mappe” is offered February 22nd and April 14, 9-12

Ca. 2 houres of preperation must be expected.


NB! These offers are for all scientific staff across program and department affiliations!


(Norsk) Disputas Noreen Butt

Trial lecture:      Friday 22th of January 2021, at 10:15

Subject:            “What can we do to further reduce mortality from coronary artery disease in Norway?”

Dissertation:                    Friday 22th of January, at 12:15

Subject:      “Inflammation and cardioprotection in ST- elevation myocardial infarction”

  1. opponent: Professor Rune Wiseth, NTNU
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Bjørn Bendz, Universitetet i Oslo
  3. member of the comitee: Professor Mai Tone Lønnebakken, Universitetet i Bergen

The dissertation will be led by professor Hartwig Kørner

Open for all.

Digital meetingroom :

Pressrelease – Hjertebetennelse ved akutt infarkt | Nye doktorgrader | Universitetet i Bergen (

BT is voting “Talents for the future”

In 2005 and 2013, Bergens Tidende named a number of young people in our area who were predicted to make their mark in the years ahead. We now tell how it went with them from 2013:

Now we will repeat the exercise. We want to find out who can be tomorrow’s business leaders, artists, politicians, tech founders, researchers and so on. In short: The talents you think will make a difference. We are now asking for help. Regular readers can nominate, in addition we hope that institutions, organizations, companies and other environments will help. Feel free to talk to colleagues, nieces, nephews and people who may have good input. Based on the candidates we receive, a jury will be responsible for the actual selection of 30 people under 30 years of age.

You can register candidates here:

Deadline: January 15th

Please check the HR-portal

Just a quick reminder that the last day for approving any travel expenses or any other refund payments in the HR-portal is 16 December. We ask you to send these and any other questions you may have as soon as possible, so that we can go through them before the deadline.

We ask everyone to please check to see if they have any unfinished tasks in the HR-portal, particularly any travel or refund expense forms that may have been returned and await handling.

When the automatic checking system (Bot-Anna) discovers any errors in a form, the form is returned to the sender – but no email is sent to warn the sender that the form has been returned.

It is therefore possible that people may have not seen that a form has been returned – so please check! These incompleted forms will not be automatically transferred to the new system at the end of the year.

Invitation to apply for UoO education – and research leader programme

See the following links for more information (unfortunately, the first two attachments are in Norwegian only):

Invitasjon til UiOs lederprogrammer 2021

Vedlegg 1 Invitasjon til RLP-Start 2021

Vedlegg 2 Invitasjon til ULP7

Potential applicants are asked to send their application to head of administration Julie no later than 10th January.

Norwegian: To enkle testmetoder for Cryptosporidium diaré evaluert

Tarmparasitten Cryptosporidium er en viktig årsak til diarerelaterte dødsfall blant små barn. PhD-kandidat Øystein Johansen har sammen med veiledere Kurt Hanevik og Nina Langeland gjennomført en studie, CRYPTO-POC, og vist at både auramin LED-mikroskopi og en hurtigtest kan gi rask, pålitelig og pasientnær diagnostisering av parasitten i fattige land. Les mer om studien i pressemelding her.

Studien er nylig publisert i det prestisjetunge tidsskriftet Lancet Infectious Diseases:

Information about new system and closure of Pagaweb

Please note in particular that during the transition to the new system on 1st January 2021, SAP, you will lose access to Pagaweb. Salary slips from 2020 or earlier will unfortunately not be available in the new self-service portal from DFØ. You can also not log in to Pagaweb after the New Year.

If necessary, you must therefore download your old payslips before the New Year, as well as any other historical information you think you might need.

Relevant information about the new system can be found here (regretfully Norwegian only):økonomi-og-lønn#oppl-ring

Frameworks to enhance research quality at UiB

The project «Frameworks to enhance research quality», UiB FRAM, will examine the frameworks for research quality and artistic development work in the academic environments at the University of Bergen.

A survey will be sent out to all academic staff members at the University of Bergen. The aim is to examine how, as an institution, we can make provisions so that academic communities at UiB have framework conditions that ensure high quality research, and to look at how we can work to ensure strong framework conditions in the future.

By participating in the survey, you have an opportunity to share your experiences of what works well and where improvement is needed.

Newsletter from International Center

Welcome to webinar Monday 30. November 13.00-14.00
Monday 30. November we have invited  professor Ingvard Wilhelmsen  to hold a seminar: Life is an uncertain project.

This is a great webinar about life and uncertainties that will be held on Zoom and is free of charge.

Link to event and registration

Walk-and-talk Friday 27. November:

We had a nice walk and talk on Friday and invite you again to a walk and talk on Friday 27. November at 15.00 link to registration
The weather forecast promises us good weather!

Having trouble reading the newsletter for November?
The newsletter is found at the bottom of this page:

Best regards,

The Euraxess team

Norwegian: Masterprosjekt i farmasi 2021/2022

Senter for farmasi vil med dette oppfordre fagmiljø til å tilby masterprosjekt i farmasi som skal gjennomføres i perioden høst 2021 – vår 2022. Dersom fagmiljøene har pågående eller planlagte forskningsprosjekter som kan være aktuelle for mastergradsstudenter i farmasi, ønsker vi at veileder utarbeider et kort sammendrag for aktuelle prosjekter og sender dette til innen 10. januar 2021.

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Early deadlines for transition to new systems

Due to the transfer to new systems from 1st January 2021, there are some early deadlines, please see below.

Please make yourself acquainted with the deadlines.

Holidays must be registered by 01.12.20.

Time Account – My Time (for technical – administrative): When switching to SAP, all balances related to time registration must be correct. The deadline for registering time is 28.12.2020. There will be NO opportunity to correct the balance in 2021, due to the transition to new system.

Payments via My Time:  After 30.11.2020, nothing will be registered in Min Tid that entails payment. This applies, among other things, to overtime, hourly wages, emergency guards, expeditions etc. All such registrations MUST be registered in the HR portal from 01.12.2020.

Absence and leave Employees who apply for leave / extension of leave can still apply for this in the HR portal. The form must be processed by FLA and sent to the Section for Salary by 22.12.2020. The section for salaries will ensure that this is followed up when transitioning to a new salary system.

Hourly paid Registration of timesheets in the HR portal: Timer t.o.m. 30.11.20 must be registered and approved by the manager no later than 02.12.2020. Hours for December must be registered and approved by the manager no later than 16.12.2020.

Travel expenses With regard to travel invoices, we encourage employees to register this as soon as possible after the trip has been completed. The last approval date for travel invoices is 16.12.2020.

Compensation for expenses With regard to reimbursement of expenses, we encourage employees to register this as soon as possible. The last approval date for reimbursement of expenses is 16.12.2020.

Fees paid The last approval date for remuneration is 16.12.2020.

UiB is launching Tredjepartsportalen

In January 2021 UiB launches Tredjepartsportalen (, a solution where students get access to relevant software to enhance learning where they are, when they need it – simply administered by the teachers themselves. For more information see here.

Software for Tredjepartsportalen must be submitted using this form: Copy of Kartleggingsmatrise av programvare til undervisning og vurdering

Please return the form to by 25 november.