Category Archives: The HSE Corner

Deadline for registration today

uten navn

November 23rd we embark on an adventure at the Vilvite center in Thormøhlens gate 51 with the annual HSE day. This will be a fun and educational experience that is mandetory for all permanent staff at the Department of clinical sience, but of course all staff members at k2 are welcome.

If you havent yet, click here to register! because today is your last chance to do so.

If anyone has questions about the registration you can contact Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll in the expedition 8etg. lab-building. ( – 55973050)

HSE corner

uten navnThe annual HSE day for K2 is approaching fast. You can still register for the day, click here to register!

This year’s HSE day will be held on Wednesday, November 23rd at the VilVite center in Thormøhlens Gate 51. The HSE is mandatory for all full time employees at K2, but every employee at K2 are welcome to join the day!

If anyone has questions about the registration you can contact Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll in the expedition 8etg. lab-building. ( – 55973050)

We’re looking forward to see you there, welcome!

HSE corner – Employee appraisal

Medarbeidersamtale-2_fullAll employees will be offered an annual employee appraisal. This means there is no division between permanent and temporary, scientific or technical-administrative staff. The leader with responsibility for personnel are responsible for calling appraisal: head of department, Department leader, head of the research Group or leader of the section.

At K2 head of Department is responsible for the employee appraisal for the research group leader (FGL). FGL is responsible for providing appraisal of all staff at the UIB in their group. The administration at K2 will distribute lists of who is in the different research groups, and ask for feedback on who has been offered and implemented employee appraisal of FGL.

Please note that the provision and implementation of employee appraisal is part of HSE reports for 2016 as K2 shall submit to the Central Administration.

Information about preparation, implementation and monitoring  can be foudn in the employee handbook

Please contact head of admistration if you have any questions about implementation

HSE corner

The university management has an increased focus on employee external work and the department will hereby remind all employees to register or update registration of external work. Deadline October 21st, 2016.

Here you can find manuals


You have not registered external work in PAGA and we need feedback from you if this is right

If you have external work to be registered, please register this in PAGA within October 21st 2016.

Registration is done here:

1. Once logged in, go to “Tasks”

2. Then “New form” select “Additional Information”, then select “Add”

3. Then “Registration of external”

If you have any questions regarding the registration, contact Julie Stavnes

With external work means part-time position, second jobs, assignments and duties as an employee at UiB outside her position at UiB, whether work or duties are paid or not. Also work done for an enterprise or company wholly or partly owned by the employees, considered as external work.

The following shall not be registered:
• Membership in external assessment committees
• Referee for professional journal
• Tasks remote sensors
• Professional duties that come with the main position
• Isolated minor teaching assignments at another institution
• Individual smaller assignments in connection with continuing education courses at another institution
• Individual less mediation missions or individual assignments as an expert commentator in the media, etc.
• Other similar activities of limited scope and duration, which can be considered as a part of the university’s social responsibility
• Unpaid positions of limited scope and duration of nonprofit institutions

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

For more information on Principles of external work pressure here.


If you have registered external work in PAGA, please confirm that this is still correct.

Please complete a check of your registered external work, or perform corrections within Ocotber 21st 2016. 

Registration is done here:
Here you can find manuals

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

For more information on Principles of external work pressure here.

The HSE corner

informasjon_til_verneombud-1024x703It’s that time again where we choose our safety representatives again!

Saftey representatives are elected for two years at a time. Current term of office for safety representatives at the University of Bergen (UiB) expires when the year ends, and now we’re choosing our safety representatives for the period January 1st 2017 – December 31st 2018.

Deadline: October 17th
For more information including the role of safety representative and how the election work, you can press here


The HSE Corner

Invitation to user training in EcoExposure – reminder

UiB and K2 will use EcoExposure as exposure registry for staff and students who may be exposed to substances that can cause serious illnesses over time. Bente-Lise Lillebø from the HSE department will visit K2 and teach us how we as users must register exposure.

Time: Thursday, 23 June, 12.30 to 13.30
Location: Auditorium 4, BB-building.


The HSE Corner

Remember to register HSE nonconfomities!

In the autumn of 2015 MOF introduced an electronic system for reporting HSE nonconformities. Knowledge of HSE nonconformities provides the basis for UoB to prevent and follow up harm to people, environment and property. We ask that everyone use the system to register HSE nonconformities.

Read more about the system and HSE nonconformities in the HSE portal,
and register nonconformities here.