Author Archives: jvi050

UIB Opp 2.15 Preparing for your next Horizon Europe proposal

This course will provide a practical guide on how to build on past and current projects funded by the EU, navigate the vast Horizon Europe framework program, and build core concept of research proposals.

Course content: The European framework program Horizon Europe supports is the EU’s main funding programme for research and innovation. Running from 2021 to 2027 with a budget of 95.5 billion euros, it is the most extensive research funding programme globally. It supports a wide range of research and innovation activities, including primary and applied research, innovation projects, and networking activities, and provides funding and opportunities for researchers in all fields and at all career stages.

Life Science Data Management: Planning workshop

Generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the Research Council of Norway

Time and place: Sep. 26, 2022 9:00 AM–Sep. 27, 2022 1:00 PM, online

We are pleased to announce the Data Management planning workshop for Life Scientists in Norway by ELIXIR Norway and Digital Life Norway.

All projects that receive funding from the Norwegian RCN are required to submit a data management plan as soon as possible after the contract with the RCN has been signed. All Norwegian universities now also require a DMP for all projects. This workshop focuses on how-to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the RCN.

We would like to invite researchers (PhD candidates, Post Doctoral Fellows, Researchers, Associate Professors and Professors) in existing and upcoming Life Science projects to develop their DMP in this workshop.



As of this writing, we are submitting a draft budget for 2023. This year, too, there is an ambitious budget given the framework and which takes into account the challenges we see in the coming year when it comes to finances. The main focus in the last six months has been the economy due to the Ministry of Education’s proposals for cuts in the basic allocation to all universities related to pensions, efficiency, travel, and more. Reference is made to Dean Per Bakke’s e-mail today. The Faculty of Medicine has drawn up a budget for 2022 with a deficit of NOK 30 million, while K2 has a deficit of NOK 12 million. This makes our operations difficult. But as Per Bakke says, if we stand together in this, we will be able to get through this period. My goal is that we will even emerge stronger from it. It is often in adversity that one becomes innovative and completely new ideas are created. So here’s a challenge for all of you: Help us figure out how we can manage with a little less space, a little less people and a little less funds via K2, and how we can create more income that are visible in K2’s budgets. This can help us to remove the current requirements from the Faculty, that we are not allowed to advertise new positions for the time being and with some exceptions. It’s a bad situation we have to get out of as fast as possible!

After a cold and wet June, today we have finally got to taste the heat. We are now preparing for the summer holidays. For most, spring has been a busy time with applications, OSCE and all the endings at the end of the semester. So it will be good to get a few weeks off to do completely different things. It is important to charge the batteries so that we can start the autumn with new energy and a desire to work. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their great efforts this semester.

Have a really good summer vacation!


Info about phd and postdoc-positions from the faculty

Unfortunately, due to a pressured financial situation at MED, we have to take the following measures related to the recruitment positions (PhD and postdoc positions):

        1. No free recruitment positions will be announced in the autumn-22
        2. 3 PhD positions will be announced in autumn-22 reserved for research line students
        3. A decision on whether to advertise free recruitment positions spring-23 will be made towards the end of autumn-22 when we see how the economy is developing.
        4. Promises of recruitment positions in connection with already granting external applications will be fulfilled, but employment in such positions in the autumn of 22 must be postponed until 1 January-23 at the earliest.
        5. In cases where a contract for employment has already been signed in the autumn of 22, this can be carried out
        6. The scheme for awarding recruitment positions to external projects ( is temporarily halted and thus does not apply to applications with an application deadline after 01.09.22. For any allocation of recruitment positions to large projects, contact the research section.

Career Day for all PhD candidates and postdocs at The Faculty of Medicine – Wednesday October 19th

Welcome to career day for all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine! It will take place on October 19th from 09.00 to 16.00 in auditorium 1, in the BB building at Haukeland. In addition to internal and external presenters, some of our earlier PhD candidates will update us on what they have done after graduating. Furthermore, there will be held several relevant workshops at the end of the day. Lunch will be served, and there will be good opportunities for mingling with your fellow candidates.

Detailed programme and information about registration will be sent later, but please save the date!

The PhD coordinator team

CCBIO course CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, September 27-29, 2022, in Zoom

We are happy to invite you to the coming CCBIO course this fall: CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research, September 27-29, 2022, as a fully digital event in Zoom.

This course focuses on the full panel of standard and advanced methods with relevance for cancer biomarker research. The intention is to provide an understanding of the various methodologies and their application in basic and translational cancer research. The course further covers relevant topics like optimal sample collection and biobanking.

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Teaching prize and summer thoughts
The annual Teaching Day was successfully conducted on May 18th in collaboration between K2 and K1, with good attendance. I want to thanlk all of you who contributed to making this into a great day!

The K2 Teaching Prize was awarded to professor Jone Trovik. She was awarded the prize for developing an elective course in gynecological ultrasound for medical students.

Do you need basic training in teaching? Summer is low season for teaching – perhaps it should be high season for booking courses in teaching or documenting your teaching skills and experience.

Perhaps you have creative ideas regarding teaching or the organization of teaching and learning? The recent UGLE meeting discussed how we should start thinking through what we should or could teach, and how we teach, when student numbers increase.

Good luck with your last efforts before end-of-term and summer vacation!

Mette Vesterhus
Head of Teaching

Workshop on Single Molecule-based Super-resolution Microscopy: from Acquisition to Analysis, from Theory to Applications

Dear Colleagues,

Are you studying proteins or RNAs in the plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, or mitochondria ? Are you curious whether these molecules move freely or undergo confined movement, how fast and how far far they move, how they are dynamically arranged at nanoscale resolution in live cells, or how they change behavior after a pharmacological stimulation or in a disease model ? If so, then you should not miss this workshop at the Department of Biomedicine at UiB.

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New research networks – medical and health research

COST is a European networking organization where most European countries (including Norway and all EU countries) are members. An important task for COST is to promote European research cooperation by initiating scientific networks (COST Actions). More information about COST can be found on their website .

In May 2022, it was decided to initiate 70 new COST networks. Networks within or relevant to medical and health research are listed in the table.

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Enlist as a Welcome Week Watch!

UiB wants to make sure that the Welcome Week, 15. – 20. August is good experience, both for the arriving students and the other inhabitants of Bergen. In this regard, we are looking for volunteer colleagues to enlist as “Welcome Week Watch”.

As a Welcome Week Watch you are patrolling the city center together with three other colleges in shift lasting form approximately 22.00 until 03.00. Your job is to observe and make sure that everyone is safe. The volunteers will wear high-visibility vests.

As a watch, you also distribute food and water to those who need it, and make sure that people get home safely. This includes accompanying students that need it, to their home, bus, or taxi.

The job of the watch is to be a support for the student, and you are not supposed to replace other public services. The watch service will be organized with a call central, that the volunteers or the students can call if they need assistance or advise.

We encourage all our colleagues to contribute as a Welcome Week Watch. You get to know colleagues, and the service is important both for the students, Bergen and UiB as a whole.

If you want to contribute, sign up here (Norwegian only)

It is the student service organization Sammen that organizes and coordinates the Welcome Week Watch. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact

EU Mission on Cancer – National online workshop and networking opportunity (Norway)

To potential applicants/interested actors in Norway,

Would you like to contribute to EU’s Mission on Cancer? Are you interested in primary prevention and/or optimising treatments for refractory cancers?

Join us for an online workshop on two topics within the Cancer Mission’s open call:

The workshop will be a chance to better understand the two topics, to pitch and brainstorm ideas for the topics, and to network with others with the same interest for these or future topics. This workshop is open for any interested actors in Norway.

Date: June 15, 10:00 – 12:00

Register here

10:00 Welcome and introduction to the Mission Cancer Hub Norway
10:15 Primary prevention:

  1. Brief introduction to the topic by NCP Sofia Anderholm Strand, Research Council of Norway.
  2. Introductions and pitches by participants. Feedback and brainstorming possible ideas.

11:00 Optimising treatments for refractory cancer:

  1. Brief introduction to the topic by NCP Sofia Anderholm Strand, Research Council of Norway.
  2. Introductions and pitches by participants. Feedback and brainstorming possible ideas.

11:45 Wrap up and feedback on the form of the workshop.

Moderator: Astrid Bjerke, Norwegian Cancer Society

Participants that wish to pitch ideas are encouraged to notify us by email by June 13 (

The workshop is a low-threshold event where we promote an open dialogue. We expect active participation by participants.

Topic introductions will be short, we ask that you get familiarized with the topics beforehand through the links above, and we also recommend to watch the recording from the European Commission’s information day about the Cancer Mission and the 2022 call:

Register for the event here


Dear all of you!

These are difficult economic times, and the political game around the Research Council is worrying. We have to look for alternatives when it comes to research funding, and it was therefore very nice to see that K2 was well represented at the workshops on “Horizon Europe and Beyond” organized by the FIA. We received many practical tips on how to proceed, and worked a little with a tool created by Hiwa Målen from the FIA that makes it easier for researchers to find suitable calls for proposals. Do not hesitate to contact our research advisor Susanna Pakkasmaa if you need help.

At K2 we also have several good examples of successful external research funding from alternative channels: Eva Gerdts and her Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women  recently received support from Godvik Sanitetsforeningen, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen was awarded funding for CD37 CAR T cell therapy from the regional health enterprise program KLINBEFORSK, and Nina Langeland sitt Vestnorsk research centre for antibiotic resistance (CAMRIA – Combatting Anti-Microbial Resistance with Interdisciplinary Approaches) supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation had a grand opening this week with the Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol present, where Randi Bertelsen is one of the PI that receives support ( Congratulations to everyone involved!

And last but not least: we at K2 are actually very good at educating the next generation of researchers with a total of 21 public defences in the first half of 2022! There is some research funding aimed at younger researchers, so just contact Susanna if you need advice.

Have a nice Pentecost!

Workshop: Oral and Dental Health and Tissue Regeneration. 

Dear all,

Centre of Translational Oral Research (TOR) at IKO and Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine welcome ALL to the 2-days workshop.

Active clinicians and researchers including 3 world-leading keynote speakers will update you the latest advancement in Oral and Dental Health and Tissue Regeneration.

The launch will be served (registration required).

Time/Date 23rd-24th June
Place Midgard at Arlek Helseklynge
*Please see the flyer for the detail

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,
TOR workshop Organisation Committee