Author Archives: ijo013

Public Ph.D Defense, Week

kjetil isaksenKjetil Isaksen will defent his PhD thesis on Friday, April 29th 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, April 29th 2016, 09:15
Topic: ”Tarmflora og hjertesykdommer – hva er status praesens?”
Place: Aulaen, 2. etasje Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Friday, April 29th 2016, 10:30
Place: Aulaen, 2. etasje Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Exercise training in patients with heart failure and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Review of existing data, shock anxiety, feasibility and effects of an aerobic interval training intervention”
1st opponent: Professor Eva Prescott, Bispebjerg Universitetshospital, København
2nd opponent: Professor Knut Tore Lappegård, Universitetet i Tromsø

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Names

We present Andreas Venizelos, PhD student at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Clinical Science.
Andreas started with his PhD work in March 2016 under the supervision of Stian Knappskog. If you want to say hello, you can find him in the 1M floor in the lab building.


Photo: Private

Public PhD Defence, Week 16

Maria VollsæterMaria Vollsæter will defend her PhD thesis on Friday, April 22th, 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, April 22th, 2016, 09:30
Topic: “How to prevent and manage long term effects of bronchopulmonary dysplasia?”
Place: Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Friday, April 22th, 2016, 11:15
Place:Auditoriet, Barneklinikken, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: “Long-term Respiratory Outcomes of Extreme Preterm Birth. A Population-based Cohort Study”
1st opponent: Professor Sailesh Kotecha, Cardiff University, School of Medicine, U.K
2nd opponent: Kim G. Nielsen, Rigshospitalet, København, Danmark

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Names

Bilde-Misbah SabirIntroducing Misbah Sabir, M.Sc in Medical Biology. Misbah started as staff Engineer in the Translational Hemato-Oncology research group  in April 2016 . If you want to say hello, you can find her on the 3rd floor in the laboratory building

Public PhD Defence, Week 15

Inger Marie Løes

Inger Marie Løes will defend her PhD thesis on Tuesday, April 12th, 2016
Trial lecture: Tuesday, April 12th, 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Is there a role for immunotherapy in colorectal cancer treatment?”
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Tuesday, April 12th, 2016, 11:15
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Genetic heterogeneity in liver metastases from colorectal cancer”
1st opponent: Professor Bengt Gustavsson, Universitetet i Gøteborg, Sverige
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Karen-Lise Gram Spindler, Universitetet i Århus, Danmark

Press release (in Norwegian)

Public PhD Defence, Week 11

Gard Frodahl Tveitevåg SvingenGard Frodahl Tveitevåg Svingen  will defend his PhD thesis on Thrusday April 07 , 2016
Trial lecture: Thursday April 07 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Nutrition in the prevention of cardiovascular disease – is it time for personalized medicine?”
Place: Aud. 2, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Thursday April 07 2016, 11:15
Place: Aud. 2, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Components of the choline oxidation pathway in relation to acute myocardial infarction, type 2 diabetes and mortality. Prospective observational studies among patients with suspected or verified coronary heart disease in Norway”
1st opponent: Associate professor Hubert Scharnagl, Medical University of Graz, Østerrike
2nd opponent:Professor Aron Troen, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Press release (in Norwegian)

Public PhD Defence, Week 11


naesgard_patrycjaPatrycja Anna Næsgaard will defend her PhD thesis on Tuseday March 15th, 2016
Trial lecture: Tuseday March 15th, 2016 09:15
Topic: “Vitamin K in cardiovascular disease – supply or suppress?”
Place: Aula 2. etasje, Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Tuseday March 15th, 2016 10:30
Place: Aula 2. etasje, Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Prognostic impact of vitamin D in coronary chest pain populations with high and low dietary intake of omega-3; comparison of a subtropical and a Nordic population”
1st opponent: Professor Eva Swahn, Universitetet i Linköping, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Rolf Jorde, Universitetet i Tromsø

Press release (in Norwegian)


Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 9



Alexander Hellesen  will defend his PhD thesis on Friday March 4 , 2016
Trial lecture: Friday March 4 2016, 10:30
Topic: “Are regulatory T cells self-reactive?”
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday March 4 2016, 12:15
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Immuno-endocrine interactions in autoimmune Addison’s disease”
1st opponent: Professor Urs Christen, Klinikum der Goethe Universität, Tyskland
2nd opponent: Seniorforsker Alexandre Corthay, Oslo Universitetssykehus

Press release (in Norwegian)

Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 9

siw_helen_eger_pressemeldingSiw Helen Westby Eger  will defend her PhD thesis on Friday March 4 , 2016
Trial lecture: Friday March 4 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Intrauterin veksthemming; er betydningen for barnets prognose avhengig av gestasjonsalder ved fødsel?”
Place: Barneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Friday March 4 2016, 11:15
Place: Barneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: “Significance of intrauterine growth, and abnormal fetal blood flow for neonatal and long term outcome in preterm infants”
1st opponent: Professor Vineta Fellman, Universitetet i Lund, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Anne Eskild, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (in Norwegian)

Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 4

koch_anne_metteAnne Mette Koch  will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday January 28, 2016
Trial lecture: Thursday January 28 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Fra overvåking til redusert infeksjonsbyrde: Hvordan bør vi implementere kunnskap om sykdomsbyrde fra infeksjonsovervåking i sykehjem og sykehus, og hvordan kan vi måle effekten?”
Place: Auditorium 2, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Thursday January 28 2016 11:15
Place: Auditorium 2Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Lessons learned from infection surveillance: Occurrence, risk factors and consequences of healthcare-associated infections in hospitals and long-term care facilities”
1st opponent:Avdelingsdirektør Bjørn Iversen, Folkehelseinstituttet
2nd opponent:Professor Guri Rørtveit, Universitetet i Bergen

Press release (in Norwegian)

Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 3

saure_eirunn_waatevikEirunn Waatevik Saure will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday January 21, 2016
Trial lecture: Thursday January 21 2016, 08:30
Topic: “Arterial hypoxemia: Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic work-up”
Place: Auditorium 4, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Thursday January 21 2016, 10:15
Place: Auditorium 4, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Predictors of arterial blood gases in COPD patients”
1st opponent:Professor Magnus Sköld, Karolinska Institutet, Sverige
2nd opponent:Førsteamanuensis Malcolm Sue-Chu, NTNU, Trondheim

Press release (in Norwegian)