Author Archives: hbe012

Day of Immunology – Friday 27th

The Bergen Branch of the Norwegian Society of Immunology (NSI) will as always celebrate this year’s Day of Immunology, a world-wide project aiming to present different aspects of immunology to the general public ( This year’s theme is “Tuberculosis”, and we will celebrate with a popular scientific seminar with invited speakers at Birkhaugsalen (3rd floor of “Sentralblokken”) at Haukeland University Hospital, Friday the 27th of April, from 1030 to 1300. The program is enclosed. The seminar is open to everyone. Welcome!

Full program for the day can be found here (norwegian only).

Finansieringsseminar for forskningsopphold i Nord-Amerika (norwegian only)

Internasjonalt senter arrangerer finansieringsseminar for  vitenskapelig personell og masterstudenter som planlegger forskningsopphold eller utveksling til Nord-Amerika.

Fulbright, NFR, Noram og UiB informerer om muligheter for finansiering til Nord-Amerika.
Se lenken for informasjon om arrangementet.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 11 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Scientific meetings: Hunting for collaboration and friendship

At the time of writing, I am in Turku, Finland at the annual meeting of the Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes. As the name says, this is a Scandinavian meeting for physicians and researchers interested in diabetes. The mayor of Turku opened the meeting with an interesting question: Is there anyone who remembers where the meeting was last year, and the two years before? Uncertain responses. But do you remember someone you met at these meetings and what you talked about? Yes, that was something completely different! Of course we remembered meeting old and new acquaintances, exchange og information and ideas for new studies. Even though today we have very effective tools for sharing information through the internet and other types of computer networks, personal meeting with professionals at home and abroad is more important than ever. It maintains existing and opens up new friendships, and provides professional refills. It is possible that a meeting must have something physical to attract attendees, but I am not so sure that it really means so much. Hence, I’m coming back from a meeting full of enthusiasm and new ideas, and I think little about where the meeting actually took place. So, go to meetings, make new friends and learn something new!


The Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme 2018 

Gilead Sciences Nordics proudly announces the sixth year of the Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme. Funding this year will total SEK 3,000,000 to projects executed in the Nordic countries.

The aim of the Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme is to award financial grants to encourage the development, exploration and dissemination of new ideas, generating best practice in the delivery of patient-centred care in three areas – HIV, liver diseases (LVD), and hematology/oncology (ONC). Evidence generated from Fellowship projects provides the opportunity to shape public health policy and practice, or to generate new studies or joint ventures to shape clinical care pathways. The projects supported under the Gilead Sciences Nordic Fellowship Programme are independent of the use of any particular therapeutic agent.

Please see the attached brochure for further details about the fellowship program – the topics for this year, the application timeline etc. Also, please note, that proposals that meet the criteria for a clinical trial under the EU Clinical Trials Directive 2001/20/EC cannot be funded under the fellowship program.

Gilead Sciences Nordic is committed to supporting local initiatives which ultimately improve patient care and we look forward to receiving completed applications over the next few months.

Guidance to applicant can be found here.

More information about the nordic fellowship programme can be found here.

If you have any questions then please contact us here. 

Yours sincerely,

Anette M. Hommelgaard, PhD
Country Medical Director Nordics Gilead Sciences Nordic

Free Internet Courses on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics

The September 2018 introductory course on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (7.5 ECTS credits) given by Uppsala University is now open for application.

The course, which is free of charge for EU/EAA-citizens, is suited for researchers, post docs, teachers and students who are interested to learn how complex chemical and biomedical processes can be investigated even down to their finest chemical details using informatics, and how this can be used for the development of novel drugs.

Further information and signing up can be found here.

On request of many previous participants we now also offer two additional courses:

1.  Applied Structural Pharmaceutical Bioinformatis (5 ECTS credits) (course start September 2018).
2. Applied Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics (5 ECTS credits) (course start November 2018)

More information about both courses are available here.


Invited talk by Prof. C. Ronald Kahn, Harvard Medical School.

One of the world’s—if not the world’s—leader in insulin signaling.

Date: Wednesday April 18th
Time: 09:00
Place: Auditorium @ Armauer Hansens hus, Haukeland University Hospital

A recent study from Prof. Kahn has identified viruses that can produce insulin-like hormones that are active on human cells. This novel discovery brings new possibilities for revealing biological mechanisms that may cause diabetes, as well as autoimmune disease, metabolic conditions or cancer.

Viruses known to infect fish and amphibians, could possibly expose humans to viral insulins. Prof. Kahn and his colleagues at Joslin have found that various viruses can produce peptides that are similar in whole or in part to 16 human hormones and regulatory proteins. Four viruses interestingly have insulin-like sequences, and show ability to bind to and stimulate human insulin receptors and receptors for a closely related hormone called IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1). The viral peptides could this way potentially stimulate all signaling pathways inside the cells that are stimulated by human insulin and IGF-1, including glucose uptake and cellular Growth.

Large international conferences on teaching and learning in Bergen October 24th to 27th 2018 – call for abstracts!

This is the annual conference of “The International Society for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning” ISSOTL, and it collects approximately 500 teachers and researchers from around the world. “Scholarship in Teaching and Learning” is about having a scientific approach to ‘what works’ in teaching and learning, and the theme of this year’s conference is Toward a learning culture. It is thus the collegial and cultural aspects of learning and education that will be in the center. This is something that will interest many at UiB and in Norway just now, in the era of Kvalitetsmeldingen!

Here are great opportunities for UiB employees to participate – be inspired, share experiences, meet other teachers or researchers, promote all the wonderful stuff we do in Bergen to the world … you name it! You can contribute with a presentation or poster, and participate in the panel, workshop, or just be a participant. Deadline for submitting abstracts is 8 April.

Read Call for proposals here

More information about ISSOTL18 here

Good news: UiB and some of the faculties * are helping with the conference fee! And it will be student grants!

Forsker Grand Prix

Researcher Grand Prix is the Norwegian championship in research dissemination. As a participant, you get a fabulous opportunity to learn more about how to reach your message to a large audience. In addition, if you take your doctorate at UiB, you will receive dissemination points to participate.

We provide you with individual coaching where you will learn more about storytelling, presentation techniques, voice usage, chronicle writing, media management and creative thinking. You also get access to a large network in other professional environments.

Do not miss this great opportunity to improve your dissemination skills.

Read more about the UiB participants’ experience here

More information and application form can be found here

Supervisor-lunch for PhD supervisors

Ph.d.-supervisors are invited to supervisor-lunch at the Faculty of Medicine. The seminar will be held April 24th, 2018 at 11.30-1pm in the Steering Room in Armauer Hansen’s House (Haukelandsveien 28).

1. Alternative career paths after graduation by Steiner Kvinnsland
2. Vancouver rules for co-authorship by Roland Jonsson
3. Predatory journals – still new names on the list by Roland Jonsson

The seminar is free for mentors at MED and it can accommodate 30 people. Lunch is also included 🙂

Sign up here

Research funding opportunity from Gades Legat

Gades Legat announces funds for use in research in pathology, microbiology and immunology. Anyone who is professionally affiliated with the research community at UiB or Haukeland University Hospital within pathology, immunology or microbiology can apply for funding. The application must be concise and contain:

• Name of applicant and workplace
• Name and short description of the project that is applied funding for
• Budget
• The application must not exceed 2 pages in total

The Legate wishes to collect funds to fewer projects with greater allocation for each project. Support for multiannual projects can be considered. Support for travel where you do not present your own research will not be given priority.
Application deadline is Wednesday, April 27, 2018

Application will be sent electronically to Gades Legat by secretary Håvard Hoel Aass

Gades Legat announces funds for use in research in pathology, microbiology and immunology. Anyone who is professionally affiliated with the research community at UiB or Haukeland University Hospital within pathology, immunology or microbiology can apply for funding. The application must be concise and contain:
• Name of applicant and workplace
• Name and short description of the project that is applied funding for
• Budget
• The application must not exceed 2 pages in total
The Legate wishes to collect funds to fewer projects with greater allocation for each project. Support for multiannual projects can be considered. Support for travel where you do not present your own research will not be given priority.
Application deadline is Wednesday, April 27, 2018

Application will be sent electronically to Gades Legat by secretary Håvard Hoel Aass.

Well spent Easter!

I hope everyone got to enjoy a bit of sun and snow during the Easter holidays and is ready for spring! It will come eventually!

Those of you intending to apply to NFR are hopefully well on their way and have been in contact with ʺtheirʺeconomist – are you in doubt who that is, get in touch with Amra ( The approval of the application by the institute leader should go via the economist (deadline 20.4.). If of interest, Amra is available to read through your application.

But now to something else that is more fun than writing applications: The awards of the medical faculty 2017.

Have you been supervisor for an exceptional PhD candidate who defended her/his outstanding thesis in 2017, or (maybe even better?) have you attended a PhD thesis defense and been impressed by the PhD thesis of the candidate? Send suggestions for PhD thesis of the year to Pål Njølstad! You also still have the possibility to suggest Research group of the year, Publication of the year and Dissemination award of the year – but remember, the deadline is today!

Public PhD Defense, Week 15

Einar Elvbakken Birkeland will defend his PhD thesis on Thursday, April 12th, 2018
Trial lecture: Thursday, April 12th, 2018 at 09:15 AM
Topic:  ‘“The impact of microenvironmental and epigenetic heterogeneity on the evolution of therapy resistance in cancer”
Place:  Aud. 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Thursday, April 12th, 2018 at 11:15 AM
Place:  Aud. 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation:  “Genomic evolution and therapy resistance in melanoma and breast cancer”
1st opponent: Postdoctor Ana Slipicevic, Univerity of Oslo
2nd opponent: Postdoctor Eva Colàs, Vall d’Hhebron Research Institute, Spain

Press release (in Norwegian)

To faculty employees – supervisors for thesis in medicine studies

Once a year, the faculty has contacted the institutes’ scientific staff and asked for proposals for assignment work for the medical students. When we address us now, we are asking for suggestions for THESIS, which is part of the academic pillar in a new study plan from 2015. At the same time, we will inform you about the role of the supervisor and the framework for work with the main assignment.

Continue reading

“The 20th Broegelmann Lecture”

by Andreas Radbruch Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

“Pathogenic memory plasma cells – a roadblock to tolerance induction in chronic inflammatory diseases”

Tuesday, May 15th, at 13:00 – 14:00
Auditorium AHH

Andreas Radbruch is an immunologist and scientific director at the German Rheumatism Research Centre Berlin as well as professor for rheumatology at the Medical faculty of the Humboldt University of Berlin (Charité), Germany. His research focus is on the topics of autoimmunity, inflammation and immune pathology, biology of T and B lymphocytes and plasma cells, and development of molecular imprinting of immunological memory as well as cytometry and cell sorting. In particular, his work aims at a molecular understanding of the control of immune reactions and immunological memory in vaccination, and autoimmune and allergic inflammation.

Arranged by The Research Group Immunology and Rheumatology, NSI Bergen and The Bergen Research School in Inflammation.



Funding opportunities for innovative projects – additional info and links!

In K2-nytt released on week 12, there was some information missing about some of the possibilities and calls for development of your innovative projects. Please see below for more information including relevant links.

BIOTEK 2021 Optimalisation funds: Projects with commercial potential within the fields of Biology or biotechnology can get seed financing for further development. UiB acts as the applicant, but it is obligatory to have a TTO (for UiB this is BTO) involved in the application. Involvement of the TTO is to ensure that the project develops commercially. See here for more information (this was the last call):

StudENT: Students with a god idea can get up to 1 million kroner to further develop their ideas commercially. UiB sends the application to the Norwegian research council. The scheme is aimed at those who are at M.Sc level (or close too). BTO assists both in the application process and after the project is awarded.

FORNY 2020 is the research councils own verification program. Projects must have come considerably further in their development than is the case with the BIOTEK 2021 optimalisation funds, but at the same time still be in a relatively early phase of development and carry large risk. BTO is the project owner in these projects with UiB as a partner.

Horizon 2020 HelpDesk – Horizon HelpDesk is an initiative where both companies and researchers can take contact to help finding relevant calls and build good consortiums. Horizon HelpDesk is a collaboration between UiB (project owner), Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Bergen kommune, Innovasjon Norge, Hordland Fylkeskommune among others. BTO is the project leader. For more information, go here:


Family Blix fund for support of medical research

The Blix Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Research was founded on December 1, 1983. The purpose of the fund is to support medical research, especially in the fields of cardiovascular disease and cancer, including medical diagnostics in these fields. Fund support will particularly go to research projects combining basic and clinical research, with special emphasis on applications from younger researchers. Application for support is sent to the board of directors of the fund by Erik Keiserud, Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA, PO Box 471, 0105 Oslo. The application must be sent by 25 June 2018. It must be written on a standard form that will be sent on request by e-mail: