Author Archives: ene057

New system for HSE non-conformities

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry will start using a digital report system for HSE non-conformities on the 10th of November 2015.
The university wants all HSE non-conformities to be reported, in order to prevent and follow up injuries to people and harm to the environment and property. Knowledge about HSE non-conformities provides a basis for ensuring a fully satisfactory learning and working environment.

Employees and students who discover HSE non-conformities must fill out an electronic notification. The system is user-friendly and employees should be able to use the new system without training.

More information about HSE non-conformities and link to the system

Support from funds and endowments opens new doors

Now it’s time to apply for support from funds and endowments! Are you wondering whether you should apply? Postdoctoral Agnete Engelsen and research fellow Maria Omsland is not in doubt about what you should do, and are happy to share their experience from the application process. Read more here (in Norwegian).Stipendiat Maria Omsland (t.v.) og postdoktor Agnete Engelsen

Research fellow Maria Omsland (left) and postdoctoral Agnete Engelsen has profited from applying for financial support from funds and endowments at UiB, and call on young researchers to apply. Photo: Randi Holmås, UiB

Seminar on internal control and health research

The Integrity Committee at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry organizes a seminar focusing on internal controls and procedures for medical and health research projects at UiB. The seminar will deal with REC and the Health Research Act, internal control by MOF and UiB, as well as information on the research server at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care.
The seminar is aimed at project managers and others who process personal data in their research projects.

REC, Health Research Act – Ansgar Berg, Committee Chair in REC west
Internal control at UiB – Robert Bjerknes, Vice Rector for interdisciplinary activities Internal control at MOF – Eyvind Rødahl, vice dean for research at the MOF
Internal control at IGS – research server – Rolv Terje Lie, head of the IGS

Time: 11/27/2015 09:00 to 11:00 am
Location: BB-building, Auditorium

Announcement of residual funds from Hjørdis and Kjell T. Hansons fund and Sigurd Monsens endowment

In connection with the liquidation of the funds, the Board has decided to distribute residual assets under the Fund’s purpose. Approximately kr. 190 000 divided into portions up to kr. 25,000 will be distributed.
You can apply for funding for the operation of research projects including funds for equipment / materials, participation in conferences and seminars, visits to partner institutions, go on field work and study stays that are necessary for ongoing research projects.

The application deadline is 27 November 2015.

Link to the announcement and application form:

HMS: Hilarious Merry Society to meet in the University Aula 2nd of December

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasLinda Eide (the one with the matching tracksuit and “Norske attraksjoner”) will contribute with the lecture “La deg begeistre!” (Be inspired!) The Grieg Academy sets the tone for a more balanced mood.

What does this have to do with HMS (Health-Milieu-Safety)? Of course this is well-founded; after all we are academic staff:

Health: “Humor is the best medicine,” though with some reservation, see (1, 2).

Milieu: To meet in the Aulas magnificent environment facilitates communication / interaction both with close and often somewhat distant colleagues in K2.

Safety: Will be attended there and then (instant security; escape routes will probably be demonstrated). The fact that we become better acquainted with each other and practice communication will undoubtedly contribute to increased safety when we are back at the respective workplaces.

We will be presented with the Working environment survey conducted in 2015. Based on the results of this survey thereafter we will work in groups and discuss what each of us can do to contribute to further development.

The HMS department will also hold more targeted posts, and there will be a good lunch (from Godt Brød)! Food as medicine was however too extensive to include in the reference list ….



1. R.E. Ferner og J.K. Aronson: Laughter and MIRTH (Methodical Investigation of Risibility, Therapeutic and Harmful): narrative synthesis, British Medical Journal 2013; 347
2. Svebak S: Forlenger god latter livet? Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1997; 117: 4360-1


New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

DNA methylation subgroups in melanoma are associated with proliferative and immunological processes.
Lauss M, Ringnér M, Karlsson A, Harbst K, Busch C, Geisler J, Lønning PE, Staaf J, Jönsson G.
BMC Med Genomics. 2015 Nov 6;8(1):73.

Hereditary hypophosphatemia in Norway; a retrospective population-based study of genotypes, phenotypes and treatment complications.
Rafaelsen SH, Johansson S, Raeder H, Bjerknes R.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2015 Nov 5.

Serum concentrations of kynurenines in adult patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a case-control study.
Aarsland TI, Landaas ET, Hegvik TA, Ulvik A, Halmøy A, Ueland PM, Haavik J.
Behav Brain Funct. 2015 Nov 5;11(1):36

Gender in cardiovascular diseases: impact on clinical manifestations, management, and outcomes.
EUGenMed; Cardiovascular Clinical Study Group, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Oertelt-Prigione S, Prescott E, Franconi F, Gerdts E, Foryst-Ludwig A, Maas AH, Kautzky-Willer A, Knappe-Wegner D, Kintscher U, Ladwig KH, Schenck-Gustafsson K, Stangl V.
Eur Heart J. 2015 Nov 3.

New Names

We present Dr. Indu Dhar, Postdoctoral fellow at KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes research, Department of Clinical Science. Indu started with her postdoctoral project in August 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Ottar Kjell Nygård. If anyone wants to say hello, you can find her in the 4th floor in the lab building.

Inspection of auditoriums and classrooms

Ingvild Jonsvoll from the K2 reception has started with an inspection of the University auditoriums in Sentralblokken, KK and BKB 1-2 times a month, to check that the IT equipment work and that there are enough chalk, etc. in the rooms. She also ensures that the auditoriums have updated contact information to both IT Assistant and the K2 reception.
The reception by Ingvild can be contacted if there are lacks in equipment other than the IT equipment.

Contact Ingvild if you have suggestions or questions regarding this inspection.

Invitation to PhD-relay 2015 Wednesday 9 December

The Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen invites all PhD-candidates writing dissertations on gender related themes to the seminar.
All Ph.D.-candidates writing dissertations with a theme that empirical or theoretical, deals with gender, are welcome to an interdisciplinary seminar on Wednesday, 9. December.
The PhD-relay is a full-day seminar where everyone gets 15 minutes to present their projects. Then we have allotted at least 15 minutes afterwards for discussion of the presentation. This gives the candidates the opportunity to form useful contacts across disciplines and to get input from the professionals at SKOK.
If you are interested in participating, sign up and upload abstract here by 1. December.

Please contact if you have questions or need more information. Time: Wednesday 9. December 2015
Venue: Ida Blom’s hus, Allégaten 34, the Seminar Room, 3rd floor.

Invitation to the first Learning Conference at UiB: Vil Vite November 10th 2015 8.30am-4.00pm

We would like to inform everyone about The Learning Conference 2015 organized by the environment for university teaching at UiB.
As part of the programme there will be a separate session on the University’s upcoming learning platform, Canvas, and the opportunities inherent in this for educators at UiB. Participation is free.
Please register here.

Best regards
Ørjan Leren
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Bergen
Tel: +47 55 58 64 85

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Salivary IgA from the sublingual compartment as a novel noninvasive proxy for intestinal immune induction.
Aase A, Sommerfelt H, Petersen LB, Bolstad M, Cox RJ, Langeland N, Guttormsen AB, Steinsland H, Skrede S, Brandtzaeg P.
Mucosal Immunol. 2015 Oct 28.

Circulating Concentrations of Vitamin B6 and Kidney Cancer Prognosis: A Prospective Case-Cohort Study.
Muller DC, Johansson M, Zaridze D, Moukeria A, Janout V, Holcatova I, Navratilova M, Mates D, Midttun Ø, Ueland PM, Brennan P, Scelo G.
PLoS One. 2015 Oct 27;10(10):e0140677.

A genome-wide analysis of the response to inhaled β2-agonists in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Hardin M, Cho MH, McDonald ML, Wan E, Lomas DA, Coxson HO, MacNee W, Vestbo J, Yates JC, Agusti A, Calverley PM, Celli B, Crim C, Rennard S, Wouters E, Bakke P, Bhatt SP, Kim V, Ramsdell J, Regan EA, Make BJ, Hokanson JE, Crapo JD, Beaty TH, Hersh CP; ECLIPSE and COPDGene Investigators; COPDGene Investigators—clinical centers; COPDGene Investigators-clinical centers.
Pharmacogenomics J. 2015 Oct 27.

Metabolic Tumor Volume on 18F-FDG PET/CT Improves Preoperative Identification of High-Risk Endometrial Carcinoma Patients.
Husby JA, Reitan BC, Biermann M, Trovik J, Bjørge L, Magnussen IJ, Salvesen ØO, Salvesen HB, Haldorsen IS.
J Nucl Med. 2015 Aug;56(8):1191-8.

HIV patients with latent tuberculosis living in a low-endemic country do not develop active disease during a 2 year follow-up; a Norwegian prospective multicenter study.
Pullar ND, Steinum H, Bruun JN, Dyrhol-Riise AM.
BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Dec 17;14:667.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find

Eystein 2

The extended leader group has just discussed application strategies for 2016. A review of our project portfolio showed that K2 has had great success in the competition for the NRC and EU grants in recent years. In 2013, 5 of the 18 applications to the NRC was funded (28 percent), while the figure for 2014 was 7 of 19 (37 percent). The total percentage granted in 2014 was 11 percent. K2 has also had success with their EU applications. Of 24 applications 4 have been granted (17 percent), including 1 where Helse Bergen is partner and UiB third party and 1 project where UiB is coordinator. The funding percentages in the first calls in the H2020-program have been at 5 per cent or less.

To succeed in fierce national and international competition one must work systematically. We believe that the approach we have used for writing of NRC applications in recent years has contributed to our success and increased our competitiveness. Good research advisers have also been instrumental and in many cases had decisive impact.

Thus, there was a broad agreement to continue our application procedures consisting of:

  • Plenary proposal discussions
  • Budgeting help from the administration
  • Writing support from both research advisors and experienced colleagues

To take part in these “support services” it is necessary that applicants comply with deadlines. Participation is also an excellent opportunity to test and improve your own ideas and to help others improve their applications. To obtain funding it is often not enough to have a creative idea, a broad and multi-disciplinary approach to the problem is regularly required, including good plans for dissemination and research training. One can get input and ideas on all these areas in a structured process where everyone helps each other.
One thing is certain, -those who don’t apply will not get research money.
Good luck with this spring’s most important adventure.


Nomination of candidates to receive King Olav V’s Cancer Research Award for 2016

kreftforeningenThe Norwegian Cancer Society is now inviting to nominations of candidates to receive King Olav V’s Cancer Research Award for 2016. Please find enclosed the invitation to nominate candidates, the list of previous winners and guidelines for allocation of the Cancer Research award. The nomination must be submitted in English. The deadline for nominations is 10 December 2015. More information can be found on our website.

Best regards

The Norwegian Cancer Society
Åsmund Eikenes, PhD

UNs Secretary General’s IAP for the Global Strategy on Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health: Request for Applications

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (The Partnership) is soliciting applications for vacancies on the United Nations Secretary General’s Independent Accountability Panel (IAP) for the Global Strategy on Women’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health (Global Strategy).  Applications for members from all regions are required to be submitted no later than 18th November 2015. Continue reading

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Expanding the toolbox of ADHD genetics. How can we make sense of parent of origin effects in ADHD and related behavioral phenotypes?
Zayats T, Johansson S, Haavik J.
Behav Brain Funct. 2015 Oct 16;11(1):33.

MDM4 SNP34091 (rs4245739) and its effect on breast-, colon-, lung-, and prostate cancer risk.
Gansmo LB, Romundstad P, Birkeland E, Hveem K, Vatten L, Knappskog S, Lønning PE.
Cancer Med. 2015 Oct 16.

The cytokine-mediated crosstalk between primary human acute myeloid cells and mesenchymal stem cells alters the local cytokine network and the global gene expression profile of the mesenchymal cells.
Reikvam H, Brenner AK, Hagen KM, Liseth K, Skrede S, Hatfield KJ, Bruserud Ø.
Stem Cell Res. 2015 Sep 25;15(3):530-541

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Clinical reappraisal of SHORT syndrome with PIK3R1 mutations: towards recommendation for molecular testing and management.
Avila M, Dyment DA, Sagen JV, St-Onge J, Moog U, Chung BH, Mansour S, Albanese A, Garcia S, Ortiz Martin D, Lopez AA, Claudi T, König R, White SM, Sawyer SL, Bernstein JA, Slattery L, Jobling RK, Yoon G, Curry CJ, Le Merrer M, Le Luyer B, Héron D, Mathieu-Dramard M, Bitoun P, Odent S, Amiel J, Kuentz P, Thevenon J, Laville M, Reznik Y, Fagour C, Nunes ML, Delesalle D, Manouvrier S, Lascols O, Huet F, Binquet C, Faivre L, Rivière JB, Vigouroux C, Njølstad PR, Innes AM, Thauvin-Robinet C.
Clin Genet. 2015 Oct 24.

HOTAIR and its surrogate DNA methylation signature indicate carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer.
Teschendorff AE, Lee SH, Jones A, Fiegl H, Kalwa M, Wagner W, Chindera K, Evans I, Dubeau L, Orjalo A, Horlings HM, Niederreiter L, Kaser A, Yang W, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Jenner RG, Berns EM, Wik E, Salvesen HB, Wisman GB, van der Zee AG, Davidson B, Trope CG, Lambrechts S, Vergote I, Calvert H, Jacobs IJ, Widschwendter M.
Genome Med. 2015 Oct 24;7(1):108.

Epitope specific T cell responses against influenza A in a healthy population.
Savic M, Dembinski JL, Kim Y, Tunheim G, Cox RJ, Oftung F, Peters B, Mjaaland S.
Immunology. 2015 Oct 22.

Tumor necrosis is an important hallmark of aggressive endometrial cancer and associates with hypoxia, angiogenesis and inflammation responses.
Bredholt G, Mannelqvist M, Stefansson IM, Birkeland E, Hellem Bø T, Øyan AM, Trovik J, Kalland KH, Jonassen I, Salvesen HB, Wik E, Akslen LA.
Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 14.

Associations between intake of fish and n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and plasma metabolites related to the kynurenine pathway in patients with coronary artery disease.
Karlsson T, Strand E, Dierkes J, Drevon CA, Øyen J, Midttun Ø, Ueland PM, Gudbrandsen OA, Pedersen ER, Nygård O.
Eur J Nutr. 2015 Oct 19.

Assessment of body composition in children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study in Norway.
Finbråten AK, Martins C, Andersen GL, Skranes J, Brannsether B, Júlíusson PB, Syversen U, Stevenson RD, Vik T.
Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015 Sep;57(9):858-64.