Author Archives: ene057

Grants from Samarbeidsorganet 2015

Per BakkeThe results of the applications of Samarbeidsorganets research grants were published this week. Applications from researchers connected to K2 did very well. Of a total of 12 PhD scholarships 5 was granted to candidates with main supervisors from K2. Corresponding figures for postdoctoral fellowships were 6 and 2. Funds were granted to 23 new multi-year research projects. Of these 14 (60%) were granted to projects where the applicant is affiliated with K2. Also for the one-year projects K2 employees were well represented. There is every reason to congratulate!

For those who did not get anything from this year’s applications: Though it is immediately frustrating, just keep applying and do better next time. In this connection I will remind you that K2 will run a structured support for NRC applications this spring and also for the EU projects. Further information will follow.

This column will also encourage Samarbeidsorganet  to look critically at the way the applications are assessed. Although there has been a clear improvement from previous since the committees that consider the applications now are external to Helse-Vest, there is always room for improvement of the comittees research expertise, and the way the evaluation is organized.


Invitation: Communication breakfast December 10th – How to promote your research online

We welcome you to the new #uibfrokost.

Thursday 10 December at 8:30 to 9:45 am (doors open for breakfast from 8 am), Auditorium A, Sydneshaugen School.

How to promote your research online.
What kind of information do people find when they google your name? To a great extent, you can decide this for yourself. We teach you how at this breakfast meeting.

Read more about the meeting here (in Norwegian), and register by Monday 7 December.
This communication breakfast has researchers as a main target group, but all interested UiB employees are welcome! Please feel free to send the invitation to others.
I hope we see many of you on 10 December.

Best regards
Gro Malnes Øvrebø
Communications Department

Research courses in Philosophy of Science at SPS, Oslo and Akershus University College spring 2016

HiOAengCentre for the Study of Professions at the University College of Applied Sciences in Oslo and Akershus, offers the PhD course Philosophy of Science in the spring of 2016:
Philosophy of Science is systematic studies of scientific knowledge and scientific activity. In this course, attention is directed to the part of the philosophy of science that revolves around the social sciences. Read more here (in Norwegian).
The course takes place during two gatherings (week 6 and 10). For more information about the deadline, content, curriculum, teaching plan, how to enroll etc- see here (in Norwegian).

Regards Karima Bitta
Centre for the Study of Professions
University College of Applied Sciences
Tlf.: 67 23 52 56

Dear colleagues,
The deadline for abstract submission for the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Safety 2016 has been extended until 30th of November 2015. We have received over a thousand abstracts but we decided to extend abstract submission deadline for persons who have not submitted their abstract yet. If you still have not submitted your abstract, we invite you to give your contribution to this event, which is one of the most important gatherings for scientific community of injury prevention and safety promotion.
More information about abstract submission here.
Abstract Submission Deadline Extended Until 30th November.

Best regards,
Safety 2016 Conference Secretariat

Henning and Johan Throne-Holsts Foundation for the Promotion of Scientific Research

Scholarships for researchers and PhD students for studies abroad in human nutrition and scholarships for visiting scholars.

Henning and Johan Throne-Holst’s Foundation was formed in 1976 through a donation from the company Marabou. The Foundation aims to promote research in human nutrition and related sciences in Sweden and Norway. The foundation annually allocates 1-2 million SEK. Continue reading

Information about training in new learning platform – academic and administrative staff

Here is the link to the information page (in Norwegian) on the rollout of the new learning platform.

Courses for academic staff at MOF:

  • 2 Dec. kl. 0930-1130 am, large aud. Haukeland hospital / Sentralblokken
  • 7 Dec kl. 0930-1130 am, large aud. Haukeland hospital /Sentralblokken

Administrative staff:

  • 4 Dec. kl. 1-3 pm, PC room, Overlege Danielsens hus
  • 8 Dec. kl. 9-11 am, PC room, Overlege Danielsens hus

We also urge the technical staff to attend the courses. There is no registration for these courses. University Pedagogy (Uniped) is responsible for the courses.

11th ORPHEUS Conference: Lost in translation? From medical studies to clinical research

March 10 th – 12 th, 2016 in Cologne

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 11th ORPHEUS Conference “Lost in translation? From medical studies to clinical research” taking place from March 10th-12th 2016 on the Medical Campus at the University of Cologne, Germany. Continue reading

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Cross-reactivity of the CEDIA buprenorphine assay in drugs-of-abuse screening: influence of dose and metabolites of opioids.
Berg JA, Schjøtt J, Fossan KO, Riedel B.
Subst Abuse Rehabil. 2015 Oct 28;6:131-139

The Expression of BAFF Is Controlled by IRF Transcription Factors.
Sjöstrand M, Johansson A, Aqrawi L, Olsson T, Wahren-Herlenius M, Espinosa A.
J Immunol. 2015 Nov 20.

Parental anxiety related to referral of childhood heart murmur; an observational/interventional study.
Bårdsen T, Sørbye MH, Trønnes H, Greve G, Berg A.
BMC Pediatr. 2015 Nov 21;15(1):193.

EHRA research network surveys: 6 years of EP wires activity.
Bongiorni MG, Chen J, Dagres N, Estner H, Hernandez-Madrid A, Hocini M, Larsen TB, Pison L, Potpara T, Proclemer A, Sciaraffia E, Todd D, Blomstrom-Lundqvist C.
Europace. 2015 Nov;17(11):1733-8.

Perceived food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome in a population 3 years after a giardiasis-outbreak: a historical cohort study.
Litleskare S, Wensaas KA, Eide GE, Hanevik K, Kahrs GE, Langeland N, Rortveit G.
BMC Gastroenterol. 2015 Nov 19;15(1):164.

Unilateral renal ischemia in rats induces a rapid secretion of inflammatory markers to renal lymph and increased peritubular capillary permeability.
Bivol LM, Iversen BM, Hultström M, Wallace PW, Reed RK, Wiig H, Tenstad O.
J Physiol. 2015 Nov 20.

CYP19A1 fine-mapping and Mendelian randomisation: estradiol is causal for endometrial cancer.
Thompson DJ, O’Mara TA, Glubb DM, Painter JN, Cheng T, Folkerd E, Doody D, Dennis J, Webb PM, Gorman M, Martin L, Hodgson S, Michailidou K, Tyrer JP, Maranian MJ, Hall P, Czene K, Darabi H, Li J, Fasching PA, Hein A, Beckmann MW, Ekici AB, Dörk T, Hillemanns P, Dürst M, Runnebaum I, Zhao H, Depreeuw J, Schrauwen S, Amant F, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Dowdy SC, Winham SJ, Salvesen HB, Trovik J, Njolstad TS, Werner HM, Ashton K, Proietto T, Otton G, Carvajal-Carmona L, Tham E, Liu T, Mints M, Scott RJ, McEvoy M, Attia J, Holliday EG, Montgomery GW, Martin NG, Nyholt DR, Henders AK, Hopper JL, Traficante N, Ruebner M, Swerdlow AJ, Burwinkel B, Brenner H, Meindl A, Brauch H, Lindblom A, Lambrechts D, Chang-Claude J, Couch F, Giles G, Kristensen VN, Cox A, Bolla MK, Wang Q, Bojesen SE, Shah M, Luben R, Khaw KT, Pharoah PD, Dunning AM, Tomlinson I, Dowsett M, Easton DF, Spurdle AB.
Endocr Relat Cancer. 2015 Nov 16.


Does scientific staff need to care about careers?

Roland JonssonThe term career is by many perceived as a value-laden concept, but for those who work in academia this is a reality. At present there are great demands to recruit the best talents and follow them up so well that they remain at the institution, in our case Department of Clinical Science. This applies to ensure that Norwegian institutions will be able to assert themselves in the international competition for talents and research funding. To make this work, leaders at all levels need to prioritize good recruitment and career policy. Recently a working group appointed by UHR delivered an inspirational document with proposals for a coherent framework for career policy at Norwegian higher education institutions. The report can be found here (in norwegian):

In the inspiration note Better Career Policies for academic staff in the higher education sector (UHR June 2015), that the report has been called, the working group proposes to systematise career and HR policy into four phases in a scientific career:

  • Phase 1. Those who are in a doctoral program (PhD)
  • Phase 2. Employees in qualification level (postdocs, researchers etc.)
  • Phase 3. Permanent employees in combined positions (Associate professor, professor, etc.)
  • Phase 4. Internationally leading professors

Career Politics is of course about the whole career path, from PhD to internationally leading professors. We should embark on and continue to work with this. The best time to bring this up is in the appraisal interview.


New Names

Zuzana SichmanovaWe present Zuzana Sichmanova, PhD student at Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Clinical Science.
Zuzana started with her PhD work in October 2015 under the supervision of Stian Knappskog. If anyone
wants to say hello, you can find her in the 1M floor in the lab building.

Reminder: Invitation to the Nordic PhD course “Bio-8303: Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”

UIT logoDear Mr/Ms/Mrs
Attached you will find an invitation to the Nordic PhD course Bio-8303: “Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”. The course will take place at the University of Tromsø in week 10 and 11 next year (March 7th to 18th, 2016). An international faculty teaches the course (please find the lecture schedule attached). Continue reading

Green chemistry – reduce the environmental footprint.

The HSE section has previously arranged “Glove Safety Course” and “Gas safety Course” where external actors have informed us on useful topics related to HSE.

8 December 2015 we will have a visitor from Sigma Aldrich (Jeffrey Whitford, USA) who will give a presentation on Green Chemistry. Sigma Aldrich has multiple green options that may be appropriate for UiB.

Follow the link for more information and registration.

Please spread this information to your colleagues.

Anne-Kristin M. Johannessen
Occupational hygienist / Senior Engineer
HSE Section, HR Department
University of Bergen, PO Box 7800, 5020 Bergen
Tel: 55 58 87 52 Email:

The office situation at K2

Per BakkeThe office situation at K2 is a challenge. A large and pleasing increase in BOA activity has contributed to an increased demand for office space. The administration is going to take another round in K2 areas in the lab building to see if it is possible to exploit the areas better and make sure that people do not hold places they are not supposed to. In the allocation of seats, we will follow the already decided ranking for allocation of office spaces: Professor, Associate Professor, researcher, postdoc, PhD student, research line student, master’s student. In addition, we will strive to have people sit near their labs and close to their partners. It is possible that we also need to utilize some lab areas as office spaces.

Finally, it is important that people report their needs for office space to Irene:

It is in everyone’s interest that these rules are followed. If we all show agility this can easily go well!


Research presentations from 2015


Bergen Postfraduate School of Clinical Medical Research invites you all to attend “Researhc Presentations from 2015”. The event will be held from 25-29 January 2016, with poster display in the vestibule of Haukeland University Hospital and oral presentations Thursday 28 January. Registration deadline is 1 December. See attached invitation for more information.

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Pain and pain tolerance in whiplash-associated disorders: A population-based study.
Myrtveit SM, Skogen JC, Sivertsen B, Steingrímsdóttir ÓA, Stubhaug A, Nielsen CS.
Eur J Pain. 2015 Nov 16.

Common Polymorphisms That Affect Folate Transport or Metabolism Modify the Effect of the MTHFR 677C > T Polymorphism on Folate Status.
Bueno O, Molloy AM, Fernandez-Ballart JD, García-Minguillán CJ, Ceruelo S, Ríos L, Ueland PM, Meyer K, Murphy MM.
J Nutr. 2015 Nov 11.

Identification of rare high-risk copy number variants affecting the dopamine transporter gene in mental disorders.
Hoeffding LK, Duong LT, Ingason A, Rosengren A, Sorbanski E, Witt SH, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Hansen T, Werge T, Rasmussen HB.
Nord J Psychiatry. 2015 Nov 11:1-4.

Appraisal Interview

Per BakkeAll permanent employees in main position shall anually be offered an appraisal interview. As department head, I have interviews with research group leaders, heads of platforms and permanent academic staff in main positions. Research group leaders must ensure that appraisal interviews are offered to other employees in the research group, including technicians. The head of administration will offer appraisal interviews to the administrative staff.

The appraisal interview is voluntary for the employee. The conversation will be confidential and address expectations both ways, as well as efforts and results. It should be very concrete, as that makes it easier to assess the impact of it. An important point is that both parties in advance think about what should be addressed.

The purpose of the interview is to help create a better working environment, at the same time as we improve, both as individuals and organization. Medical university work is carried out in a tight relationship. This makes the appraisal inerview particularly important.


Safety rounds and filling in checklist form

Hi all,
15th and 17th of December HSE rounds will be conducted in the Children’s Clinic, the Women’s Clinic and in the laboratory building. We therefore ask that everyone fills out and returns the enclosed forms (select the form that suits you). If you have nothing to remark with regards to your workplace, we want you to fill out the form and return it anyway.
Deadline for submission of the form is Friday 27 November.
Please contact us if you have questions.

The safety delegates and adm.manager

Julie Stavnes                                                            Attachments:
Head of Administration,                                           Form office
Clinical Institute 2                                                      Form lab-clinic-workshop 
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry                             Form personal-meeting-grouprooms
University of Bergen
Tel: +47 55 97 29 58

Election Announcement and invitation to submit nominations of group B to the Institute Council

K2 will elect a new representative to the departmental council of group B – Temporary staff in teaching and research positions.

Nominations must be sent or delivered to the administration manager Julie Stavnes within 3 pm on Friday 20 November 2015. Proposals must be signed by at least three voters in the respective constituency (the group). It must be evident from the proposal who have signed. For a proposal to be legally put forward, tit must meet these requirements: Continue reading

Annual inspection of safety benches (LAF benches) in the laboratory building Monday 16 November

Monday 16 November Bryn AS from Oslo will conduct the annual inspection of the LAF benches. Due to the short notice, we have tried to inform all users directly. If you should need to adapt the time of control, contact Ingvild in the reception on the eighth floor of the Lab-building.
Sorry for the short notice and thank you for cooperating during the control on Monday.


Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll
Apprentice, Clinical Institute 2
Laboratory building 8. floor
Room 8425
Tel: 55973050