Daily Archives: Thursday January 16th, 2025

Something small can become something big

It is time to apply for the annual small-scale funding (SMÅFORSK). The funds are a joint venture between NFR and UiB. The intention is to help those without major funding to start projects and get into position to apply for larger grants.

Applications for operating costs, travel expenses, seminars, courses, materials, and technical-administrative assistance are welcomed. This year, there is NOK 743,000 to be distributed at K2

Application requirements and award criteria:

  • The funds go to researchers who do not already have major funding.
  • The size of the individual grants is between NOK 15,000-150,000.
  • The funds must be used by the end of 2025 and cannot be transferred.
  • Recipients must be active researchers in a permanent academic position at K2, professor 2 or associate professor 2.
  • Recipients must have applied for external funding in recent years.

Please apply via this link: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=18345487

The application deadline is 13.2.2025

Wishing you a good weekend

Eystein Husebye


Defense | 23/01-25 | Bjørn-Erik Bertelsen




Bjørn-Erik Bertelsen

The candidate is from the Department of Clinical Science 2

Main Supervisor: Dr. Bjørg Almås

Co-supervisors: Associate Professor Kristin Viste and Professor Gunnar Mellgren

Trial Lecture: Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 09:15

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Assigned Topic: “Metabolic tracing as a tool to study biochemical alterations in cancer”

Defense: Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 11:15

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Thesis Title: “Ultrasensitive Assays for Targeted Breast Cancer Treatment”

Opponent: Dr. Katja Elgstøen, Oslo University Hospital

Opponent: Associate Professor Egil Støre Blix, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Committee Member: Researcher Bergithe Oftedal, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Ola Myklebost.

Open to all interested parties

Pre-announcement: Call for proposals on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence

Pre-announcNordForsk plans a call for proposals on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence based on a Nordic-Baltic initiative. The call for proposals will open in February 2025.

NordForsk aims to fund projects that address shared Nordic and Nordic-Baltic societal challenges in the context of extensive use and implementation of AI in the region. These challenges include, but are not limited to, ageing populations, ongoing structural developments in the labour market, societal and political polarisation, health systems, education, competence development and lifelong learning and the green transition of the economy.

This initiative seeks to explore the use, development and implementation of AI, on an individual, organisational and societal level, creating prerequisites for responsible and critical future approaches.


Professional lunch

Are you a student? And you have an idea of how your municipality could serve its citizens in a better way, but you don’t know how to proceed? Or are you a researcher? And you believe that your research results could really make a difference to peoples’ lives, or be valuable to an industry, but you do not know how to turn it into an actual product? With UiB idé, UiB has a program that can support your idea with both advice and funding, to help you to reach your goal.

Get up to NOK 500 000 funding

For an idea to be innovative, it must be novel, create value and respond to specific needs from a certain user group, or from society in general. Good ideas are found in all professional environments, and can become social innovations, public sector innovations, process innovations, commercialization projects or other types of innovation.

The maximum funding amount is NOK 500,000 for researcher projects, and NOK 100,000 for student projects. The application deadline is the 14th of February 2025.

Read more and find detailed information about the funding program here: Do you have a good idea? Seek support! | UiB Innovation | UiB


Funds for Collaborative Projects and Academic Meeting Places on Global Societal Challenges

Globale samfunnsutfordringer (GSU) at UiB aims to stimulate academic meeting places and collaboration across faculties and announces seed funding for this purpose. At least two faculties must be involved in the collaboration on global societal challenges, and the activity must be related to the theme of inequality. The total framework for the announcement is NOK 600,000. A maximum of NOK 100,000 is granted per project.



Introduction to Horizon Europe (webinar) February 4, 09:00–11:00 The course is tailored for level 1 (beginners) Registration deadline: February 2, 2025, 15:00 Link

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe (webinar) February 5, 09:00–11:55 Registration deadline: February 3, 2025, 15:00 Link

Finding Partners and Collaborative Projects (webinar) February 6, 08:45–11:00 Suitable for: Beginner Registration deadline: January 30, 2025, 15:00 Link

Evaluation of Collaborative Projects (webinar) February 7, 09:00–12:00 Registration deadline: February 5, 2025, 15:00 Link

Other Horizon Europe courses Link

Still time to apply for MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024!


Deadline 5 Feb 2025

MSCA Staff Exchanges involve organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (including SMEs) from across the globe.

Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff, leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations.

Staff exchanges fund short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in research and innovation activities of participating organisations. The aim is to develop sustainable collaborative projects between different organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors. Exchanged staff benefit from new knowledge, skills and career development perspectives, while participating organisations increase their research and innovation capacities.

Success rate in the 2023 call was approximately 30%.



Startup EU project

K2 congratulates Professor Kurt Hanevik and partners in Ethiopia and Mozambique on the grant from the EU EDCTP3. The project Impact of a cryptosporidiosis point-of-care test-and-treat strategy in children with diarrhea (CryptoT&T) started this week.

Cryptosporidium is a parasite causing severe diarrhea, especially in young children in low- and middle-income countries, leading to many deaths and long-term health issues. CryptoT&T aims to test a new diagnostic method using LED microscopy to quickly and accurately detect the infection, allowing for timely treatment. The goal is to reduce the duration of illness and improve treatment for children with Cryptosporidium infection in two low-income countries as well as evaluate the cost-benefits of diagnostics and treatment, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and WHO goals.


Visit our MoBa stand!

On Tuesday, January 21st, from 11:00 to 14:00, the MoBa study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health will have a stand on the 3rd floor!

MoBa is one of the world’s largest health studies with a total of 285,000 participants. Maybe you are one of them?

Visit our stand to: ✔️ Learn about exciting research findings ✔️ Meet MoBa researchers and participants ✔️ Explore research opportunities ✔️ Chance to win a prize

You can find the stand by the large auditorium/cafeteria from 11:00 – Hope to see you there!

Utreiseseminar/mobility seminar

International Centre together with the Occupational Health services, IT-department, and the division of Research and Innovation is hosting a mobility seminar for you who are planning a research stay abroad.

The topics that will be covered:

  • Health and vaccinations
  • IT security
  • Social security affiliation outside
  • Norway Health rights abroad
  • Taxation Insurance
  • Change of address
  • Personal security
  • Are you traveling with family?
  • Financing possibilities

About the seminar:

Time: 12.02.2025 12.00-15.30

Location: zoom

The seminar will be in English. You will receive a link to the zoom seminar when you are registered and you will receive a reminder on email.

Click here to go to the registration form


Career Days 2025

UiB Ferd is planning to organize career days for early-stage researchers affiliated with UiB. The event will take place from April 8th to 10th, 2025.

The current plan is to spread the activities across the campus, ensuring that everyone in the target group has easy access to one or more events.

  • We also encourage staff who are not themselves in the “early-stage researcher” target group but work with tasks related to early-stage researchers to participate in the event.
  • To best support and contribute to the development of our research talents, we must work together to build good, healthy, and inspiring environments where early-career researchers can thrive and flourish.

Ferd Career Center hopes that faculties, departments, and centers will also engage in the career days with their own events and activities during this period.

Learn more