Daily Archives: Friday December 1st, 2023


Vestlandslegen: Presentation of new employees

Most of the positions advertised in connection with the clinical part of the Vestlandslegen at Stavanger University Hospital have now been filled or are in the last part of the hiring process. To better integrate these into the parent institute, from next week there will be a presentation of each individual employee in the K2 News. In addition to getting useful information about each employee, we hope it will make it easier to get in touch. Increased collaboration on teaching with cross-disciplinary teaching groups (Faggrupper på tvers) will make everyday life easier both in Bergen and in Stavanger. Furthermore, it provides the opportunity for increased research collaboration, a large and only partially utilized potential.

Welcome to all new employees at Stavanger University Hospital!


NFR tematiske utlysninger/RCN thematic calls

Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse (tematisk utlysning)


Søknadstype Forskerprosjekt

Søknadsfrist 6. mars 2024, 13:00 CET