Daily Archives: Tuesday March 21st, 2023

ERC Proposal Reading Day

The Research Council of Norway organises “ERC Proposal Reading Days” for researchers who are planning an application to the European Research Council (ERC).

On the Reading Day you get the opportunity to read successful ERC grant proposals and see how a proposal can be structured. More than 60 Norwegian ERC-grantees have kindly given their consent to make their proposal available for the reading day.

18 April at 9-12 https://www.forskningsradet.no/en/events/2023/erc-reading-day-in-bergen-morning/

18 April at 12.30-15.30 https://www.forskningsradet.no/en/events/2023/erc-soknadslesedag-i-bergen-2/

Webinar: Dissemination, communication & exploitation – What’s what, and why do they all matter?

One of the building blocks contributing to the positive evaluation of your Impact section in a Horizon Europe proposal is a well-written sub-section of Measures to Maximise Impact that describes your planned dissemination, exploitation and communication activities.

During this webinar, we will dive deep into the understanding of the EC’s goals that stand behind these proposed activities and share with you numerous practical tips and tricks that will help you develop a competitive dissemination and exploitation part of your proposal, as well as a strong set of communication activities.

This webinar session will take place on March 30th 2023 at 10:30 CET. 


On Saturday 22 April many UiB IT services will be unstable or unavailable for longer periods

The IT division will be performing continuity tests and training, which will cause larger and longer lasting outages than on a normal «change Saturday». We do not recommend working on the UiB campus network or with UiB IT services this day. External services (such as Microsoft 365) should work as normal as long as you avoid the UiB network.
Please note that this outage in April is on the fourth Saturday of the month, rather than the third as in our normal schedule. There will be no other change Saturdays in April.
Regards, The IT division