Daily Archives: Friday September 16th, 2022


Personal development interviews
There is still time for the annual personal development interviews. These are part of targeted management and employee development. Therefore, they are annual, systematic and mutually prepared personal conversations between an employee and their immediate superior. All employees who have a main position at UiB must have staff meetings. This also includes fellows. For employees with 20% positions, the manager can agree with the employee that it is not necessary.

New from last year is that it is not enough that the personal development interviews are offered – they must also be carried out. These interviews are an important arena for clarifying expectations for performance, giving mutual feedback and insight into each other’s working situation and addressing the working environment and conditions at the workplace. The conversation must be linked to K2’s strategic plans and be a real and results-oriented management tool to achieve set goals.

Elements related to life phase can be taken up as a theme. The conversation will also be used to uncover skills needs, change and development. The content of the employee interview must be focused on conditions that the manager and employee can do something about.

It is important to communicate what you want to achieve in the personal development interview and arrange for the confidentiality needed for the interview to have added value for both parties. This can be a gradual process that can take some time.

For foreign employees, it is important to pay attention to their need to understand overall strategies and goals for the organization, the importance of a good and inclusive working environment and the individual’s opportunities to contribute to the community. Current topics can also be their social network, trust vis-a-vis manager and colleagues, experience of belonging and in some cases facilitation and integration also outside the workplace.

As a natural part of the performance assessment and the clarification of expectations, the contractual conversation about pay matters is included as part of the personal development interview. It is therefore important to remember that we have established systems for salary negotiations. As you know, salary negotiations are ongoing this autumn.

As Head of Department, I am responsible for ensuring that all employees carry out annual personal development interviews and am responsible for the results of the interviews being included in K2’s plans and budget. It is not possible to carry out this for all K2’s employees, so carrying out the conversations is delegated. I have staff meetings with the research group leaders, while they in turn have responsibility for their group members. When it comes to administrative staff, head of administration Maria Holmaas is responsible.

Most of the time, I think time goes terribly fast in the autumn, and suddenly it’s Christmas. It is therefore advisable to start the employee interviews as soon as possible. Good luck!

(Norsk) Meld deg på OPP!

Meld deg på OPP!
19.-25.september arrangeres Innovasjonsuken OPP. Over 40 arrangementer er tilgjengelig i arrangementskalenderen. En glimrende arena for studenter, gründere, investorer og næringslivet for møtes for nettverksbygging, kompetansedeling og framsnakking.

Ta en titt på programmet og meld deg allerede nå: www.innovasjonsukenopp.no/program

Her er en liten smakebit på noe av det du kan OPPleve:

Gratis OPP-fest i Marinehallen – Åpningsfesten til Innovasjonsuken OPP
Helseinkubatoren, Eitri arrangerer Datathon og seminar verdien av norsk helsedata
Innovasjon Norge, Connect Vest og PwC arrangerer åpningsarrangementene «OPPnå innovasjonskraft – innovasjon som verktøy for å bli bærekraftig» og «Oppnå suksess med Corporate/startup partnerskap»
NF&TA og Bergen offentlige bibliotek arrangerer «Tech og tekstil – hvordan ser bærekraftig tekstilindustri ut?»
Sopra Steria og NHH arrangerer: «Slik lykkes etablerte selskaper med å lansere nye løsninger»
AFF arrangerer «Start Smart – om hvordan team jobber godt mot felles mål»
Kunnskapsparken Vestland og Innovasjon Norge arrangerer: Kapitaldagen i Førde
Buzzfond, Brak, Bergen kommune, Design Region Bergen og Simonsen Vogt Wiig arrangerer: «Musikk fra Vestland til verden»
SRF arrangerer Byråbayer med årets høydepunkt fra Cannes Lions
VIS, NCE Finance Innovation og Connect Vest arrangerer Demo Day Vestland
Social Impact Lab lanserer Dypdykk for innovasjonsprogrammet, Impact Challenge
Netlife og TRY har seminar om «Hva er godt design og god kommunikasjon?»
GC Rieber arrangerer «Innovation Challenge – innovasjonskultur på tvers av selskaper»
DNB NXT arrangeres med tema: Redefinding Growth
StormGeo, Knowit og Sjømat Norge arrangerer “Hav, tech og hOPP – Fire havnære digitale innovasjonsprosjekter”
Sogn Næring og Kunnskapsparken Vestland arrangerer Innovasjonsdagen i Sogn
Start Bergen arrangerer, hackethon – Bergen Brainstorm