Daily Archives: Friday June 3rd, 2022


Dear all of you!

These are difficult economic times, and the political game around the Research Council is worrying. We have to look for alternatives when it comes to research funding, and it was therefore very nice to see that K2 was well represented at the workshops on “Horizon Europe and Beyond” organized by the FIA. We received many practical tips on how to proceed, and worked a little with a tool created by Hiwa Målen from the FIA that makes it easier for researchers to find suitable calls for proposals. Do not hesitate to contact our research advisor Susanna Pakkasmaa if you need help.

At K2 we also have several good examples of successful external research funding from alternative channels: Eva Gerdts and her Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women  recently received support from Godvik Sanitetsforeningen, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen was awarded funding for CD37 CAR T cell therapy from the regional health enterprise program KLINBEFORSK, and Nina Langeland sitt Vestnorsk research centre for antibiotic resistance (CAMRIA – Combatting Anti-Microbial Resistance with Interdisciplinary Approaches) supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation had a grand opening this week with the Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol present, where Randi Bertelsen is one of the PI that receives support (https://mohnfoundation.no/vestnorsk-samling-om-forskning-pa-antibiotikaresistens/). Congratulations to everyone involved!

And last but not least: we at K2 are actually very good at educating the next generation of researchers with a total of 21 public defences in the first half of 2022! There is some research funding aimed at younger researchers, so just contact Susanna if you need advice.

Have a nice Pentecost!

Workshop: Oral and Dental Health and Tissue Regeneration. 

Dear all,

Centre of Translational Oral Research (TOR) at IKO and Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine welcome ALL to the 2-days workshop.

Active clinicians and researchers including 3 world-leading keynote speakers will update you the latest advancement in Oral and Dental Health and Tissue Regeneration.

The launch will be served (registration required).

Time/Date 23rd-24th June
Place Midgard at Arlek Helseklynge
*Please see the flyer for the detail

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards,
TOR workshop Organisation Committee

Disputas- Merete Salveson Engeseth

Merete Salveson Engeset

Kandidaten utgår fra Klinisk institutt 2
Hovedveileder:professor Ola D. Røksund
Medveileder: professor Thomas Halvorsen

Prøveforelesning: Tirsdag 14. – juni 2022 kl. 10.15Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, underetasje

Oppgitt emne: «Respiratory sequelae of COVID-19 infection»

Disputas: Tirsdag 14. – juni 2022 kl. 12.15

Sted: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, underetasje

Avhandlingens tittel: “Outcomes following PDA surgery in extremely preterm born subjects. Focusing on left vocal cord paralysis and associated short and long-term outcomes”

1. opponent: Professor Sveinung Berntsen, Universitetet i Agder
2. opponent: Ph.d. Camilla Slot Mehlum, Syddansk Universitet, Danmark
3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Bernt Bøgvald Aarli, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Ola Myklebost

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