Daily Archives: Friday May 8th, 2020

The corona virus epidemics – a new phase

Up till now, the government has had a strategy to knock down the corona virus. The spread of the infection is now under control, and yesterday the government announced that they are now switching to a control strategy. The goal is still the same as before, that our health service should have the capacity to help everyone who needs it, those with coronary illness and those with other illnesses. This means that businesses and activities must still take infection control measures when they open up.

In recent weeks, K2 has opened something up – from only allowing exceptions for critical functions to exceptions essential for those completing a degree in 2020 or to generate preliminary data for research applications or particularly costly or critical experiments. At the time of writing, we do not know how much of our activity K2 can open in the next few weeks. The government proposes that distance education should continue to be the norm after May 11, and those in need of collective travel to work should still have a home office. Presently, we do not know whether there will be new reliefs for the laboratories. When we have received new guidance from the Faculty, we will announce the new guidelines through the research group leaders.

Of course, there is great eagerness to get back to normal life at K2. I’m very happy about that. But it is important to remember that the ongoing opening up can give the impression that the outbreak of the virus is about to go over. Unfortunately, it is not. As we gradually reduce the restrictions, it requires that we still keep control of the infection. At K2, we must continue with the simple measures that we know is working and have few negative consequences: be careful about hand washing and cough hygiene, keep at least one meter distance, and stay home when you are sick.

Enjoy the (hopefully corona-free) weekend!


Working environment survey: How are you?

Dear Colleague,

Working from home can be challenging and we wonder how you are doing. We have therefore prepared a simple survey to get some insight into ​​how you feel and what your work situation is like. The survey is anonymous and therefore we will not be able to have any individual follow-up based on the information in the form. If you need follow-up, I urge you to contact your nearest manager, safety representative or corporate health service.

Thank you for taking the time to give your input. Deadline 14th May.

English form: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=8414760

CCBIO courses as online events: CCBIO904 Biomarkers and Tumor Biology in Clinical Practice May 25-27, and CCBIO908 Scientific Writing June 8-11

Dear all

We are happy to announce that the two courses formerly postponed due to the corona measures, now will take place as web-based courses which you can attend from your home office:

  • CCBIO904 Biomarkers and Tumor Biology in Clinical Practice: May 25-27, 2020 (full days)
  • CCBIO908 Scientific Writing & Communication Seminar, June 8-11, 2020 (4 half days)

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Norwegian: Utlysning av forskningsmidler fra Gades Legat

Gades Legat lyser ut midler til anvendelse i forskning innen patologi, mikrobiologi og immunologi. Alle som er faglig tilknyttet forskningsmiljø ved UiB eller Haukeland Universitetssykehus innen patologi, immunologi eller mikrobiologi kan søke om midler. Søknad skal være kortfattet og inneholde:

  • Navn på søker og arbeidssted
  • Navn og kort beskrivelse av prosjektet det søkes om midler til
  • Budsjett
  • Søknad skal totalt ikke overskride 2 sider

Legatet har i senere år tildelt beløp i størrelsesorden 20-100 000 kr, men større tildelinger kan vurderes. Støtte til reiser der man ikke formidler/presenterer egen forskning vil ikke bli prioritert.

Søknadsfrist er torsdag 20. august 2020

Søknad sendes som én PDF-fil til Gades Legat ved sekretær Håvard Hoel Aass, Havard.Aass@uib.no

Norwegian: Invitasjon til nye skisser for tverrfaglege marine stipendiatstillingar 2020 – forlenget frist

Universitetet i Bergen (UiB) skal også i år lyse ut to stipendiatstillingar som eit ledd i UiB sin marine satsing. Vi ynskjer innspel frå fagmiljøa til mogelege fagområda for stillingane. Stillingane skal ikkje vere knytt til MatNat.-fakultetet, men MatNat. kan inngå i tverrfakultært samarbeid. Vi vil gjerne oppfordre til samarbeidsprosjekt der fagmiljø ved to fakultet går saman om forslaget. For meir informasjon, sjå: MaringUtvalg – Phd-utlysninger 2020 – ny frist

The Olav Thon Foundation – support for Nordic research projects in medicine 2021

The Olav Thon Foundation will allocate NOK 20 million for grants to Nordic research collaboration in the field of medicine for 2021. Applications will be assessed in light of their academic quality and the projects’ potential for development of new and groundbreaking knowledge in medicine. For 2021, the Board of the Foundation has decided to invite applications for research on reparative medicine targeting diseases in the musculoskeletal and peripheral and central nervous system.

Projects should be based on the use of stem cell biology, genetic approaches, tissue engineering, biotechnology, or regenerative medicine with the aim of repairing, regrowing or replacing damaged or diseased cells or tissues.

Research support for each project is restricted to a maximum of NOK 2.5 million per year for a maximum of four years.

You can find the announcement here.

This week`s employee – Ane Aamli Gagnat

What are you working on?

I have been a PhD student in the Respiratory research group at K2 since September 2019. Before that I was a MSRP (Forskerlinje) student and had the opportunity to do research while studying medicine. In my work I am examining the risk of lung cancer in patients suffering from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). I have been using data from GenKOLS, which was collected here in Bergen in 2003-2005. I have linked these data to cancer data from the Cancer Registry of Norway. In addition, I help collecting data for a multicentre study, BOLD (Burden of Global Lung Disease)

Why K2? What do you enjoy working with at K2?

I like being able to work with existing data, while contributing to collect more. It is not very social to work on the computer all the time, so I enjoy meeting both study participants and co-workers. I have also had the chance to teach a little, which is fun. The Respiratory research group often attends pleasant and educational congresses in Norway and abroad.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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