New publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to Irene Hjelmaas

A sequence variant associating with educational attainment also affects childhood cognition.
Gunnarsson B, Jónsdóttir GA, Björnsdóttir G, Konte B, Sulem P, Kristmundsdóttir S, Kehr B, Gùstafsson Ò, Helgason H, Iordache PD, Òlafsson S, Frigge ML, Þorleifsson G, Arnarsdóttir S, Stefàndsdóttir B, Gieglin I, Djurovic S; Sundet KS, Espeseth T, Melle I, Hartmann AM, Thorsteinsdottir U, Kong A, Guðbjartsson DF, Ettinger U, Anderassen OA, Dan Rujescu, Sci Rep. 2016 Nov 4;6:36189. doi: 10.1038/srep36189. PMID: 27811963

Effects by periodontitis on pristane-induced arthritis in rats.
Eriksson K, Lönnblom E, Tour G, Kats A, Mydel P, Georgsson P, Hultgren C, Kharlamova N, Norin U, Jönsson J, Lundmark A, Hellvard A, Lundberg K, Jansson L, Holmdahl R, Yucel-Lindberg T. J Transl Med. 2016 Nov 3;14(1):311. PMID: 27809921

A human clinical trial using ultrasound and microbubbles to enhance gemcitabine treatment of inoperable pancreatic cancer.
Dimcevski G, Kotopoulis S, Bjånes T, Hoem D, Schjøtt J, Gjertsen BT, Biermann M, Molven A, Sorbye H, McCormack E, Postema M, Gilja OH. J Control Release. 2016 Oct 12;243:172-181. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.10.007. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27744037

A Role for Human N-alpha Acetyltransferase 30 (Naa30) in Maintaining Mitochondrial Integrity.
Van Damme P, Kalvik TV, Starheim KK, Jonckheere V, Myklebust LM, Menschaert G, Varhaug JE, Gevaert K, Arnesen T. Mol Cell Proteomixs. 2016 Nov;15(11):3361-3372 PMID: 27694331

Genetic Risk Score Mendelian Randomization Shows that Obesity Measured as Body Mass Index, but not Waist:Hip Ratio, Is Causal for Endometrial Cancer.
Painter JN, O’Mara TA, Marquart L, Webb PM, Attia J, Medland SE, Cheng T, Dennis J, Holliday EG, McEvoy M, Scott RJ, Ahmed S, Healey CS, Shah M, Gorman M, Martin L, Hodgson SV, Beckmann MW, Ekici AB, Fasching PA, Hein A, Rübner M, Czene K, Darabi H, Hall P, Li J, Dörk T, Dürst M, Hillemanns P, Runnebaum IB, Amant F, Annibali D, Depreeuw J, Lambrechts D, Neven P, Cunningham JM, Dowdy SC, Goode EL, Fridley BL, Winham SJ, Njølstad TS, Salvesen HB, Trovik J, Werner HM, Ashton KA, Otton G, Proietto A, Mints M, Tham E, Bolla MK, Michailidou K, Wang Q, Tyrer JP, Hopper JL, Peto J, Swerdlow AJ, Burwinkel B, Brenner H, Meindl A, Brauch H, Lindblom A, Chang-Claude J, Couch FJ, Giles GG, Kristensen VN, Cox A, Pharoah PD, Tomlinson I, Dunning AM, Easton DF, Thompson DJ, Spurdle AB; AOCS Group.; for RENDOCAS.; National Study of Endometrial Cancer Genetics Group (NSECG).; Australian National Endometrial Cancer Study Group (ANECS).. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2016 Nov;25(11):1503-1510. PMID: 27550749

What is the minimum number of patients for quality control of lung cancer management in Norway?
Skaug K, Eide GE, Gulsvik A. Clin Respir J. 2016 Nov;10(6):707-713. doi: 10.1111/crj.12274. PMID: 25620395

Length of Variable Numbers of Tandem Repeats in the Carboxyl Ester Lipase (CEL) Gene May Confer Susceptibility to Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis but Not Alcoholic Chronic Pancreatitis.
Fjeld K, Beer S, Johnstone M, Zimmer C, Mössner J, Ruffert C, Krehan M, Zapf C, Njølstad PR, Johansson S, Bugert P, Miyajima F, Liloglou T, Brown LJ, Winn SA, Davies K, Latawiec D, Gunson BK, Criddle DN, Pirmohamed M, Grützmann R, Michl P, Greenhalf W, Molven A, Sutton R, Rosendahl J. Iran J Pathol. 2016 Summer;11(3):222-230. PMID: 27799971

Combined Measurement of 6 Fat-Soluble Vitamins and 26 Water-Soluble Functional Vitamin Markers and Amino Acids in 50 μL of Serum or Plasma by High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry.
Midttun Ø, McCann A, Aarseth O, Krokeide M, Kvalheim G, Meyer K, Ueland PM. Anal Chem. 2016 Nov 1;88(21):10427-10436. PMID: 27715010.

Colonic Mucosal Epigenome and Microbiome Development in Children and Adolescents.
Harris RA, Shah R, Hollister EB, Tronstad RR, Hovdenak N, Szigeti R, Versalovic J, Kellermayer R. J Immunol Res. 2016;2016:9170162. doi: 10.1155/2016/9170162. PMID: 27006956.

Analysis of cellular and humoral immune responses against cytomegalovirus in patients with autoimmune Addison’s disease.
Edvardsen K, Hellesen A, Husebye ES, Bratland E. J Transl Med. 2016 Mar 9;14:68. doi:10.1186/s12967-016-0822-z. PMID: 26956521.

Non-proliferating plasma cells detected in the salivary glands and bone marrow of autoimmune NOD.B10.H2b mice, a model for primary Sjögren’s syndrome.
Szuszko EA, Aqrawi LA; Jonsson R, BrokstadKA, Skarstein K. Autoimmunity. 2016;49(1):41-9. doi: 10.3109/08916934.2015.1079820. PMID: 26324998.

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