Clinical trial unit health research

Roland JonssonHealth research in register epidemiology and studies of the general population have yielded important public health information both nationally and locally. In recent years, various fields such as health research on nutrition and vaccine development have contributed to increased activity in clinical trials on humans. In addition, Norway has advantages which make possible unique population-based studies on various medicinal drugs. In order to enhance existing research, and to enable new research on humans, the University of Bergen and Helse Bergen wish to establish a trial unit, which satisfies the demands required for clinical studies of high quality.

The work group tasked with assessing this possibility was established at the faculty in June 2013. The group has now submitted a proposal. Using a pilot study and experiences from the Research Post for Adults (Helse Bergen) as a starting point, the group has worked out a report which outlines a clinical trial unit meant to provide service to increasing activities in health research in the years to come. It is the opinion of the work group that the collaboration between the university and the health institution in such a research unit will stimulate to more research of highest international quality in the years to come. Department of Clinical Science has been given responsibility for this unit, which follows the same guidelines as the faculty’s core facilities. If anyone wishes to register a project, please notify K2’s Head of Administration, Synnøve Myhre.


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