Daily Archives: Friday April 4th, 2014

This week`s Editorial

Roland Jonsson

Scientific publishing, expert committee and nominations for level 1 and 2

As you all know, institutions (for example UiB) are accredited for scientific publications authored by persons acknowledging affiliation with the institutional unit at the time of publishing (through author affiliations included in the publication). The units are credited based on the share of the publication’s authors affiliated with the unit. This is called author shares. Thus it is important that addresses etc. are correct in Cristin and here the responsibility rests on the individual institution (read: also researcher).

The national measurement system for scientific publications is based on a subdivision of scientific publications in various levels based on an evaluation of the quality of the journals.  The purpose of a quality division of journals is to stimulate high quality output when publishing scientific articles. When the publication channel has level 1 or 2 it means that it is of approved standard, and level 2 channels have the highest international prestige (about 20 % of all scientific journals within respective disciplines).

NSD is case handling level 1 channels, whereas UHRs’ Publication council is coordinating the placement of level 2 channels. This is done based on feedback from UHR’s many national expert committees. The national expert committee you will find here.

You may search for any scientific journal at NDS‘s publication channel register.

In order to find out where “your” scientific journals are situated, you may read pages 4 and 5 in the following letter. This was sent out together with the nomination process last autumn 2013.  Here you will find links to all scientific journals in medicine, sorted into academic sub-disciplines. Note that changes done last autumn will not be updated in this letter (which was sent out prior to the nominating).

If you wish to suggest changes in levels 1 and/or 2 within your academic area you may contact the national expert committee or NSD which is responsible for administering centralized services for the documentation system, such as registers for authorized publication channels (scientific journals, series and publishers):

Procedures for suggestions to the register (in Norwegian):

 Description of procedures for adding new channels to the register, with focus on how user suggestions are processed.

Criteria for approval of new publication channels (in Norwegian): Information about criteria used to evaluate new channels.

System for research documentation (in Norwegian): Information about the model for the documentation system.

Deadline for suggesting new channels within the reporting year 2014 is November 30.


Information to groups wanting to apply MSC-ITN with deadline April 9

Unlike most other project types in the Horizon2020, you cannot apply for coverage of salary costs through these training networks. Instead, a fixed sum is given for salary. The difference between the payment from the project and actual salary cost for a PhD at UoB is approximately 200.000 NOK/year. This difference was formerly covered through NFR’s supplementary financing of Marie Curie candidates with the so-called IS-TOPP scheme. It appears that this scheme will no longer be available in the Horizon2020.

The management wants the University’s communities to apply, and therefore will UoB warrant for these costs – if the scheme from NFR is removed.

For more information (in Norwegian).

Honorary alumni


UoB will for the first time appoint and honorary alumni, and invites all students and employees to nominate candidates.

-The candidate must have an education from UoB (credits)
-The candidate must have done an extraordinary effort for the University of Bergen, the faculties, institute or centre, or inside his/her own field.

-Suggestions for candidate(s) must be sent to alumni@uib.no
-Deadline: April 9
-The students will be informed of the opportunity to nominate candidates via Mi side

For more information(in Norwegian).
The award will be announced at the Alumni Days at UoB May 10 2014.

Overview of changes in FRIMEDBIO since 2013

  • Changes for project leaders with FRIPRO-projects over 3 years. They may apply for funding to a new project when it has been underway for 3 years, even if the project is not finished.
  • Changes for Young research talents and postdoctoral fellowships:
    • For Young research talents it is from this year on a demand that there has been at least 2 years since approved dissertation.
    • For postdoctoral fellowship there will now be a demand for a stay abroad of between 3 and 12 months.
  • From this year on, there will be a mobility grant for you young researches in FRIPRO. The grant is for 3 years. The first two years must be at an institution abroad, and the third in Norway. The grants are open for applicants from all fields.

Deadline is May 21st.

More info about FRIPRO here (in Norwegian), det call itself will be active from April 9.
More about Frimedbio (in Norwegian).

Public defence week 11

cecilie_caspersenCecilie Caspersen will have her public defence on Thursday April 10, 2014.
Trial lecture: Thursday April 10, 2014, 10:30
Topic: «Påvisning av inflammasjon i luftveiene – metoder og betydning i klinikk og idrett»
Public defence: Thursday April 10, 2014, 12:15
Place: Auditorium 2, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Oxygen concentration in inhaled gas and nitric oxide concentration in exhaled gas”
1st opponent: Researcher Jonny Hisdal, University of Oslo
2nd opponent: Chief Physician Anne Kristin Møller Fell, Sykehuset Telemark
Poster andPress release (both in Norwegian).

lolandKjetil Halvorsen Løland will have his public defence on Wednesday April 9, 2014.
Trial lecture: Wednesday April 9, 2014, 09:00
Topic: ”Revaskularisering av hjertsviktspasienter?”
Public defence: Wednesday April 9, 2014, 10:15
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-building, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: ”Folic acid supplementation and biomarkers of progression of sub-clinical coronary atherosclerosis in patients with stable angina pectoris – A WENBIT sub-study based on coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound”
1. opponent: Professor David Erlinge, Universitetet i Lund, Sverige
2. opponent: MD/Ph.d. Torfi Fjalar Jónasson, Læknasetrid Medical Center, Reykjavik, Island
Poster and Press release (both in Norwegian).