Monthly Archives: January 2014

Time for mandatory teaching reporting

Eva GerdtsHappy New Year!  This period of the year is for many of us a time for reflection about results achieved in the year that has passed and also about what goals should be set for the New Year.  For us in the institute leadership it is also time for reporting what K2 achieved in 2013 within research, research education and teaching based on our allocated resources.  The teaching records function as an important guidance tool for the institute leadership both in regards to recruitment, priorities in the continuance of positions that have become vacant after retirement and the allocation of teaching activities.  However, the teaching records also serve as an important tool for the individual scientific employee so that he/she may document how much of his/her time is spent on teaching activities.  It is now time for registering teaching activities performed during autumn 2013.  Here is a link to the registration (


Fraud mail


Some staff and students at UiB has received scam e-mails with attachments and is titled  “{E-post kontoinformasjon} Support fakultet / STAFF “. This email is not from UiB and should be deleted.