We would like to remind you that holiday registration in Paga has to be done. For more information about deadlines se this post from week 9.
Tag Archives: 16/2016
Input about maintenance and upgrading of classrooms in 2017
The IT department wants input and wishes regarding upgrading of classrooms (primary PC, controller, sound system, projector) in connection with budget planning for 2017. There will be emphasis on universal design of audio – and video solutions. Rooms that can be booked via shared rombooking will be prioritized. Needs and wishes should be reported to irene.hjelmaas@uib.no by 2 May.
Storing of research data on SAFE
The IT unit at UoB has developed a secure system for handling of sensitive personal information in research. The system is called SAFE. SAFE is the preferred system for all internally and externally financed research projects at UoB handling sensitive personal information. K2 supports this.
K2 research groups which already have data stored at the server at Haukeland University Hospital do not have to move their data, but can still use this server. The important issue is that this kind of data are stored according to the requirements. Storing sensitive personal information at a PC is not allowed, even if the data should be unidentified.
A significant advantage with SAFE is that is allows not only storing but also statistical handling of the data. According to statisticians at IGS, SAFE is very good system. More information about it may be found here (in Norwegian).
The HSE corner
Invitation: Introduction course for new employees.
The course will be held in Norwegian, but there will be organized similar courses in English.
Time: 29 April, at. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Student Center, seminar room D
Registration deadline: 25 April
Attachments (in Norwegian):
Invitation letter
Announcement of cooperation funds between CMI and UIB 2016
Attached (in Norwegian) you will find information about the announcement of cooperation funds between CMI and UIB for 2016. Please disseminate to potential applicants.
Torunn Olsnes
Head of Research Section
Utrecht Network Research Managers Workshop
Research Managers Workshop – June 2016
We are delighted invite you to the Utrecht Network Research Managers Workshop which is being hosted at the University of Hull, UK. An outline programme for the event which is taking place from Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th June 2016 is attached. Continue reading
The Norwegian Cancer Society’s Open Call 2016
The Norwegian Cancer Society invite proposals for cancer research projects within all research topics under the Norwegian Cancer Society’s aims. See attachment for call text.
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry certified as Miljøfyrtårn
Tuesday 19 April, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry was certified as a Miljøfyrtårn. This includes the departments, the dental teaching hospital and the faculty administration.This certification is a part of making the whole University of Bergen (UiB) a Miljøfyrtårn this spring, as the first of the major universities in Norway. Read more in this attachment (in Norwegian).
You can now vote for Per Bakke as a candidate for “Fantastiske Formidlere”
Reminder: Doctoral course at Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK)
The doctoral course “Medical Imaginaries: Postcoloniality and Gender in the Medical Humanities” offers an interdisciplinary investigation of the centrality of gender, sexuality, race, colonial ideologies, social justice, global inequality and class to the medical humanities.
The medical humanities has focused largely on how the humanities can contribute to the field of medicine. In this context, attention to literature and the arts has sought to develop and nurture skills of observation, analysis, empathy, and self-reflection, specifically in the arena of medical practice. Continue reading
This post has not been translated, since the course is mainly going to be held in Norwegian.
Det nærmer seg årets Læringsfestival. Læringsfestivalen er konferansen for alle som er interessert i læring og undervisning på universiteter og høyskoler. Konferansen arrangeres av NTNU i samarbeid med Norgesuniversitetet og finner sted på Realfagsbygget i Trondheim 9. – 10.mai. Årets tema er Studentaktiv læring og teknologi. Continue reading
How to write a dissertation press release?
The University Library has contacted the communications department (and they contacted Bergens Tidende), and we have put in place a seminar on how to write dissertation press releases.
For more information, see this web site and the facebook event for the seminar.
Time: 3 May 1030-1130 am
Venue: Auditorium PI, Johannes Bruns Gate 12, next to the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Library
Summer course in Copenhagen – application deadline 1 May 2016
Dear Partner,
We still have available seats on a newly developed interdisciplinary summer course on healthcare innovation within the themes of healthy living and active aging. Besides teachers from University of Copenhagen, students will be taught by faculty members from Erasmus University Rotterdam; Institute of Health Policy and Management and Copenhagen Business School; as well as practitioners from Novo Nordisk, Steno Diabetes Center and DigiRehab ApS.
The course is supported by the EIT Health and has the title:
“Alive and KICking – innovative solutions to aging-related challenges” Continue reading
Day of Immunology April 29
Bergen Branch of Norwegian Society for Immunology (NSI) arranges the annual “Day of Immunology” on April 29, see attachment for programme. Day of Immunology is an international project that is commemorated worldwide.
The headline this year is: “Immunotherapy for Cancer.” The lectures will suit an audience both with and without research experience.
Attachments: Programme