Young CAS Fellow programme

Are you a young researcher looking for a unique opportunity to grow your professional network and develop your research?

The Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) in Oslo is now accepting applications for the Young CAS Fellow programme for the period of August 2023 to June 2025. CAS’ mission is to further excellent, fundamental research. By providing our scholars with optimal working facilities and uninterrupted time for research, we pave the way for groundbreaking scientific results.

Application deadline: 9 December 2022

Horizon Europe courses – Grant Week

In collaboration with the Research Council, courses will be offered in Bergen for everyone who works with Horizon Europe applications. The courses are scheduled for 10, 11 and 12 January.

Courses offered during “Grant Week” are also open to researchers and all courses will be level 1. Read more about Grant Week and the various courses here:

Courses will be given by Europa Media. Registration occurs on the Research Council’s website, on a first come, first serve basis. (As the courses are open to everyone, also outside UiB, they are expected to fill up fast.)

Find the direct link to registration for Grant week in Bergen here: You can choose in the form which course you would like to attend:

B.1: Proposal Development
C.1: Research and Innovation Project Management; the first steps
D.1: Basic Finance and Budgeting in Horizon Europe

CCBIO junior symposium October 6th 2022

We are happy to welcome you all to the first CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium this semester, October 6th, 2022. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists and we are very happy to announce that for the first time in years – it will be physical attendance only. We are very excited that Vladan Milosevic, a researcher at CCBIO will present the Hyperion – Image Mass cytometry System as our keynote presenter this time. As the debate in Norway is currently intense on what true women’s health is, we are looking forward to the presentations of our local junior researchers on topics related to 3D culturing of both ovarian and vulva cancer. We will also get updates on a clinical study investigating biomarkers for risk of blood clots during pregnancy. Finally, we will learn about mimicking clonal architecture in AML.

Please register within October 3rd at 11.00 as FREE LUNCH is included.
When: Thursday October 6th, 2022 at 09:00 – 13:00
Where: B307, Sentralblokka, Haukeland University Hospital
RegistrationLink (Also even if you have registered for CCBIO901 in Studentweb.)
General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

ECTS: Part of CCBIO901, with 3 credits (participation in the program through 2 terms.) All are however welcome for non-ECTS drop-in on each individual symposium. Perhaps you spot an interesting topic? Just remember to register!


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Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar)

This webinar will help you to understand what type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, if you are proposing a joint project in Horizon Europe og simply are looking for a consortium to join.

You will understand what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will get practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.—looking-for-partners-and-joining-consortia-short-webinar-17-okt/

Join us on October 13th to explore the use of AI in cancer and possible EU opportunities!

We bring together national stakeholders within Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cancer to highlight key achievements in Norway and build momentum towards EU R&I collaborations within Horizon Europe, EU4Health and Digital Europe.

When: Thursday, 13th October 9.30-13.00
Where: Vitensenteret, Kongens gate 6 in Oslo / hybrid livestream available

Programme and registration

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Lecture: Mast cells – versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions

The Bergen Research School in Inflammation has the pleasure to invite you to a lecture by

Prof. Gunnar Pejler
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
Uppsala University

Mast cells – versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions

12th October 2022
BBB, Auditorium 4, 10:15

More information here

(Norsk) Ukens leder

Long-term strategy and career building

Good research requires strategy, not only academically, but also to have an infrastructure and finances to put the research plans into practice. This means that we must have both short-term and long-term goals. You don’t have to run after every “ball” and research opportunity, but you must focus on your “ball” and work strategically with research funding and competence building.

Application writing is a long process. The longer you spend, the better. Of course, larger projects and applications need more time. Positioning begins several years before the actual application: what do you need on your CV to be a competitive applicant. Concept development: about a year before the deadline; and ideally use 6 months for the refinement and the actual writing

The research group leaders must help the younger ones forward. Those who will eventually become group leaders must obtain senior authorship and “co-PI” positions in applications. They can apply for smaller funds that are easier to get, join networks and practice critical senses by being a reviewers or help their group leader to review. Future group leaders must be helped into career programs and build up their teaching portifolio, and UiB has many career building opportunities for younger researchers (for example UiB Ferd, use them!

New calls in Horizon Europe have been published and several of the calls in the work program 2023-24 will suit K2’s groups well. Contact Susanna Pakkasmaa if you plan to apply – that way you can get started early and write a competitive grant application.

Next week is the EU Research & Innovation Days ( If you want to become wiser about what is happening in Europe, follow this digital conference.

Have a great weekend when the time comes
Eystein and Susanna

Digital frukost@Forskningsdagene: Can we find the solution to the antibiotic resistance crisis in the ocean?

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today. A growing number of infections are becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them become less effective. In addition to reducing the overuse of antibiotics, we need to discover and bring new antibiotics to market. This is a formidable challenge, but perhaps part of the solution can be found in the ocean?

In conjunction with Forskningsdagene, the Norwegian annual research festival, this Digital frukost will have a special focus on this year’s theme – the Ocean. Join us for a digital one-hour breakfast where we will explore if the solution to the antibiotic resistance crisis can be found in the ocean.

Spectral flow cytometry

We have got a new machine at the Flow Cytometry core facility, the Sony ID7000 that will expand our flow cytometer capabilities.

I would like to invite you all to an introduction to the spectral flow cytometry technology and the capabilities we will now have available. The introduction will be held at HUS – Sentralblokka Undervisningsrom D305 at 09.00-12.00 on Tuesday the 27th of September.

This is a five laser machine (including a UV laser) with the ability to analyze up to 40+ markers at the same time.

Everyone is welcome

How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grants

The competition for ERC Grants can be daunting, but UiB has many examples of researchers who have won and enjoy the academic freedom of an ERC grant. Find out how to best prepare your application with this digital workshop. The Consolidator Grant stipend is for mid-career researchers (7-12 years after their PhD is defended) who would like to propose a groundbreaking and risky project that they could not finance anywhere else. Researchers with more than 12 years of experience are eligible to apply for the Advanced Grant.

This course explains how to convey your research concept in a way that convinces both the ERC panel and your expert evaluators, and maximises your chance of success.

8-9 November, Zoom