Study program in Data Science

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is working with the Faculty of Medicine to set up a new and exciting study program in Data Science with a specialization in Medical Data Science. If you are interested in participating e.g. with  teaching or supervision of students, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Marit Øilo:
Anagha Madhusudan Joshi-Michoel:
Ellen Christine Røyrvik:
Marc Vaudel:


Dear all!

The area committee is in the process of mapping the area use in the laboratory building. All research group leaders who are housed there have been sent an excel file and asked to fill in the forms for their groups so that the committee can begin the job of preparing suggestions for better utilization. Everyone is welcome to give your input!

And then I want to remind everyone that autumn is the time for personal development interviews. Mia is responsible for the employees in the administration. As Pål wrote a few weeks ago, he has the interviews with the research group leaders, while the research group leaders have been delegated the responsibility to have the personal development interviews with the members of their research groups. It is therefore important that all academic and technical employees belong to a research group! Let us know if you don’t know which group you belong to and we’ll figure it out.

Have a great weekend!

Can we make better use of our areas?

The areas in the lab building are used in much the same way as when we moved in in 2009. Both the research and the need for wet labs have changed significantly since then. The department management has for a long time discussed the research and economic benefits of making better use of the areas. Therefore, head of department Pål Njølstad has appointed an area committee consisting of Silke Appel (chair), Eystein Husebye, Siv Lise Bedringaas, Simon Dankel, Helena Harris and Silje Skrede who will prepare suggestions for better utilization.

We therefore want to have input for better area use and we will soon send out a questionnaire to the research group leaders to get an updated overview of the areas we use. So if you see us wandering around the house, you know why. Feel free to stop us in the corridor if you have any good suggestions to share with us.

Best regards on behalf of the area committee


Energy saving measures at UiB

The University of Bergen is facing very high electricity bills in the current, next and coming years. UiB has already implemented a number of measures to reduce energy consumption in order to make the university climate neutral by 2030. This has been done by focusing on targeted measures such as seawater systems, solar panels and development and upgrading of buildings.

The university management informed the university board about the increased energy costs in a meeting on 15/9. The board authorized the university management to implement cost-saving measures to manage energy costs in the short and long term. UiB has also received a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science about implementing measures that have an effect in the short and long term.

The measures being implemented have been presented to the shop stewards and safety representatives in the Negotiation Committee, the students and have as a prerequisite that they should not go beyond the core business or a proper working environment.

Example of measures implemented by all units in dialogue with local management:
-Inform and motivate our own employees to contribute so that we can reduce energy consumption together.
– Respect the operating hours and that the building is closed for operations at weekends, in the evenings and during holidays.
-Use less hot water, fill dishwashers and autoclaves completely before starting.
-Close doors and windows, switch off lights, projectors, screens etc when not in use.
-Optimizes the use of space.

Example of measures implemented:
-Reduce operating times for ventilation in the buildings by around 10%.
-Lower the indoor temperature (NB: not below the recommended limit).
-Close technical facilities in buildings operationally during holidays, especially important in the cold season.
-Reduce water temperature in the swimming pool to the lowest recommended (26°C) and ventilation in the swimming hall accordingly.

Sincerely, university director Robert Rastad and rector Margareth Hagen

Invitation to Attend Peder Sather Center 10 Year Anniversary Seminar

Time: 26 October, 18.00 – 21.00 (Norway time)
Place: Digital / UC Berkeley

The seminar program may be found here

Link to the digital version.

In 2012 eight Norwegian institutions joined forces and collaborated with UC Berkeley in establishing the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Studies. The primary mission of the center is to strengthen ongoing research collaborations and foster the development of new research collaborations between faculty at UC Berkeley and the participating Norwegian institutions.

Each year a Peder Sather Grant is awarded to promising collaborative projects between faculty at UC Berkeley and Norway – across all disciplines. The celebrations will consist of a series of presentations from researchers at the Center, followed by a joint lunch and dinner for our guests in Berkeley. This is a great opportunity to learn more about how to use the Peder Sather grants and get to know some of the researchers from UC Berkeley from various disciplines.

More information

Open Science Workshop

Collaborative reproducible science using version control

We are organizing a practical workshop focusing on Open Science and reproducibility in science projects.

This light-hearted workshop will cover practical exercises on:

  • Basics of version control (Git/GitHub)
  • Collaboration using branches and forks

Come and join us on a journey to become a scientist of the 21st century!

Aimed at: PhD students (but everyone is welcome)
When: 24. November (13 – 16h) and 25. November (9 – 12h)
Where: Biologen Blokk A K1+K2
Please sign up here: ! Deadline is 20. November 2022

How to prepare: You need to have R (v 4.0. or higher), RStudio (v 1.4 or higher), Git installed on your computer and a GitHub account. In addition, you need to link your GitHub repo to RStudio.
Tutorial for linking Github and RStudio:

For questions contact: Aud ( or Ondřej (

Lecture by Prof. Vivianne Malmström: Current understanding of T cells in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – antigen specificities, repretoires, and effector functions

The Bergen Research School in Inflammation has the pleasure to invite you to a lecture by

Prof. Vivianne Malmström
Department of Medicine, Solna
Karolinska Institute

Current understanding of T cells in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – antigen specificities, repretoires, and effector functions

26th October 2022
BBB, Auditorium 4, 12:00

More information here.

OPEN ACCESS WEEK 2022, 24.-28. October

As part of this year’s International Open Access Week, several Norwegian academic libraries present a number of events with topics related to open publishing, open science and data sharing. All events are digital and open to anyone interested.

As part of this year’s International Open Access Week, several Norwegian academic libraries present a number of events with topics related to open publishing, open science and data sharing. All events are digital and open to anyone interested.

Please follow the links for more information and connection details for each webinar.

Open call for “Pasteurlegatet 2022”

Pasteurlegatet and Professor Th. Thjøttas legat will award a grant on the 27th of December this year to young Norwegian scientists who intends to study a topic regarding infectious agents, chemistry or fermentation industry.

The grant is preferably given to young, active and promising researchers, under the doctoral level. Emphasis is placed on documentation of preliminary results and evaluations of their efforts. Priority is given to specific operational and equipment-related needs, rather than traveling, accommodation, general study support and publication expenses. It is usually not granted support more than twice to the same person. However there is the possibility of exceptions in special cases.

An award will ordinarily not exceed 15.000, – NOK.

The application must include a short project description with a budget (up to 3 pages) and curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages). The application should be submitted by December 1, 2022 to Pasteurlegatet’s secretary Mari Støen, Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital to email:

See also Pasteurlegatet’s website

Conference Will everything be fine?

Will everything be fine? The consequences of the pandemic for children and young people in the Nordic region

11:00 – 15:30

NordForsk and the Research Council of Norway are inviting you to the conference “Will everything be fine? The consequences of the pandemic for children and young people in the Nordic region”.

The conference is free, and will will also be streamed online. Please note that conference will be held in Scandinavian languages (Norwegian, Swedish and Danish).

MOLBIO seminar series

MOLBIO seminar series starts next week. The seminars will be held in a hybrid model: digital on Zoom and physical attendance in the seminar room in the 4th floor “incubator” (Høyteknologisenteret

The seminars will be held on Wednesdays at 09.15 am

  1. October: Mowgli Dandamudi (PhD student, Timothy Lynagh Group, Sars Centre for Marine Molecular Biology)

Title: “Uncovering a broader FMRFamide-gated sodium channel family and discovering determinants of peptide sensitivity”

Chairperson: Fabian Rentzsch

More information Molecular Biology Division | University of Bergen (

If you want to receive seminar invitations directly, please send an email to Sandra Ninzima (

World Cancer Research Fund International research grants

Apply for a research grant

Our research focuses on cancer prevention and survival, looking at mechanisms or host factors

Grant round now open – submit your application today

Applicants based in a low- or middle-income country, please contact us at in advance to express your interest in applying for a grant.

> FAQs for grant applicants

> Full details on the grant programme call can be found in our guidelines document (PDF)

Grant application timeline

  • Call opens: 12 September 2022
  • Deadline for outline of applications: 17:00 GMT on 7 November 2022
  • Full application for shortlisted applicants opens: 6 February 2023
  • Deadline for full applications: 17:00 GMT on 15 March 2023
  • Funding decisions announced: September 2023

Investigator initiated grants

Eligible applicants: lead applicants must hold a research position at the host institution for the duration of the project.

Eligible organisations: anywhere in the world except the Americas (North America, Central America including the Caribbean, and South America).

Level of funding: up to £350,000 (no more than £100,000 for any 1 year).

Duration of funding: up to 4 years.

Seminar/webinar at Center for research on heart disease in women

Time: 31.10.22 at 12-13 local time. Meeting room 8.1-8.2, in the Laboratory building.

Lecturer Professor Francisco Gómez Real, MD Ph.d:

“Research on Gender, Reproduction, and the Lungs – in one generation and across generations. Can we extrapolate this knowledge to the study of cardiovascular diseases?”

Real will first present evidence on gender differences in respiratory health with focus on asthma and lung function, second, on the relationships between respiratory health and sex-hormone related events, and finally, gender specific associations between risk factors in parents and obesity and respiratory health on offspring. Can we extrapolate from this research to the research of cardiovascular diseases, not just in one generation but across generations?

The seminar is hybrid and open to all.

Call for project proposals Trustworthy AI

Trond Mohn Foundation’s (TMS) vision is to make a substantial difference to the development of Norwegian research milieus aiming for the highest international level. During the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved remarkable technological breakthroughs, and it has become a natural part of how research, education, business, and governmental work is conducted. However, for AI to receive broad acceptance in society, trustworthiness of AI systems is a crucial condition.

Existing AI systems do not address important criteria that promote trustworthiness in a satisfactory fashion, nor do we have unified formal scientific definitions of human terms like fairness and ethical aspects. It is even not clear whether or to what extent different criteria can be met. There are also serious weaknesses in the legal frameworks in which AI systems operate. In order to meet this challenge and strengthen the high-quality AI research at the University of Bergen (UiB), the foundation and UiB together have developed plans for a research program in Trustworthy AI.

Leader of SAFE and LabIT, sensitive research data

The UiB IT division has a vacant position as leader of sensitive research data, including SAFE and LabIT. This includes work on the “Helseanalyseplattform”.

We are looking for a candidate with a background from research, experience with the use of IT in the handling of sensitive data and close to the core activities. The ideal candidate has a good understanding for research, is interested in research data and how IT can be used in the handling of sensitive data in research and how the facilities should be organized. We would like a candidate with a PhD. Background in IT is not mandatory, but a general interest and some background from IT is considered an advantage.

The candidate will be leading a group consisting of 6 other co-workers.

For more information, you may contact IT director Tore Burheim, phone: 915 83 860