
Research day at MED – an inspiration for collaboration

The research day at MED brought together around 100 inquisitive K2 employees this week. The main theme was collaboration and new alliances, both within the institute and externally conveyed by lectures, poster presentations and informal discussions.

Two working groups presented ways to improve cooperation. The most exciting was a “matchmaker function” called Science Match, which will facilitate collaboration both at K2 and the faculty. As an app or website, Science Match is intended to help K2 employees and students to find expertise, instruments, equipment and chemicals at campus. You need not travel to California (even if that is more fun) for an expertise that can be found on the floor below. In the subsequent discussion, it was brought up that some universities apply PhD and Master’s student rotations between research groups. I think this is an exciting concept that will increase the students’ competence and stimulate collaboration – perhaps it can be implemented in the 4-year PhD program at MED? The challenge is hereby sent to the deanery.

But research and collaboration require funds. Eystein Jansen, perhaps the most merrited researcher at UiB and vice-president of the European Research Council (ERC), talked about ERC grants, both for young people (Starting Grant), those on the way (Consolidator) and seniors (Advanced). Synergy Grants can be sought for ground-breaking research where 2-4 partners join forces to create something completely new. Somewhat unique to the ERC grants is that there is only one criterion, scientific excellence! Norway does not come out very well in this competition, neither in relation to our Nordic neighbours, and especially not compared to countries such as Israel, Switzerland and The Netherlands, which are at the top of the world in terms of innovation and technology. Those who want to apply can get good support from the Research Department and positioning funds can be applied for. There is also the opportunity to register as a panel member and thus learn more about the application process and what is required.

Later in the day, we received a presentation from Ole Johan Borge, Director for Health Research and Innovation at The Research Council of Norway. He told us that we cannot expect the Research Council to receive more funds in the future and the competition is fierce, but there are opportunities and there are K2’ers who succeed. Øystein Fluge (K2) and Johan Tronstad (Biomedicine) recently received funding under the Women’s Health Program for research on ME – congratulations!

Women’s health is indeed one of the thematic umbrellas at MED with several strong groups, and where it can be expected that earmarked funds will come in the future. I believe most of K2’s groups can do have a women’s or gender perspective on their research, so work strategically.

Another thematic umbrella is bioinformatics, which is becoming an increasingly important part of research at the faculty. Here we need to build a stronger environment at the faculty and improve the service to the groups so that bioinformatic analyses do not become a major delay in projects – if it takes years to get a dataset analysed we lose in the competition.

Last but not least, the poster competition was a refreshing and interactive exercise, with many excellent presentations. In tough competition, Marianne Hannisdal and colleagues from K2 and Biomedicine won with a poster on the use of MRI and artificial intelligence to predict the growth of gliomas – congratulations!

The research day was a success and will certainly stimulate more collaboration across groups, departments and faculties – we look forward to the continuation.

Eystein Husebye
Vice Head of Department

Young Researchers Night

Join us for an ‘Energetic’ evening of science, socializing and music on 29th September!

 The Young Academy of Norway (AYF) and UIBdoc cordially invite you to join us at the Young Researchers Night in Bergen which will take place at EITRI on 29th September. This year’s theme for the “Forskningsdagene” is centred around Energy. This event will delve into offshore wind generation, the perspectives of Norwegians regarding energy production, burnout, and the advancement of academic career paths.

Hosts: Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll (AYF) and Salwa Suliman (AYF)

19:00 Doors open
19:00 – 19:30 Mingling with pizza & drinks
19:30 Welcome (short info about AYF and UiBdoc)
19:35 Thea Gregersen, Senior Researcher, Norce: ‘Norwegians’ view on energy production’
20:00 Lise Doksæter Sivle, Researcher, Institute of Marine Research: ‘Offshore wind production and noise in the ocean’
20:20 Break + Drinks (Violinist Masoumeh Jahani Kadousaraei, PhD student, UiB)
20:30 Silje Mæland, Professor, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, UiB: ‘Burnout (Work/Life Energy)’
21:00 Career Development dialogue: Salwa Suliman (UiB), Mari Skuggedal Myksvoll (Institute of Marine Research) and Valentyn Oksenych (UiB)
21:30 Mini-Concert by ‘Specific Moments’ (Funky Indie Pop/ Rock)
23:59 Doors close

The primary audience is early career researchers, including PhD students. However, the event is open to everyone, and we extend a warm welcome to students who have an interest in science to join us.

The event is free of charge and will take place at EITRI (Haukelandsbakken 31).

A complimentary bar and pizza will be provided for early arrivals. 

Please register for the YRN Bergen 2023 event here: https://app.checkin.no/event/61744/young-researchers-night-bergen

More information is found at the Facebook-event: https://fb.me/e/GJ2U46xJ  


Personal development interviews

These are part of targeted management and employee development. Therefore, they are annual, systematic and mutually prepared personal conversations between an employee and their immediate superior. All employees who have a main position at UiB must have staff meetings. This also includes fellows. For employees with 20% positions, the manager can agree with the employee that it is not necessary.

New from last year is that it is not enough that the personal development interviews are offered – they must also be carried out. These interviews are an important arena for clarifying expectations for performance, giving mutual feedback and insight into each other’s working situation and addressing the working environment and conditions at the workplace. The conversation must be linked to K2’s strategic plans and be a real and results-oriented management tool to achieve set goals.

Elements related to life phase can be taken up as a theme. The conversation will also be used to uncover skills needs, change and development. The content of the employee interview must be focused on conditions that the manager and employee can do something about.

It is important to communicate what you want to achieve in the personal development interview and arrange for the confidentiality needed for the interview to have added value for both parties. This can be a gradual process that can take some time.

For foreign employees, it is important to pay attention to their need to understand overall strategies and goals for the organization, the importance of a good and inclusive working environment and the individual’s opportunities to contribute to the community. Current topics can also be their social network, trust vis-a-vis manager and colleagues, experience of belonging and in some cases facilitation and integration also outside the workplace.

As a natural part of the performance assessment and the clarification of expectations, the contractual conversation about pay matters is included as part of the personal development interview. It is therefore important to remember that we have established systems for salary negotiations. As you know, salary negotiations are ongoing this autumn.

As Head of Department, I am responsible for ensuring that all employees carry out annual personal development interviews and am responsible for the results of the interviews being included in K2’s plans and budget. It is not possible to carry out this for all K2’s employees, so carrying out the conversations is delegated. I have staff meetings with the research group leaders, while they in turn have responsibility for their group members. When it comes to administrative staff, head of administration Maria Holmaas is responsible.

In principle, the hD student should have their personal development interviews with someone who is not a supervisor, e.g. a group leader. This can be difficult to implement at K2 since we have so many PhD student, and here it is important to meet the wishes of the scholarship holders.

I remind all to register your holiday by 1 October. This is not only important to have an overview of when the individual takes holiday and how much, if any, is to be carried over to the next year, but becomes important in our budget in the event of a larger deficit.

supervisor, eg. the group leader. This is not easy to can be achieved by the K2 side in which there are many scholarship holders, and the scholarship holders are also very important.

Minner om å registered holidays within October 1st. This is a good idea for the children to be overtaken by their children and for my children to be able to look after the nest, men for betydning and other buds jett ved et større underskudd.

Finally, I would like to remind you of the Faculty’s Research Day on Tuesday!

Enjoy your week-end!

Internal control of GMO facilities and work

All institutions that use genetically modified organisms are obliged to monitor the contained use (https://lovdata.no/forskrift/2001-12-21-1600/§16). It has been a long time since this was implemented. K2 will therefore have a review with all research groups that have conducted GMO trials/work in 2022 and 2023.  The focus will be on containment measures and other protective measures such as safety routines and waste management, in addition to the registration protocol and lab journals. Before the review, we will request that risk assessments and work procedures be sent to HSE coordinator Siv Lise Bedringaas (Siv.Bedringaas@uib.no).

Research groups to which this applies can use this link, Please book time using name and research group: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bqZBOjDd Please contact us if none of the times are suitable.

The inspection will be carried out by HSE coordinator Siv Lise Bedringaas and the safety delegate service.

Life Science Research Data Management course

We (ELIXIR Norway and Digital Life Norway) are pleased to announce the Life Science RDM course for current and future life scientists in Norway.
All Norwegian universities require a DMP for all projects. All projects that receive funding from the Norwegian RCN are required to submit a data management plan as soon as possible after the contract with the RCN has been signed. This course focuses on how to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet both requirements.

We would like to invite researchers (PhD candidates, Post Doctoral Fellows, Researchers, Associate Professors and Professors) in existing and upcoming Life Science projects to develop their DMP in this course.
Maximum number of participants: 45
The course will take place if there are at least 10 participants.


06.10.2023: Introduction to DMP and DSW

13.10.2023: Data classification + Information on national storage & analysis infrastructures

20.10.2023 Metadata standards, identifiers/Vocabularies/Ontologies

27.10.2023 Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI)

03.11.2023 Archive and Deposition repositories

10.11.2023 Intellectual Property Rights & Licensing

More information: https://www.uib.no/en/ii/164749/life-science-data-management-planning-workshop

Registration: https://nettskjema.no/a/353512#/page/1

New call for innovation projects

Our goal is to contribute to more efficient healthcare services and expedite the translation of research into patient benefits. For instance, we recognize that one critical area for improvement lies in the patients’ transitions from large hospitals to their home municipalities.  

In partnership with Helse Vest, we have allocated earmarked funds of up to NOK 5 million specifically for innovative projects aimed at addressing challenges in the field of cancer research and treatment.

The application deadline is Tuesday 17th of October at 13.00

We look forward to receiving your application!


KNOCKING ON THE DOOR OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: the AU-EU Innovation Agenda and the involvement of Nordic actors

On behalf of Nordic Universities, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the HYBRID event:

the AU-EU Innovation Agenda and the involvement of Nordic actors”

 27th of September 2023, 14:30-17:00
During this event we will discuss the current state of the development of the joint European–African Research & Innovation agenda, its priorities and future implementation through Horizon Europe. The event also aims to build on already existing research cooperation between Nordic and African Universities to contribute to the implementation of the EU-AU R&I agenda. We will pay
 particular attention to the cooperation between Nordic and African universities during this event and what role universities can play in this process. More information about the event can be found here.

Other invited speakers include Umesh Bawa – Director of SANORD & Director of International Relations at the University of the Western Cape, Lora Borissova – Cabinet Expert of European Commissioner of International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen, and Professor Kenneth Matengu – Vice-Chancellor at the University of Namibia & Chair of the Pan African University Council. In addition, high-level representatives of Nordic Universities will also be attending ready to engage in fruitful exchanges.

Registration is closed, but online participation is still possible. E-mail til Charlotte Eide (charlotte.eide@uib.no) to get online access.

BRSI guest lecture, Juhi Bagaitkar, Ph.D.

On the 5th October Dr Bagaitkar, will give a lecture on her research titled “Type III Interferons and oral mucosal antiviral immunity”.

The lecture starts at 1pm in BB-Bygget Auditorium 4

Everyone is welcome, no registration required.
This event is proudly organized by the Bergen Research School of Inflammation.

Webinar – IBA vaccinology course

Når: 25.09.23, klokken 14.00-15.00
Foredragsholder: Stanley Plotkin, Professor emeritus of Virology, University of Pennsylvania
Tittel: Correlates of vaccine-induced immunity
Hvor: Zoom
Link til webinar: https://uib.zoom.us/j/64462229768?pwd=TWQ2Z1lIdm4vbzNmUGREZm5RTEh4UT09

Passcode: Y3P8ctu5


Når: 26.09.23, klokken 15.00-16.00
Foredragsholder: Florian Krammer, Professor, Department of Microbiology, Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai
Tittel: Antigen discovery & vaccine development
Hvor: Zoom
Link til webinar: https://uib.zoom.us/j/64462229768?pwd=TWQ2Z1lIdm4vbzNmUGREZm5RTEh4UT09


Vestlandslegen funded – and novel practical training tested at Voss

A week ago, the good news finally came: The government parties have agreed to finance 20 new study places in Medicine at UiB, and the funding for the first stage of Vestlandslegen is landed. The first students started in Stavanger in August and will complete their studies at SUS, having had their first three years of teaching in Bergen. Long-term, good work from the faculty has thus borne fruit. K2’s Simon Dankel has now taken over from Steinar Hunskår as coordinator for Vestlandslegen. As discussed at the recent UGLE meeting, it will be important going forward that we continue the good work in the teaching groups to integrate the teaching environments.

For the first time, medical students from Bergen get practice in gynecology and obstetrics at Voss Hospital. The first student has already started, and this autumn a total of 4 students will each get a week. In the long term, the aim is that at least one student every week during the 6-week internship period will have the opportunity to have their training in Voss during one of their three-week internships. Congratulations to the teaching group in GYN/OBS for getting this in place!

The Education Award 2023 from Helse Vest will be awarded at the Education Conference in Helse Vest which will be held in Bergen 30 Nov.-1 Dec. If you think K2 should nominate you or another candidate, send the proposal to mette.vesterhus@uib.no by Monday 2 October. Read more here: Utdanningskonferansen 2023 – Helse Vest RHF (helse-vest.no)


UiB Career Days 2023

For the first time, UiB is hosting career days for early-stage researchers and their support team. We invite early career academics, their supervisors, research managers, Ph.d coordinators and all others interested in the topic of career development within and outside of academia.

The career days is like a festival with different activities for you to choose from – you pick your best pieces. Register here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=15425782

More info here.

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships

Supporting internationally mobile postdoctoral researchers in Europe and around the world

EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowships support excellent postdoctoral researchers throughout Europe and the world for a period of up to two years. International mobility is a key requirement. The fellowship includes a salary or stipend, a relocation allowance and support for fellows with children. Awardees can attend an EMBO Laboratory Leadership course and become part of the global network of EMBO Fellows.

Applications accepted throughout the year (next cutoff date: 9 February 2024, 14:00 CET
