Present your health management research – European Health Management Conference 2024

We are glad to invite you to submit your health management research for presentation during the European Health Management Conference 2024 that will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on 5-7 June under the theme ‘Shaping and managing innovative health ecosystems’. The Conference is co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of Romania and the National Institute of Health Services Management.

The European Health Management Conference is a great platform to showcase cutting-edge research, share provocative ideas, and discuss complex problems with a view to reach implementable solutions. EHMA 2024 will explore the entire spectrum of health megatrends. From the digital transformation of healthcare systems and services to the ever-growing importance of sustainability, and the evolving skill sets required by the healthcare workforce, we aim to explore how the health sector is adapting to these changes. We emphasise an ecosystem approach, promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Our aim is to facilitate dialogue on how different health care actors can work together and leverage each other’s strengths to drive innovation and address pressing challenges.

Since its inception, the European Health Management Conference has served as a forum for promoting discussions and sharing innovative solutions in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. Each year, we bring together a wide spectrum of healthcare stakeholders, including managers, leaders, researchers, academics, patients, policymakers, and industry representatives. This diverse collective of expertise enhances the dialogue on pressing health management issues.

For this reason, we would be delighted to have you and colleagues consider submitting an abstract to present your health management best practices and research. You can find more information on the Call for Abstracts and how to send your submission here.


Furthermore, we will host the 22nd edition of the Karolinska Institutet Medical Management Center (MMC) & EHMA Research Award dedicated to doctoral theses in health management. Candidates should be researchers in the final phase of their PhD studies or who have recently completed a PhD (within 12 months from graduation). The best papers will have the opportunity to compete for a €1,000 prize. This is a prestigious award, and we would be thankful if you could share this information within your network. More information is available here.

As we strive to connect health managers, experts and researchers, we would be grateful if you could help us disseminate our Call for Abstracts within your organisation and network.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EHMA team at

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!

3R-seminar “Microbes in humans and laboratory animals”

Registration is now open for the 3R-seminar “Microbes in humans and laboratory animals, arranged by the Animal Welfare Body of Oulu Laboratory Animal Centre, together with the Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme, University of Oulu Graduate School.

The seminar takes place on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, at 8:30 – 15:00 (Finnish time, EET). The seminar will also be shared through a video link.

The seminar is directed primarily to researchers using laboratory animals in experiments, the scientific fields therefore including basic biomedical research and preclinical medical research. Microbe-host interactions in both human disease and laboratory animal research will be discussed, as well as the effects of microbiome on the translatability of preclinical research results. The seminar topic is therefore of interest also to medical researchers who do not use laboratory animals themselves.

The event can be considered part of the statutory maintenance of the professional competence for people working with laboratory animals.

Registration for attending on-site

 The registration link is open until Wednesday, 6 December. It is possible to attend without pre-registration, but please register if you think you will attend even a part of the seminar, because we need to know the approximate number of participants to prepare for the coffee service.

Registration for remote participation

It is possible to get a certificate of attendance also for remote participation, provided that the participant’s video link is open throughout the seminar.

Credits for doctoral researchers at the University of Oulu

If you are a doctoral researcher and want to receive credits from the 3R seminar, follow these instructions. The seminar is worth 0,25 credits.

  1. Login to Peppi, move to the PSP and open tab ”Selecting studies”.
  2. Add personal study unit e.g. to optional field-specific studies by clicking “+” sign on the right. Instructions for adding personal study unit can be found in student’s Peppi wiki page.
  3. Fill in the name of the seminar both in Finnish and English (3R seminar: Microbes in humans and laboratory animals), number of credits (0,25 credit), and description details which must include the name of the seminar, place and date. Do not use course codes. Add information in English in both language boxes. Please note, that the study unit’s information that you have entered will be directly included in your official transcript of records.
  4. Save the information.
  5. Ask your principal supervisor to confirm the information and credits given to the Graduate School (uniogs(at)
  6. The study unit will be registered after the principal supervisor’s confirmation.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship course

Are you a student, PhD student, or researcher eager to explore innovation and entrepreneurship?

UiB Medical faculty is hosting a course on Innovation and Entrepreneurship and this time the course will be run in English and is open to a broader audience.

It is an intensive two-week course where you will learn the general principles, will meet many external lecturers, and will have an opportunity to work on a real innovation idea to explore its path to the market.

What: Innovation and Entrepreneurship course – ELMED 223-A

When: January 15-26

Where: Eitri

More info here

If you have any questions or need help signing up, please, contact Hege Ommedal (


Dear everyone!

Time flies, and there are not too many days left until Christmas! In addition to all the exams that are taking place now, it also means that there is not that long left until the deadline of the RCN evaluation. Just a quick reminder that although your research group might not be evaluated separately, K2 will be evaluated in its entirety, so that the web pages of all research groups should be updated. And as I wrote already a few weeks ago, EVERYONE should update their personal pages, and remember to include a photo.

And I would like to remind you that the deadline for submitting nominations for the faculty’s working environment award is December 8. Do you have a colleague who makes an extra effort for the working environment? Not only in terms of HSE, but also well-being, inclusion and the “we” feeling? Don’t hesitate to suggest them for the prize! The form can be found here.

Have a great weekend!

Use of artificial intelligence (AI) at the Faculty of Medicine

The UiB guidelines for integrity and cheating have been updated. These also discuss the use of artificial intelligence. However, we see that students at the Faculty of Medicine need some clarification on this topic.

AI is an exciting and useful technology that can contribute to both learning and development for you as a student provided that you use it wisely. It is important to be aware of the ethical, legal and professional framework for AI-based tools. Keep in mind that no AI tool is truly intelligent – they’re just good at imitating human intelligence. A text generation tool is trained to answer your questions anyway. If it can’t find the answer in its database, it will be “creative” and answer something that it thinks might be true. If you criticize the answer you get, it will correct its original answer, even if you may be wrong. Although it is called artificial intelligence, such tools are not particularly intelligent. They struggle to distinguish between evidence-based facts and unsubstantiated claims, so-called “fake news”. In addition, they mainly use data and sources from Western, English-speaking countries and are currently poor on gender balance, cultural differences, and ethnic variation.

You can use this type of tools to increase your own learning and development, as well as learning to be critical to the answers. It is also worth noting that the various AI-tools available on the market are good at different things. ChatGPT-3.5still has the best language model and is the most creative, while Bing, Bard and ChatGPT-4 is better at up-to-date knowledge, references, and citations, because it uses the internet as a source. Grammarly is suitable for controlling grammar and spelling, Deepl for translation, while Elicit and Jenni are made for scientific summaries. These are just a few of the AI tools that have emerged in the past year. The various solutions will rapidly be more advanced and better at integrating more functions into the same model (multimodal models or foundation models).

Remember that you are here to learn and that it is neither appropriate nor confidence-inspiring to rely on AI to find answers to all questions in a busy professional life.

Here are some examples of what students can use AI for:

  • Ideas and inspiration: AI tools (e.g.: ChatGPT, Bing or Bard) can be used to create a suggestion for a text based on a topic or question. This can help you to find inspiration, arguments, examples, or sources for assignments. You must nevertheless be critical to the text produced, and always refer to the tool used.
  • Improve language: You can use various tools to check grammar, spelling errors, word choice or style in your text (eg: Grammarly, ChatGPT, Bing). However, keep in mind that the tool does not always provide correct or appropriate suggestions, so all proposals must be critically assessed.
  • Learn new things: You can use AI tools (e.g.: Bing, ChatGPT) to get a general overview of a new topic, subject, or topic.
  • As a study buddy: You can make a chatbot (ChatGPT, Bing or Bard) ask you questions from the syllabus, or to give you examples of different exam questions you can solve alone or with fellow students. Be skeptical to the answers given. Keep in mind that they may be taken from a different curriculum and/or medical practice than the one currently used in Norway. The less you know about a topic, the more difficult it will be to verify the quality of the information you receive. It may be a good idea to compare with a textbook or other quality-assured source provided by the instructor. Ask for constructive feedback on you own texts.
  • Practice of clinical situations, dialogue and diagnostics: You can ask a chatbot to create a role play or clinical task you, where you are the doctor/dentist/nutritionist, etc. Together, you can create a dialogue that will lead to a diagnosis, the right treatment or the right drug. An example of such a prompt could be: ‘Give me a fictitious blood test result and anamnesis of a patient who is in an emergency department and has a defined diagnosis. I will try to reason and guess the diagnosis from the blood tests. Give me feedback when I’m done.” The more specific you are, the better it responds. It takes some practice to excel at making such prompts.
  • To help you organize your student life. For example, you could ask it to make a schedule for getting through the syllabus in time for exams that matches your other activities.

AI tools cannot be used for:

  • Accept the information without checking whether it is correct
  • Construct data, images or movies without indicating that AI has been used
  • Copy text directly without clearly indicating that it comes from an AI tool
  • Submitting personally identifiable information
  • Write exams, home assignments, bachelor’s and master’s theses with text that is fully or partly generated by AI (unless otherwise stated)

Academic integrity and Cheating | Division of Student and Academic Affairs | UiB (not in English yet)

Student Use Cases for AI | Harvard Business Publishing Education

ChatGPT and artificial intelligence in higher education: quick start guide – UNESCO Digital Library

AI Will—and Should—Change Medical School, Says Harvard’s Dean for Medical Education | Medical Education and Training | JAMA | JAMA Network

Dissertation Defense Guri Fossdal – December 1st 2023

Sample Lecture: Friday, December 1, 2023, at 10:15 AM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Specified Topic: “Treatment of steatotic liver disease”

Foto/ill.: (Privat)

Dissertation Defense: Friday, December 1, 2023, at 12:15 PM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Thesis Title: “Primary sclerosing cholangitis. Surrogate markers of natural history, disease severity, and prognosis”

1st Opponent: Professor Maja Sofie Thiele, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2nd Opponent: Professor Reidar Fossmark, NTNU
3rd Committee Member: Professor Simon Erling Dankel, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Silje Skrede.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release


The pros and cons of integrating chatbots into research proposal writing

In recent times, the use of advanced technologies in various aspects of academia has become increasingly prevalent. One such technology gaining attention is ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. This editorial explores the potential benefits and drawbacks of incorporating ChatGPT into the process of writing research proposals.

A Pros:

Efficiency and Time-Saving:

Pro 1: ChatGPT can significantly accelerate the initial stages of proposal writing by generating coherent and relevant content quickly. Researchers can use it to outline ideas, generate key points, and even draft sections of their proposals, saving valuable time.

Idea Generation and Expansion:

Pro 2: ChatGPT’s ability to generate diverse and contextually relevant text can be a valuable asset for brainstorming and expanding on research ideas. Researchers can use it to explore different angles and perspectives related to their proposed work.

 Language Enhancement:

Pro 3: ChatGPT can assist in refining the language and structure of proposals, helping researchers to articulate their ideas more effectively. It can suggest improvements in clarity, coherence, and overall writing style.

 Accessibility and Inclusivity:

Pro 4: ChatGPT can enhance accessibility for researchers who may face language barriers or challenges in expressing their ideas in writing. It promotes inclusivity by providing language support and aiding those with varying proficiency levels.

B Cons:

Lack of Domain-Specific Knowledge:

Con 1: One of the primary limitations of ChatGPT is its lack of domain-specific knowledge. It may not understand intricate details of highly specialized research areas, leading to inaccuracies or irrelevant content in proposals.

 Risk of Plagiarism:

Con 2: Overreliance on ChatGPT without proper verification may pose a risk of unintentional plagiarism. Researchers need to carefully review and authenticate the generated content to ensure originality and avoid potential ethical issues.

 Contextual Understanding:

Con 3: ChatGPT may struggle with nuanced contextual understanding. It might misinterpret the intended meaning or tone of certain phrases, potentially leading to misunderstandings in the proposal content.

 Ethical Considerations:

Con 4: The use of AI in research proposal writing raises ethical concerns related to transparency and authorship. Researchers must be transparent about the extent of AI assistance used and ensure that the intellectual contributions are duly acknowledged.

C Conclusion:

While ChatGPT holds great promise in enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of research proposal writing, researchers should approach its use with a discerning eye. Leveraging the strengths of ChatGPT for idea generation and language refinement can be valuable, but cautious oversight and domain-specific verification are essential to mitigate potential drawbacks. Ethical considerations should guide researchers in maintaining the integrity and authenticity of their work. In the evolving landscape of academic writing, striking a balance between harnessing the capabilities of AI and preserving the essence of human creativity will be crucial for the continued advancement of research endeavors.

The editorial above (A-C) was written and translated (into Norwegian) using the chatbot ChatGPT without altering the content (; “Can you write an editorial on the pros and cons of using ChatGTP in writing research proposals?”). It took 10-15 seconds and is just a simple example of the ongoing revolution in the use of AI for language and text processing.

Artificial intelligence and language models like ChatGPT are rapidly making their way into academia. I don’t think the point is whether it can/should be used or not, but rather what it can be best used for and how. There are numerous current and future applications. The example above pertains to the use of chatbots like ChatGPT in writing research proposals. According to a survey in Nature of 1600 researchers, 15% already use ChatGPT to assist in writing research funding proposals, and a whopping 25% use it for writing scientific articles (doi:

But is this considered cheating? I don’t think so, and I believe it is more of a powerful enhancement, for example, compared to using Google to gather systematic knowledge, where human interpretation and critical thinking are still essential.

Artificial intelligence with chatbots like ChatGPT can also influence and improve processes that may seem time-consuming and unnecessary. Most researchers probably agree that writing proposals in itself is useful for organizing project ideas, but the writing process itself takes a lot of time, and a significant portion of proposals focuses on details that may seem unnecessary. In another article in Nature (doi:, the value of many aspects of writing research funding proposals is discussed, especially now that proposals can be written with the help of chatbots like ChatGPT, and whether the entire application process should be changed.

How are we doing in terms of incorporating artificial intelligence into our work? We are likely lagging behind the international trend. It is crucial to adopt this technology. In the next FORUM, we have artificial intelligence and chatbots as a theme and think it should be included in the program for the K2 seminar next spring. UiB has a dedicated initiative in this area, UiB AI (, where the head of the steering group is Professor Pinar Heggernes. There are already several courses and informational videos on the subject, see, for example, I would also like to remind you that UiB has recently made Bing Chat Enterprise available to all employees at UiB. This runs the GPT-4 chatbot from OpenAI. Open and click on the Chat button.

It’s approaching the weekend. According to Bing Chat Enterprise: “Of course, there are many other things Norwegians like to do on the weekend, such as watching TV, going to the cinema, playing games, reading books, shopping, visiting friends and family, going to museums, going to cafes, attending concerts, etc. But outdoor activities, cabin life, and packed lunches are some of the most typical Norwegian activities that set them apart from other people.”

Have a great weekend!

Call for proposals SFI

New planned call for proposals in 2024 for Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI)

  • The Research Council is planning a call for proposals for SFI-V in 2024
  • At least 8 new centres in autumn 2025
  • The call for proposals will be similar to SFI-IV, but RCN proposes major changes to the call process:
    • 2-step call for proposals
    • Max. 30-35 in 2nd grade
    • Interview as part of 2nd grade
  • Timeline (tentative)
    • Feb. 2024: call for proposals 1st stage
    • Apr./May 2024: application deadline 1st grade
    • Sep. 2024: results 1st stage
    • Dec. 2024: application deadline 2nd grade
    • Spring 2025: results 2nd grade
    • Autumn 2024: start-up of new SFIs

Interested? Contact Silke and Susanna as soon as possible.

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 6, 2023.

We are happy to invite you all to the CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, December 6, 2023. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate lively and interesting discussion also this time. We are looking forward to the keynote lecture by CCBIO Professor Dana Costea, who will share her story about how and why she ended up in cancer research. The program spans several exiting topics including preclinical development of new therapeutics in mantle cell lymphoma, the link between salivary gland manifestation and renal disease in Sjøgren’s Syndrome and how brain-blood derived exosomes may act as biomarkers in multiple sclerosis (MS). A novel tool for spatial analyses of the tumor microenvironment will also be presented.

Please register within December 4th at 11.00.

When: December 6, 2023, at 09.00-13.00

Where: Auditorium B302, Sentralblokka, Haukeland University Hospital 3rd floor, Bergen

Registration: on this link

Open to both junior and senior researchers as well as students. The symposium series is open, but also part of the CCBIO Research School under the code CCBIO901, and participation is eligible for ECTS.



09.00-09.15: Introduction

09.15-10.00: “My Path in the World of Cancer Research” Keynote lecture by Professor Daniela Costea

10.00-10.20: Coffee break

10.20-10.45: “Preclinical development of novel therapeutics in Mantle Cell Lymphoma” by May Eriksen Gjerstad

10.45-11.10: “Sjögren’s syndrome- Assessment of salivary gland manifestations and their association with renal disease” by Hanne Borge

11.10-12:00 Lunch (free of charge, register within December 4th at 11.00)

12:00-12:25: “Brain-derived blood exosomes – a potential for new biomarkers in multiple sclerosis: Pilot study results from relapsing MS patients under anti-CD20 therapy” by Sam Anandhan

12:25-12:50: “Spatial analysis of the cancer tissue microenvironment using mass cytometry imaging technologies” Rezvan Ehsani

12:50-13:00: Concluding remarks

Mari Kyllesø Halle and Vladan Milosevic are coordinators of the junior seminars and are planning and chairing these meetings. Any questions can be addressed to them.

The UiB application portal for funds and grants is now open

In UiB’s application portal, an overview is provided of various foundations from which it is possible to apply for funds. These foundations have research and education at the University of Bergen as their statutory purposes.

The target audience includes employees, doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and students at UiB. Some of the foundations also allow external individuals to apply for funds. Information about who can apply can be found by examining each foundation in the portal.

In the application portal, it is also possible to filter based on the applicant group (employee, student, doctoral candidate, etc.) and/or the field of study to which one belongs, and relevant foundations will be displayed.

The general application deadline is January 12, 2024.

Note that the Astri and Edvard Riisøens legacy is not yet included in the application portal but will be added soon. The legacy provides funding for research on cardiovascular diseases and other unexplored diseases, such as cancer and rheumatic disorders.

Also, please refer to the faculty’s website (in Norwegian) that deals with funds and legacies. This page will be updated if funds are announced from foundations not included in UiB’s application portal.

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies Fellowships

This is an excellent opportunity for curiosity-driven, talented researchers from all over the world and within all research disciplines

Up to 10 fellowships are available for curiosity-driven, talented researchers from all over the world and within all research disciplines. The new AIAS-AUFF Fellowships have a duration of 23 months, starting on 1 September 2024.

As a fellow you will benefit from the international and multidisciplinary environment at AIAS that brings researchers together across disciplines, academic seniority and borders in a thriving and creative house.


  • applicants must hold a Ph.D.-degree and a minimum of two and up to ten years of experience
  • researchers are eligible for application if they have not resided in Denmark in more than 12 monthswithin the last two years prior to the application deadline 1 February 2024

Cancer researchers can apply for project funding from Foundation Dam/Stiftelsen Dam

Cancer researchers can apply for project funding from Foundation Dam/Stiftelsen Dam. In addition to researcher positions, support for research in line with the purpose of the program can be applied for.

The application is sent to the Norwegian Cancer Society, which mediates applications for funds to Foundation Dam.

The application deadline for sketches is Thursday 1st of February 2024.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Read more in Norwegian

Apply for funding in Norwegian

Join us at Eitri Datathon 2024! 

Are you passionate about AI, healthcare, or both? Do you aspire to understand how data can revolutionize the healthcare industry? Would you like to work closely with leading medical AI experts and clinicians from around the world?


At this event, clinicians, data scientists, and social scientists will come together to harness clinical data and apply machine learning to address specific healthcare challenges.

This year, alongside advancing AI in medicine, we will place a special emphasis on addressing biases in health data.

Event Details:

📆 Date: January 7-8, 2024 (with a pre-meeting online on January 5).

📍 Location: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen

For more information and to register, visit:

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative healthcare journey!

For inquiries, please, email Torleif at or Maija at

Click here to join us at Eitri Datathon 2024!


Help build medical research in Western Norway

On Tuesday this week, a joint research day was organized between the Faculty of Medicine and Stavanger University Hospital. Many projects were presented illustrating what we can achieve together.The papers presented by a representative from each campus emphasized the utility of registries and the strength of large patient cohorts. Including both Bergen and Stavanger in a study means that the number of participants can be doubled, which can be the difference between a mediocre study and excellent study as it is easier to obtain statistically significant findings. Camilla Krakstad also highlighted the opportunities that lie in a research stay abroad and how good registers and biobanks make us attractive collaborators. The K2 management is now actively working to improve collaborations between Stavanger and Bergen and encourage colleagues to build research groups together. Many of the groups in Bergen are larger than in Stavanger and it can therefore be a good idea to include colleagues in the groups where it is natural to collaborate. How this is solved in practical terms is up to each group, but joint research meetings digitally and physically are a good place to start. To invite each other to university tasks such as committee work is a way to facilitate interactions. Building joint projects should strengthen competitiveness when applying for research grants. There are also good synergies to be gained on the teaching side, where we should collaborate more, coordinate teaching plans, share teaching materials and exams. If subjects and exams come at the same time, we can use the same assignments. In other words, there are many possibilities to collaborate here. The next time we organize such a meeting, it would also be good if those who do not have ongoing collaborative projects between our campuses to participate, it could pay off.

Have a good weekend when time comes,

Eystein Husebye

Vice Head of Department

Innovative Health Initiative future calls

We publish draft information on future call topics a few months ahead of the official call launch. We do this to give you additional time to find or build a consortium and prepare a strong proposal. Note that as draft topics are still under development, the texts may change considerably between the versions published here and the call launch, and you should always check the final, approved topic texts once the calls are launched.

The following topics are under consideration for inclusion in IHI call 6 (two-stage) and IHI call 7 (single-stage):

IHI call 6 (two-stage)

IHI call 7 (single-stage)

The topics are currently under consultation with the States’ Representatives Group (SRG) and the Science and Innovation Panel (SIP). They may therefore change considerably between the versions published here and the call launch, and applicants should check the final, approved topic texts once the calls are launched.

Vernerunder 2023

Den 22.11 mellom 12:00 og 15:00, vil det bli vernerunder i Glasblokkene og Overlege Danielsens hus.
Den 27.11 mellom 09:00 og 11:30, vil det bli vernerunder i Laboratoriebygget.


Merk at kontorer blir besøkt hvis skjema med avvik er sendt inn.
Vedlagt er lenke til skjema for gjennomgang. Vennligst fyll ut disse hvis dere har noe dere ønsker å rapportere.