Webinar for your students and researchers, especially when looking for positions outside Academia.
- On March 25th, 12-13h
Career Webinar #3: Job interview preparation https://news.ki.se/calendar/career-webinar-3-job-interview-preparation
Webinar for your students and researchers, especially when looking for positions outside Academia.
Career Webinar #3: Job interview preparation https://news.ki.se/calendar/career-webinar-3-job-interview-preparation
Based on the knowledge cluster Polyfon, and using music and music therapy as an example, this interdisciplinary conference aims to illuminate opportunities for cross-faculty collaboration. It also explores the University of Bergen’s potential to become a leading international institution in the field of Arts and Health research.
The invitation to the conference goes out to researches at HF, KMD, MEDFAK, PSYKFAK and SV.
Time and place: Nygårdsgaten 5. 3/4 -24 kl. 11.00-14.50. Deadline for registration March 14th, register here: Tverrfakultær konferanse: Musikk, livskvalitet og samfunnsdeltaking | Polyfon kunnskapsklynge for musikkterapi | UiB (Website only in Norweigan)
Many of you have asked for it and we are pleased to announce that we will have a joint MED-CBU seminar on the 21st of March at 11:15. Like last time the seminar aims to foster interaction between researchers at MED and CBU and will be followed by a mingling lunch. The seminar will take place in the ‘blåbær’ room at CBU, 5th floor of the Datablokk at Høyteknologisenteret. If you need help with directions, please let me know.
If you are interested in joining this event please contact Marc (marc.vaudel@uib.no) or Silje (Silje.Skrede@uib.no) to ensure that enough food is ordered. Also, if you have suggestion of activities, workshop, or want to help with the organization – please let us know!
Join us for a virtual forum on the impact of plastic pollution on human and environmental health, highlighting the gaps in our understanding of how plastics affect human and ecosystem health and explore what needs to be done to close them.
Keynote speaker Nanna Hartmann (Technical University of Denmark) will be joined by an interdisciplinary panel featuring
– Bethanie Carney Almroth (University of Gothenburg)
– Philip J. Landrigan (Boston College and Centre Scientifique de Monaco)
– Imari Walker-Franklin (RTI International)
Register here: https://hubs.li/Q02m6nKz0
The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on “How to write a successful grant proposal”.
The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal. Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.
Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine
Time: The workshop will run two half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day. Monday 13 May, 9-13 and Thursday 16 May, 09-13
Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen
Course fee: free.
PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB
Welcome to the Filosofisk poliklinikk where this time the theme is uncertainty in medicine and health sciences.
For many modern individuals, uncertainty is perceived as inconvenient, uncomfortable, and unwanted. More and more people are taking measures to limit the experience of uncertainty in their own lives, and the reduction of uncertainty is a central political and medical goal in contemporary society. There is a trend in society towards seeking to understand, predict, and precisely intervene in even the most complex systems known – including biological and social systems.
The introductory lectures will be in English. Contributions from participants can be in English or Norwegian. The meeting is open to anyone interested in the topic.
10.04.2024 – 17.00–19.30 Alrek (Møterom Midgard)
Registration deadline: 02.04.2024 – 23.59
DATE: 20.03.2024 KL. 12:00 – 15.30
Place: EITRI Medical incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31
Register her:https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=16613847
Read more: https://k2info.w.uib.no/files/2024/03/Seminar-for-PhD-veiledere.pdf
Momentum is UiB’s flagship development programme for early stage researchers – postdocs, researchers or assosciated professors – who wish to pursue an academic career at a research university.
The call for applications to Momentum 6 is now open and available here: Call open for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme | Employee Pages | UiB. Deadline for candidates to apply is 22 March.
The Momentum Programme is designed to strenghten the career development of UiB Early Stage Researchers. The programme includes five seminars, planned to run between September 2024 and June 2025. Seminars are designed to:
The seminars are structured around the key categories career development and external funding, with the topics of the seminars being excellence, impact, research leadership and implementation, internationalisation, and grant writing.
Please note that attendance at the seminars is compulsory
Pay particular attention to the mobilization seminar on April 8, and the Digital Health 2024 conference on May 29-30.
Workshop organized by the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster where you get to meet experts and advisors specializing in various funding sources.
More information about the program and registration her: Soft Funding strategi Bergen – NSCC (smartcarecluster.no)
UiB is a member of the Smart Care Cluster, hence the workshop is free of charge.
For registration and further information, please visit our website: www.flowcytometri.no
In addition, we are pleased to offer an optional Flow Cytometry course on Wednesday 5th of June lead by Mikkel and Charlotte C. Petersen from Aarhus University Hospital and University of Aarhus.
Please note that an early bird-discount is available until March 1st!