Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

CCBIO junior symposium October 6th 2022

We are happy to welcome you all to the first CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium this semester, October 6th, 2022. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists and we are very happy to announce that for the first time in years – it will be physical attendance only. We are very excited that Vladan Milosevic, a researcher at CCBIO will present the Hyperion – Image Mass cytometry System as our keynote presenter this time. As the debate in Norway is currently intense on what true women’s health is, we are looking forward to the presentations of our local junior researchers on topics related to 3D culturing of both ovarian and vulva cancer. We will also get updates on a clinical study investigating biomarkers for risk of blood clots during pregnancy. Finally, we will learn about mimicking clonal architecture in AML.

Please register within October 3rd at 11.00 as FREE LUNCH is included.
When: Thursday October 6th, 2022 at 09:00 – 13:00
Where: B307, Sentralblokka, Haukeland University Hospital
RegistrationLink (Also even if you have registered for CCBIO901 in Studentweb.)
General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

ECTS: Part of CCBIO901, with 3 credits (participation in the program through 2 terms.) All are however welcome for non-ECTS drop-in on each individual symposium. Perhaps you spot an interesting topic? Just remember to register!


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Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar)

This webinar will help you to understand what type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, if you are proposing a joint project in Horizon Europe og simply are looking for a consortium to join.

You will understand what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will get practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.—looking-for-partners-and-joining-consortia-short-webinar-17-okt/

Join us on October 13th to explore the use of AI in cancer and possible EU opportunities!

We bring together national stakeholders within Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cancer to highlight key achievements in Norway and build momentum towards EU R&I collaborations within Horizon Europe, EU4Health and Digital Europe.

When: Thursday, 13th October 9.30-13.00
Where: Vitensenteret, Kongens gate 6 in Oslo / hybrid livestream available

Programme and registration

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Lecture: Mast cells – versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions

The Bergen Research School in Inflammation has the pleasure to invite you to a lecture by

Prof. Gunnar Pejler
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology
Uppsala University

Mast cells – versatile effector cells in inflammatory conditions

12th October 2022
BBB, Auditorium 4, 10:15

More information here

Digital frukost@Forskningsdagene: Can we find the solution to the antibiotic resistance crisis in the ocean?

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and development today. A growing number of infections are becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them become less effective. In addition to reducing the overuse of antibiotics, we need to discover and bring new antibiotics to market. This is a formidable challenge, but perhaps part of the solution can be found in the ocean?

In conjunction with Forskningsdagene, the Norwegian annual research festival, this Digital frukost will have a special focus on this year’s theme – the Ocean. Join us for a digital one-hour breakfast where we will explore if the solution to the antibiotic resistance crisis can be found in the ocean.

How to write competitive proposals for the ERC Consolidator and Advanced Grants

The competition for ERC Grants can be daunting, but UiB has many examples of researchers who have won and enjoy the academic freedom of an ERC grant. Find out how to best prepare your application with this digital workshop. The Consolidator Grant stipend is for mid-career researchers (7-12 years after their PhD is defended) who would like to propose a groundbreaking and risky project that they could not finance anywhere else. Researchers with more than 12 years of experience are eligible to apply for the Advanced Grant.

This course explains how to convey your research concept in a way that convinces both the ERC panel and your expert evaluators, and maximises your chance of success.

8-9 November, Zoom

UiB Ferd – career center for early stage researchers

UiB Ferd Career Centre supports doctoral candidates, postdoctoral fellows, researchers and associate professors by offering career guidance and various courses. Please note the coming courses on Data Management Plan and on Academic Writing and Presentation Skills. The course on academic writing and presentation skills is in particular targeting researchers from the Faculty of Medicine.

UiB Opp – courses for researchers and administrative staff

UiB Opp is UiB’s programme offering courses to increase competence on external financing and research support. The target group are researchers at all levels in addition to the administrative support staff. The programme offers introductory and advanced courses. This page provides an overview of course that are scheduled for this autumn.

Horizon Europe Success Factors

Welcome to the third event on Horizon Europe for UiB researchers, on Friday 7 October.

This time the focus is on factors for succeeding with your proposals for project funding – strategic networking, proposal writing and  the evaluation process – but also on how we link a research project to the big, global challenges.

Time: 07.10.2022 – 09.00–15.00

Venue: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2-7

For more information and link to registration please visit the website.

(Norsk) Meld deg på OPP!

Meld deg på OPP!
19.-25.september arrangeres Innovasjonsuken OPP. Over 40 arrangementer er tilgjengelig i arrangementskalenderen. En glimrende arena for studenter, gründere, investorer og næringslivet for møtes for nettverksbygging, kompetansedeling og framsnakking.

Ta en titt på programmet og meld deg allerede nå:

Her er en liten smakebit på noe av det du kan OPPleve:

Gratis OPP-fest i Marinehallen – Åpningsfesten til Innovasjonsuken OPP
Helseinkubatoren, Eitri arrangerer Datathon og seminar verdien av norsk helsedata
Innovasjon Norge, Connect Vest og PwC arrangerer åpningsarrangementene «OPPnå innovasjonskraft – innovasjon som verktøy for å bli bærekraftig» og «Oppnå suksess med Corporate/startup partnerskap»
NF&TA og Bergen offentlige bibliotek arrangerer «Tech og tekstil – hvordan ser bærekraftig tekstilindustri ut?»
Sopra Steria og NHH arrangerer: «Slik lykkes etablerte selskaper med å lansere nye løsninger»
AFF arrangerer «Start Smart – om hvordan team jobber godt mot felles mål»
Kunnskapsparken Vestland og Innovasjon Norge arrangerer: Kapitaldagen i Førde
Buzzfond, Brak, Bergen kommune, Design Region Bergen og Simonsen Vogt Wiig arrangerer: «Musikk fra Vestland til verden»
SRF arrangerer Byråbayer med årets høydepunkt fra Cannes Lions
VIS, NCE Finance Innovation og Connect Vest arrangerer Demo Day Vestland
Social Impact Lab lanserer Dypdykk for innovasjonsprogrammet, Impact Challenge
Netlife og TRY har seminar om «Hva er godt design og god kommunikasjon?»
GC Rieber arrangerer «Innovation Challenge – innovasjonskultur på tvers av selskaper»
DNB NXT arrangeres med tema: Redefinding Growth
StormGeo, Knowit og Sjømat Norge arrangerer “Hav, tech og hOPP – Fire havnære digitale innovasjonsprosjekter”
Sogn Næring og Kunnskapsparken Vestland arrangerer Innovasjonsdagen i Sogn
Start Bergen arrangerer, hackethon – Bergen Brainstorm

Scientific Computing Training events in autumn 2022


The scientific computing group at UiB IT department is collaborating nationally and internationally to provide training on practical scientific computing related topics.

These are free online courses and target students, researchers, and employees of any background who are eager to learn basic scientific computing skills or improve their existing knowledge on the topic.

This autumn we are collaborating three courses:

  1. CodeRefinerey Online Workshop: September 20-22 and 27-29. Please see the course page for more details
  2. NRIS HPC On-boarding: October 18-20. Please see the course page for more details
  3. NRIS Best Practices on HPC : November 1-2. Please see the course page for more details

Please advertise these courses at your department to people who are interested in attending these courses. If you have any question kindly reply to this email.

Thank you!

Best Regards,
Dhanya Pushpadas 

Course: Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills in English

Mastering academic English can be as important as mastering your discipline itself. This is a course for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral fellows at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Psychology who wants to improve their academic writing and presentation skills in English. There will be courses targeting other Faculties later this autumn.

Target group

PhD candidates and Postdoctoral fellows who want to improve their academic writing and presentation skills in English.
This course is especially targeting the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Psychology.

Application deadline

Application deadline is at 3 pm the 3rd of October 2022.

More information and Registration Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation Skills in English | UiB Ferd karrieresenter for yngre forskere | UiB

Nordic AI Meet and Research School Annual Conference

For PhD candidates across Norway working on AI linked topics, Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) is planning two important activities in November.

  1. Nordic AI Meet, 14-15 November : to bring a wide range of expertise in form of keynotes, select presentations & posters from PhD students across Nordics apart from Industry engagement and other fun activities.
  2. Research School Annual Conference, 16 November : The research school conference is more like an unconference as it will have components that foster tighter collaboration among PhD students and also enable them to meet each other face to face. There will be a mingling welcome dinner for the conference on 15thNovember in Kristiania University College Campus in Oslo Center. Seats are limited for the 16 November event. Registration is free but it will be on first come first serve basis.

Career Day for all PhD candidates and postdocs at The Faculty of Medicine – Wednesday October 19th

Dear all

Welcome to the career day for all PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine! It will take place on October 19th from 09.30 to 16.00 in auditorium 1, in the BB building at Haukeland. In addition to internal and external presenters, some of our earlier PhD candidates will update us on what they have done after graduating. Furthermore, there will be held several relevant workshops at the end of the day. The career day will be held in English.

Participation is free, and coffee and lunch will be served. There will be good opportunities for mingling with your fellow candidates.

See our detailed program here.

Registration for the career day here. Deadline October 12th.

Hope to see you there!


The PhD coordinator team

Horizon Europe courses

In cooperation with the Research Council of Norway, Europa Media is organising practical training courses on the development and management of the Horizon Europe programme. All courses are only open for Norwegian organisations, and completely free to attend. See all courses at Forskningsrådets arrangementer (

Workshop on “Strengthening research careers”

The European Commission has the pleasure to invite you to the online workshop on “Strengthening research careers: a focus on competences, balanced talent circulation and intersectoral mobility” that will take place on the 12th of September from 09:30 to 12:30 and from 13:30 to 16:00.

This workshop will present the main findings and outcomes from the study ‘Knowledge Ecosystem in the new ERA’ on the competence framework for researchers (morning session, including the potential uses and applications of the framework) and on balanced talent circulation (afternoon session, including issues of geographical brain drain and intersectoral mobility). Illustrations of cases will be presented for each of the topics, and pathways for further action will be discussed.

The detailed programme is attached. The workshop is organised in two sessions: morning and afternoon. Participants can attend either one of the sessions, or both, by registering via the link below.

Register her

More information here

Eitri Medical Datathon

Dear all,

We are hosting the Eitri Medical Datathon, September 16-19, 2022 and are looking forward to seeing many of you there!

The event will consist of two parts – the Datathon during the weekend and the Datathon conference on Monday September 19.

During the datathon, we will form teams of clinicians, data scientists and other enthusiasts. The teams together with mentors/experts from US, Singapore, France, and UK will solve health challenges using real world data and AI. It is an excellent opportunity to work with world leaders in the field!

The conference will bring together clinicians, data scientists, industry, policy makers, and other experts to talk about AI use in healthcare – opportunities and challenges.

For more information, please, check out the website, or email us ( or

To participate in the datathon, sign up here:

To participate in the conference, sign up here:

Hope to see many of you at the event!

Best wishes,

MRCRM Seminar Series

Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in limbal stem cell deficiency – Development of precision medicine

Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) causes discomfort and reduced vision and is a major problem in ophthalmology. Today, the treatment is transplantation of allogenic limbal stem cells, but this has its limitations.

Mesenchymal stem cells are now emerging as a promising treatment option. The phase 1 clinical trial using these cells in patients with end-stage LSCD will be presented.

Cecilie Bredrup, MD, PhD at HUH og Associate professor at K1, UiB

30th of August, 14.30-15.30

Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor in Sentralblokken, HUH

Welcome to the first seminar this semester in the seminar series of Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM)!

This seminar is open to all. Light refreshments will be served.

MRCRM seminar series – August 2022 – Helse Bergen (