Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 – webinar

13. juni. kl. 10.00–11.45.

MSCA Doctoral Networks (DN) is a highly sought-after program that funds doctoral candidates from around the world in European research training networks. The networks, or projects, last four to five years and can fund up to 15 PhD students for up to three years.

The call for 2024 opens on May 29 and has a submission deadline of November 27, 2024.–webinar/

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium

June 6th, 2024 

(Møterom, HBE, Glasblokkene, Blokk 8, U1etg, U364, Auditorium)– register( or

We are happy to welcome you all to the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, June 6th, 2024. This seminar series is a perfect place to meet and interact with other young scientists. We anticipate lively and interesting discussion as always. It is a pleasure to present Geir Olav Løken, Administrative Leader of CCBIO, as the keynote speaker. He will use his decades long experience in mediating between researchers and the administration to elaborate on how to best interact with “the other side” and point out pitfalls and coping strategies. Anna Gorbunova, a new post doc in Carina Strell’s group will present the prognostic impact of mitochondrial proteins in lung cancer. You will also learn more about how to target homology repair deficiency in breast cancer, tissue engineering of bone marrow and precision medicine in children’s cancer. Please register within June 3rd at 11.00.

Program: Continue reading

Webinar about ERC Synergy Grant

7 June 10:00–11:45

Do you have an extraordinary exciting and groundbreaking idea for a research project, but need one or more other PIs to solve the puzzle? ERC Synergy Grants can be the solution for you.

ERC Synergy Grants (SyG) allow two to four outstanding “principal investigators” (PIs) to come together on a problem for a project and provide the opportunity for collaboration for up to six years.

2024 UiB Læringskonferanse

The UiB Læringskonferanse is open to all members of the UiB community and is an opportunity to learn, discuss and celebrate research-based practices that embody Connection, Community, and/or Inclusion in university teaching and learning.

The conference will take place on Thursday, 17. October in NG5 and the day will include keynote speakers and workshops, paper panels and poster presentations. We invite everyone involved in teaching, supervision, assessment, and other teaching related activities at UiB and other local institutions to contribute to and attend the conference.

Submissions/presentations can be in Norwegian or English and the deadline for submissions is 30. June.

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“FRIPRO-løftet”, part 3: Proposal Reading Day

Are you considering applying for FRIPRO funding from the Research Council? This is the third workshop in the “FRIPRO-løftet” series.

27.05.2024 – 09.00–15.00

Workshop for researchers at all career levels, who are considering applying for funding for FRIPRO projects from the Research Council of Norway

Marie Sklodowska-Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions lie under the Excellent Science pillar of Horizon Europe. The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships  is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a PhD degree who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. The scheme supports academic projects but does strongly encourage researchers to include project work in the non-academic sector.

Webinar by the Reserach Council of Norway for MSCA-PF applicants to Norwegian host institutions:

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships – Webinar (

Online writing class 29.-30. May 2024:

Agenda 2024 MSCA-PF writing class.

Sign up by 28. May via the registration form.

Developing Competitive ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant Proposals

The competition can be daunting, but to date, 50 ERC grants have been won by researchers at UiB. Find out how to prepare a competitive application with this digital workshop for Starting and Consolidator applicants.

04.06.2024 – 09.00–15.00

This course explains how to convey your research concept in a way that convinces both the ERC panel and your expert evaluators, and maximises your chances of success.

Session 1:  9:00-11:30pm

  • ERC instrument basics
  • Pitching for your ERC panel
  • Selecting your evaluators
  • Presenting your research clearly and convincingly

Session 2: 12:30 – 15:00

  • Designing and implementing your research
  • Writing a competitive B1: extended summary
  • How to write a competitive B2: full proposal

Webinar ERC Synergy Grant

Suitable for: Researchers and EU advisors
Registration deadline: June 7, 2024, at 07:00 AM
Digital: The event will be streamed
When: June 7, at 10:00–11:45 AM

The meeting will be conducted in English.

Do you have an incredibly exciting research idea that is truly groundbreaking, but also need the expertise of one or more other PIs to address the challenge? ERC Synergy Grants could be the solution. Join our webinar on the scheme!

Join the FRIPRO workshops!

The University of Bergen (UiB) has launched “FRIPRO-løftet” this spring, which consists of two workshops and an FRIPRO application reading day. The aim is to equip UiB researchers with the necessary tools to enhance their chances of securing funding through FRIPRO from The Research Council of Norway.

These workshops cater to researchers at all career stages who are considering applying for support from FRIPRO. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and practical training, the Division of Research and Innovation, along with local advisors, will provide insights into the concepts of “impact” and “implementation” within the context of FRIPRO.

The FRIPRO-løftet comprises three parts: