Category Archives: The HSE Corner

Announcement of competence funding for group C (technical / administrative staff)

Funding for development and competence raising has been budgeted also for 2018. It is possible to apply for funding for professional development and competence raising measures up until NOK 5000.

The criteria for allocation of funds are:

  1. The application must be professionally relevant and supported by the research group leader.
  2. The research group must contribute with 50% of the costs.

Link to application form here.

Written applications can be sent to Julie Stavnes.

HSE corner: My Time is introduced at MED from 12.02.18

In order to improve the time registration at the University of Bergen, the University Management has decided that all technical and administrative staff at UiB should use My Time (“Min Tid”). This applies to both those with fixed and flexible working hours, and hourly paid. My Time will replace the flex time schedule, and for hourly paid, the system will replace the time lists.

More information can be found here. (Link only in Norwegian.)

Best regards,


Dear all

Thursday 7th December the safety representatives and head of administration will go through the physical work environment at BUS, Kvinneklinikken og Laboratoriebygget.

We kindly ask everyone to fill out and send in the forms to Julie (that fits you). If you have no remarks regarding your own workplace, please make a note of this in the forms. Deadline for sending the forms  in is Friday 10th November. Please get in touch if you have any questions. More information on the HSE round here:


Forms (only in Norwegian):


Laboratory, Clinic, Workshop

Personell room, Meeting room, Group room

HSE corner: Fire protection training in the autumn of 2017

All staff at UiB shall have completed fire protection training, both theory and practice, which is enacted in the Fire Act and the HSE Regulations.

A course runs over two hours – divided into one hour theory and one hour practical fire extinguishing.

There is a total enrolment from the department, and interested should contact Marius Alvheim in the expedition.

Read more about the fire protection training here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Best regards,

HSE corner: Pension and insurance for foreign employees

It is easy to think that the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund is “only” involved in what you will live off when you become a pensioner. In reality, it is involved in much more. The Fund is involved in what you will live off if you are injured or become ill, and it is about providing security for your family.

UiB arrange an information meeting about this and related issues for international researchers and other foreign employees.

Time: 2 October at. 16:30–19:30.
Location: Student Centre or Christies gate 12 (depending on the number of participants).

More information and link to a registration form can be found here.