Category Archives: Uke 24

Best Poster: Fakultets forskningsdag.

Foto: Ramune Midttveit

Congratulations to the winners of the poster prize at the faculty’s research day 18 June: Thomas Aga Legøy, Kira Höffler and Solveig Løkhammer.

Thomas Aga Legøy with; “Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals During Differentiation of HNF1A-MODY SC-islets has an Adverse Effect on Cell Fitness.”

Kira Höffler with; “Epigenetic Markers of Response to Psychotherapy in OCD.”

Solveig Løkhammer with: Adverse Health Effects of Childhood Maltreatment: Evidence from Genetic-Environmental Inference in >900.000 Adults.”


DigitalHealth2024 was recently hosted in Bergen. This is the third time this conference, organized by Helse Bergen, Bergen University College, and Alrek Health Cluster, has taken place. This year’s conference was filled to capacity, with 700 participants. The main subject, as suggested by the title, was the development and implementation of digitalization in healthcare, which is highly relevant to much of the operations at K2.

Many participants probably expected the conference to provide answers regarding the direction of digitalization and the “next big thing”. Where are we headed when ChatGPT is no longer a novelty that can provide you with a waffle recipe and a few humorous answers to your simple questions, and it is no longer sensational that digital image analysis can reduce the response time for radiological examinations? The answer provided can be summarized as “it is coming, and it is developing rapidly”. It is difficult, even for those who work with digitalization daily, to foresee what the next few years will bring on a specific level. One subject that stood out was patient-related data, collected through digital channels, where the channel is not only used for data collection – but also more actively in patient care e.g. to convey information or to identify patients who need intensified follow-up.

The challenges seem easier to identify. We need to be actively involved in the development, and not wait for technology to be introduced. Patient safety and privacy quickly become an issue, closely linked to data collection and acquisition, e.g. in the context of collaboration with commercial services. Financing, political incentives, and a jungle of companies, apps, and services entering the market with varying degrees of validation are other key points.

It is important to remember that not only classic products, but also services and processes can be included when considering technology and innovation in healthcare. Regardless, it will be challenging but crucial to stay updated as the field races ahead. In summary, I believe that digitalization and increasing awareness around it can make the path from research to implementation shorter – but still, it is a bit difficult to grasp exactly how this will happen.


Disputation – Andreas Frøslev Mathisen | 21. juni 2024

Lecture Examination: Friday, June 21, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15 Topic: “Inflammation of the endocrine pancreas from birth to death”

Photo/ill.: Ege Solel

Doctoral Defense: Friday, June 21, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15 Thesis Title: “Demultiplexing Stress Responses and Compensatory Mechanisms in the Pancreatic Islet”

  1. Opponent: Professor Brigitte Galliot, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Opponent: PhD Karim Bouzakri, University of Strasbourg, France
  3. Committee Member: Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Silke Appel.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release (only provided in norwegian)

The research groups’ websites

Ingrid Hagerup ( at the faculty has spent the last few weeks looking over the websites of the research groups at K2. She has made some structural changes, both by agreement with certain people and on her own.

However, there is a need for a more systematic review of the content on several of the pages.

It is important that the content is up-to-date, because it is the “outward face” of the research group.

Look over the content on the website of the research group you are responsible for, and report the need for changes to the content


There is no “final deadline” for this work, but none of the content will be updated unless you let us know!

Also remember! There is both an English and a Norwegian website – you can find the overview here:

Change freeze on the personal pages

New personal pages (employee pages) will be launched soon, and therefore a change freeze on the personal pages is necessary. Changes made to the personal pages from Thursday, June 13th onwards will not be carried over to the new pages. The page can still be updated if there is something important that needs to be included during these days, BUT the updates will have to be entered again on the new pages.

We will keep you continuously updated when the new personal pages are launched.

Call for proposals: Nordic research consortia for EU calls on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Deadline 19.09.2024

NordForsk announces funding for preparatory projects with the purpose of forming multisectoral and transdisciplinary Nordic research consortia to participate in successful proposals for EU calls on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).