Category Archives: 2024

Dissertation | Irene Instenes | 2024



Irene Instenes

The candidate is from the Department of Clinical Science
Main supervisor: Professor Tone Merete Norekvål
Co-supervisors: Professor Alf Inge Larsen and Associate Professor Britt Borregaard

Trial Lecture: Friday, November 8, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Assigned topic: “Equality in coronary artery disease research from a gender perspective”

Defense: Friday, November 8, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Thesis title: “Physical, mental and social capacities and long-term outcomes in octogenarian and nonagenarian patients after percutaneous coronary intervention”

1st opponent: Professor Eva Swahn, Linköping University, Sweden
2nd opponent: Professor Staffan Karlsson, Kristianstad University, Sweden
3rd committee member: Professor Mai Tone Lønnebakken, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Stig Harthug.

Open to all interested parties


Helse hos de eldste eldre etter avansert hjertebehandling | Nye doktorgrader | UiB

HSE- Round 2024

HSE Round 2024

The HSE round is part of UiB’s workplace environment surveys. The HSE round is a review of premises, equipment, and work methods to identify hazards that could cause illness and injury to people, objects, and the external environment. It helps to identify challenges related to physical, chemical, and ergonomic conditions at work.

The dates for this year’s HSE round are:

Laboratory Building: 02.12 from 12 PM
Glasblokkene and Overlege Danielssens hus: 04.12 from 12 PM

Here are the links to this year’s forms, please fill them out no later than one week before the round.

Office and lab (simpler version):

Office and lab (Norwegian):

With kind regards: Bente, Carol, Kadri, Siv Lise,  Sonja, Thea og Mia

Morning Session with Web and Design: Clear Language and How to Write Well for the Web

Morning Session with Web and Design: Clear Language and How to Write Well for the Web

Do you want to create websites that work well? Come and learn why clear language is important and beneficial for both our users and UiB. We will provide you with a simple checklist for good content.

We have a total of 3.2 million active users and 19 million (!) page visits annually on This makes it incredibly important that users find what they are looking for, understand the content, and can use it. This is what clear language is all about.

The benefits of clear language are that we get more satisfied users, fewer inquiries to the information centers, increased student recruitment, and money saved. As a bonus, the pages will also rank better in searches.

In this morning session, you will get a simple and short course in clear language and a checklist for good web content. You will also hear more about how clear language has provided great benefits to other public actors.

19.11.2024 – 08:30–09:30
Smauet Café (Nygårdsgaten 5, 2nd floor)


UiB Communications Forum – Autumn 2024

UiB Communications Forum – Autumn 2024

The Communications Department aims to strengthen the connection between communications staff across UiB by organizing semi-annual, internal professional days. We hope this will contribute to increased sharing of experiences and inspiration, strengthened collaboration, and, in the long run, even better and more cohesive communication services at UiB.

22.11.2024 – 11:30–15:30
Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5

Meltzer Prizes

We would like to inform you that in 2024, the nomination deadline for proposers to nominate candidates for the Meltzer Prizes will be December 1, 2024.

The Meltzer Fund will award 3 prizes on March 8, 2025:

  • The Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Research Communication.
  • The Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Work by Young Researchers.
  • The Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Research. This prize will be awarded for the first time on March 8, 2025.

All university professors and department heads have the right to propose candidates. Proposers can send signed nominations as PDF attachments via email to Kristin Hansen at the Research and Innovation Department by the nomination deadline of December 1, 2024.

A new checklist for proposers is attached and available The updated guidelines are also attached and can be found here: Retningslinjer | Meltzer.

If you have any questions, please contact Senior Advisor Kristin Hansen.

Letten Prize 2025


The call for applications for the Letten Prize 2025 is now open. The application deadline is February 6th, 2025.

The main purpose of the Letten Prize is to recognize younger researchers’ contributions in the fields of health, Development, environment and equality in all aspects of human life. In the spirit of Letten Saugstad, the prize aims to raise public awareness of how research can be used to solve global human development challenges.

The Letten Prize is a collaboration between the Letten Foundation and the Young Academy of Norway.

Project Management for Academics

Project Management for Academics

Interested in understanding project management in the context of academia? This course offers an in-depth look at project management practices within academic environments, highlighting how they contrast with those in other industries. We will focus on the distinctive aspects of managing research projects and evaluate the potential advantages of learning from strategies outside academia to enhance project management in academia.

12.11.2024 – 09.00–11.30
Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5) – Meeting room Søndre Allmenning 1

Transitional optimism

Photo: Marianne Natvik

Transition Optimism

Presenter: Doctor and PhD candidate Marianne Natvik
Time: November 11th from 12:00 to 13:00
Place: Room 9.1 and 9.2, Lab Building

– Six out of ten women want more information about menopause.

This is revealed in a new Norwegian study where Marianne Natvik is the first author. Menopause is still shrouded in myths and rarely discussed, even among healthcare professionals. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but it can also come earlier or later. Most women will experience one or more symptoms of menopause, and some will be greatly affected. But what are normal menopausal symptoms, and what can we do about them? And how can healthcare professionals facilitate a smoother transition?

The Center for Research on Heart Disease in Women invites you to a seminar on menopause.

Everyone is welcome!

Marianne Natvik is a doctor and specialist in general medicine. She is currently working on her doctoral project “Information about Menopause – Women’s Needs and the Role of the General Practitioner” at the University of Oslo. She is a sought-after speaker on topics such as gynecology, stress management, and self-care. In addition to working as a general practitioner, she also holds a part-time position as a doctor at Grünerløkka Youth Health Station and teaches medical students at UiO.  (Only available in Norwegian)


The Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine


Proposals for the Falch Lecture 2025

The academic communities at the institutes are hereby invited to submit proposals for the Falch Lecture 2025.

The allocation framework is NOK 40,000 to cover fees and travel and accommodation expenses. A cost estimate should be included with the application. Multiple allocations may be possible.

Guidelines for the Falch Lecture

1. The proposer is the Board, which can invite generally recognized researchers at Nobel Prize level or very high international level to give a guest lecture and/or seminar at the Faculty of Medicine.

2. The Board can invite employees to submit proposals and document their research efforts. Criteria may include publication in prestigious scientific journals, international awards, leadership roles in significant and active international scientific associations and conferences.

3. The Falch lecturer should preferably have collaborated with or contributed in some way to the research activities at the Faculty of Medicine. However, this is not a requirement to propose a candidate.

4. The Falch Lecture should preferably take place with the physical presence of the lecturer, but can also be conducted via digital media.

5. The Falch lecturer is awarded a diploma to mark the occasion.

Proposals should be sent to by 8/12 2024 and will be reviewed by the board of the Consul Søren Falch and ophthalmologist Sigurd Falch’s fund for medical science.

Per Bakke

Dear everyone!

I continue to nag a little about employee interviews. The responsibility for carrying them out is assigned to the research group leaders, and it is therefore important that all employees at K2 belong to a research group. Susanne is working on updating the overview of the research groups, so feel free to check with her if you do not know who your research group leader is. Remember that this year I will have an employee appraisal with all associate professors and professors in a 50% position or more, I will send out possible dates to those concerned during the next week.

In order to follow up on my desire for closer dialogue with the teaching group, research group and core facility leaders, it will be a little more often that we have joint meetings with the management group. The next time will be:

29 October: UGLE meeting with all Teaching Group Leaders (UGLE) and vice-UGLE

26 November: FORUM meeting with all research group and core facility leaders

Have a great weekend! Remember to set the clock on Sunday 😊


Say hello to Marion and Ingrid!!


This is a friendly reminder if you have anything you wish to communicate or disseminate, I’m here to assist you! 😊

I work at the Communications Department at the university and I am the advisor for the Faculty of Medicine. With a background in journalism, my job is to highlight the exciting and important research happening here.

I can assist with:

  • Professional communication advice and coaching
  • Press releases
  • Video
  • Help with writing debate posts
  • Media outreach
  • Conducting interviews about your research for the website or

You can also reach out to one of my colleagues at the faculty who works with communication: