Author Archives: ligan4552

Submission of SFF-VI initiative – deadline May 15th

The faculty is now starting to mobilize for the next call for Centers of Excellence (SFF-VI), which will be published in the spring of 2025, with the application deadline for stage 1 at the end of 2025, while the application deadline for stage 2 is planned for spring 2026. At the previous round of applications (SFF-V) sent UiB 25 applications. Of these, seven initiatives were invited to send an application to round two. Two centers at UiB were funded. The faculty sent six applications, three progressed to round two and one was funded. The central research and innovation department has coordination responsibility for the process. Separate teams will be established for this application round with resources from both the central level and the faculties, which together will provide administrative assistance to the individual initiatives

It is important to map out already now who is planning an SFF application so that we can rig the process forward in the best possible way, and link the initiatives from MED up to the FIA’s support apparatus. In the first instance, we want information about who is thinking of applying. We have prepared a form where the researchers are asked to describe the theme of the initiative and which partners are thought of as part of the centre. You can find the form in this link:

We will link the initiatives to the FIA’s process, but also invite to local meetings.

The deadline for registering initiatives is  May 15th 2024. UiB will earmark stimulus funds that will be distributed in two rounds, the first round being spring 2024.

Lauritz Meltzer´s Research Awards to Ellen Christine Rørvik and Nina Langeland at K2

Lauritz Meltzer, a prominent businessman, generously left his wealth to establish the Meltzer Research Fund at the UiB. The fund’s primary objective is to advance scientific endeavors within UiB and provide support to exceptionally talented students. Each year, on Lauritz Meltzer´s birthday (March 8th), three recipients are honored with an award that includes NOK 200,000 from the fund.

The Value and Impact of Research Prizes and Awards in Medicine

What are the value and importance of research prizes and awards? I think these accolades serve as beacons, illuminating the path toward scientific excellence and inspiring the next generation of researchers. Let us delve into the significance of the 2024 honors, celebrating the remarkable achievements of our esteemed colleagues.

Recognizing Excellence: Ellen Røyrvik, PhD

Dr. Ellen Christine Røyrvik, recipient of the Award for Young Researchers, embodies the spirit of curiosity and innovation. Her work in genetics and population history has been nothing short of groundbreaking. Dr. Røyrvik’s interdisciplinary background—spanning genetics, molecular biology, archaeology, and linguistics—has allowed her to explore fundamental questions about Norwegian and European population history. But her impact extends beyond historical inquiries. By shedding new light on the biology of clinically important diseases, she bridges the gap between scientific discovery and patient care. Her prolific publication record showcases both breadth and depth, underscoring her dedication to advancing medical knowledge.

Pioneering Infection Research: Professor Nina Langeland, MD, PhD

Professor Nina Langeland stands as a beacon of excellence in infection research. Her pioneering efforts, particularly during the corona pandemic, have saved lives and shaped our understanding of infectious diseases. What sets her apart is not just her scientific acumen but also her unwavering commitment to patients. With over 25 years of experience as a senior physician at Haukeland University Hospital, Professor Langeland’s research is deeply rooted in the realities of patient care. She listens to their stories, observes their struggles, and translates these insights into meaningful scientific investigations.

Translational Research: Bridging Disciplines

Professor Langeland’s approach exemplifies the essence of translational research. By seamlessly integrating clinical experience with advanced laboratory methods, she unravels the complexities of diseases. Her work transcends disciplinary boundaries, collaborating with experts across institutions. Through this interdisciplinary synergy, she not only solves clinical puzzles but also contributes to the broader scientific community.

A Call to Celebrate

Research prizes and awards are more than mere accolades; they symbolize dedication, perseverance, and collaboration. As we honor Dr. Røyrvik and Professor Langeland, we celebrate the spirit of inquiry—the driving force that propels medicine forward. Let us continue to champion our many very good researchers, encourage curiosity, and foster an environment where excellence thrives.

Congratulations to our distinguished awardees, and may their passion continue to illuminate the path toward better health and a brighter future.

Reidun Lisbet Kjome appointed Bergen Ambassadør

The head of the Center for Pharmacy, associate professor Reidun Lisbet Kjome, was appointed official Bergen Ambassadør on March 11, 2024 for her efforts in organizing the yearly conference of the European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy in Bergen. This year’s conference topic is Optimizing pharmacy workforce: Relevance, Active and Lifelong Learning (

At the official ceremony in Håkonshallen Reidun got a diploma by Bergen mayor Marit Warncke. Congratulations!

Professor Jutta Dierkes from the Department of Clinical Medicine was awarded for her organization of the Nordic Nutrition Conference in Bergen (, congratulations!

Project Management for Academics

Are you curious about the intricacies of project management and how it is applied in academia? This course will delve into the nuances of project management within academic settings and explore how it differs from other sectors. While examining the unique characteristics of research projects, we will also consider whether external perspectives and strategies could be beneficial in improving project management in academia.

30.05.2024 – 09.00–11.30

Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5) – Meeting room 301 (“Sydneshaugen”)


Transfers of personal data outside of EEA; What is the status today?

Foto/ill.: Mongta Studio

04.04.2024 – 14.15–16.00

Auditorium in JUSSII

Ane Rode will be giving a guest lecture on transfers of personal data outside of EEA as part of the courses JUS2303 and JUS3503 Privacy and data protection – GDPR.

Transfers of personal data outside of EEA; What is the status today?

In principle, transfer of personal data to a third country is prohibited. However, there are some exceptions from this rule. A transfer can take place if the conditions laid down in the provisions of the GDPR relating to the transfer of personal data to third countries are complied with by the controller or the processor. The GDPR provides different transfer mechanisms for transfers of personal data from the EEA to a third country. In the Schrems II judgement handed down by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on 16 July 2020 , the CJEU declared that the transfer mechanism Privacy Shield for transfers between the EEA and the U.S was no longer lawful.

Seminar series Centre for Nutrition

The  Centre for nutrition is pleased to invite you to a new seminar in our seminar series this spring. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Inge Tetens from the Department of Nutrition and Exercise, University of Copenhagen, will present his research to us.

Time: Thursday April 11th  2024 kl. 14.30-15.30

Place: Aud. 2, BB-bygget

Professor Inge Tetens from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen. Her primary goal is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the scientific basis for optimal health and well-being through healthy diets.

One of her research areas is healthy aging. Her research in this area focuses on identifying dietary and lifestyle factors that can help older adults maintain independence, and quality of life, and prevent age-related health problems. Her current research activities relate to bone and muscle health during aging, with a focus on dietary intake of calcium, protein quantity, and quality.

Light refreshments will be provided.


Show off your science in Nature’s photo competition

The 2024 Working Scientist photo competition is open for entries. Capture your science on camera for a chance to appear in Nature.

Nature’s 2024 photo competition is now live, providing a chance to celebrate the diverse, interesting, challenging, striking and colourful work that scientists do around the world.

Conditions for the competition

Interdisciplinary Conference: Music, Quality of Life, and Social Participation

Based on the knowledge cluster Polyfon, and using music and music therapy as an example, this interdisciplinary conference aims to illuminate opportunities for cross-faculty collaboration. It also explores the University of Bergen’s potential to become a leading international institution in the field of Arts and Health research.

The invitation to the conference goes out to researches at HF, KMD, MEDFAK, PSYKFAK and SV.

Time and place: Nygårdsgaten 5.    3/4 -24 kl. 11.00-14.50. Deadline for registration March 14th, register here:  Tverrfakultær konferanse: Musikk, livskvalitet og samfunnsdeltaking | Polyfon kunnskapsklynge for musikkterapi | UiB (Website only in Norweigan)

Election notice and invitation to propose candidates group B

Announcements for the election of representatives from group B to the department council The Department of Clinical Science and the faculty board at The Faculty of Medicine.

The deadlines for submitting written candidate proposals to the faculty’s election committee c/o Gjert Bakkevold:, are:

Candidates for the institute council and faculty board – proposal deadline April 4th.

Election notice proposal candidates group B dept council The Department of Clinical Science here:

Election notice proposal candidates group B Faculty board here:

Cell Press virtual forum on the impact of plastics on human and ecosystem health

Join us for a virtual forum on the impact of plastic pollution on human and environmental health, highlighting the gaps in our understanding of how plastics affect human and ecosystem health and explore what needs to be done to close them.

Keynote speaker Nanna Hartmann (Technical University of Denmark) will be joined by an interdisciplinary panel featuring
Bethanie Carney Almroth (University of Gothenburg)
Philip J. Landrigan (Boston College and Centre Scientifique de Monaco)
Imari Walker-Franklin (RTI International)

Register here:

Healthy Economy mailbox

The project “Healthy Economy” is meant to propose measures to streamline the operations of the entire faculty, including both the departments and the faculty administration. If you have suggestions for measures that can improve efficiency or save money, don’t hesitate to submit them here. You can do so anonymously if you prefer. All suggestions are appreciated. The project group is led by the head of the K1 department, Christian Vedeler, and their proposals are due by May 15th.

Read more on the webpage for the project (only in Norwegian):

National Science Week 2024

The National Science Week are held from September 18th to September 29th, 2024. Sign up to participate in the research festival!

Et barn gjør fysikkeksperiment, holder på en elektrisk kule og håret reiser seg

Foto/ill.: Øivind Ganesh Eknes

HEALTH is the main theme
The main theme in 2024 is “health”. Health concerns us humans physically and mentally, but also animal health and health in the oceans and nature are relevant research fields to communicate. UiB has a lot of relevant research to showcase, and we encourage academic communities to be inspired by the theme. However, it is equally desirable for UiB to communicate research that deals with other topics. All faculties and academic communities are encouraged to participate and showcase their research.

We are seeking contributions for this year’s festival
The following events are being planned (note deadlines for expressing interest):
1 Research fair at Festplassen
– Express interest by April 5th
2 School visits
– Express interest by April 5th
3 Researcher Grand Prix
– Application deadline April 30th
4 Research Days YOUNG
5 Other events
– Submit your own events for the program by May 15th.

Read more (only in Norwegian) here:

or for more information contact Kristine Gabrielsen:

Nordic Cancer Unions’ annual call for researcher projects

Upcoming call in March: Nordic Cancer Unions’ annual call for researcher projects
The Norwegian Cancer Society now has the secretariat for the Nordic Cancer Union from 2024 to 2026. The NCU has an annual call for research projects with Nordic collaborations in focus. We will announce when the call is open for applications.

For any questions, contact:

Postdoc Development Programme at MED 24/25

The Faculty of Medicine is now accepting applications for admission to the Postdoc Development Program 2024/25. The application deadline is 15 May.

This program aims to support postdoctoral researchers in developing the skills necessary for a successful academic career, foster a community of early-career researchers, and make the Faculty of Medicine an attractive workplace for postdocs.

Participants: postdoctoral or researchers affiliated with a research group at the Faculty of Medicine. 20 places.

NEW Program: Participants will have the opportunity to shape the program according to their interests. Possible topics include career development, grant writing, knowledge utilization, leadership skills, or project management-


3x two-day meetings in Voss

3x one-day meetings in Bergen

Postdoc Development Programme | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

PhD Grant Writing Course

13 + 16 May 2024, Eitri

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on “How to write a successful grant proposal”.

The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal. Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.


  • The literary genre of a project proposal
  • Evaluation criteria: excellence, impact, implementation
  • Curriculum vitae and track record
  • The funding landscape in Norway and Europe

Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine

Time: The workshop will run two half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day. Monday 13 May, 9-13 and Thursday 16 May, 09-13
Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen
Course fee: free.

PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Core Facility Expo

Foto/ill.: Colorbox

Have you wondered where to find modern research instruments and who can help you use them? Or asked yourself which services are available to you and what you can use them for? The Faculty of Medicine is organizing an event where you can get to know all our core facilities and other research services used by our researchers.

At this event the core facilities and other research infrastructure available to researchers at the Faculty of Medicine will present their equipment and services and show how researchers successfully use them for cutting-edge discoveries. We will launch the Faculty’s new roadmap for research infrastructure. Join to discover how you can use our state-of-the-art research infrastructure in your projects.

Participating Facilities:
Proteomics (PROBE)
Genomics (GCF)
Flow and Mass Cytometry
Biophysics, Structural Biology, Screening (BiSS)
Molecular Imaging (MIC)
Nano/Tissue Regeneration (IKO)
Laboratory Animal Facility
Health Surveys
Primary Care Network

There will be stands in the entrance hall where you can discuss your project, talk to other users, and sign up for guided tours of the platforms.

Core Facility Expo | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

canSERV Open Call for Transnational Service Provision

Under the canSERV Open Call researchers are welcome to apply to a portfolio of services offered by canSERV to address the research needs of the entire oncology developmental pipeline

Your research project

  • Can vary from basic discovery science to translational science and translation into personalised oncology.
  • Is expected to address at least one of the four strategic goals of the Cancer Mission(understanding of cancer; prevention and early detection; diagnosis and treatment; quality of life for patients and their families)

Deadline: 21 May 2024, 2pm CEST