Author Archives: kre025

Revised equipment list for the Budget process 2015

The Research Council at K2 has discussed the budgeting of equipment for 2015. The Research Council reviewed all suggestions regarding what equipment benefits the institute the greatest, as well as what equipment already exists today at K2 and in the Laboratory building. Cilck here for a summary of the meeting (in Norwegian). Click here for detailed budget (in Norwegian).

Academic Meeting on Breast Cancer

Novartis, in cooperation with Hans Petter Eikesdal from the Department of Oncology, Haukeland University Hospital, is happy to invite anyone interested to an exciting afternoon meeting with Professor Fabrice André, one of the world’s leading researchers in treatment of breast cancer.

Time: Thursday November 27, 2014, at 3 pm

Place: Morning meeting room, Department of Oncology, Parkbygget, U. floor.

Please send an e-mail to if you wish to participate at the meeting.

For more information click here.

Reasearch presentations from 2014

The research school in clinical medicine invites you to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience. If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2014, you are welcome to submit your work. There will be arranged a poster exhibition , january 26-30, 2015 and oral presentations january 29, 2015. Prizes will be awarded to the three best presentations in each category! For more information.

Registartion deadline: 1st of December 2014.

Noise in the hallways- 8th floor, Lab-building

We have received information that many PhD-Candidates working in the open office area on the 8th floor of the Laboratory Building often find it difficult to concentrate on the work due to noise coming from the hallways. Thus we kindly ask everyone to bear this in mind and take care so that not too much noise is generated in the hallways.


Seminar on Research Politics 2014

The Norwegian Association of Researchers is inviting to a seminar focusing on research politics.  The title of this year’s seminar is “The bigger, the better?  Structure and quality in the education- and research sector”.  For more information click here (in Norwegian). Form for signing up click here (in Norwegian)

Time: Monday November 3, 9:30 – 15:30
Place:  Hotell Bristol, Oslo


Cooperation between academia and the pharmaceutical industry

Roland JonssonMore collaboration between academia and the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly encouraged, not least through Horizon 2020. This innovative possibility to strengthen the research with our university clinics has not been sufficiently utilized.  The Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Norway (LMI) may, in this context, provide assistance in establishing such collaboration. LMI represents about 60 membership companies consisting of both international companies as well as smaller biotech enterprises. The companies employ approximately 4000 highly skilled staff where some membership companies also have their own production in Norway.

Demographic changes and an altered panorama of diseases provide the healthcare sector with challenges demanding better utilization of resources, higher efficiency as well as new and improved services. New technology and product development are keys to face new demands, maintain the quality of the health services as well as meet expectations for good welfare services and proper treatments. Within these challenges there is also a major potential for the creation of wealth and innovation. Biomedical and health-related research can meet these health challenges.

What characterizes the current situation? Sure, we have high research activity, but low innovation and way too low inclusion of the private sector. From the HelseOmsorg21 (in Norwegian) strategy we are encouraged to: Increase cooperation between the private and public sectors. More focus on commercialization of research. Increase the number of industrially funded clinical studies. The utilization of health data as a national asset.

The politicians thus have to provide the foundations for increasing the number of start-ups, as well as provide proper development conditions for Norwegian health industry. Simultaneously, the pharmaceutical industry is aiming for higher productivity and scientific excellence. This could be something that our PhD-candidates and post-docs could embrace in their career planning.



As employees use code 470 – Sykt barn/barnepasser (staying home due to child being sick) it is important that information is available that the employee exercising this right actually has a child which gives right to such leave of absences.

If any employee registers absence with code 470 and this is approved and sent in, a warning in PAGA will be generated saying:

“Rejected – no registered child which gives right to this absence” if the employee has not submitted information about children.

The absence is registered, but it will only have status as a warning at PAGA at the payroll office.

To register children in PAGA, use the form “Personal and family information”

New personal webpages for all employees at UiB

The new webpages will be launched in week 42. The present contents on all personal webpages will automatically be transferred to the new pages, and well ahead of the launch, employees will receive an e-mail linking to their personal webpage and access to edit this. Everyone is encouraged to fill in information on research field and areas of expertise, as these webpages will be used by the Division of Communication and media.  You are also welcome to upload a nice picture. For more information (in Norwegian).